Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette 10-1916
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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, October 14, 1916. Pg 2
Image Details
Title | Saturday, October 14, 1916. Pg 2 |
Page number | Pg 2 |
Date | Saturday, October 14, 1916. |
Edition | |
Publisher | Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette, |
OCR Text
Maximum Protection
combmed w,th dIStinction and hghtness an
the outstandmg charactellshcs of The
Doubly protects every part of the body
proVIding a workrnanhke, dry and comfort
Ihulurr ..,
ben'5 thl!
able safeguard agamst raID and tempes)
QUlekly adjusted-no buttons to fasten
fhe belt, fittIng the coat to any thlclmess
of undergarments, holds It sm artly and welL
The folloWlllil detmlll of war honours Will be
rClld with mtoreflt -
On '1 e VCDln$ the lOith annual m ooll1lR
of t.he Readlllg Allxlh .. n
of tho Brl1lSh lind
ForeIgn Bittle SocICty WIlS h cld III th e
H ,,11 UEadlDg (kmdl~ 101lt by M('Sf:N; SuttOIL )
A.rter a hlil due to ndvelse went he r com\itlQ.l1 8
the Hntbh and .l'rench ArImos on t..ho Sonuno renewod the ad\l.\.llco Iq t h JUOKt satlsf!lctory
Ilia VJlhtge of J~e Sl\l " wa:,! bken bv tho Bntlsh
who are now witlull IblOO mIle!; of Bapnums boSides being III a pOSitIOn to tnuu thell gun::. 011
tho loruudahle Gc rmau ))()t<;It..IOIl knowll us the
Jlutto uo WUrlCIIt.'Olllt
the other wmg
Genli!ml HillS was n1.lle to ,,(hancs Ill S hno about
tbou~and .) Ildh b otween GUP'IIl.leoourt and
Ioshnm f,., \\Itb that sk llf I colIabol'Ubon -v.lll c h
has l~ul elSuch n tcatllrsf)t t ho Solil me OHanSl\e
the J rOll e h at t b e s uue bmo 1'1I ~ h ed on betwoon
~Ioryal und Bouc hllV CSlll'6 h"1l1lHllg SOllle
L ~o
~llnh nort h-oaflt of A[ol\ul wl t..h Iho remit t h a. t
they nro now Qtl t..ho outsk ut s 0 1 ~ \II1 ~ 0 11 the
Bnjlf\.ume-Pe rollllo mild Sundl ' u.I .. ilt", roPCllt
from Bllti ~ h Jl enllq u a rt e r~ " h o \\ !< lhllt mClru
g-rollnd ha Oi bccn ~I..Iln ed son t h I'c:,!t of G leuds..
oourt 1~Il(1 no r t h at tl 0 Colll eole't,te Wllt\enconrt
road Our tobl of prHlOller~ tak~n elurlng t ho
Insl: two days In.l>l ri son t o lIearl\' !lOU of \11 rll nks
rho dotcrmlllatl()U of the !:\ustro GClIT1HB to
sbrike a strollg blo " at Hum I lilt)
winch h Oil
been eVHient for soma t..lIl1e u\ I he cotlcen tratlO n
of troops agnlu",t II ~r III I r IllS} 1\ U III \ llu :s met..
wtth s ucceAA tmnpOlflllly t II o\ellUs for It HI.
admitted 10 Buc bu rl'6t th It tl\ccd by mlle h snpcnor foreeij tho I""lIma-Ju ll n troops hMo Ucon wlth
drawn to 5t.rat oglc po"ltJOn ,., 01 I.he <At.rpnUlli n
trontler In a rdor ti) 0115111'0 {L "trOI g d~lcu c o at
t.he paases, h .n.l1Hibnlt U l h Icco l\hn .. l ~ fn llon
lntn IJII Grn~ hinds
It IS rtlJlQrtod hOIHner th It
the Rllmr.m In o trc ns l\C iln 5 dlend.) oecn LeSlllllcd
n the 1m Vu lJev and tho ( I nelll Pn~ 1-i townltb
Horman "lndt 11 111 fJlonTl\\lule Iho 00en81\0 III the
Dobrudlll h p rog \(~slllg satJ"tu c torLiv
KlIlg Constli ll t.l1l e Ifl e r COII SU1t..I!l1 I !lumbar
of pollttca l IIId mlhtnrv I\Q I enti Lles hi s roqUl'IISted 1' l ofe.ssu r I.n.mbro,..
\\ ho CCCUpl CR UlA
ChOIr or IlI St..olv fit UJo VlIlversl tv 0' ;\ I heu l> t o
lorm a ne\\ C Ibln et and P](·d esso r r Imbro!> I It-;
accopt.e d I h o Ilm u u lie ] III ~ se lectIOn l.J\ the
l\ln~ ht1 ~ CIUl:Oed cOfL sld emhle S llrJlrl ~ C'
I ro
f ~r rMltllblDS \\ho IS d 05c nb(].fl I ~
Oor munophil l hol1g h no t hos ti le to ULO ] n t on le ' h (l.)
110\r.f h tlwrto laken purl lTl pol tH~"'1
'] ho Hrlt..h;h fnrces, IHl rs UHlI-: t h eir recen t s u e
UOo!~S: t ls t o t the S trum ~
h lue captnl1en fi\{'
m ore , illnJ.i f.."I
CtHIStderablo dnma"tI \\0 I,., ~k)fl 10 nUlr;<Lflll ll
1 ~ ltlon ;:;
s l,o r e" lind l looPS dllrlll;::' L SC I (I.,i or
1 \Idol by " n ul I(lro pl"n es b ob\eel
::>e p l umbl'r 13
lind Saptemhl r ?- '
rhe U 1~ hn 5 n lrl\lxl Il l\(l\\port l'\ ewl; \\ horo
how0H.' r th e e rra rt nn de <:Jn l.} a s hol t "t.:.1\
ollrrentl ~ WIth h c r r]1'1).",rt\Lre como rap()1"t~ o f
/; nbmallnn letl \1h o ff th e At l1ntl c oo l::.l Two
13ntish steumers have boon Lorpedo('{1 Itlld III
Ame n cltn vm_licl h ilS i}{lS1I s to pped Th('o offic HlI
Amon ean " ew IS th il t. 11 G e rmlln v wlnt .; IIf!.'1ee
f:he must pll1CQ her cllrds o n 110 tllhl o No gl I
Imton!> STCP l\tll be hi;on o n t.he plrt of Wlld'a
MDr e progres I\M mad e f)n th o Brlll!lh fr on t
on Su nd ~'f I1I g h t
P~t !'\ w(!r c r> s tnbli~h e d c lIs L
Lv Sar " II th a (hrcclLo n
LI c Buil l' d e War
Alon g OUL fr ont. n orth of lh e J1.1\(lr
Aner l.! glls \\ I';' (ltsclmr~ l! d i t s m c r al pmnl s
I he C Il (JTl1 Y B r-cpJ \
~ n ll Il e ltrlqu a ri c l s nn Mall
rlav aftc rnoon \\ IS fo('hl e
Ou r plltrnl .; \\ cro
ilbl o to th e ( ('rmall l r e ll ch o!! md 10 tllke
I"I SOller<'5
rh c p ol Lcv or r ill cl ~ fit flllTe l ent part!!
of II c fro n t Ifl " Nl1ltmu NI l:)c \ c r:ll ' \ill e enr
n ed alit 1I\ thc 1\ CU\ Illn 8 1 \ aasl
IIIrl Ioos
re g on..
III all Cfl s es Ih e ot h,nn 5 lrcn c h e!' " e r c
e nle r e tl mMI, cnSl I1lt e~
r i c lllfl Okfl mel prl
sone rb we r e Lnl[c n II hd e l il r f'(' mn cllL ll C g lln e m
plAcement", ~ ere d ost.1oJ c{1 1 h o m ghL report
from H eatiQullrtl' l S sholl s th ,l III II loell l open
tlon groUlI(1 hns b ecn g owc d lInrth nr Ih o StllfT
H udollbt
lI e uv' cn,Stl1lt cs \\ I' r c Inn d ed nn Llic
An om y l\ ho losl mOl e than :100 prI son er s IIlchul
In .!: SIX offi ce r!>
So ulh of !\rr IS BI Ltb lt LrooJ).o;
ent e r e u thc e n Cnl) !; tJ p.n C' h c s curly
m o rnllL ~
I h e I r e n ch on :Mo nrl u 'V a.rt.c r ll!)on
D S 0 lO ll
Gront saiu:lfnebon Will be felt throughout Berk
s huo t llll.t (,olo nelit. J Clarke of Ablllgdon "ho
COIUWiHKlH. one of tht" bllttl.lli(Jn ~ of tilO 1(0),111
BOl ksh 1 ro Ucgllnont hns recOl ~ ed the D R 0
Iho butt-nhon wInch Colonel Clnrk o commullds
htu:! b~1l ban\'liy e ngugoo 1,11 tho Somma oflQnsl\ c
Ulld t.ho IIQuour IS I~ fitting rccoglllhon o f t. ho
iOffic()r d persollut bnHory lind Jus oth er fLlw
soldwriy qUIlhtu3iI
Co lonel CIlfk o forme rly COmntIUld L>(! lhe 1
( \blRgdon) Compiln. of t ho Vol\lIItcnr8 litter
\\ ur<1.s t Ae !em torlflls bOlUg Ill llhly p!ojtcemed h;)
JlIS ml/l h o wag nppomtcd. major and WitS 5\lC
cooued III command of tho Ablllgcion Compnll;)
h) tUIi (now m\Jor) \ld .... o rLh who "u~ It'con tl y lwnrno..'(l tho 1I.hlttnry Cro~~
Clnrke hl\ 8 nlJpa<iv been montioned In h"pul ehl'"
ColollElI C lIuko \lent out 10 South ,\ f lIc n \_1111
tho BOl k s hlre Vollln~r SerV1Ctl ConlP IIIV I\nd
u ctoci I ~ brlgnclG InlhvBy slaH' O lli Cl'"f (g rHlod n!! L
"tuff lumlctlUllq He took paTl In tho Orl4}rllllOlHi
JU \UrlOUS ll"rts of Sont.h Af rica Ine lllli ng tho
lLotton ot Zllakeb Nok recel\ Ing tho medal With
JOllr cla>lPlJ
Jo.1I1LllAR\' CROsS
UEV CYH. n H1Nh".iN
Among!:ot the rCCl'llt r~ II1Uml'-l of Iho "Ml hli\l\
Croli!l ttl the Hev CY ril l\f 0 Jm]k~ n o f C lHI
&h u m fo rmerl4' c nm ",c lit WltJl C) \\h o IL ll'! beell
£(In III~ In ]. !"lInce lor !iOIIlO .... 1111 0 'lho rm
",t ntlOJn1l.1l
16 ehnlrttlUl1 or the H oudln~ Br:lne h
cof t h e Odord Diocilsu n GUild or t.;h\lrch Jlcll
5 1 CO~D rmU1 H H~N} Y H ONumu D
SCC()nd J leu!'. WlIltcr J1I OII C'\' RO\ II Hcr!..
rooon etl tllU Mlhtf\ry C ro~'S fro Ul. lhe h.IIIS on
Pr~v Ato ,V
} LLl cc~ \f OYlt! Hl!rk s of Id S ilCI
ru tin
ht.auIllg \I ho It I .. bpctI fit II 0 t rOll t
lor 21 months h~ ii hee r u\\ r tl d t.he Mlhllll Y
~llXl! li fOl cle\obou II dulv 111 1 CI.I, II")lll .. dl
p Itehos nud er h ortvv oo m!JllruLllcll t
11 0 l ~ 10
~('ars nf IIRo lI."'IHt N.ul ed fOI the tru nt In ~O\e lll
lJer 1[1 14 11 0 III II b rot be r 01 the lale ~c.!1; e II I
11,rrY ] "lcl'\ 1s t 11 1H Boy a ! l \Qrk s Hej; IJll cll t
Ivl (I W '" klliod ) 1; t he ll.,t.t1 c of l estjl bert. U II 111 1\
1;")t11 191, WIlham Willi 1 1\ th e su m o battle wl l h
h il i :Sorgt LlCey .... IH (11 1) wi y c 1 1""'1 0 1 I .. l) li nt!
II II l ll eG \Oll rs serv lCo wllh
1)1 ,., 1"C'.. "Il Cllt
\\ III Jill 1:<; 11 0 I at.. Helltllnl; hU\lng hl'ell wOlifl/!t,, 1
Lt 1)\ 1"'lllo WOQd Jl o IS n ow comul o...,c(' nl
L'l.C~v \lOll the }.h1tt~lry 11\ {\ lal n nd cr tlLO fto l
lo \\tl1C Clrcums t\nCeli - l h l bl ..tIl I I ~ 1I l\ t l C " WI
(1011\ on lerN l t.o move thl"' ml'n no t " 1\) \ 11 ..
Ihm r cI~tlnatlOn IUlt fllt£' 1 bl\l'lh llg In mo tur
' I u " e6 thev C IHII~ to I 1\ 00 1 \\ h (l l"1} l h ,, 11 1\ I ~
lnHl e for I fc\\ hOIl ~
l "l e ll lUll I \\ I;; gl\f'1I l \\ O
I hon the;) 1II0vnli np to \ Lim HH ID (' II
uu rnbs
rehevo II. London dn 11"110 11 who hnd Sll~ lfl tll Cl I
III In... ClI!'; lUI\t"i4.'11
!\ f!!'OO 1l If! tho HO! k ~ hlr !.! :-; i" n
h 1'('(1 UJ!l communi!.! Ii:tO Il I lvnl'hf' ", t lu v \\ c r(> \C'r\
h('}wlh !!h e llro
'1 h o al p ic k lVllJI I lied 10 Il l;
he:xt nlght- 1I1 \V .!"hrl A S :;OO Il IS tho m cn \\ e r\)
re<ld..l t.o go mer tho l1("'rmo ll :' o p £'IH'(1 h £v,l\ Y
j;hell .fire
I ~ tolophon(,il II III Il("!e ll d c.stt o\ u l RO
thnt tho ord erhos of .... 110111 th0l 0 wC/e follt " ell'
co ns ta nth elllta~f'li 1Il j::Olll .. tlO\1 II lila C'O IU III II lII('n
h o n trenc h whll h tI I) t ,f'r mUIlI' \\ero I'hel hllt-:
llun.:l!-. tcntJ v 10 Ill'ItIad o H Oll.{lqu n rl cn; to
tllm lII C~ Nl t-: Qt; con cormll g t he \ e rllllll rll t"" /\ ,.
I reWl rei fa il) .... lr b111V1."'I1 three It Ih c (lIflc ril l'
Pte W B 11<1110' Pte .1: Cat c hvo lf' I"Ind I I i" \
Pmll' " ere 1l\~Llrtl ed the J\hht \ r) Mcdill O\\II IJ.:
t the s t rOll!;t1 OJ t he l C'rmnn hom LIr Imc lLt thc
)itAck \In ,., (1lIl CQIIN I Ih o Be r k,., h ll c~ 10" 111 ,,,
I limber o f Il\ e ll
:II e (erma \) iXIIUh u dlll(lI \. fi t
VIII Y HlcI~e I ii d tlf;;C llhet:l b ) t ho!olo ,\1m we r ll t h e ro
a s hp:Jvwr Ilmn tho Ucrm lll ff(J rt, o n l1 l(' ~O l\lrn ('
- ot Irfl5 t III tl.!! Mrhor sta,., tIi'I It ~ n ;; \\ lli lo thl'
h tt.a h Oll "'1\ 5 at
]~ 1l1 ~ o th n t St;(:olld r l£' lI l
'V t....: 111\11110' \l Oll t)\O lIhhtll lV C roil ~ rUI ~ II
11llt ry ill (lCClI l)VlIIg 1"111 1 co!) !i(lildJltlllg \ n e\\
tlni;(-.r nnd thl1t S econd jlclll T ] .. P n rYln ,. (nr
'Vlnd!)o r) lI nn tho }'ltlJtHj ( IUS5 T~ l n coCnr pl
D W C VoIH l)('llll} th o () C M ,,111 Ca r p i C
Ihe Mlh t nry ?o.l cd\1 to r b rn\erv I!\
OOIllOtng rOli1 ] Wilt Cv rli IhOt n (l of H (,ll cJlIl ~
w g TIlIi'; S lII g 0 11 I Itt OCCII " n n o f the hn Il b ill t-: rll il l
'Vllllo Haml '" ,\ I ~ OCC'Il]l) tne iho c m tc r I' rl\ n t c
1 :'"Ieel WD~ IIl st:rnct~d 10 tnk t 1\ 1IIc...<o; ~ I A ~ 10 1 1nl
h o ()Ould not locato lum It firp.t b\1t lO\1 nd lam
Iho crnt..or blli!) hOlllbl1 l ~ n a nne\ h tHI In lie
tUIOfI \'ioundfl fi ll o, e r hL :l> fu<:o
lind wus well atiendod
fh e protl ldcnL (M r
~hrtlU II }o Sutton) v. "'8 III tho ('h lur lind \\lt11
hlln o n t.he plnt/orm we r G Mr
!..t>olll\td $ 'UtlOfl
(Ma\or of H eading) tbo R r v
Sllnp ~o n
Calio n of SL Pall I " and the Ro\ I 11 D:\rlO\\
hte.r a rl
suporlllt(lndon t of th e SOCIt'1\
(orllled Ihe dcplIttltlon tho R ev CI\I\O Il It I
N ewhonse R D , th e R ev W A DDIt e rly, th e
Rav I SI\1t.erJ the Rev E S Pronl and Ih e
He v Jl' J H O\'''rd and t..ho Ro, Pe rcy N H,u
1]<1011 (tlOn clerlcnl !ee,.~t.I\ rl e,,), Colon e l J
Broadbe n t C n , nnti Me srs I 11: H cy;ett E P
Colli e r alld H Oltry A C hllrc1111l (l a y hon s ('C r e
tnn )
PI::\;) or WtlM le d 1)\ t h e nura.1 D ca n
Mr C hurc hill IIllrlonnecd apolo~l cli fr .... m Ih o
A rc hrie Deo li or 1k rks luro (I h o V('n \\
OUCAt ) the nC\ C Anon ) o wle r til" lte \ " . II
lI nrp('T Ihe n e \ W Dnlloll nnd thll R t"
A A Idersoll And Dr J B Hurry
J ho R e" J
J 1I0\\urct r oad tho Mllll.I r ppor f ulue h fl (l('r
dMIlIlg \\lth the gene rn l work of l ito ~oclc Ly
!It , w d < lIm IOC31 comm l t1!!e'
hav(l cnm(':
to t h C'
d ec lSlnn Ih ut In the I1ltl'rc sh o( Ihe Illlxlhu n the
fin n,n cl :.l ve nr flhull III Ihe fut llrc ( nd (In Mnl(,h
:l ist.. IIIli te nrJ or Deco llloor l1 s l nlld th nt lhl"'
lnnun l n1 el' lIn't be hdd HI O c lo be r
C Ofl l'ioq n on t
h 1I1I S 1Io1l:ttha rv re port.. covc r s J\ J}<' TJOrl o f fln rl' n
rn o ll ~h ll c ndll1g M Arc h
:l " , I{HG nn r) thc t o n
Irlh1tl1 0 1l 8 /lIl c.ludll ~ th e I'n ll OO l lnn ~ of Ih(' I nliu' fI
A ~"'Oc" llIli(l ll) irc III fI(llIi (!- t'fl ~r"'l for I'>' n )t"a r~ I h f'
l.o lnl r pce lpt~ finl t h o I)(rlod ,"nnu n l In
l7s Irl And tho e xpcmhluro t.o !. J.1 In K Gel 111(1
:-111m o f £:1.1)2 12;; 5d
IlIl ~ h('en r 61 n ll le <i t o !hc
part"n l ~oc.l f' l\
lL 1::5 ~ f' l y g VIIlJr 10 find Iha t nnl .... lth
Qtn mltn g ,h e. nulit c rO Il ~ "War cl llmi ll cClII'lrlh u I LOII ..
hu\ o kC' IH up \'r('11 lind thnt. f ,or u Ih e h rn n('h t s lit
C \\ e l " l l ~m Arl){)rli( ld
I hrr c "M Ile C r nR" r ll('
h Irs l ... I .... yford
lind 'i\' lt llc IHLrt' h " lI h llfl\Cinr y
111 mTl nv o f th No r 4' ~l d h
IIlCrCll llM lire I1 h o ~1l
th C' .. IrOrl.!! n r l hC' chRtnct SN re t.lI n
th il
to; \\
G H t rlF:£'1l ell 1 h ,.. r cosnt !lNl
I h e (ClTIllll lt lo.;C C' nru(!s tl y np prA l 10 tlw
clmrc hN " nd NL I'ef' I:"Ilh tn s lIC' h III R (,TI( h ll~ !"I ii
h I\f' n ot. v('1 RLH1iI col1 ('cllon" t n llret Al ll r l t h ('
cn\1 ....c l1 o n or n t IC'Rf'. t. o n e .w r\lOfl dl rllt$:; the \ Ar
fOI I h(' .... o rk of Ihe' M{lCl nh
or SOllli!
lilf' ("om m,tt <'ll ha 'll'
thAi 10 the IIlI f' ref! liI o f Ih t> s(lC lf'lv
I II k
~ ltn ll i d he f':o tn h h s lwd 111
U(,lI ch n ,p: h f'l wl'('n Ih ('
A l'I~ l:\hnn
10 ""0 11 l' nl l1ll 111of'1 "li d t i l' I "di N.
\\hl ~ 1 d oC'll .. ""h (']; ('e'l1(, lIl \\ n rk III IIl l klll R h OIl"(,
I I Il o lls(' c oll ecl1r'1 " l\n tl \\lUI 11 11 t Plld III 'rL f'W
Iht'v h~" f' ns ke d t h e J...a.dl (l!l l\s ~ OC IR LIOIL 10 (>1('('\
fi vr- or the i r n llmbc r tn f:(' r v ~ o n t h e ( (,"N'AI
COllJl lll t l M
I h o 1acll CII Cf'1('ci ed
Rrf' - 1\1r ",
Pro u t MI ~ s A n 8 11 1.10 11 ~h l;oi It ,sd .... 11
I'l l I'lIi.
Ch il-I)TIl nn nnd M I88 ?11 1.JJ'I \H C' ncl
1tI I!llA ' f
Oe fl Tl C' re llrN;e nt lllg Ihe Cn\ ('r8hnm Hr u )C'h
Also n('1 lill iI'd n li4>n t. f}n t h r ( omnll it f'('
I I I..J \\ILh ru m' li r .....'C rl t lilt (-01 lIJ1i1l ('{' rl'Jlori
Ih f' d ('n t h f) f Ihe He' HolX' rI 11\ \ rn r th~ lar.t
t h rf'O vpn r.ll nn(' of th Clr h rlll
Mf'( rr>l urI (lH
lI Lf'
HC'v n 0 I l:trlllg l o ll fI. fMllI e l hO Il s('(' r,.tn r y
11\ r>
RU..'{ lh nrr
and D r
"\:\ hLI ('
fo r t1 Ll r \,('(' n ) I ur~ n me mbe r
nr Iho cnlll
nnd 10
hn H~
r PMl\ prl Ihe
f'i l.'t Ill l.lon o f til e R (' I I"gl' rt n n C fl r (J .... ld nn nlhf'f
(If the Ir h OIl IiP(\ r e lar l('~
I h (' , Ar,. ~ rlt lfll'rl tn
n ntl Ol ll O(l OUlt Ih C' n l"'Y Pl"' r l' ) N
n rruon "n(1
t li e He ' 1 J 1I 0'lI r d h a l e kln dl) ('on M lled
to flll the \ nf~ tlIl L ofTl c(ls
I II rOIlC' l us lOIi
\\1 111 0 t ll n n~ 1I1 A I hi': I'uh
!jc nbl.'rR th o IRa y coll (lrlMs n u d o lh{' r If\( n d "
\\ ho ha \l f\."~ I ~ l{! d !II t hC' \\o r k fn r II f'lr 10 I I 1t 1"'1))
tlw con mlt i(o \lon ld ('I OI"t out. Lit It I h ... l l lH!!; o r
tit(' SOCie ty arC' to c!n \ In rger find m o r (\ IInpe r lClllK
t hn I C'\ c r
find thou~ h we t nll ch('lII f lll lv
eCol1onm l' ilL ol her c1(' pnr t lll f' ll l ~
It fl W(I lll llRI
r l!l o h{' th" t. \\ l1 l1 t C"('r h n p PC' 1I 11 I hrf r mU II I h(' 110
!ihll l In 1he outpu L o f the W (l ilfl (If Gor!.
11I f'\
wo u ld u rg[' l h ~ l r frl Pllda 10 d o u h l r ll Lllr O'X r
LI Olh - hv Ih C'lr IlrAVl' r R t h ('l r HIIt~
n lld lh l' lr
C' ffo rt!; t o I lll k ( C h r lQtlti n p r opl f' 1111(11"'I'II IAn(\ h r'l\~
III lC' h I1If> B l 1~l u SOCIl' t V Iii tlolllff
nn rl lh{' shll
In rsC' r iU lI-!I;IOIi 111\.0 \~ lll C" h C,od s H An d IS ti ll L\t~t.
IIIJ.: It lo ..dll \
1 h I' R t v \ V A O o h ('r ty mOll' l Ih f' nc!optilln
Ih o r opo r l flll d Illflt 111ft p l csu lO1I t.
Ih o h OIl
h nn!'.ure r (M r n C Dr\land ) Ili A h On
s('(';r C'
Ifl r ll'.!! n u d t il e I"'f) Jlllllil tl'C be re l' lcol-c d
Il lth
1l0\\('1 t.fl add to t h(' lr n umber
Mr f l'
Collie r s('('on c1(' fl IlH' r t\~n l l1hon
Gh Ul Sp", oC nil 6o rl!! mU}i1 hB s nltl
III r H ttlblv
('nl1l f' alii o f the \0; nr b o lh In IlPop ll!\ nnd to
llai mll9 .... 11I('h \liClultl flffl'l't :1 11 f;ocudly "II 1
n l1 .Q: lcuMh
J h il t win ch .... A'! not fllnrlll ll1 f' 1I 1 11
\\ ou ld p ass " \3\ lilI!. t i nt \\I u c h '\ R5 run r1llm .... n tn] '" ~~
\\OIl I'(J r l'lIl llln n n d IIwv nll "ht look \."I h fillt h
11IH I hopc fo !he fu t ure
If t he r, \l ~i! onl'l
I I ill S wili ch lIl u <;;l IloL \)(' nfT('clC'd h y IhC' "II
f'('0I10 111l(,0I; .... ll1d l nil .... 1" 10 Il r nC'i I" lIIg It
L]1('lr e iTort. 111 eOIl Il ('t"h o n 1\ t1 11 tll :l t P;1l' 1t. ~o
(:w h
Arler t h o p r('filcnt r; lnf~ \\n 5 fl v(' r IIIC'If'
I\onlrl h e g r C' ll trr ncC'ci illMl c, c r fo r th c " r' c Id or
t il Word o f (,nrl !In t !tnt. cve n cJTorl s holll (1 h(
I ~ d n uh l (' d
(ll cn r lu>nr )
I h I' rcsolll Llo n, h. ~lI\s h ee n ('fl r rl ('d
unR ",
.IItMt4, ..........
_ .....
ILl· "11110111
hmfl Ill'SI
O VF. n
_ _ _- - I
Friar Street and Queen Victoria Street,
F. . . . . . jJ~
BogimoDl. of 13. Qoaen B_t. ·RemdeO. , Ro.d.
In,O _
ailoolq...,.. July 23rd
BI_' . . . . ~ hIDa 'II ~ _ . ,.1 Ie..l
liieoU4 ec!1div.
⢠\ /
Bu hi,.
ond an Effcctuol Safeguard â¢â¢â¢ 'D.l
.n4 .,,,.,. , ,,,,.
G B CLA.RKE, Woburn SandJ. BedJ
Sold br all t;hemi.h Iron GOre,.. a nd Oora Al ett ,tl
If "M Apnt In Dlltriet,liIUI}plII r' r N I (I no.. r. ~r eu I l
'O'J IL u rr l. CII pl id In
rllla,. .
dr ...... . 8 bu. bow of ..... II ..
I. . , .talioa Ji;ach rse hl
e<lIt of 0 ⢠⢠"',,., I'"' b â¢â¢'IItL
Pr esident: Admiral the Rt. Hon. the Lord Beresford,
AY, DCla 21, 1916
W ""I'
K C M,G" C.B., H.
VIce-Admiral NOEL S. F. DIGBY,
Rear-AdDural D. R. CLlTTTEP.IIUCK,
Aad Otben.
1. PrOVision for al5J&ting the education of children of Naval
Offtcers and Men who have loat their live. in the I'f enl
~f:::I~~~II1{f;~:-;t~n~~et~ t~ ('111~k \VIII~II t:I,~tl~t:it'i~ prOl'l' Il tt n~
Counc,l by :12 .oIeo to 15
Pri...te ' W C Hhohiom, ' ;fto,a1. lIerbbue
Whtl'i1 hu "fta 111 roa l hl, t ... ,4d da rl' ll lI. PI'"
I) s.,....'111 au d fOUGd I.U bI! a" pr...... u .... ur
7() Yl A PS
The and Ch ...... l Dr..... ' for
(Lillit â¢â¢ )
Brewers, Wine & Spirit Merohants,
;;R ld
t hCl r front norlh or Ihc SOllme h HI b ('cn qlll et
Soulh ("If the rl\ CI th e l c w Cl e bo m b :\.Idme nt s on
Heela. Son. and Co Ltd. Broad Stre.t
cnch Sid e
E Jack.on &. !)ODS, KtDI' R~e.d
In M nCl'donUJ. 11 0 \ Ih ed f or ces h H C n,h [lHl'cd
Read &lid SOil" Ltd. Broad Stre ...
.A srOC k C HOSS S'lTI"ErC rn H BJ.. \IU B
on th (!l r len \l1(J f Lg lIL \\ lIlgs 011 1I ~ le fl th o
Stranlom and Sonl. Market Place
13067 Lllneo.O:upl lILIlt' R O\'l.11 Derk .. of S h C'J)
S crbUUH! h lV (! ngl\t n u('aten l h e Hl1IA: Ir"
h tve
Shephercl and Simpâ¢â¢â¢ , Market Place
Ink-clll Ih e \1 110,,0 o f S II f' IYC I
IInL I1I of Ih e h erd it J Ilrlll ~ l:n c kCl o~.. N o\\ hnr) who I"ucoll t h
retencd lI1 0 MJltf ~lr\ ' 11'(1ll "1\5 n\\ :Lrdcd Il fo r
MAIDENHEAD. T G WJott, 52 Hlgb Strâ¢â¢ t (A)
'Tche rna And II H e c np Ltllf'd nbo ut 200 pn" onor ;:;
rhc TIr LII'! h hA " :Hlvl1.1 ced b ol \ CC II £1 e S lll1ll:J. r ~ c lll n!::, "oundl'l UII(I (lr !olh oll Il nd rtll l} fIr!;' o n
H C coua.t, Th. Bnd ...
Udob.r 13th 191 5 n t I ,Qos li e IS a stre l cllc r
rlvc r und 1116 D C' tnll 1II SSrli S e r es f[lIlw IV
Alfred Jack.aD. And Co, Market Pllee (L)
110" I ol d :L fro n l of ubo ut 20 md cs III d\ ltV 1)('
CI.tell Ind Son, 13 Sl'old Street.
h, een jhe t. . . o t1 C'1I r igh t r es Ltnt; on lhe north e rn
EIII,ton and. Ca"eU, Ltd. 7 /12 Magdalaa Street (I.)
1\0 :,\{i) l~llvilte]l POllOck l V"I\ u l H Grk .. nt
sltor e of Lake J :J c h\l) n!'1 Ih o ll left l oue hw g" ih e
Hall Br .... 96 .nd 97 HI,b Stre~t 1
tached to l.I. s l~nll OO UllJUny of Lh o It]
0 1 1;)
VIllAge or \lu;o:nra la l ubo u t S(l\ c n Dlll es s ou t h
Wilton Woodw.rd. Ltd. 51 Commarkot .JtreM:..
PrlIl Ct' ''8- Sbeel :M ltt.1t 1I1,(llli. I I ~ \\ 0 11 t Ill MI,
\lCSt. of D C Ill r l'hss lr
- f i" t
1h e tn tunt 0 11
1 1
Ihe D o hruuJ~ llns n ot
Joba N Arbery (A)
Ig C relll hlnncc .. -.011 t h o 1l 1~ ll t of tho ~!)th lu ly
ri o H~ l ope.c\
1 h £' G c r mans Ita,""o e llot\lred b, It sur
1I 11 (ullm ) )lIl t Ill) 1 Ill !;: b Olll lll n g TIl a l O il \ l Ull
pn sc nL~ C ]{ a n Is lnml 1L1 Ih e Danube n OlIh wcst
1{ldgc o r \lha t IS kll (1 WIl ns th e
\ tl l f'.Y ot
of S ,:;Lovo nnd I a\ (! taken Ih e nUllInrllulI !p r
N B - t !76-nl.8 llVLrk,Ai ' I... are fm- Women ~ B urbflff'l !7a.rtnenfA only ⢠G ' (or Men.
l hcy c ut fill CO tTiLll1LIHC tlLOn \\ 1I £'" so
11 Jor Burbtr-rll J1ftl,tary fl ood" In
011 1'1
A jf)r both ·jfe' t~ tlJld WOme)l 8
thlt t11l1o\\,., '>'II S Cll t oft CO n CCl ItIIl ~ whl l " 11",
~\hn n li\. contLl\l1 C~
11 (' lL :lS no\\ t n kf' ll 'l o r? ~Olll~ 0 11 11 0('0C'~ \olu n te('L efl to ).:0 o nt IIld 10
Thou umm.a.rkt(l mel!Uk all fo ur JJepartmenls
add ~tH'm 10 Ct vl l ~all
\\ cs L of Ihe lIlt t lIB coultl to ,, ~ t tho \\ 1rC:l> tn l>tH.l('(.l
hurJ:: nO ltl o r t hc 1017.1 ui g P' SS
\t II
, omos P :IS" II nll{::h \\l lI e ll 11 0 r l liw1\.\ gnl"lK In Pill h o Il c n t out 1110 n r Wll'" f ull of b UI"St lll g
s h oll
bllt htl IIIllll",ld Ih o ug lJ o n ly h)
R fl S50 lOY n.g\lI II A us b o G e III In hlllcls
I Lrad e t o fllld IIIP bH!l k5 " nd l e p :l.I r t he m
'I h e r e hl1R h ee n nn Ollhu r" t o r G e llll AIl flub
mLtrlll e ncl l\ llv o ff N o\v 'ork F.lght qh l1l!l ha"o
th o mJ1l 1l1v
he en s-unk
'J I r eo Sll l1111 Ul IllC" lire s ud lo be the ~t m o IIIUO Vor..'("Jt; k I elpcd to bTi n
\\ o ltnd NI to "nf(>t \ l 'ocac k h as b£'cn LeCO til
opr- rahnq III t h c sc wn t.(' I!ol
r h e Prcqlu e n l ""1(1 l iL RL ~ ut C!l v
lCl et! fOI Ihe ).) C M fnr \ OhlltN' lIl1 g In In
Ih r ll f'n eh I 1I1"}lIll T G a lli
\Iil h
\bou l llI(iLno
anrU H!.r.-nr" or II e n ux h :l r \ l1X N' pl
lhlOU;;;h \1 It I t HI kllOI\ II 1:'1
])e \ II ,. \Vot)(1
'::000 1 r en e iJ an d Ro r U1(1.I1 hoo ps- 0 1 l o urrl, \\11 :; It mLtilllght \I In ch he Llccolll p liAh od u nd('1 \ e r ~ Ih nl. o f la('L l e ar II Irl b Cf' 1I h C'ld ILn d" r su;.: h (lXl ru
Slin k h, n G Clll .. n ~ lI h mnlln f' nL O"cLnhe r 4th
I ho ~('
I e l\~ ::;lI e ll hlo H o I" 0 1 C o f luno brolhf'r:-; nrr"" n l , lind le rn b lc Cl rl'1l1nslnll('P!I
Un to the ur(>Aell t I ~J m on hAve b ee n sJ\\ otl Bon 1111; OIHI It ns pu t In 17 Jct\ r5 S(' ['\ l(;O 11 0 (':t IRh ng to dn~
Ir n oomg fr o m nnoll l(.' r n lon f' t
'l' h n torp ed o hl el\ liP t. hll I lnga 7.LlIC n.nd Ih c c:-;
hilS uean Ln 1 II ncf' 8111 eo !tho o ll tbJ(~1I k o f t h o co ul d \ ISII. li S llC \\ 0 11 1<1 prob l bl v gU PIIO l'I(l tlLll t
plo~lOn wr eck ed Ih e \\lrclC'S"s npPIl.lAtu5
\\ Ir Tlnd 111:-; hOC'n t1l1olll;h nl! t he fiehhng \\IUl
the .... 1101 ('
1 uro pr h a d gone mud and W(H\ 11\
ut II 8Clutch
t e l L nn d c "l r l} IIIA illIC' lf ' C' I "Im l \\ l' r n till
r ! l ie;! or th(' Al b 'I I\ t'rc fI ~h hng
D t.:: ~r A NO !\ t....: 0~.D I l::iS l 0N
\ ecor(lIns lil :\. 1 HIt! o r l all ve !iInLcmolll flon
SorJcanl Ihomn s l ~o:. e rio! of th o J{o) 'll 13cl k " snIt h M Il (11 1) to d f!off' n rl III( pl'lIl Cl plf'S e Il UIH'Ht
\VLls lun gton , Amell0 1 lin" r e fu sed to Iccept th e
t <'gtlllOllt o t Illohurs t h a;>; h oci \lllltI ..t1 t he II' I I II I h \1 n ook \\ 1II r h \\ li S t It n l1'I os L p i !'(, LQIl /l of
conte 11011 of th o A Ihe!l t1 m l I cui r al !! s hou ld r c
Dc M lIe \\ll\ e~ 10 filiV t l 1\: ho oLII ned hI ::; n Il books 10 those met t li "t 111~ h lr- llt c Doole
fus e to ha r bour 51 bmllrmcs \Iheth er
Itn c m
ft rs t shlJlQ Oil tho TI ~ IIII1l c.lldl\h o n OJ Iu s co rn
\\ It loh LI. \li a, thf' o ne Dnd {ln l" t'lhJ l'Ct o f Ihu! gr!'ul
l esse l!! or wlr M c n n\\llll ~ Amc llco n lIl(h gnaL lo n
mantl}'lg ofh cCl hi " beco lld f'i t r ljll' fo r b ' J o n e l ~ o(l1C' Ly to Ilub lL,<; h nnd cl r c u l nte III ("f' r ~ 11I 1I J.; u ng<,
IS IIlcre a slllg II I h ~ <fTl o ) 1 o lTe recl b) G eTln<l1l\ 1Il l llhtml,l lIId Iu s t hird fo r
h ~ lIlltl g th e el\C'll1 \
sl o kc n o n t h e facc o f Ibo s lob (>
(Jl c llr
h I'li I )
the C XC I CISQ of pu ae y off Ihe CO I!;t
o n lH s 0\\11 Iin c:>
Ji HI f llemb \\111 \.)0 pl eu:!ct!
II nL b "" JIl~ I r u e w hll t II g r r>aL r rS)lCllHi lb lhl\
On t he S om" c fr ont. t l c [ re ne h on I u esd 1. \
t ) klO\\ t..h nt ho lUI" 110 \\ bee n o fl orerl fL l.."O lil 1I!ol
r (l<;lf' d I p on Ih f' 1II 10 n!llSLRL In tll o d l~ 1 b u LlOn of
attackIng sonlh of tilll rl Ve.1 0 11 I flon t or Ihrec s lo n 1\ In c h h o hi !'; ICcIIllt cd
IIw H bl '"'- ll n ook ", Illt' h h nrl oll tllved l'\("On
mlles be L vcell R e l liV (! II Snn Ler r e <lml Chnlll ~s
olhe! b ook U l JC10 k willc tt WR!J I h I' m ~lHr(' d
CUrr f!U th e e ne mv !' posll (Ill a d lIlilde UppHl
1l ~!!'! At.; C o f
Alllli g h l y God 1I 11111';I lf i
Al Ii U)
~lrs Wort h fl~ r l..'Cf1 l\od l~ le tte r s ta LI1lJ:1: thn L h er
I h e ll gi n s III c lndccl
mable progro.;"S be) OllCl It.
rl e h t l) f(Ott t h a l 111 tl n.ys h k!) lIw sC' ,\he n 1'\ lI (' h
t he h llom le t of B ovell t.., the n o rth e l II I1nd ~ est e l n
Ar e nt rl c mnnds \\ ~ rc h CO l lI g Illll(le u pon I I (> Ir
nnl.s klrl ~ of AblaulcoUit fmc! ih o g rf'1ll e r
part. 1.lilil:Lry Mi (I ~I undor t he f oll o", In g CI rcum
fi ll LlllCOS Ih o,o;c mnn) c aul" '" \\ ll1c h h ull d ll Pc th
!$ ~al\ tJ c~
You r hUi:lbtlJld '>' IS 3,.\\anIl'li II e MIl!
of the C h ~l1n lYS Wood
]n tll s bllhallt
n ut.. I(
jar) lll cdnlfor coolne ss nnel g allnntry d\1llll g LI 10 110 wlllt t h e "nr ",h 0111t1 c o me fil sl
p erht.lOlI OU I Alhe!> c ap lured 1 2 0 p r l;;on prR
t it (' !oIo lc mlll tv or lh o llfHN\ h nd tn up llt ill(,1ll n ll \
A s uc cess lUI ral(1 \\ a:-; \lind ... b, the nnli ~l l 1111 G e r llliUL raul 011 ollr tre llc h es It - - - 0 11 .M I;)
H Q and In::! g Ull t.e nm wc r e largc h lO Kt. ru
en cWlv trend CS lIo"lnl Glvc llc h y whic h \v(!I C h c ld 27t.h
t hc 0 11('
llI~ntnl III be ntllLl:) 01T th e 101{1L IIg pnr L\
]( 1)1 n ~ IIn ro d nnt no; i1w dls l rlhu liOn of
III ('oU6Idf' r " Ille !>lre ng l!J
I he a"eOl clnl e y of tI (' Alli ed
forc es 111 the o ffi e e l 111 ';0 l-old m e lhM wholl h e " n>l k illcd h e P llok \\ llIch eould ~ Iono brmg comfo rt 111\(1 h lololi
JII ~ to U OS! \\ho a.\\.ft.V lOlld e r WI' IO ri skinG Ihl'l r
los t I \ory gnllnnt and pro ml ~llIg VOll1lg non
BJ\.lkan s 18 bemg (I r moLl s it aled ey e n d IV
Clommlf'll Lonr d officer whose plAce li o would find I II ~ ti S w{'lJ a ~ t.o IhoS(l wh o .... c r l' rllfl h C'd h v
On tbe Ens l c rn fronl till' Bnils h al U con
Ih e flOi ro w o f b c- r(,:l Ve ll1(!l1 t
(lI C'n r hNl.r ) n il l pr
It hard t.o fill
t lllUllg th e ir fl.(\ll1l1 Ce tOVo n.rci!ol Ihc Dem"hl~~Rr
Ii (' t hm g ht tlL CY Iih ou ld f('e l hUIllI IJll tl OIl at Ihf'
!=;eu's mllw:\-)
I h e Bulg Irlilll S arc re tre a t.LIIS
Ih Oll1".; lI t IhuL If {'v('r v p e rs on POI'i~ (' !!sed n COp\ of
to the lulls I ort h Il pg!, of S f' I e.s
('vnc natllll!
1,10 ~(iO l \ Cllll};: ::if'r .. t ]
lTlrn !ol Ho\ a l G o t! j; Wo rd nnd fo ll!).... cd li S prec(>p t.'I th lM " l'Ir
thOl r fli ght the \111 Ice!! of Rale ll<lra. find 10 jla
\\ II !'. l h e ho lde r 01 1\\ 0 \l lIt hOIlO \LI"
tl tO .... o nld 11 (>\t r h n, o i n koll pln('c
rOr IlJl \\ holt
t) C M
lint! t h o MIlII If\ Mednl a l d h a,t UI80 l(' ~ c l iln g \\ a s ha sed 01] t h f' 1" ' IIICII)11'>'1 0 1 r lg h lf"Oou",
11I UH S DA'
I C'I'I lllel t1Qlloti III u hp!rt d los 11 0 \r. 1 ~ 0 1\0 0 1 II C"8 nnd loYe
(lI f' ar hear ) li e hod L1lrlllth
oon t.ompt.tblps
o f tho I .. t BOI ks
-\ sLto ng s te p I o.s hoon t:tkcn b;) t h" \11 (lEI Wi t h I ho o llglUal
r c fc rl' t:!d In Iha ngl' o f t1u1 TI.eRdl llg A u xl lin n
1111(1 WOIl the]) C M Ott No\cmher I :!th 19 14
It hnl tl~O Im plwfl r l'spnn slbl hl v lind Ihull k fu l AS
rI.'4(Urd tA) (-.recce
All ult lUlUtum .... n..:; Cl il W('tI
nesd ~~ prewnt.OfI b) Adlllr Ii du 1 0 llrnol to t.. b e \\ II> uWllltled fOr gnllanll y l' I~r)llI~ Ilr~ en t meg..
HellelUc Government delllllnd\ll~ Ihlt th e ( Irenk snges lLud(':r hel\'j IIro lit ~IOl"lt rl " k lind It W Lki th e" \\ e rc to btl IlrJ vl legf't"1 1.0 h e lp UI O fLl l1 d ~ or
Nav\ wtth t he ox eopbo n ot thlee \os;.;el s (;; ho\lld ofhcHlllv notod tiw t h o h HI llrev lo lls h l1e r fo rmed th e Pare nt SOC lc tv ft llbfl in n t llll is ye t he \\118 1OHl I'
Ih t!) 1111 1f'1t Ihal th o !Uu!U;I..,nc(l th C';) glH O c nnt'"'
be hllnded 0\'01 as \ m e \S ure o f soc un tv fo r th e dllllb'tlrOILS work of II ko Ila t ur(>
I n n fL lnif' flI (' n t
HarTIS wo n th o lohl,ll q
'-l ed 11 ror c \rn Ill!; fn r ~ h o r t or \\llIlt Ii 8h ollld b C'
Alhed ~Ieot
I he coutrol () I Ih o P,to!Uf'. LUTlf;$.a
Jl o Wl ~ k Illed w h ll~ h h nd r O:lc hN I 111m Irom h cncl qllllr le r!4 d Urin:;:
ral1wIlJ w as ul80 tl olllu.oeli lIId tho Govnrnm nnl UIlfent llH"!Sf:ag-eK U1Hle r hcl.l VY flrt
III ,[l c bon o n \UHlIfl t :ird J 1 ~lh e r LI L t h o c lm
the ILls l fe w £111., 5 ho fillW Ihnt "llll() connll y rilll
was given till nooll I wl lCh to 5 11~lllh com
Irl c h g ll\i~ sille nilul fUlpport 10 II 0 ~O(lr> t y, tl! f\
pliun oo Acco rd Ill; to I "tahmwll t b, Ihe Greok pal~n h o Imd beon woundod LI th e \i- rlll und le
MlIlHitcr of MlrlllO th e Il'm lllcis Qf the Elltent;(> \TId ,VHI 11\ C fl nlbrHI~o lind IIlLn bn:,::do n he slu tai.. ~I .m t ce nlrC' s of JlOJlU lllt ll'" In no \\ n) h c l pCtI III
PO"eno n r e to be OOIHflhNI \\!th
llro p o r h on 10 thet r In h llhd ll n h! An d \\C'r (' ('\ C'11
Gonerlll Qulo mu hnS" ficliv e rf..'tl I II efT£'{ t..n I) b low h e sen ed fo r 1\ tnrther pe n od of OIsht mOllths 8n ld io h o the d es p olr o f tli (' <;:e l t r il l COl IIl IiI
at I h o A Hstrml for~ \due h 1(1 I ( SI:-stlll" I ho beloro ho WR5 killed lllrTl il \1'1I f,! ]"
II''' H e hlrll (' I 1i(1\~ th ll t \d ~ rC'lU III 1010 thl'
ltall !l.11 nd,ancl' o n I' ri'c ste On t ho l:nroo 1fi:('r
R ending Auxtl 1Tl1v (,ontnbu led .£4 0i"t 10 I N lrI
\ gallIng bnmb~nlnwnt "Inc h flMt o~rcl IhC'
n Ihc lr nA'l'l"lIl g In i\t, H'/l r 1t"11 In .£_IA
enemy's cntronchmen b; &ct l cen \. htl Vlpp.;ICOO
\\ll lOh \\ork e d out. to n ot much o\ nr OM h lllf
Ih veT" and R Ill 20$ tll o rlh~t of ~fo n f " coll~)
Mr \V J 11 1\nrks a Cha.trtlr.1 1I o f 0 Ie o f t.h ~ p cnll) pc r head o r lito p o pulall o n o r nl'n,iln ~
the ltnhanM n(\':1.lIeOl I lud c lpturCfl bot h th e Ill\!
OOlUUl1 ttcoo o f Ih o Y l\I C !\
h old III 11 (' \IU ~ 1Irt' th n.t t.h ofle IlrCtie.ll i; would "u JI
nnd Novn V IS In ltk \l e lll1h jO\('r ilOOO pn >; e~oolltll"
<\t Homo" to \\otlnd[~d SOI<lH" 'I; o n \Vcdne:.t:ll ~ porL IlInt "h e ll h o nromH!C"cl Mr nAL lo\\ all If'
oneN'! worc taken III I.h l5 ilg hh n:; HfltwOOll So bf>.r
and VOItOlba "hI O nlll o...... j,o th e !;Outh ot l.ollzlI\
tlif' Blhlo 1I 0U!!(' til It 1I 1p:ld l h u t Ih<,y
'the Austnan hno \\ IS brok e n and RB I I~ rl ~nms HM\llt.i\I::l onc h or \\ Inch I'K'nt 50 SCII{hoi"S nnd III \I l'r a III nn Wn.\ Sllll Rfl ('d wltl
II H L pre:'C'Il t..
were hkM III 1I<i<hbon 00 ihL s hrllll of Jlrlso uer!> utlthtlOlI others ca mo fho to td nUTUbc r oniel
e Irorl1l hili m Clm L to do fTlr be t.le l flurlll g th o
the Rome commumque m ont.lo n s :,aO officers lind bUlied belli); nca.rl~ l:!'tl A \or~ pleu ~ lRg pro cOIIlLng \ C'n r
(l 1(, lr h (,Tlr )
1' 1'OOC'('(1J1L ~
~I r
men \:nken m tho capt urc of l I sh,or! of 0 11
e;rumme hul boon nrt!lIl~ Nl U101ie OOnlrlll11llllJ.: ?o1i\l"lln S utt on AAld h('l '~a n\ 10 I\k ~ t hll. np
fur. Co NNOlSS~Ol'.I
t ronchment.q 11t"lr Mon to PI\$\lI}IO Oil tho 'frcn
iJelll!,: Mr W J l'r;) \\ WlllllSl) M Is." Hosa Hood llMtnnI L} , IhG firfit he hnd of oortmllU y \\ c lcbmllt).:
I hili IVell p roduccd mng(l.1.l.D6 to r collec.tol'5 oon (Before G W 'fY6er FNI In tho OO&lr and Major t1110 front mnlnllg: It tot~""I1 of mOT 6400 Cflj1tures ( ptnlto ROlo) ?i1.iss Annotw. Stock anti her 011 ihC1 r b e h n lf t heir L~O n ~w r lc rle nl ~ Ccrt"
ibo Vullone g \l eces~ IS t..he !>ef111C1 to tho Clll)tllre p lpJ1S \17.
bnns III tho Oclobor IRsu e th» 6000nd part of T Wa.ddlllgt.on Colonel J E B roadbent
M1 8~ r... SmIth ( m ouo lolrue) ~1J 1O& ttt I(,!! Ihc Rl'v 11 J H n~ard
Vl eM nr Rt
I h e i\L~n S IOI H o use flnd S ir Charles Chcons
C B H G WI\l.inl. f..f!q and C J n&V11&nd of tho S3.n Gredo h el~ht IIld though u shIT ta~k Dea.ves (SOI\~) ! It1J"$6.~ r alit! C ]J oc kllcy (dnll('"(>s Luke .!! nnel th e R ov P er c, n nrrll:~on 1lI1ll1 1lt.(>r
WaKeficld s L:ollCCt.IO",
b) t..he Edttor l:lr c..;
sti ll u.wnl~ 1I e Itl1hnns before l:rH~ete: CI\1I be \llil tl h were \ery preti::y Ilidood ) ~IIM J J1ull o r 1 r lIHtv Congr C'fJlltlono. l Cll11rch to \\h o lll th(J)
1""h'1ml. ld Grundv
A V"gllial bv Charles lw,..
1'001 hod Ollfl ot lho 1U0Ia Importan ~ ol)ptncle" has
(so llg) "i\h ~>I Whool.t!r (SOIlg S) With "fiRS Si ock CI\l e d I~ Jrrul\t d f! bt 01 g r:l hluc1e ror IInd erlnk u g
b\]I St Goo '!;o (,rn)
A rudor Irea.
boon romo , \':1.1
( tlOOO m l.ltUI 18t)
J hero liso \\ e w I~ number o f Ihe duti es
(ll rar h pnr) I L .... os nol th e (' us tom
'tH le
(lace a nd neod le lmrk) bv Adohud~ Wet;;A Ice May Pu.lCe s mge Yt'omllJl of DiI!ul(on was
ygntlllnTIIg" t l Clr l u:hl~llce flUll1 tho Struma
popu la r dltbp~ !'lllng led fo r the most purt hy nt I hnt me c fl11g to Ila.;" V(lt.rA o f thnlLk ~ hILL h e
h lv;htNmth Contury Drama lD Bnghsh I <lhllorgoo with oonooabog birth of her illegltLUiate lttvrr tho HILbsh II \\ e crossetl th£' DOlUlrlllAAfl'l:
the hO!'!t \\ 110 011 tho uSMlrnbl1l D of h u. gu<sl..
b G W 11
It H head wble h IS J!Iu.I~ olllldJ... Clifl th", 26th Soptumoor
P tt
o orf
00 lacro I
Dr A nroonbb of YlI.ttendoll !>a Id t.he lungs of Se~ InLlwa~ und h:ne OC(HlP I ~ 1 I Olla-lova lInd Htlld 110" deitgllte(\ he \\n!'l thut fit) II "11\ 11 It! h Ollr d Iho t f' lmlnt.lo ll ,",Oil \I N'n 18C non n tho IPAA
ht'fln a.ble to r~p{)1Id to IllS lIl'Italio n In 11\
ho\\ nllle h their prese nc e \\AS \nlu c<1 Ihat Ili g h t
\e ry dl\orting and t be U~1Ja notas ond qJ]erHlo!i
tho mfant W6f\1 apparEntly .Illf~ated but. not fully PJ"OSsmk on the olhOi Indo of t.he line
Tho R"mn.nmrll were flttn cke'd ulan!: the ~hole te~ tntng those present. tn lddlboo toO thoso .... 1 (I (AOI)lluse)
ellrl"e~t art notes And
The CCJlHtO)S!:ll"lonr nook
'lhe tnalll ViU6""CQDgested but t.hero W-lla 110 bremon""
) ho RIl" T TI Darl ow "' ~Id thl' ml Slllon o r th l'
The CIUllie of doath "WUM I1cglea1. at birth or their front III t.he north "nU north" est au contnbut.ed to th o p rogrnmmc \lere "Mr lind
rhe fluilire of the clukl to bre.,he pNperly .... as due Wednt'f!{lnv. u.,ncl lIihl1f\ they had to t' In oua Mrs L I Roger!l Mr and .Mr" 11 J Ui unll C'1I BLhlo Socle tv was to be Iho ('Ill ef iIls llulllc nL uncl
to,) Its oomg R~unnod hy II. fa n 011 the hll!ul th ere or two seCtioll:\. thes .r.apulsed the oneill} In ~Irs ~(orkR the "M1!'i';ef; ] \11101 :Mn; and J\tl S.'1 st-c.wn rd In s l1fC'nulI1lZ Gou'.!! B ook 01'(1 1 th e \\ho ll'l
BISHOP OE OX~Oltll & Hm Y COMMI'NlON WD.~ 110 6vK.lonco of Ult.all~l(:)ual vlOlerlce
<ltht'JIK-~ t "ull e ni wit!1 "'Ill(.uiuurv lOOM" 'I hI} Cl\h!lter }h~K U.ohl1l>C allli MIS!i :o:ilnrks \\110 \\ o rld III e vury mUll s Inngu.nSQ !llItl IL \\ \ !I n o t
PC Allen stud t.he WOUllln told 111m sh~ d d no L pOlUtl(lU8 to the 1i0Ith of lIrt'denl I'M) 11ll11l]J bold
hllnded muud olQ'llrette." ole
to lh e sot(hor~
io b A ~tol)ped ')r IlIudt:'. I Pd h t"(lR Ll fI(' of ill(> \\ nr
n ot!lce the ~I!X of the JIlfrult., wllluh \V1l-'1 born at rmd .til d .fO(Jm~ 1"'oll"l1!fiH hlU'l boou ulI\tJe to thft el1l1t of
"nr hego n tlift R)hle H Ollflr> hnd pllh
A long and Hl1rnaLoo.l dl~llsalon took !JI~o at mght She put. 1t lIt.Nuglit away Into oor 00:'1: wont Lhu Jin PaM!
~ h sh ed the Gospd III 18 s In '\ hJ(~ h It I Id
t ho Uxfol;d DIOC&San (Jonrer.enc.l! wlth rogard to haek to bed and alert untll"7 30 tll6 ne~t JOOrllJng
lI evor hcen prlllwd be ro r e A~ lor
1I11w re urmngement ()f !IDhlceA lor ,.ubhe ~orsh.ip wbM ,he Kot up and dId I\. httlo work. t.lil a.bout
011 t h e Somma flollt Genoml 1I 1Ig" hM H~<; umed
('ottld tell n ot. e fl11lRlo"l llHSRIOIlUY had b een lUll
1 h e th sc.USSlOD WI\.S wound up by t ho BL.'1hop
nooll wb.OIl.M went. to bed agam and ,Iept ,til tea
who "Sa.1d b e \7anted tJ,e~ to rooognUIEI tbat a rL) t..1Il1e.. 'Dhl'! cluld fell on \he Ooor She gMe wI~n0S8
s ~5tem 1LI11l:;t be wrong ,~lileb d\d not lood to t he the key of her ~ ,,00 he found ~ lXxIy a.nd possemon 01 the low helihts \lluc lt 1I,lorve.uo
'1I11l1liiLrm s
-N()w wrougb11rOJI ent.rance gute. hs\ c r f'CCn llr c" u!;e h o h:Ld run llhart of th e
reoog"mtlOD by eyo~ Chnell3.I1 tbat the normal reporJed the to tb.e Coronel' Prlsolil~r made botwooq Gneu.decoutt alltl tho Bap<\Um~l'tH'OmlO hePn erected to tho churchyard of Ali Siunu.
\\ IIICh tho SOClety f) ullphe d and IhQ 8~rlplt1rl II
1\ 0rsh lP of the J..ord s Day Waft ('..e.ntnd about tbe n o reply wtJen cllarged
toad at I.e Imns19v A numbor 01 ],lfllM)llero Dnnl!dcn repl.a.ctnll: the old wooden ono! which had " e re eve~w h c re wtlllngi v rO("o('I" o<l
lt~ C' rnlh
L.ord's Supper tho broo.kID8 of the bread and the
Thl! pr'lSefter who lInd nettung to 11&1, W&II, com
become \ory dilal).idAt.ed lllufltratloni of tho gat ee- ..."t.h out mon('~ and v.:llhnuL I'rH)(' l'V('!1I In Iho
General ~adorDa'R nt:tJlck tn the Carlin roglOn whIch ",ra ⢠grcot ImprO\emont- lIppeIH In the IDO!it.. re mote cnrno", or the c arth
H oJy Comoimnlou It Wll8 th" Lord'. own 8181' ~mtted. fer t.rlal at she A.117.M o&tld WIJ.S on tho
I h e solfi l ~r'l
vIce Oll the Lord's own day, and nothing else a.ppljoMlOll of $,openntendent Randall hand~ over IS Also bemg !'iuceeesiully continued a nd 1hnrs- 1 , BUilding Now. of t.ho 4th In!lt. . and that Journal n ow fightIng lpoke cCl"tamly In morf' tlLl\.1 riO
::.Qll ld JXHLke a. hlte Mum tn be eaDed },..7 that to t.he c.&re of Mw WhiM matron of tho Home fClr (!<Iv 5 oolllmuntquo records the C81)i:nre of J 770 t.11I1I comment. on them - The ney; gatea are of
dltror cnt la.nA:l1a~ and the M')(!I~tv M.lllpltrrl Ih('
'neodieM Girl. F-oreet HOUle, Queen $ Rt:l8d pru~oneftl (In t hiS front
wroupt Jl'oo, pamted D]l(lk, And haTe been work&d
No deciAlon hnit yet been renehal by Pl'Mldent out on 'flr.y 6lmp1e hnea In che.ullter "."h tho Scri llt urllll In all thOle lanlJuag"lI I\nd nv I "II
==~~~~~~~~~====~= &~t.he Me .. o r conflict. on e 9 fl"Y cnntinent
(A Jl
Wl1son respecting the pohcy to h e ndoptcd by tho eburoh .. rut 1\1 eUl'roundlnlJ1
The contractor who
tTnJted Sta10e a& to Oermany tI ~ubUlllrlue pL1'8.Cy
made and erected 'be p~ t& Mr J A Gu'dler, of !l1:ut~ l
PorbMoath WaW!b CODlnuttee Ii proposal that It u hint.Ad lhat poIic~ may tn. the and Reaidmg The wwk
rh o Rov Can01 8"1'11)11011 rl\lIo1lll'ed .... 1111 1\11 III
done from the deeigu. and
two women police be appolOt4\d at the lIame ploy RroVfl to h. one of m3chon
uildo. lbe cIlrootioa 01 M. J HUJb Goodman t"re.fiLm" anoc'llotal nddrl'8!i "nIl t h o mcellllJ:
AI male coult&blel bu been rejected by tbe Tewn
III th e uHual wa,
L.. RIB A, of T..... Hall Dhamho", /:Ie&dfnll â¢
.. ....,.
bull ealf 81..X montbs' old WM &old for 2200
t.o-.y,. ):Iaqball Matthew. of Slra,qraet) &t
lUUlu&1 ,ate of ahortb01'I1 calves betonau1g to
WlU~SOJl Duthie, ot -c~n~oJ l.DiardND
..(;j:;;'''; .., â¢
fut.UJ18:- t:O
- ----- - -
1If'.. l'oUce Medal t. .UlAIJl~d ia In
:rJf. wk blu.. With .. nafl'OW tilhcr
"her itde
amulv. Hripe in
Hd .
Damage t!sttmated at teyer.1 Ihou!land pnunda
wal cauaed hy .. ftre which occurred In 11 colton
mtl\ oro and B Dewhuht. PrMton Work "'as
In pro~ .t Ute tJIIIJI. bu~ tltt ....... IlO p aaio
Promolion of a Nabonal Sea-traininlr Scheme ror Brihth
boya for Sailors tn the Mercantile Manne.
Providing Ho,pltalit), for British and Allied SaiJort
(including torpedoed crew.) at Home and Abroad.
â¢â¢ ⢠, ⢠, , ,
.. ThIS appeal for our S.aors mUll touch the heart, of .lIthoJe who
realise the magnIficent service our .plendid Fleet hal rendered
to lhe country aince the war broke out. We owe them a debt
that can never be repaid, and we hope to reeetve a Irenerou,
reapona. to this appeal from every man, woman, and c:hlld in
E . "
t hempIre.
The Navy haa aawed ua"'- In". 'aR I . . . . . - ,...
Marine haa .."ad ua from Ita. v....... "Ie _
opportunity and prlvl......... _
owe th_ Da"ant_
n. c:..w. c., A.... ' I
Hon. II
⢠â¢, ,
'1 II . . . .⢠...
â¢r__- - - : :