Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette 09-1917
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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, September 29, 1917. Pg 6
Image Details
Title | Saturday, September 29, 1917. Pg 6 |
Page number | Pg 6 |
Date | Saturday, September 29, 1917. Pg 6 |
Edition | |
Publisher | Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette, |
OCR Text
H. Th.lober, P. Adey,
as young.. you look. not.s old as 'your age, for
the days when' middle-age brought bonnets and
cloaks have long since gOlle.
See Mcllroys' windows and admire the range of styles;
the genius displayed by the deaignera in creating fashion.
which cause several year. to fall 'off the age as autumn'
leaves fan from the tree; and the ' organisation which
make$ such exquisite model. and qualities possible at such.
~oderate pricea.
, ,.
, ,
1f you need a RAINCOAT
be sure to see this very
smart model in UIC new
trench 1>ha pc_ Fitted witb
a two-position collar, to
h utton up to the neck or
open with revers.
coat unlined at 25/6or lined at 35/9
I- ~
, ,
Mellrays ' styles for the
COSTCME being made
in rravy suitin~ with a
vcry fut] coat a.nd fitted
with pockeb and belt as
s hown.
Wonderfullyeft'ectivc COAT
in fine velour cloth. Cut ver"y
full with patch pockets amI
storm collar.
Navy, bottlc,
wine and nigger. A really
Special .l49/6
'. :1'
Another exceptionally Smart Velour
COAT j n' tbe newest shape and in all
the season's shades. An extra touch
of smartness given by the new double
SplcndidAutumn or Winter COAT in
warm nap cloth. Thee-quarter length ,
cut full with the new patch pockets
and military belt. With the extra
stylish finish of a large sai lor collar in
hlack Foxaline fur.
Colours; Navy,
black and nigger
Donegal tweed COSTUMES will be
fashionable as usual. , Exceedingly
large range of thC newest styles with
the coat cut long, box pleated, and
with patch pockets and fashion ed in
various mixtures,
Heavy Frie7.e COSTUMES. Excep.
tionally smart coats, full three-quarter
length , with fancy patch pockets and
belL In saxe, nigger and bottle, 49/6
0n Thursday afternoon
SHOOTING ACCIDENT._Pte_ Dowman. of the
A:S.C., whila home on wave from Fra.ncc, a
vi8it to his wife 's .parents, Mr. and. Mrs.. Allred
Brown. of The Yews, Newtown_
On 'fUO&da.y
ovew08 be went out with a gun tor the. purpose
of shooting pigeons, and. while carrpng ~()
we&pon th e trigger caught. in t.4e gjecve of h~s
coat, MId the charge from the 8?n pntered .blS
foot_ He was brought to the Dlstrict HOSPItal
for treatment. His expi.r'9d on Thursday.
"THE BUtTH 01' A. N A.TION." -This marvellous
film prqducLion. has recently been shown a.t the
Cinema. Cbea.p St.rect, a.n.d &tt.racted large houses.
By the kind~ of Mr. James Tufnail, the proprietor, the proooeds of each perf.orma.n<:e,.. together with a collection at each exbl~Ii:i0n.
Wi!Te given equally to the Roya.} B~rk6 Hosp!tal,
Reading, and ilie Newbury . H.os.p~taJ .
We informed ·t.ha.t each of instItutions
will receive the handsome sum of £67 14s. IW> the
result _of .Mr. Tufn&il's. generosity.
RoYAL H UM..n.""E SOoJETY.-Mr. E. Bennett,
the Newbury mana.ger to MeS8l's. Prat.~n . BT?S.,
tailors of R eading hali received
Mayor that in due course he will he presented witb the vellum certificate of the Boyn.! Society for ·a courageous act which 1IIr.
Bennett hi.m6el-£ 6&y.ll he had a.lm06t for-gotten.
Some monthg &go, wbile p1WUng along the canal
n.t West MilIa, near the swing-bridge, hc 8&~' a
lad in the lIo-ater in immiDent d~nger of drownmg.
He a.t once jmnped into the, a.nd rescuoo
the boy.
BRITISH ElIPmE ORD£R.-AJOOng those in the of boIl1)UTS in tbo nevdy-QOnstitu.ted Order of
the Britis h Empire, Wl'IoS Mr. WilHam W8J.ton, of
DonninirOOn Holt (formerly the re!:.idence of the
late Co'J'oucl Sir Howard Vino:.'ent., M.P.), who
Wtkl made a. knight..
Sir WiUiam Wa.lton , who
has been re'f1c1el-ing \'alu&blo service at t.he Ad ·
miraoUy a.ts Vice~Presidellt or 'l 'ransport,. is ./\
dist.ingu.iJJbcd commercia.l lawyer, a.nd dUring ~l f
residence in this district, ha.<> ta.ken ,.0 a.ct.lve
part in th-e adminiflt.ra.tion of locH.I institut.ions,
nota.bly Newbury ' Hospita-l a.nd the Disperu;.a.ry.
He represented the. Speen Division on the Berks
County Council, and WIl6 vice-chlLi rman of tJ:l('
Finanoe Committee a.nd Smn.U Holdings Committee. He received the corelia.1 t hanks or tbe COUll ·
eil on his retirement a.t the beginning of 1916,
rendeMd neeess&T\' by t.a.king up active war work
in Lond()n. Sir William is a· justice for th ~
county, and used to be a. reguia,r follow&' of the
CrlloV'en Hounds-.
tha.nksgh·itlg 8ervioes were he!d at tll⬠Wesleyan
a.nd eoDgre~ at.iona.1 Church es 00 Sunday, a.ud attracted excellent congregat ions. At. t.he Wesleyan
Church the prew:::her was t.he Rey. J . E. Peel,
tbe t;upcrintendent minister of the · cirCult_ Appropriate hymns were sung, and t.he
r endered n. suitable ant.hem at. 'cach sen-ice_ The
Booooiction' in iJle eVEning was followed by th e
singing of John Oxc nha.m's hymn for the men
at the hon". The docorotion~ were chaste ft,nd
e ffeetiYe, and ~ rruit Imd vcgetables u sed were
scnt to Ule loca1 de pOt for supplying {·he neOOli
of the Fleet. The collootioIl8 were in aid of
c hurch work in ~he circu it, and amounted to up.
wards of £7.-A~ the Congregational Church the
pab-tor (the Rev. J . W. Harlord) was the preacher,
and here, too, Oxenham's h ym n formed n fea.ture
of the eve ning sen;oo_ The floml decol"1\-t.ioll'S
were prettily nrrnnged, and there wn.s a· lw-ge
quanti t y of 'fndt nod v e~et..1.b l es, wh.i<:h .weN
lPyen to the F ieet.-Simi ln.1" sen ' ioen o.rr; 1.0 he
h{lld w-morrow (Sunday) nt the Bnptist l\,lId
Primi~iv o Methodist Chnrd\fjS_
DRABAZON EMI'T.onH:~ S GHT!M.E.- l"OI· many
veB1'S thl!rc has bccn iu opel'fl.t.ion at the Poor
Luw Institntion hC1'C Ito Brll,bnzon Employment
Scheme for the inma-tes. M d t he annuaJ sale of th e
artic:los they have made dUMn~ t..he year took
pluce on 'rn c~~.r afte rnoon, a tLraeti ng ~ numerous Mld ~nt e rested (,om'D:l.nv.
Th e ss l e "'''311
openod by Mrs. Mount, ,.iho 'is a m e mbe l' of I;.he
BOR-rd or Guaniians.
The nroccodinp:s wer e m·
a ugural-cd by the -chapllloin (t.he R ev. A_ G. P .
Baines), who apoiogiRed for lhe ahsence of t~e
Cha-irro-a.n (t.he Rev. I'". W. Thoyts). H e s~l.Id
tha.t. the . Dra-hl\Zon &Cherne hfl.d se~ved to rclieve
the TnQootony insepa rable from life in tho in!:;titut.iOIl , while it p;8Ve th e si<:k and infirm a. fresh
interest it! liff!, a.nd incidetltnl!y suppli ed t he m
with . luxuri cs otherwise
unobtninuble.- Mrs.
Mount. in the conrsQ (If a 6hort add ress, remarked tha.t in f.h-('-Se most of them wore
working er than before, and were g-t'8.l.eful
for any additional employment whicl! he-Jpaa . to
keep tncir mi rids r-r·om th-e war. DaVld Gn.rTlek
had ~d "A fellow feeling make~ us w()nd~oll~
kind" ; a nd thet couId in 1,1118 way n.pprecla.1.e
what this sc}):eme m eant to those who had boo to
CQmc to t he institution throu gh no fRnl t of t,h(!i r
own. Unti. l rsb e becl\me a. guo.rd ian , she had no
idea of the -exct"l-lenoo of t hi !i work, Rn(] . .!!hc
desired to t·h:lIlk Miss Talbot for hcr continued
P.l)(!rgy in directing it, n.nd n.I SQ l-o eongru.tuln-t.e
the sta ltholders ' on t he d'lsplay of goods.
Indies in cll:l-rge of Lh-e :lWt15 il'}c'udC<l : Miss
Myers, Mis5 Southby, Mias 'M. TaJbot, Mrs. F.
C_ Hopron. Mr!'l. B. M-etcn.lf, Mrs. A. Pnrson6,
and Mi 5~ V. Wheeler; while t.h{' arrangements
were conducted by l\IiM C_ T::\·lbQt.
'~ ~:i
Another very smart COSTUM E as
ceptionally good wear. The coat is
cut with slit pOckets and fitted with
belt as shown. In all sizes.
Note this very useful COAT FROCK
which is cut in the
style for
autumn weat, in fine coating Serge_
Navy, bottle and nigger.
Speciaily offered at 39/6
Wonderful value in good qu;<lity Gabardine COs.
TUMES, Very lady-like, well-tailored. and in
nan only.
' Record v~lue at
M.r. E. Brooklft.lld, Mrs. J. Thateher (sister-inlaw), Mr. S. Ra.wlins, Mr. E . Mundy. Mr. S ummers, Mr. H . Thatcher, Mr. Povey. Mr. J . That.cher, Mr. B . Th-atcher, Mr. Ford. Mr. Laoy (East.
bourne), Mr. Eng[jsh, Mi8s Kimber (-compl:Ionionhoueekoeper), Mrs_ Fowl~r l', .Miss Flo
Kimber. Mrs_ Stumners, Mrs. Schmidt.. MillS
Long, Mias D. Lon~, MiRS M . Long, Mi~1I K.
Long. Mr. C, Goodenough, the BtIlplOYeeR a-L
Skinner's Green, MId the 'employees a.t, CI'088
La.nes. There WCT'e aJso Dr-Osent ma.ny rriends of
tbe dMC&eed and others Who had been l\S&Oeia.t.ed
'vitb him in hordness, these inciudin,r: Messrs. T .., Danford Skinner, Evan Jones, F. C.
HQl)6On , W. C. Frl!!6maut.le, E. C. Midwint ,er, H.
J . Luckee., T: La.ngton. W. Woonacott, C. W_
Burna, E. J. Bero, A. Whit'i ngion, E. G . Kimber,
1~. H. G. M-a.under, Summers', jllll.,., H. Bere, F., Ernel!t Church, HfI,l'VOY Dolkl. G. Gibson
(Higb WYOO'IIIoo). MaTk Gibeon. · Wyatt La.wrence, E. ' Sl\lwnv, E. Booth, A. E. Booth, H. J.
Booth, G, WOOflma.n, Lieut. -Col. Trcuu, A. G.
TroUp , Moses Bntcher, G. Budd, E . .- Rowl~,
John Parker , J. Brown. V. Schmidt. G. w.
JOn-68, J. HB.inee, W. Brookman, A. H. Butle!',
Mrg. S_ Butler; MesRr!!. W. B. Ma.thews, E. J.
Mason.., F, W., Edmund Hobbs (Twyford),
I~oftW 1897.
H~b. Claas.
~um Value.
(~ 'Ende Mark, " Leooardl.'~)
All British.
NeerIJ' UI B~. 10 LMio. &. <1~~Di. BD-HUed.
BOo.TS ,&
r......,u BId,.,BIIdq.-.
.w:.. McDn,-. Ltd. ~ I ....," dinr·,
SItoppUir Ceatre.
~ .
:Rd., _101.
The _
of W . . ."",,*- _
~ em tho
of Mr. Coler, _
by I'k G~
FOOD CONTaoL ' CoxianBâ¢.
.. ~
The Mayor formally p~
wu po&; iridaded in the UMIat liat. It.t&~ that
Mr. O. S. Shaw, .. member of the Council had
wulert.&ken the gcncral oonirol of the work' a.nd
that. an omoe had been lI8CW'Ied free of reat..' The
.upr IOmHI bad not boon ao badly SUed up aa in
tome plaoea, . but ·n fair proportion of thmn were
j~co~ In ~(tso CaBCS, where an add.!"N6 was
gr"en. .. feIIponfuble pelBOn would vi,it the bouae.
Tho number Of forms received up to tho gDle of
the report .......bout ,2.000.
well-attended meet,..
took pla.ce a.t 'the Lecture Ha.lL, ti'or.thbrook
Street, in aid of the Borneo Mission Aa8ocia.tioD,
which was formed in 1909 to furnish help in missionBry work by inu~roession, pcrlJOn,,1 ·ser,,-jce.
and offering!.
The Rural Dea.n (the Roe'S". A. W. H. Edwards) presided, being supporOad by the Bimop
of LabcflIl and Sara.wa.k, the Rector of Newbury
(the Rev. Lionel R. Majcndie), and the &e". A"!
:V'_ Sl!.a.rp, of' at. Stephen'a Rectory, Hamp&t.ead,
organising 5ecreta.ry of the Bornep ftliseion Association.
The ' Bishop said he was convin~ that good
solid missionary work was being done in BOrlleO,
as he h&d seen some of the inLcnor working.
From wha.t he had seen or the st.&ti.ons, he was
certain t here was a great future for the missiOll,
if only t.hey could Uie staff. There were
only foor priests' working, whereas they could do
with six or seven more R;nd not be overstaffed.
1t was 1\b501utely uecessa.ry for 8UOOCM that they
shoulrl ba,·c Engtishruell a.s priests. for alt.hough
the cabech ists \'I'ere excellent, the Dyak peoples
lacked initiative, a.nd n eeded direction. 'Mlc
needs of the mission were c lear.
They wanted
more priests. young and enthusiastic men, not
a-fraid or loneli~S8; missionary-hearted la.ymen to
superintend industr ia.l and e lemenlarv education,
and qua:1ified ludy elementary teacho2·rs. As r e/!II.M finance, the S.P.G. had intimated that
they woukl have to c ut down their grants in 1919,
owing to a serious faUtng off in income. The one
bMj;tht feat.ute. thererore. W1I.S the Borneo Mis.
siona.ry Ae.socia.tion, HDd he asked t.he m e m o
bers to b ea.r I:heir needs in mind.
'fh() Rc'S". A. F. Sharp rollowed ",jtJl an earnest
a.ppea-l for support of the mission.
EDUOATION eoxlCl'l"'nB.
By arrangement with MR. LIONEL POWELL., 4-4, Regent Street, London, W.
&lid thn chief Item WIUI an int-ima.tion.
from U'le Bc:-rd of FflUaa.t;ion u...t the lIupplemonta.ry
8'"1"&11$' to t.hia &UthOtlty would &nIOunt &pproxhna.t.ely
to £1.000.
Alden:nap Rankin mOl-cd e.nd Mr. Parlit.t. aeoonded
the adoption of the report..
Mr. T~ner inquirod if tho supplement..\.y lP"&nt
would all be U&ed f or toacben' lIa.l&.rios or be
emnloyed to Uaillt. in thn, upkeep.
Alderman Rankm re-piled the.t thi6 would be &
ma.Uer of adju.rt.ment n.t a. later d ....tA! - and a.nawcr_
inR' "" further inquiry :as to a.n i~re~ in tho
n.umber of c:hi~dren a~ten{lina: the echoola. h o
that t.he maJonty conSisted of children Ij,-jr'lg' in the
The report W M thell pe.ucd.
OBITl1A.RY.-Tbe death OCCurred Rot ", ,. ~ot, on l<'ridlly l&tit week, of Mr. Henley
Eden, for many years a. retiident. ill this par-isb.
On the following 'I'l.Iesd-ay the funeral took pl8.<.'C
at All Saint.' Church, ''I'ben nt the choral service
the Revs. W. F . La. Trobe·Bateman and H. Grant
omcia-ted: Am~~g those a.ttending ware: MT6.
Eden,. MISS Ohvlc r, L~y Edwina Lewin, Lady
Durmng-L&Wl'eDCe, MlS.'I Durning-Lawrence, Sir
Cbarles Rya.n , Mr. a.nd Mrs. F. J. Patton, Mis6
Chetwynd, Mi!18 HB-nbury, p.nd Colonel Collier.
Th e dooe&&cd gentJeman W"a6 79 yean) .of &f!:c.
A very 'Voltpuinous l"?P'O':t WM prOMoted by ilbia
At the Piano
The. monthly meeting of the Ne'llrbury Te:wn
CouneJl took place on Tuosda.y morning at the
Council Chamber, when there were Prc5Cf}t.: The
Mayor (Counc:ill(}r C. A. Hawker), presiding, Aldermen C_ Lucas, A. Jac~n. J . Rltnkjn, &n<i J. N.
Day : Councill-ortl J. Strailling, F . C. Hop!On. T.
H. Pratt, A. Camp , 'j', W. 'furner. G. Gt'iffin .
E. Ha.r:t, A. D. Cater, D., Md E. Pn.rfitt.
This cornmittoe ha.rl under oonsidera.tion estim.a.t06
of the amounts to be ra.i.&ed for the BorOUgh and Rates for the hll.lf-yeu andin9; March next
yea.r, and recommended the MSUO of prooept6 to tho
.O\"enooI'!! for £400 fQr the Borough Rate and £46S
for thG Watch Rate.-The Retail Ceal Price& Order
Wa.6 di~8sed, and thQ function, do\"oh'ing upon tho
Council were recommended to be delega.ted to th..
mernbel1!o who ue on ilie local Food Control Ca:tn.
Mr_ StrR.dlinp,' propOf!ed the a.dop~ of thE! report.,
nnd mentioned thllt among too dutiE!6 of the CoaJ
Control .Order would be the regulil-tion of P1"iCCB,
aJl(i a.rranging tho flllppl.r during t-he win tor.
Alderman Lucas seconded, a nd the report WM
Graziers, Market-Gardeners, Fruit & Seed Growers
Alde rma.n Day pTOllosOO iWld Mr. Gea.ter !IIX!Ondod
_flo repnrt (rom thc E~t.ates, Markcu;, fIond By -Lawl!;
Committee. which iia rcq ltiremen1~ for
the hilJf-yenr a.t £60, expenditure being ' '£402, And
receipts £342.
G ."-8
important Agriculture has been in
this country in the past, it is evident it
Acx:ounLs were. plI.ssod amountinK to '£2, 515 15. Od.
In \'H~W of tho ill the qu.a.lity of tha COlli
IIUlt-stituted UDder the Coal Con~rollar's schemo for
SOUle of that included in the eommitt/Â¥l'/l contmcts,
the noooss.ity l or making further provillion lor tho
rcpayment of lonus il1<I-1.uring in 1918, and tho
incrMS(! in the cost of la.boUI, lhc comwittoo
rocommcnded that t.ll o price of 8'a.s be iocrea.aOO by
t .... opence por tJlou.~lld cubic feet., raising It· to
3,; 6d. pcr 1,000, wi~h tho diaoolUlt of tworxmoe po.r
1,000 aa before.
~"\ldorm~m Lucas, in propOSlllg the adopbon of tbo
report, ..... it h Inc propc.eed morease ill prlCC
Ho i.h'-lt the ma.t.t.c r INM very c/I,wfully gone
illt.o in Ma.r("lJ IAAt.-at. tJU) end of their finan cial
}'ca r- and the commiLtee felt t.hOJI th.'l.t they wouiri
bo ahIe to g e ~ through witJlout .;,.(h-a.:rH;.in~ the ru·vJC.
Sinoo thon, however, two of thei r cooJ f.:onLracl.8 hitd
been {, and much of I,he 000.1 they now
received Wnfi not ~(l good in sna'llI'oriucing rCllul ~.
Wn.gCil n.lllo would be higher tha.n II.Jlticir)Al,cc:l The
oomm itt.ce hud calcul ated that th('60 would amount
to 5:250 more lor the year, but .~ thaI. figure nail
already been re.ache<t in Ri.x months, 'and t.ho tot.u.1
would ho nea-rer £400. .A s oompamcl with other
l.o.",-nl'1 of sill'l.ila.r ";7.(.1 in too &uth of ia.nd,
Newbury might rega rrl it.'iQJf as fortuoote that tho
price had not. bet~1I rnisod before, w.hlle nQWhe ra eJ...e
wcn~ slot-meter oonSUIDQI"$ more generously treatod.
The 'Wiual qua.ntity supplie.-1 fot" a ponny Wa..fI from
16 10 18 feet, btl; ~e""bury gave 21 f oot.
Mr. Cate.r seconded.
RPplying to qUC!9;ions. Alderman LUCB.!! the
IIlol_lnr-t.en ·hM boeI1 cha.ngcd hom 23 to 21 f<'let
I!-ince i.ho wa r. but tho OQn":'oumers r1Lid at the ra.te
of ,),s.lld. pc'r ] ,000 feol, although it must, be rememberoo thnt they p' no ren t. for t he metcf'f! and
that the fittings were put ill at, the eXpell6e of the
underta.king .
Tho report .w.1.5 -a,greod to without dissenl
must occupy an even more important position in
the future, and, moreover,. will be based upon far
more stable conditions.
hou8e!I, hut onl:r 22 of thelWl bad hocn oompleted,
the remainder Itanrtin~ in abeya.nco; a.nd thM ~
~hA b~ of the ~mmittee'~ pnillent n:oontmenda.A;ion.
Aldennan Ranl.."UI ' MrreOO with Mr. Pritt; IUKf
Alderman LlKlU. while agreeing th.a.t theM. '1'1'_
need for morfl hou~CI;, pointed out that At tho
preeent time there wel'8 ma.nv people livin~ in tone
town H'qfaged .in munition ·work. a.n<f t.hat the
' l'opul&tion m~ht thul! Mirt. He wcw..tld. howe-w-or,
~nnort. any fun a""'eme.
Mr. Parfitt Hid it would be u.. took out a.
~it...blf1 rit-e and ~renat"e '.. oomplflte flChemfl bot0t'9
gi,"Tl~ flo dfl&mte reoph-. 1
The Town .C1f1rk Aid the ·.Loca.1 ~ment
rt"(lllirM a. rap1:t' not labolr tba.n Ootober 16~.
Mr. ·Pratt. raplyinP'. alLid tl:1I' eommittr,e wu not
with Imy dflt.W.ed.cherne.
He b",d no
tn I:h,. inlll!l1'titm, as tm~. 0( tho
a-/; least" ~fl .. 50 or 60" in th. report.
I f;:!Urn
15" ".mBY STIBET, IU.INS:.
us', ..n ..L...... sT.nT. NB.....y.
reJ)l:ri "'1lA .~ ~
lltld bf'ell
1\tllrctl 1.1
t hf\ ulilit
APL)QI d .111
W . II.
Having regard to this, we have devised improved
schemes for Fire, Employers' Liability and
Indemnity Insurances designed to meet the new ,
conditions In every detail.
Your special attention IS directed to the chief
advantages shortly summarised in the special
prospectuses (which will be forwarded post free to
all applicants), and particularly to the absence oj
the .Average Clause in the Fire Policy_
The dlverage Clause has always proved a great hardship to
the insun/lf Fanner, (21zd under lite n~ circumJtll1tCts 'Would
involve cons/ant altmllg of policir:s
make them effective.
Each policy IS an easily-understood contract,
free from ambiguous and involved conditions, and
a perusal of the prospectuses will amply repay
you, and we believe will result m you advising
your Agent to effect policies with this Company.
A.y fUrl I", j"/""matioo 'a" 5. .lJJailUd dim' I''''' .....
â¢H,ad Ofr. 0' I'on, ,u, B,anel«, 0' Agm/s iK y'"' distria.
TIed Office: Britliia DollDiaiOlla Bou..... R.,.,aI Lob_..,e A Lo..... RoC.
West End O~: 79. Pall Mall, 8.'11'.1.
Pm~ rJS(,s ca,J
also be ohfoitu:d a/-
READING: 20. Erleigh Road; 113. Elm Park
Road; 25, Sackville Street; 113. Norfolk Road;
114. Hamilton Road; 29, Broad Street.
erootion of 72
Ro.wa 4SD WGD1'ING CoMlll'1'1'U;.
This cOmmittee had mot epooiaU1 to oonlider II.
letter from tho Local Governmeut Baud, in which
It. W-M POinted out that i.he provision of hOUBeD for
~e working c~S69 appeared to bo the moet proMmR' of the l)robleml!1 to 00 dealt with &ker the wa.r
caliing lor lrnmOOiaWl pre-paration. Tho letter .t.&t.od
that it would bo necc&;ary in tbil! mB.tter to rely
f!'or mor.e on local. 8utlH~riti(l8 than (ormorly io p~
,ide the hooSCII With thOlr road, wo.ter, and dta.inage
requi' Tho Government raaliH!d that it woUld
he neOO88ary 10 afford sub.!ta.ntial Sua-neial &8II:ista.nco
from public funds., a.oo roquOIItacl that n. Tetum on
tho) ma.tter be made to the Boa.rd. '1"he committoe
were of opinion fhat a hOWling BOheme fnr the
borough for providing 50 or 60 houses waa urgently
noce8llllry, and recommcmded
that tho Ietu,r be
repli.ed to in that sense.
Mr. Pratt proposed and Mr. Ha.rt acoonded the
Moption of tb.i5 report.
Mr. Parfit.t qu(:lltioned the wisdom of at.atlng the
number of houlIM rcquiroo, thinking it would ha
better to awnit. e\'(mtll, :and Mk rather for an amount
of money. than fix any number, 'which might be
400. or 500.
Mr. Rtndling (B- tormer Cha.innlUl of tho Houeing
f'Alllmntc.c) exph,ined tha.t acme timo hgo tho
Boroogh Bun-eyo~ Kot. out lltatilltica of hou&C6 thai.
lJ'hould be condemned, and the oommitteo plll'tloaeci
to flroccori h this wnrk, but. "'era faced with tho
oroblem of housing thoso who were turned out.
T .. f'. JO;illll"'
The outlook, therefore, for the enterprising
Farmer is full of promise.
'l'b.i.'1·rrut.t.oo d oolmoo a.lI offer uom Lbo Main
Dnu nag-o LO lIell (}QJl,t'$(lo ba.y g rll4'l
Md OJill.lgolrls growil on land a.i. the Outfall \\'orl>A.The commir..tce again d irected <l!.r,cllt.ioo to the
r ~u:i.rc.rne.nta · of tho Council that the kWlp6 in the
centTe of the Htroets tinonld 1.0 kept lighted._
The agroemllllt with the Berks Count'}" Counoit for
tnt.! of tho roads wu.s rocomIDendod
to be waled .
Mr. SLI'.'ldling movod the adoption of tho report,
and sud it w.a.s very CMcntiaJ. Lhat. the la.ffiptl menwoooo. should be kept a.light, n.a thrur PO!l.itton W1I.3
d.n.nge-rous. tho Council would be rCtipull.m.hle
lor any aa:.idc.nt.
The oomm?tton ll1lil l<uglZ'e6i.ed t.he
D1U'rB (l l!' MR.
CHARLt;S TBA'l'CBJ!R.-There·
Mr. Ca.tur ~l.
wa.s a widespread foeling of fK)rTOW in Ne,w"u,y" momooM ~p(lke of UIO illa.doqll~ey of the
&00 d-iatrict Oil Sai.urda.y when the news ctrcul~lo light shown by these l.a..rnp;i- lut winl.(l;r, a.nd it
ted of the death at Ski n'ner's Grocn that morning tranapirecl the only lig ht Wati from a. by.p.aM,
of Mr. Cha.rles F . Th-n.t<!OOr, whose had kept buming day nod night in a. Rhadod lamp. It
been fa.i'Ii-n~ for !KJrne months Mr. That- \I'as ovantuo..lly decided 1.0 lea.vo tho nuutor of n.n
cher, woo had -&t.ta.ined thc ~ of 74 yea..n;, Wn.6 adaquai.c light with the In/l.Il{lger of the GIU! WorkA,
II. well-known ",hoop and eattla dealer, and con. and if hW! &rr&ngemell t did ·not meot wit.h the -..vlahos
of the Council, the m&tt(lr could be brought up
I',m,"'d an extensive busineSli of thi" charooLer again,
for ma.n.v, being Il fnmiliar figure n·t nil
tht! ma..rke·f.s n.nd f(l.i1'8 in tbis part or the coun.
Thi~ oommitt.ce harl been in negotiation with ibo
t.ry. He e njoyed a. high rermLation for integr-iLy
and oprightnel'l!\ in !\oil hi s dc·dings , find his' Diti~rif!t Council M to the chll.rge for d1s~inR of
iR gro& deplored by n wi{h> circle or friends tho sewago of Spoon Il.lId Donnington. '1'ho committe", require &II advanco of 30 per oont., bui. tho
who had been a.'lsocift.f.ed wit.h him in businc6e Coancil
o(fc.r 20 per eont.
The OGmmitteo kvo
over a- long oeriod of y~a",. Mr. Thatcber wn.s 5Ugge.sted tn thfJ CowlCil t.ha-t t ho latter may eumioo
l'I. member a( 11 \'ery old fa rming fA-mily, -8-od had their hooh.
livoo tbrou~houL his IHe nt Skinne r ' R Groo11 Farm.
.AldC'rmllll J!J. d,,-:~oll moved and M r. Camp seconded
EnOOro"!.- This was "' model of l1(latneso; a.nd tho Ildoption of this .ro-por-t, whidl wa,s pa..ssod.
order, hiA mothods of lifoO, n.nd it. w;w; S.4. N1TARY , BAXHS, AND CY.~T&RY CoHX.lTTKE .
Ilolways II, ple-asuro to note th e trim, tidy, and weUTh~ ~hior items in t.bc report of this
stocked garden of the hou~, a nd the ordfl rly dealt wil.h the c,·ond.iliou 01 the gr~ of the u nw
state 'of th e V!1.rds 8Dfl rick e nelosurcs.-The oomctery, and a report hom t~ uublic on
funeral took pluee all Tuesday aftern oon fIot EII- flll.mpl o!l oJ· floor. In rcferonee to the nOl\' oomerory.
borne Chur chv,.rd, t he body being cOllveyed to which tho oomruittoe had paid a. villit, they
thither from S kinner 's Green.
The obsequies expres50d t heir gcncNU RILtillfn.ctiolJ, but c1ircct.ocl
were conducted 0" the R ev. C. J . Mil1i1-r, who ·'lHe.ntion i(} tllO untM:iy l'I.nd wcody (}C ROm e of
is in charge of Enoorne pnril>h durin" the iIl- the pa.t.hs a/ld bordcr$, and overgrown gTD.68.-Th e
ne!tl of the rector {the ltc\'. C. B. Johnson), who, report o f tho analyst rcIc.rrod to Jivo JIIl.mplcs or
hO\l'ever, was .,,-h1e to be prBAeut. .The hymn:! fl our, all or ..... hich wc ro in OO1npiill.nCO with th&
Food Controller'lI Ordot-. The..,- 'Nore not aJl equaJJy
IIlmg wer.e: " Rock of Ages" I\nd â¢. Peace. pe-r.
bolted, and tho add&:! cerOl\le were not MmO
feet pesce," and the ol'g:a-nist (~Ir. W. Heath) in each.
Thoro wC!m no Iligns o f in(t'J"rior or
periormed "0. rest in the Lord" :I.!! t ho coffin damngerl guill.
left. t.he chnrch for interment in fl, hric.k grl\.v e,
Mr. PraLt propolle{l find 1\-tr_ G riffio .'I6COndad tho
wlrerein IiEr the remains of his nephew (Mr. adoption of this report..
FowlE!r Tha.t.che-r'. T\le mournen; incJuded';_
Mr. Hop5Ol1. commenting on tho r.-onditi"'n of th"
Mr. Henry Tha-tcher. Mr. Tom Thatcher (nep ("..cmetery, Mid much more required tn 00 donA
hews), :MR. T. C., 1d:f'8. M. F. Hopson, thorn than ha.d been hitherto. Tho oa.rct4k er had
Mrs. F. Ccgburn, Mrs. E. Brookla.nd (niecee), the OODJIta.nt help of iU1(}t.her mo.n, arkl the. oomnt&ry
be kept !.pick a.nd IIPM, a.nd c:rcditr..ble to
Mr_ W. Tha.tcher (cousin), Mr. 1tI. F. Hopson, ehould
the town.
sketch, in {awn coating, will give ex-
ing orga.nised, by the Newbury Deanery Branch,
or matrOll.
And why pot ~ You are' al yoq as you feel.
'j "
y OIIthj~ graN\' ,l)IWiaI~is the keynote
of the new fubiolll, ·wbetber for mud
JIr.-!t _ .
and!! ... H. W., Hr. B. wernham, lliM
V&lpy, 14.. , E. L. Stapl.., Mrt. E. Tum.., !j:ia
Cburch, etc,
WOKINGHAM: CottreU & Butler.
NEWBURY: 76. Northbrook Street.
£5,000,000 .4g.""".
C. '1111 11).( ,
r , ill~' In
llo,l,n ;11
"' lIr).. ~ \f
l ),jIlUIJoi'!~
n :\~I.l)I\. Illnr,
Sf rn't,
I'll n
l 'hc
S' pl
HnGlH8 WRBJ.l:YA!o.' CHlJn.cK.-This "'as the I WHIST DRlVE_- A .ery auC'CeMfuJ whist drive
IIICene of ha.rvest; fesUval so rvi t.~ ?l! .Bund",,-. 1'he
WIl6 held . on WodncacJa.y eVenmg III the AlI6embly
fIflrmona Wfll'e prOO(.:hed l!y t ho Ch&lrnifUl of ' tho Room ~ndl, lent for the O«Ieaioli by the [~v.
Oxford District, arw_ G rll.lnger Ha.rgyeavElA. '.rhere R. W. H. a~ld MI"I\. Aoworth), in &id of thfl funds
were niC'!e deooru.tionl! of ftnwcTfI, fnut. -n!, of lbG Workll1g Men's Club. Mn Gil. prNCut.eU
eta., which wern l5ubtioquBntIy I!&nt to the wOUllded prizOl! to tho following : -lAdiOil: 1 at, M.l. Sun-aoldiers. BrighbtOAA cna.ra.ct.eriMd the sinsins of mon.ds; 2nd, Mlu W. 911011\ ~yst.ery ~ TM&'le
the mati,. hymns specially eboeen 108 lRIitahLe to l and .Mill;8 SiDlp~u t.led, the ~r taking Lbo pru.c:
the oOetWon.
eQDllO!at,ion.. M.ia& Va.rndoll GeniJemen: J..t." .M r_
.... -. ~.-.
~, Mr. W. Good"",
P.8.A..-On Sunday B' 1'0. ~
,L"'J'"-" prVItW;GQ onrr J'i.
tied the formor t&kiJl4r the
. . .nd M"
good ntlaering. Bt'o. H. New~rtbrea.d th.. 1~, Mia. Wri&h~ aqd Mr.
tied ,t!7!.M~g
aDd Mrs. Tueker saog
1. grace" a.Di:l the prise; Miu
The foUowi
m;o~8n.t.'r 'yr -}-- .;ronee an g&~ PrUe5 .. nd rtl(r~mE!m.: M... R&dcHtfe
addreee, bls ":UhJoot. heiDI'
.ThTee oh~ for Furber, Mr.. HedgOA, HiM Goodchild Mr Hick.'
eve1'7bod;,-." MISS Bennett :1U'Ulded at the Of1r&tl.. Mr. I~c, Mr..Shut~, !.til" Wrish&-, Yr_ Wheeler:
. ~
. and
M,y ,DamlLlJUppliod
Trewm_ l~a(t.orw.uda
Wok plaoe,
W0-.;rxnzn.-Amongst t h (lee In.
lta.J InFranee
the muaio
Mi.. Simmondi
I!r1Iffenng from shell wounds ..
ner F_ N. Luml8J' 1\:11'1 p~
Mn. Wood~" The
'Fletcher, B_F.A., of .. Dorchester," BlerahOim an&ng~~g\6' were iD' the ~ of ⢠a.
'. aom
&ad. who eame homo [rom Australia in the.early 1' mittee. Mr. T. H. Pritcheet;) ..... lU. .
put of leat ,.ear. to join up.
ICied u M.C,'.
Kin, Mill..
b4 . .