Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette 10-1920
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Reading Mercury Oxford Gazette Saturday, September 16, 1920. Pg 9
Image Details
Title | Saturday, September 16, 1920. Pg 9 |
Page number | Pg 9 |
Date | Saturday, September 16, 1920. |
Edition | |
Publisher | Reading Mercury, Oxford Gazette, |
OCR Text
HO\\ JUa!l\' so·c..'1l1ed ' bdctOl experts I) wel e
\\ orkmg out Ih~ll lde.l~ 0'1 tile bn d fOity yeal s
ago t
OCTOBER 15-23.
The Progre.. of tho Piston It.
ApplicatiOn to the ](otor-Car.
HC:fln Ford, who
\\ ho :tho \\
t ht: son of a farme r ,
thl,; ::-.on 01 a fat mel, blll il hl~ first
IJ.rlll tl,H.:W' HI l1:i~7
the only solution of the
f :lrlllt:r~'
dltl1cul tlt.:> \,1\ In t he Il ~ e 01 mecnaOlcal
p J\\ L:f
l'e ::.<1\ \ the nec.,:.,.,sl l> o t 3 smal), li ght,
c11t:tP Ol lt:·m:'l .ll U:lctOI n n the f. tllTI .md by 1909
hl: \\ l::. plot1~llln~ IllS 2,000 lefe fal m, wIth tractors
l)IHlt tn htln~t:lt
I he H:sult of hIS .10 \ ear s
the r'OHDSO ~ rR\C~l OR, wh Ich
C bllll~ to be to ciA) t ilt hl"::lle:.t lo: XPI esSlOn of a llruund ulIhtv l H l110cit:111 agIH;.ulIUl t:
e:q t:nt nce
= ....
j Of<:/)-O:'; rl~:\CT U R I~ d tl!\ crcd \0 PurCh;JScf
22 hnr"", pO\' t:r .:> "I c<;o :md rt;. \cr:;;c: \Vo.:l ;:.:ht
~ 3 CWh
I t:1l,;Ln 8 It to In \0\ Iwh ,) lL 2 ' n
Hvlg!1t .j. II -{ " I Pn ... â¬: (at \\ orks C o r \,:).
!2(:{) £x ' r,lIorpuHc) H t ~chmt:lJL £1210:. Od
Fercl Service Depot,
1 he na.w.o or aJloo and SUIlmonds ('Read.
lDg), Ltd ⢠.u.though v. ell_knuv.ll to most
peop le In ile.rksb]Tc. would pro ba.bly IIOt con
RI:l'A.Ill.l!'G.1 Cn.1CI:i:I:D W.!.TEn J.1CK.I:T
\Ie) .I.lly Ide..\ ot the' !lSi .1lUOll11t ot b\!tilUe...<;S
willch 1S e.ltcCHlWd a t tbe ," ol b III V c :\10 ul l
One 01 t.ho p onaltles of no t taking proc.auJOl t Road Il.lld Vastl':r ll Jtulld l{caomg :t et tlODS agrunst f t'ol,ty ' I ea the l liM) bo a
IllS postnble lhat t he re IS lIO plaL'O In the c/,1Cked \l ater Jackel It IS lo ~Il.lrd a~nl n ::.t
world wh ero lllacblllC1"y 15 Ubed IU "' b leb til l> tmeb dAm Rb'6 that I am a l wa\ ,:; 5() em p h , hc
produce of Mes .. r.:o. Allen and :s u.c mo nds d oe,. on Lhc qucstlOn of t he Df.!OO fo r e m p t yInS
nnt play .'In l1nporlant part PUiton con I the ~ ater systBm Dr IIs m;;, a n anh.f rN1ZInij
slructlGn has al .... U)S b oon o no of tLLe mo"t lnl); t ure dllrln~ tll O v. IDtor I t It> an ex·
ImpOililot ~t.OIlS of lbL" ,.LSt enj.; lnoorlD~ pr.n Sl\ e bu s mes<: to fit a new cyli nder or
blblDOOS. am] It cao now f&rly b{\ ci.ItUlcd
block of C) h n de rs, bll t thIS I" not ~.dwaTs
tbat liJ \llt:D has bJOug ht 1111S H t,1i part Dece.ssary If thr. (rac k be (l \ c r) larl:\e 001'1.
ul the engine to a:. nea.r p CtiCCtlOn . l~ It h o j oollr"" the l c h nothmg el w fo r It out to
pos51bl e to gf't
A t. 'IlriOU S IUlles IH~ \\ and
r ene';\ tho J111"rt nlto~c t her On lhe othnr
lmprmed d e\lces h a ve b(.oc n Idded. llnd the hand. If thfl crllck he I)nl~ rt small one. It Is
I com pl ete and most up-to-dale pI Slon \\.lS gflnoralh posslblC'. tn rifN t I l a s l lng rfl pa lr
tho :.u bJecl of a bpood.! b) Ih o m lnnglllg ThMe are nl n Illothod <: o r ml'od l n1, tl f! rtll;.k('d
director wad(l fol IOlIID· I I llm:hco tl J;l'cn h)
v. I le r Jal'"k c l. nllmdy, by t h"
t h e firm Ilt the ~'Y (lSIC-l n H otel. )~cu u. mf'thod ft.n d t ho ' cPUlont ' method
Air a llen clu lined that former IS u!>('d ~ hen UIO c raC'k IS a 6mall
I mg, 0 0 'l 'uf'.'>da,
va.nces mude 10 reclproc:l.tlDl:; f'ogme.'S fo r ~ I
lli1l.''' G ~ , RnsT" 1 0! ~"'T
years TIe ,;avo m.anj strlkJUg facts of
1r tho crock hl' OCit marl, t.brIll 1-3:;! of a n
ecodno~~ by The useI 01 t hc All en PI,Sl(lO . Wlhd Inc h I he ID o;; t satlsfac tDn IDcthod 01 resnJ ti=t Itt on e a rgo po ~ e r s ta <.lOll t ey p3.l rm £, IS b :-; th e.
rust t. method
fitled a n r ngl nc lind there waf; a S.l\ 1ng ()f ~ Ill e" mu s t he drrl.Jned fmro the C1rcubtor)
W tOilS of c()'1 1 pe r 'I oek. B e In( Id pD t !!lh
I I d
mrlllJoned that dunn..: lho .,., or tho tlrm 5J :::.tem :m( tie n lln cnck t urnr,1:! off
P utt)
or lu lio ", IS thr t] pl,1c e(1 O\er Ihe c l~ck . h ut
made 100000 pi sto n .. fOJ IblrC I'lfl. llr \.l lcn c.lro must he takC"n nOl t o II I nn\ of tho
was t h e p Lrl!lt!(>r III !larrow ""m,..'s
l udlow or jl tlLt, enU>r The cru(k
\ "olullO!J
Apart from ml.ildll~ p!.~1 0ns. th e firm has o f !>.'ll.IIlHltliac In v. ti e r IS nexL r r epllrc.dbi g repalr "ho ps and ,~ I')OI'\Y bU l ld lJl>: de- a il e pou nd I"l / t oe "IOIer If) o nc b.t Ion of Ihe
partmellt for motor~ars I n Stallon ROIQ In.tle r-und tho lI u,t{'r :>y~te lll IS [ill ed '111h
I;; t.he ne w mnt()l sho\lroo w, aDd bclllnd tho lt S u fhcrc n t !HJuJd rrlu"t he u"" (] 10 fdl
ImmBns.e l:;lLfagO In (our,.,o of co n<: \rUClion
Lhe Jud cti; up abi:)\B the to p of c'-lick
It Wi ll be, .... ben fJDlSbed, tho laq.;est III tbe ' T hi\ sol ut'on 13 aJlo\I OO to remlt' O for bait
So n tb of E ngla nd \1I t.h iL C<lpaC ILV or hold
;!'Il hOI r . \\ he n It.!-. th('n rlnullf'(1 off and lhe
Deplorahlo as thiS 11logJctJJ hne (If n r A'll
109 400 cars I n "dchtlOtI fO clltrdnCEi:. !row en~ln('l I\ ln for a lov. Inlnute" to Wlinn the
menl may be. the fact 'rema'ii S tha t lhc s no\\
;1\ t
'I I
,~hlch opcru at ()I)mpld thl 5 \\I~(!k IS w ell
unmher boiwc-cn Ih(' CoUDt) Club ulHl lho \ JdC e
' IS p rO<!os" shoul d 00 r ep(l:"l l rd fOU l
wn r thy the .tlte n t lO ll of . .HC1 ) LUtl;l n eSS finn \'Y este n H otel
Of fi~o tlwc"
Such a rep,II" ' " , ery efi'ecln tc res tr r] In motor lnl n ~ po rl. ~\ C II Ih ough
\ 'Ior tbo 1r,,\ul toast
! "c, MIST >J Ru J.l't
the S)I M 'I' shol'1d not deem It. dcsc f\ 1llL'
oi ord ll'l H) publlClb
J H~ry SpecIes of , U a\\ es Drn p n~{:d ' n !'.dth and
motor f()r cnmmr>r(:lll l pllrpo::-.I!'S, f roUl th e perlty " to tho firm 110 'H!S tU NG 1Il ( I n tho CCL!;e of l.i. cr~ck .... hleb IS rat h er too
1:1. vl pl " C'IPftCity-.lS Il clIll:::.ulllll fi en.,:ln oor
largo tn lluJ(1 by th o
r-lI~t" ml'lhod 11 , ~
heallegt lorry to lh o } I/ut tl lHl ng VUII. L'lfl'
ho )!ce n and e:-':<:l IDlIlOO It rIO~C "<lnr;f dUrJng of'iVost.m.IDstC'r ft:. ' ho director 01 Iho local or ren pOl'i,,'bll 10 re pai r Iho di'l DlibC by the
Vo .... "r CQDlP'l~y
Stl PI,lied
(If ('1I ... t· .. I&el (;(!ll1c nt Thi S mr. thoc! CII(J~
the cnmlng' \I ('Ck bl th e \/fi ltnr tn Ol~ rnmll.
oo~ e r for Mcs r s \ lIe ll &. Sllll lllond:s' wo r ks
fo r nlher moro skill limn tho nliO dcsc nlxd
In 5Plte (II the '(11J ""noll''' handi{'H n th tt and,
t hird, ,IS n {li rL.o(:tQr of certalll tcchlllCd In the precc!dtllij paragraph, bill II IS well
t he lorm al op am n-: v. III re b) t he \Iw lster ]ourn:u
lb a loca l pe rson ,!"o he hid hC(:1l
\\ lthln ca paClf\ of Ih(: gre .l t maJo rlt) ot
of I rans p nrt SI I E I I(': ( , pdde.s- (lhl' last m,l n
J ho paint sh oulrl bo scr IPeO off
In Erwhlhl onll '!\ olll(] cxp.:r t II I ~uch a f unc . co n~ulerahh lIfl p re"sed bl lGC o ul"tn nd m.:- I Rllmteun.
e: ntplprl !>c of Iho fl n l l 01 >\lIln and
tho Jacki> t tn tho dI sta nce 01 1:"1 of IHI loch
iL o n}- 1 rl'pea l tlill !>h o w \\111 h ... v.ell "')f th
monds ),l r ,\,.llr. n's se lCDldl c Illind h dd p rn- .11 1"lI lI d tho cr ack lind ,11f f' d"e~ of the
" h i]'" ' blUnt;: 11\ 'lnunc In btl " ln et>s " hldl
dUcl)(i somrthmg Ilh lCh was lo r thl' oon efit c' uc k mu"t 00 hClullCfJ ofT ,dlOUI 1-8 ot ;"I n
In\ o l\cs ihe f'OO/eYllnf' O 01 gO()d5
not Dill) of Ih(' (lI!;lllecnnl) I\ o rld hil t fll"o IIwh
I' hl" ..,!'r\ PS .IS :\ tll on el Inlo .... hlclt
tmon~ t h e firm!; II ho
n:1.\,) d Cflmed It
of II lter ll~t lO n 11 I em [II be( IUtie , \\.1!'i (lis- to fo rc(> lhr tf' Dl(' Jl t
\ "h,tr]J chL "c l b tho
worth 1,1' I!P to '<('nd Ill!'. ,lth i1 oCP Ill fn nnl1
ImcH , prOO utll \ O of e<oamu\
ru l Jl u wt ~ I Il(:~ r Loo l Vl Cillplo) l or thl<; pnr l)OSI' . bllt
tlOn of ~b(: l1 axhlblLS. I Ij uol:o P IC follo\l . quolcd tho c(\ ~ 01 U1 en::. lfwcr l\ h{J It Id gr{ (".\te mu ~ t bu CXerCI"ec! no t to broak
lng- m,lll), Ihous.t nd s 0 1 ~.dlon ,., of lubnc.ltltl!-( the (;(I,>log
l he cemt;J\ t ill l XlUIO IS tllen
TIT£: D.!O,fJlR C01o.""J'\~"1 -'1T ~ "D is
ali fo r Sllle, ,lO ci 'l'" ho S lld ho cou ld uot d s. forcf; d IntO l nc c~ i<:k-l plll t) knife IS a
Tho D ru m ler C Ora p u. ns"3 e~hlblt WIll com
po.% 01 It bt>c.!~us e . the y h,)(1 g:Ot theso COD goorl mSlrum(; n t to u~f'--\lntil filled ,\hen
pn so three c;oJnplete Dlach lnPs. ~\. 2.5-sedlcr 101lJ'HIHl A.llen ·n1stOl!.S ' 0 :tI l tho 'blbe:." t h f> eemrnl IS smoo th ed off
cemc:D t
chIt'" a bane o n t hr. Dfl i ml l'f t I pe C], c h:1s
(I nu bbter )
IIMrs .,uou t a. d nv \0 harden thMOU ;::-hh
SI lt H' rJf ~SCrilS the luw" t In c.nar [,... bnnc d c
:\l r Robert .All. n .,":1"0 a H !,T) ml('festlllg \\ he.n hlltd the ce-m f ll! !.lkc.s on th.:l nropF:Ign t n.! equl omen t Seltl n<: fi\ e .Ibl east
sp<'(',dl 11\usl f<\1 c(\ b \ dlfl.g:rn"m s SU O\\ m;.: t he ertlcs of t h e w et .} rOll n d Jt
II protid e<; comfort:1LI .. "call n ~ " I ~h plen ty
ex ....ell cue e OT t he \ 11, II pist on
H I! sa HI
STEf:.L IhRRELS ~ OR I r EL g.roR~Gf. S
or leg rnom 'J bo h<)(h
bj P Ulle li nd tht"l) mctdo veT"'/' h ll{ <lauu;! , hut tllc \ ,o u ld
The IJ neo d fllol i t l ll" pr"-'Al'n t tUi)e ren
Chil lies, bUIlt lo D.umJN Sp,-'CID.ea \JoIlJo\, cun - s lIlJ!.;t.nn tJat(l th l'm
No attempt,., III. d Lec n riers 11 t1'Nl l ul e ly e.;sc,n l\.al tbl1t DOt II dror.
Sbt s of a II I In' I!", of lir st (II") J n r- hsL ""h,
made t o glun J l1 hhCl tv fu r th (·Jr In, collOnCi shoul d br. \\I.I..<it.c<J..
l'he wood{!n hUrTc ,
pIal!! s trcngllicneCi lllth Bteel r ane's T hn un t Il t h ey hll heen tho rough I, fi rmed by .,., h lch WtL,'" In 1I5~ for SO m an) J Nl rs , wna
h ood of 510nt ~a tC' rpr oo f t WII h a~ m eL'l l
rucbca l test s c:rtp.ndlil~ UHr II t;utticle l'ltb n 6\er ve r) "fllL~fq.etoD , and It Is Olen l e~
seon tat on; bebreen th e sticks \\ h }(~ h prevent
o n g pen od to ronde r thft3e of fea l \ o.llle
!'(J t o-day
11 WIll> nOI on l3 apt to lea.k. b u t
r<l.ttliog \\ hen folfl e<.l rl O\\'1l
P nt'llTnI.llrc The pnnc lol e {II t he Allen 'patents b roke ,t was a. m{lro or Ie<:::. co m mon Qtcur rcnC(l fo r
t\res .11 0 fittc d l~lt h mf'Chanled a n pump. nc\\ g ro llud
Spcllk mg bnefh <In ri ~c n e r- a. barrel to hurst If suble<'t NI to un:'. r Oll ~h
a not her pump bCJI'lg sho\\n a s a scTlllrate ex
u ll, sp rl n :;.: chokc 1)lec ....s hou"ed "I t hl ll the bU lid ling' l 1H~ comm:;, 01 Ihe steel ba're-I
hlhlt '1 ho ,,~o l, d \ elllci c a s ing !" d t-ck
pls lon l tv' lf or In a bull rLn J.i mnmllln tll", h11" (.."i' I t;,llnh dtl'~ n'(l Di l l ll'rs for th e ooltor
(Iulmhu . . "I th hod .. 1,\ Cll lls toollCr Dodson
fieC'tlO lb of ft ~e~menldl lln ~ III e;\o"e eOll tilcl
l h( bung IS In t he fOlm of a sele> " cap nnd
Lo nflon hilS fr,ml nJ,!; of F.n.:h s h ash nlld wl1h the c~li l ,flrr .... all
Il t h o B'<W1e lime tJwrcfo l O t ~(' r""'\H"d t.I\) Cllil he cPllc kly
J1 (JIJr II Im ln ~ of \m crll,lt 'MJ
lhe p.l ne l!> spahn!! 1IH' jULn IS hdwp en t h e se;,,:uH' ub
tnd "rctll el~ fittrd
'I I~ lH ln ffin I:::. 1111
Ire ()f 'mnclm("l.hlf' lJllJlhou rd c ' cc-p t tho 'I he e, olut wn OJ ,nrIOU S I \pcsof n ll :"~ from
d f l'Ci(,11 b\ (I, .tllg:~ ... In till' i.rUlI)(I'titi ro .lUd
fro nl h ul l hrlOd nn d hind {IIWIt 't p l ll .. L" tI' l~ hlott! lJI ITlCl pl... \\ o"hl be fl,llo \\ {'(1 III
..... atel t.:l~ nOl \)l' llctrll' tlHlrll1 hen({\ s Hc l1
" hldl are aluminium P oli .. ' IPd p i'> to glnss d lto ('Olll"C
1 he- compl ete> j.: IS tlghln£l!'.s 0 1
' 11 0" " n'.! \\n , tho fir ~ 1 rUtbO of II!'. ,1.
111 (' c.m be (;d J tf'{1 ll,dn In lo the h e d
\ q:" h:llIs hr drlNl d(~(1 ' nto Til!' i l Imrilg' \lll h
[1, ., l
\\hero (h(; Unctor [".11 Ilflr!,
I t 11 h us to
t1hlw l nnd fl llet.s ,t e nlOI d ed "Ith lllhbe r .; real
>;1\ 109: 01 po"e r Th(l DIU 101\ \' III It
l el!1,Ll n In till" open for somo d:lj s t he w!1
~otch to holt! them n ~l ,l ly II'l nOSl lwn \\hl'n
o t Iho \Ilen 1I1lg .. afforded a second \er~
tents d o n ot d p. irm otate
op(' n ed
An:1(1 st('e l f'llrlll[lPIll.,:: lorn ,1 1th
Imno rbnl S ~\ lI l" of PC)lI(,1 h} rcdl1clll~ trH I
llnrlzon tal IIPPlll,. h <)l"t fl'plc:-cnls th & e .... ⢠tlOn " l I()~
""T ho SIl ' l n ).: In C\ hnder ml \
RET ~ RD 'V HE ~ ~THl l'L"C. Ul'
h lhlt nf f l rl ,.:-ht !oodles ]I ., c Ipn<:llJ; 1 ~ l~O 't'I hcro \lll'rJ rln g<: nre fittHI 1'1 >; \ ( ; t \ s tnh
\~ ene,er }ou lie g01ll1j: to s1...." lr\ up , o n r
f'lIhl C lect, appl oxl mat"h I load nf 11\ 0 ton ~
mr:; fond \\f\ S IU Lt~r11 I proof of ihe p e~fccL tra ct o r IllllKe (~rl;"lIO t h.-tt Tne 1 ~'IlJl I(jf1 'S
TI l
mClll<: uf I 1.\ .... 1 rll"nt.~ <;I <I ' hl'< ~l' lt lh .. fi t of th .. nfl!,"", a.nd IIt: ht !01l<11 I n t he Cfl~Q rl.' t~Hd p,(1 II IOil full l('l rio 1>0. Ih,T(! b
d rl\rr cnn " bbln tlJ. p(d IIn ,.; lc of i'i J .. ... f( ~~
(,f fI moto l -<':,lr Cfl "Jn C thl:> i nct ~d " hrml j.!hl ('\ ('n hId hhood t hat t lr£;1.' 11 nno "Ill ' klrh "
III Hi MO'co nd ~
'fhls t l rpl ll ~ hOI <:t h
II lr:
Ilo me /t1lthcrlJ\ the flntl r e ab<r nrc {If smol e '\lltli' . . !' rlou!> II,..ult" to 'O~I' \l rlS! \\ hl' n
d OJ)e.nrlol!t llll it () II rI fmme Inri (on<:ls t· of t l om tho I:lxhau"t
In \le W (If ll)O Pl l.''''(! lIt Ih~ engine- h I tUl nl ll., 11 0 1111:.111 III ld II1(ed
.u horl wo n to.l c}lln d c r OpCIrl.t'l ng til ro ugh rl.
Hct l,ltV 01 th(' ;", Iook,> ul-'Hl.lunent III Dveme llt ' ,.,lIlI lon t he ,., Ol;( ttr~ 11\ lho c,11J del a
PI!'; tOIl r o!1 10 a clo s ~he"d at tI'e l e:Jr of t h e ttll:::. 1\ lS of 1(ldt"!<l lmportF1Dcl' j he a l(' l ft~e flll(tiO !l o f. L ~olld hofole Ih,· p l .... l o n IIll'"
C'lllllclf'r ..1 "n ull I £,e1l 1 " heel jltlm [l dlnen 1ll0tOI ca~ en":lIl e u".crl Oil I!l osl ' ''''lrf"JI )
r!''lcb&d Tl' v (nd o. tl \f' <:o ml/r~s . . 10 11 "o okc
fro m the gea l box II lWll r cq llilcd pum p .. t noll «h I he \\/I SI& \I as l'ot 1,cnf'rul\\ r f:CO;'
'11,1' ' '''1~n u ' or thiS lIm\J1 ~ IS t h l1 th6 e x
011 f rom th<: rI' dl Side of tho pI~ ton 'nto the
n1sod D.!HI the Oilll -cd \ \[1. " Ic:;:arcled as lII'; ce..
plO ~I Oll d oc.~ not tl\.:C' pi.l.ce I I!>I,lUl.a uC'ou .. h .
front ell(1 of I ll.., CI hnder. pu~hr n ,{ hlCI tlte <:~ f)
H owe,C'r t hco ('xpc rl e nci of til(' He rtel
,lI d thl rero le tho mil fo rce (If 1!J1l . xnlos 011
p l<;tO Il !lId rod J n el t hu ... rtl l" lng' tl'e bodl
IIlI{ CorpO',ltioD Tram\I Il ~ S Hnd :I otor~ Ufl· rloe ... not str lJ..,..,. tho piston hetl.d l!nul It IS
The dn, er can stop ,h!' 11ft fit !lll\ l10 mt h,
pnrlme nt WIth I. 40 hnl se- po\'cr bu ~ <:.h I",,, h
r . a dy iOl the do\'; nl\nrd mo\ement \ Vh('o
SImply cl ns m ,; tho Inl le to ~ t"I' t il« flo" of n n \fd !I'll t I"" Illl \" 011 \\ 118 .....s"'c ot lfd
th o onglne 1:. bl'tng lot ... slo'!\ IS' hOilevel ,
01 1 I <mcrt !lg' the h Ol<.t IS ! s,mpl e r ('H'ISO Pno r to the filhng (I \ 11(,D pbtOns nn (1 1$ It I~ ,\hen 1t I" (1111\('0(1 o'el \)\ ht,l lld Ihe
...n<:ra'[;10n :Inri b.. cl!o;;cngfl~lIl~ t he dU' c h ti ll"'" t h o Oi l rOU"" lnp Ll('J 1l "as
If) :2 ~:1J j iliston llca.d \\ nIl1d 1".., SllhJC ( INI 10 Ihl"! hIo\\
bo bcltllll ~n j pOSition ,VIth , t
lOIS p(' r ri ll o r 100 rulh·,,' n m
~ flel fit
l~ ultl'l' fro'n tho cxulo"lOn \\hllo ~t l ll on
(II l
l ) pc th . . . ro I!'; 110 lost s pnce be
Ill( nt t hr 'bu~ nlll pe r fecj]~ fUI fOltv
tho 1II)'1~lld "tlnll'
rhls tond s to In d.,~
;InrI t
ma)'''l !n r\tn ),..'To n cIIJ
I he
In '{ fi n,:. o n a total ('on "om pl lC'lIl of t hree tho fon gme " otk thl;! T"elelSC \1 ft'
S~U ct\"
f~attltf'~ whi ch " 111
<11l.ltf;; of 0 I I t 1\fl !-\ slIf:h rf'\Sults as thiS110...<; III I (',t :t. ~ dtn~ the sp:'lr~ 50 1:11 3.1; u U
the lO<Hl h<ls io hlJ a T(1enbon,L\ thOllil'h It ml~ht be--\\ h lc h m ll {f o daogp.J" of "ku::k'ng" IS o b\·l<Lt...'Xl
~'o und o r u nc\cn l'o.o.d sur
the dlrfo<'tor" 01 \1Ie.n 1nd ~Imm"nd" ( R e~ d
l ll~ ) l _td
~" n"fi f'c\ t hM t h (' .. W(:I e on thc
Tho Et.'l'llIgC r m.cto'" Ope-"":LlOl does all tilat
p.!o~ ~np - Sl'p;;p 52
r l'.ht lwrs 1 n t he iorc;':(l m g C:l.l":C I he f'l'n
6r:1 nUlnln,.. o· the ' hil S h,'H1 he~ n ~r e"tly lies 1n IllS VOI\ e r t:O e!lsnrc f uel na.!'i5lng
Th e P i'lckard :\", 0' De t ro't :\Ilch
U S A, ID:1Y Justly d 1'111 In be t h(\ plon (:O"'fS l mprov(.>fl :1nrl the dnvr>r'" c:qJl I'.""", d npmlnn ]flto the t: ug IHi ~\ I eI') I H gO num lN l or
ihrm , hO\\Olo.;l, d o not: npI>â¬ar 10 .:..Jpp r("(?I :J.t o
II a6 th.t t
It It> n n IIb~Q l lltl' hnlJrl J'\ (1~1\
01 cflmm(:Tcl\.l U\oior transpolt
rh e,~ ri le "
III" \ll tI l
1.1If'11 pl'<,tons"
I h! l'Olll l " I S iJJ(I t,I(:t. t h<Jt 11 1<: ('(jllfllh IlIlPOrtllJlt 10 IJlk e
Tecrdl " thr Gh(hlen ['() tI,. of 190 1 f ~(lIO !\c \\
pl f'(~l lltHIl\-' tCi plt.:\ enr du"t.-Inden flll f lom
1 0"k to th(' \\ h,t e 110uot IIll !': ,\h l n c II h i n
(nte ll DI:( tllp, IlHlu t.;lIon l)l[W
T o \\ a nl 00
t he ., P ack l rd ('n'ck" v. IS the ndlnlralTo n \ Icto r S Rn lt. !nl' chIef cngtnN'r t o ~l es~r1>
. llId \, cICOllio hJlow tr::np11 e r to tho 10"1\" o r 1 bn, n.> s \' eth~ r .....l !I nri Son!'i 1 td "h en d w t h . . . d a n~'~1 r.J lIlIolllng rilln to b e mlx~ d
.I re til1e..1
filt.) cOlllp <:tllo rs I II Ilm t ru n
r\C f } uI;:;-ht
f., Ou Hil le ..! rlln \\l lh 1 lorl") 1, rHlntHI ,,,th aIr fJl lel s l h""o tilte rs , hfJ \l e ' l'l :'.l I e
all C'XC'f SS 11l S't:.'lg(' \'a ~ kft "ut"'ld e nn " !! hed
room d nCl'r "h erC' llle m.'n 1'1 Iho ,,' Pn ck,lrr1 !TOn! 30 f) 11f'1 mOl lth t o "i (, :'tr eS"fS \ V{'th I II s.I f'~ (llLl (....~& the} bo cl ..~1. lh "d Olll It , e.rl
Im:llmnl lIltrn:ils It \lu I he r(,.:lilsed ho ....
Truck ' collecled It . a nd a t the end of the r rrd fl nd Sons had I<.lnre Pfl lltp n erl 1:'110 illr
thM Thornvcro n 10rMâ¬\" « (l n~ 01 their e Xl!;!_ tnllcn d \lsi the ai r b c.HJlILle of CCLflYlll g
n('xt dlly's 'run ba£<; n ne! trun~ s \l e re dl"'Ing
\I he n It. IS st.'u ed
that I t h no Ull(:OlllmOIl
lrlbutM to t.he '~IOlI S 1wtcis a n d to th o
tnr r6eult<:
At tho Rt>~ldlng 1'l'~m \l n} lblng to find that cl Mo (ou :! Ib 01 ;;a.nd)
!'n m p('lltGrs ' r oolns I(' ;t(h fo r thE> e\enlDJ;;
'\\-lth (n e xpl' · II' ilce d 11 111":: b ,{:k t Wl'u t'\" 'Powe r S t.1 tir.n thoro h HI broIl n 13 Dr.r m", h,l" dcc ulnl1la tAd III t he. r;t dn r
r llo
'NIT:> It h o llly rf'1t"-Onrtblo.; tlln! the P arkllrrl c . . .nt R,in Ins of fuel b\ tna 11:'06 01 tIle AlI",n lIlg a. n orm~ 1 dllv's Wi'l l k o n d~ SOlI
piston s Mr Al lc n dos crlhod tIle 'J raUl~ q \ Illost ... tLtl ~f.Le tol} rn (; o· filtcr I" tbn t 111
COmplll\ c,n [lncl II III _I\ C ~on nd ,.<h lrc on
~ ill(:h the. Ill! ha:. \ 0 p. l s.;. tlH nngh \\ flt{lr
Powl'r Sta tIon ,I,'; . 1 model ~to l \On
the <: nblect o r motor tr Ill'<porl
I helf old
l'hb a r ran;:::ement tlll!> Ul e" onl · ( k-nn aI r
:c\. >:"rc Il pOint III CODDcchon \\ Ith thc \.lIon
fllm}1. t r motto III I ('I{nrd 10 rn olor -cars,
ng But II I:. e,,;:.I'tltull to el i':llLn out
., Ask th(; U Hl l' who owns o nr " bas hf'en ~1l0- plSIOns nlld rl ogs li as that th e ! ,Ire erp lally
appbcable to eH~ r:'! type o f en,:we- petr()l , t ho h lte r at 1e.:ISL e\o.r} da) the ti aClO I t.:. U.l
n ll'men u .d m r C'glrd 10 ('omnH-.r"'1n1 I I'h ldcs
"Gf't tho I r ll ...}.i 10 fit th(l loh" Sn~h :l. Dh~s£ 1 o r "tea m-lo PUInPS nnd air COruPN'5- wOlk
t r uck, (or In,,i.f\ n rO, Ill ll b( fOllnd nn t hl~ sn rs, SlOP ' "hes n nd hy Irlllj'ltatlOn (f t ho
'I'fn: 'I'u..'...CTO.E Tn.u ts A.T Lr>,; ooL"
stn nd ]J) the shn p o of I!c. t, ro'! uliderlvlllg- 'Pnnelplo to r od packln~" 1n
T ho n :lci.or t n nls ,\blch v; ef(l condl l cl~-,ct
I I.JOno.oll r all ..... ny gellornilng sU! tlOn. <lS thf'
Pnr.k~ rrl chns"ls \\ lth rl.:10 ~ea tl'r cllflr a blnC"
hodv 1'hl 'l \ .. III("l e I" ce rt:.llnh the 1,ISt \vord d\! u::t rp.-S u lt ()J fltbn:;- \ll r;n r llll..' S . 1 coal at A..l.sih o rpo. noar fj ncolu, Il nrl ur t bt'l UI~'
)Il (;'c" O! tho R..Cl).1\ 19n cu lb.l rClI ~ OCl ct~ 01
]J) moto r \,;o;,\ch !lnlll'\'"
nnd Ill tl;;trntf!S on e so, In,: of to'rI' tOilS p C'r \I f'('k hud IlPeu SC'(;11
l.ng1n lld l1.\ld th o Socl ut y of 1fotnL n.Ia.ll u
SIX mon lh s ' t Mt bv t ho \d m ll <ll q
oi Ihc m<lny Ila, .. In '.}lIch Ih!' t l ftu snnrt
nn a Bro .... {'lt 110 k ,\ Ing-h ,, ~)(!cd com pou nd laeturcts ,I ' If I l'rudcr,." hll'o pffl\C(1 ;"I ll uu·
pl ohl~l!I (If Ihe d \\ C":l n he sohrd
\ hl lh
CjIl<1!:cl su ccess
l d o not !-.a\ till:::. btl
Sfol lit Ports mol1ill Drx:kl .. rd sholl c<l ~ s tenm
(l "o11 fi oo s'f of <l11I'n.1ln l<: will ho 'J1rcsrnt
flt the ~tnn fl to ar"nll ..:e t lln l!; a nd gn"(' f nll s~nlllg oi O IN ]3 pr l ~ont \llth practl<',,1Iij cnnse e\erj lUlIr.h tnc .... lllCh 'I I " compf: lln.;
II I ~ o.; OIl1 C lip to I he cxpeCI at\Oll!-. ()I lho
d e t<u l... b oth ,1 1th n;;ud 1.0 lh o pnue m.:ttw no \, c.! r Ind tr.~r. ;"Ind rt s ulied III thel l rc
oll n""I", b ui. bec;tl.l:.o Jc;:.,.-,Olls c~n be INl r nr
Cl' l \lOt;' o rde r:. f OI tho'nt 01 tho IIh"lo
and solrd l~ re wod el:::.
tro.m 13..\lu l"f " a..... \\rll .t.S ,.,ucc.."Sf.c.; 11 b
"1 t110 hi h "p N:ll O ll ~mc..... In tho D~b Ird
⢠\ nos -S 'T'\~"'1) 11
l [) n um r;m'~hh, slcaro ~hl p (;om p anle~ . !la' JII ,.. tc(} (-uri) I..!> 'et 10 E~J..~ auyLh IIg \1 1th ri"I \""
'rho Vlll r.n n (,~h lh lt C"on SL... I.. 01 ~ ,1 '<lr :1
t c:.too A llen rm~, reported rJ b,~ saV ing' of (On ce 10 tho tln al 1('.sul ts .!. tnco tbo..."'iO \1 , 11
n ot be pllbI L-.h,c d t or ..o ioo LImB, hUI Ono
banc, hppl n ~ \lu .,;nn fnnner',.. .... ag-o n. a.nd lnd lnc l oaso 01 powel" ,nd were. plnc.
stano o omnlbn'< T bo c h ilr. ~ han c If' ,,\ 20
Iny: la rgo ordo rs fo r fu r ther ii'ments lint' ma) !'i n thu t.ho col\ l.l!tlOn " 0' thl:! Inul..
Frale r :)11 t h e door!> on on e lOl ne
I he ri p- thl n~ h& would liJ.:1.I to r('lc r to .1m1 thllt I'<H O s'U.c h 11..<; gll\(. t ho t ract{) rs Lbe test or
t h "lr liVes [ lI e('..(1 not!-:.:.l) ,Inylhmg lhout
ping '\'! goll has a lorn rnHh o f stee l S ft
,",,11'<: t he ~...lgern ('lo;S sh(J\\ n b ) tho prln( Ip,tl
fin x 2 1 I n o l'en s nCC la lh deSigned for
tallwaJ s of Iho Dnlti'd Stnt<'s ot ~\m oncn to t h o h ;:;: hl 1.J1lt.! ttwJs. 5LDCO prlCt\ o'1;(!r)
m..a.chlne mileio VOl\' (l;"lSY \I o r k 01 Its a l·
~ l rrvlDg coa l brick s .5<!nr1 or n n y other loa(l
mike tosts of (',\onl h m g tho film ll~d to
.... lllch ('nil be tlpper\ T hE\ tippm,c g'Cdr I,., ofT!"r them Ono of thClr <llrecio l"'!i . )l r C
lotted Lo faet, 1 thmk that It \\ o u ld
n.ll w tlio ;to<KI II th iS section O J
l bo
opNntf'<] by thl' rnJ.,:lne nnrl can be (kmo ""lien. Vi as now In tho Sl a t!'",. Iud hrs 'repo rts
Vo lthou t thc dn'\el 1i":\. \ l n" illS Sl'ftf
lite Vi CIO In e ve ry " a~ 1\ 5 s<ltl"facto ry !IS theIr
t rw..lR \\ero uU1l t l.oO. altogoth ('r
\\'0 ull
Il, c rd.t.;'o bmc 10 elm r n load l'" 30 ~eeond s
know tlJ.:l. t tra<:.tor,. of O\c,r, ID d,(l ca ll Il or !,;
f'~-ven{1nC(l h MI r," \ 61l the m rCll. !:>Oll t o e::qlC<:t
1 he fllrm ... r's v. agfJ n I.. "'P('~I tlly d('t';lgtlccJ
Ii ~ht III.:.Id ,er)
c&'~ll), t he rc;\! test.
i'h e A.llen p I,,"ton Wit h Its fi ll!; " ~ a s a com
for CO ll,r;\I!.1'!C",I'!. of linn p roct llct anri tho pJcte untt '[ be) cflrned out l ho entire fi t· 'Iunu the) hal'O lo t3cklo rca.lI)
bc-u\ \
!'.tatlon 'hil S I!;. InnthE'r hp lC.!lh m terC!'.t lrtR .l1J an t. a nd t..hlls d e la ) s /Uld comniJ C;"ItloDs dhff SOlI
1 hiS v; a.<; t h o UIlle \1 heD the
c !'('~mple 01 t h c ' nlca n's a d a n t,l hl1It) to pnrare a't'OIdecl
Moroovr; r, t hoy are d e p e nden t ehnllna.t J(Jn of t.he; ma.c.hlUe.A look place.
l!cubr nr('(l s T h e 30 c", t \ nlcnn IS h ullt npon no ouL<;l d o ftrm In the proc<l>S of mnllll- :Som" 01 the en tr mts m et. ..... ll.h h fl d Iud.
on substnnt lJl llm p ~ c mhccttmL! lhe i:x> .. t. praf'..... iact'll rc c ve n tho r::a...o;bngs were flI:ldo III but: otbcf"'S f.'l...l l...,d to g Ive n. good a cco un t
tI ro o f B n b"h luol o r NI;::-lIl ee rm..
I t hn, I t..hell' own fo un d r} V;h lCh \la <: eqnlpned to of t hemselves u,;h
bad mnnlt.;e llleu t
f Ollr crltnn . . . r mono bloc f'll glll e !.to lUm by
'l\CY1"k m Iron
bronM , g un mdal ami nlll
and 1111s III ta bl l1ty for tho cOll(ht lons u nJ e ~
130 mm ⢠FNOdu. fllC'crl f'one c:IU\f'h crmtT'3..l IDlnlUill a llcl Its flll o y~ 1 ' 110 fi t l lllJ.:' ()f ~ ll ... n \\hl ch th ~\ \111 1' \IOr k l n;:.- '1 '10 l r~bt l aw'
type 1Jr.n.r d l>Ul,C'c tull fln<.Jtlll;;' type of j('ilr plstOU:. to prJ\ a.t..c o W11 ers' Lnotor-cRr;:; co u ld \I'll :; III s p)cnd ld condltlon
hu t thu r a.lI)
a .... lc.--the fin d rln ve 'being by worm- scml_ be ClllTled Oll t rD pldly,;'If' 1D their nf'W 1{ar
,ditch '1 8 had tho ho.1'3
(ll1phc .,pnlls:s t hrotlt!'ho nl <; \~I w heel !': Wit h age prenll<:AS, closo t o t. ho rflJlwn~ sbt lOn
p. l eu moro d dticnlt to ll ork thlln
\\00 1'1
'2() x ~o Dnnlop trn,«;. SIn:z!I''' III front Blld w orking Pit s for :::.I)'-t.} cars at one tlmo WNO ol:he"l"1 ~ ha\ e been Ul e r......<;O., Ono cou ld
provllipd fO I Tho(! total caP lelt ) ot lho ;!.Lr
t~ms m r(!.;lf ~m the mUlD lCatnfcs o f lhis
]udgo to II cl'rta.l U e~t(lll t I.S 10 i he; p e t
llgO ' \I1S approDmatcl:\ 400 cn r " Thl'Y hud tonna.noo sn e n b'\" each mac h tne, hut lin
ln torCGt mg \i nblcl~
Installed pI lilt for crnnksh.lft: ~ n dln h' t il th,l l e port IS m~de 'pu blic ] C;l,.Dllot ~ a}
Jon ... KSU"E ..!.. ... n ~O~S - ST ..L''''D:::. 1;. ~O 4~ , C"rlllldor
!;TInclln~ a nd "car-cllttlll g tu mul"
1I11j'tlllng ns reg:iird::. I bu ru el COQBUm ilholl
51 J,.SD 73
llydra uilc ' ::,olld l vre p r('S<:'1 ng, etc
TbE'lr o r th e resHlt o t tho dyn,unomoto r l ests as
In conlradlsti nctIon t o ihe ostnch ]?Olley m otor.boch hu!ldmt:' shop \1 (\3 t tl rnmt," ou t lo \.bolr drll .... b l r pull
One thin .... IS <or·
of the grâ¬'llt IlltlJorlty of exlubl to l"!i t b lS c n- ex cell c nt wo rk will( h wou ld make II IXOOO
tum na meh t hero IS ILkeh to be
tR-rpnslllg fi ltu 01 B u rnl ev. L ancashIre, sho\l s ShOW1I1J.i Oil the 8t.mrl the' had secured nt vel \ great d liTcr ence!) 111 th e a mou n t
t h o true SPiri t b) " hleb the present riepres
the Motor Show In NO\enlhr.r .;\ f llri ho r l uel r~fJ.lIIre.: 1 b\ t bo ,a n ou s ma l,C's pCI
"tOn I S to be rnot ancl ovc r('ome l'he V<lIIOUS appeal to the p rn at~ lUotOrlst. and to o"orv nl.:ro
c,f I.IUd plough~1
01 lh J
firm s for wInch M L>ssr~ Knnpe Me Lg'onts U~f! r of u. petrol drrro n 'oh lclt"l WitS all II;
('ntT l\nt~<I \\oro ablo Lo
p e rrorm C);\,;c L\cn L
In N o rth rust I anc If;hu'e rncll.ld~ ..ill stin. vl'ntJon th~ w ~ r~ n Oli Pll t t.ln!;, on thfl
Da.tml e r, Gafford Guy K ar n or :'I1a :n\ cll , rnarkf't cnlled tho "S.I'p....U-t>el:rol " Il h lCh \vork on t h o \llflav ~ I rnd and bad thel r J(lb
In ha.nd the 'I hole h me but tho find
Vulcan. W a mi G In th<l l'ommorC"wl \<: . had d e mon strated Its Ilblh t y to <dTord II fll ... l \\'ell
pom Lc; t o he cDllSldc[(ld conc{\) II t h o ru n·
hIde sochon a nd .:1..ngll s Sa nde r<:on Rchlz c. s a'IDg 01 appro:-'-Illlately from 15 ncr ccnl rnng
cooL.. cl,-na.momeler rn"uJt " ,'I n (1 m nln_
Ca l tbOl [>e . CbnlllloTll Cros"le) Jh..llll ler De to 20 por cent .:.\.....<; al rend y nOln ted out on
teoaocf'l.. rhl ~ IS w h or o ;I nu tnoo"" 01 ot.hcl'Dion Bouton :'! rnxwell :'!lor n s CO\\ lor. 'Mor
accoun t of the mag ni tude of thPt g round to WiSe ca.pltal mac hloes WI ll he fO ll nd to flll
n s O:-.:ford. 01 orland. Sln nrlard , S \I ltt and b e coverNi IH" ha d lx-en ohhR'NI to H'e neral
V' nknn At the stands of th n firms named Ho. bll t he f h out:hl: ho hnd <:jll rl sufficlCmt A tremendolls tlU Otint 01 m tclbge nt Illter·
e ~t 11(.1." ~ ho .... n b, the hlf!=:'O CI O.... tlS o j far
111 tho C01JlmprC! ill scc.boll tho reprl:'Selli.'.1
to IndlClte t h at t he firm of Alle n Dod Sim
fives of M os"rs Knape \I ill he In attendance monds (TteadlDl=:'). I,t d 'VII S n 'er\ 1" 0 and mer!'; !:IntI others" h o \\ I!TfI prescnt Nlc:h
the m t c.ll!fit 0\ lllCi!ct l\ <i~ :-00 gren t Ihat
throughout the Co rnmerCl a l :S hov., nnd I t acti\e one, p l,le m g' hefore the l'ng'lnf'f'rtllt!'
m."l~ bo taken as a. l or~o ll e conclll".lon lhR.l
" o d d !lot merel y tlwt ., :::.nmtlth l ng now " It prot'os t hlt the farm Ira.(tm I I~ !lo" be.
'\ b ltOI'S f r om tho n orth wbo m ay hil\o jho that ';\ ru;. a "~ ay s looked fo'r. b u t ' !=omethmJ;; como I~ rl.'t":ognlscd far ro nO(,'(!$sll \
good fo riune lo meet Olle of th e60 r ep rascnt.a·
Ile w " th ~t hl1 d Il.l rea(ly- ou leli) and uno:::.
t 1V9S WIll be, r~soll nb lv rerta lO of findln:::;
t e ntu.tJollsly-pro\'od 1105 V'liluc
tho e:s:act vehlde; to SUIt t h ei r r eqUlremen ts
~oecmlens of thfl :\J.len p lstonl<. wer o sh oll n
beforo ib ('3 Ie n e Ol)mma As <Ill tnno't'll- to t h ose pre~ n t. ~ho ~ e re w-eatly llnpreSfied
tion ln th o a rt of pubhcl~ the announce-.
Vl"Ilh the ~altle of the m venbon Tho Sav6OLYKPU:.
ment of Messr s Kna p e lU an urll O)O IO .t( "G. Pel rol lS a lso of great usef n l n ~
col\lmn should be nn obJect leS5Qn allko for
Many oi t ha VlSlton; vwted M essrs.. A llen
pronDclul n~ent.... and manufaclureTll
T bo and S immonds' W or-ks.
000 of t he Inoet m ex.hlblts at
obsole t.e and o:(J,'Iloderl Idoo. th a t the moi o r
t h e CommlU'Clal M otor S ho ....
n o .".
b emg
frndo I!>. hnlltcd to t h o L ondon a rea and It.
b e ld "nt O IJ wpI8, London. IS tlIe .. Vmh n.. of t h e la r~s t cilres o f Great Rf) ta ln IS
cen t " Pa.tent Motor H CW"Sa Boll:. d06lgnf'd
d I rectly c h a.lIe n lited by the enter-p n se of t h \fi
~ucceSf;fu l North I;y;hlre. firm
Bll r n lev
D urmg tho past fow " ooks a gnng o f and man ufa.cturerl bv U10 lI~ll · k n own local
firm of Wl l bam \- l'nce.nt. Castle Street,
\Ions n ovor c1al mf'<l. to he o nc of the U b l~ " m o tor thuw06 have boon opeTIlhn ~ v. I ~h
elt1es. no t e\ E>n hv It s m~t de'\"ou.d local Mnslde rable S'UOO('6S 1D tho v illnges o n th .. Rc.tdUlf Of course, thiS IS lIot a now, 80pat:not B u t the UI m of Kn~TIC 1". ce rtamly Bn.mpshU'(\ borrlonl of Ber ksb.iro
P ostn!.; ttlle 0 Mossrs Vmcen t, ha.vlng hf!e n !lI St
ono of the hi": onefl ::.etttn~ a n e:mm-ple :l}j Ol"OSperous d e,alel"d l'ollr men h .n o ;1t· manufactur ed by th~m 1D UH3 al the r~
quest of
M a.nufacture.
Vi hICh othe r prO\ In c l.'ll ngents Il ot to M"\'
tended fElllTll sali!6 At El vetham r eoonrl)
ma nn facturers os w<l l. could profitubly fo l- tn(l own e r 01 'L vaJuabln m ntor -ca r dt scO\ r ! nnttllaU\, cc.a.scd d unng the ..... :1.1 but lHo-fl
and se\ern l.
on gmo~ to U1Q oSh~d that hl ~ cn r li nd It ...
10'" .
a.ppeared Foo r mon, wh o h ad cupp;'ln 11 1II \\ lJ unclerstand . ha ve a lrCllfh bron rl e ll H~retl
t'1') 'l' ar 1'ho latest mode l to bo shown
m t.elestod t.h r;msoh M In tho dlii'POsal 1,1 l lw
lot.s h<,...(l .tl so '3.lllsh ad The n umber pI ' '''~ t [ :1t(llns man, Itnlp1C)\ emon t s ",h lch ''\'''tIl
Buy Jou r Wakefield ,. CASTROL U
lle1 both t.o the comfort of the occupan ts
01 the stolfln car WC'M iound III a el l ( h
Mo tor 0 11 III d nlms, fin d ll"e our
pear thG ,,11a.go Another ca r mystellollsh of tho box. a nd general m creaS2d economy
P a.t en t Self-Lockmg TnJl p rIC"O 6", 6d
dll\appeal'oo 1ll1der SImil a r eJ rcllUlst:ttl C<'~ .It all rollnd The box 'w111 be m ounted on
One tap fit" any C,lstr()J dru m ot
il.l 25 h .p Guy c b ll.6Sls. WhI Oh IS speCIal!)
fI farm MIa at MouIBln ro on SoptombN 151 11,
barrel -C C Wake field and Co,
nrl:1 pted for thIS 'Purpose on account of t h e
a t whIc h t be same fout m (!n h ad ly. '1
Ltd , W ake.field House, Chea.pslde.
pr69c n t
'l'he stolen m ot.or -ror wn.~ ~ (' !l I 1\ loadIng p uEIlt:J.on !'he ve hlele 11! com·
1 ,~to Wlt h C.....1.. V. eleotrio lighting.
travelliDK' m the d ll'OOuon ot Beading
London, E.C.z.
The llDw i:;dom or ,. s" .'l.ppmg horses while
c r oss ing a. bl OOk " IS ~eueldl ly a ck nowloogoo
a.s ufco n trovCI t1 b le tim them a le canCel\,·
a bl<>conditiolls wncrCl It mn.) hI} unfl,ouJablo.
:":)uch .t co udltlo n â¬' \ Idell t ly tU'liro ll te<l tho
CounCI l of the Soclat) of ~( ol<1l Ma nu facturel::; aud TllIders wh en It .... ,].s dcclded SOlDO
ulon t h s ag-o to ~,erse t..he o rder of holdlDg
motor \ho~ s by pu tlmg Uw CoouJl ercl.d
Vclllclo :sho w fil s~ and the ordmaq p a~s en
ge" car sb,o .... second
~ o body could rune
then fo r(.:So<m the prosellL condi tion of t h l)
m oklr trade . or, In other "'onl,,, they dul not
suspe-ct that, a brook VIas t h e r e wh en the,,"
31 rl vcd nt s uch a dCCISlOn Bnt o nce such
deCI SIon WI.I..'; Illad e t hc ro v. as no hel p for It
b ut to earn OIl and rrw. ko be st 01 a dublOW, Ml'g.un
Anoth()r fea t nr c In r..Clnneclion
~l th tll0 COm lllA' Colllll'lercw \ Velnclo ~bow
IS t h& oun ou s lad of enterp rise on t he "'o..rt
of t.he eXblh!t..ors at t..hH, shn ll
Tho Soclch
of Moto" :'!hnutLIcturers an d l 'rllders .... ould
appear to ha, 0 led t!W '\ a y to tho !nE:.:!.:plic
a ble conclUSIon :'l. Com mercm l Vcll!clo
Show ~ho u l d ad~ertls() Itself
beculIBe Ihe Commercl Ll VehIcle Sho" OCCllpleS t he p In eo of tJle (J rdlnllr) 5ho\\ .I t
Olympia, n Imclr fi n;t afield. lind b~tu se Ihe
H~ gular IDotor sho\\ 1,ISt H )U r , as CJOWdNJ
t.o ex:cC8S t ho conclUSIOn seems 10 h:l\ 0 hee l!
rcH c hed that the c rO\lds ~ ho ' '1t1;tt.(ld Olvmplu
lost ~O\(.:Inbbr \\111 ho L.. ea ger to tbro ng
t he turnstile.! thIS October
And thl: ex
hlb 't.o rs t h iS month have e'ldently Cldoptf'<l
t h iS Idea \I t..b a "OBU!t ", blch r cm!U.D." to bE>
Suppl(es ..
T il E
HE owner of the 11'9 Bean , . ill fmd It a fa thlul ffle nd for
The engme IS remarkably powerf ul fo r
Its size a nd carnes Its burden '.'11th ease up the most severe
grad ent:.. The cha::;::;'s embodi e s e very mo(lcrn 'mprovement, and
the coach .... ork 15 most pleasmg to the eye and excepllonally
comfort;;lble. Only by the adoption o f qua ntity-produ ction methD~S
end highly effiCien t factory or~~msatI9n can a car ltk~ the II 9
Bean Le sold at lhe price.
m~ny years to
Two Se; Tourin~ Model, With D ckey Seal
Four-Secater Opell Tounnit Model
Two Seater Coupe, wlth Dickey SMt<
Four Seater COllpe, All WCOlther Mod el
.;c,,,, w :t. (. -l"_Clllc..'.T10j ... :' IJ C/'I \L.VGL.1: CAS 51:
£ 545
£68 5
Head Office:
£4 0 0
£ 495
SONS & BEAN, L t d.
Dud!.,,. 2469
\Va{ld ,ms. Dudl::.,. ·
CAN J\i'l1J
rHE e LOl 'OF THE SHO"· Pneumal..ic T }rcd PACK:\RD
U ..,:>1" tltted wHn 30 Seat<: r Char. J. ·b.lt1c body. tl c l:l~t w ord
~! /D.~.~ Jc!llls~n
(,(amlftJ:lJ... ·r
Tc .-"" t
(i .,_ ""
COle!' lm.un
~tJ lIr ,
Sb,,,,,,, ·(Q:TI S
Scrl'lcl: S::J.T 0:1
lind \\ nrb
\\ HO O\\:\ S O:\:E
lNo. 52, Dl VMPIA, Oct.
4 -23.
TWENTY. EIGHT miles to the golloD of
petrol is n better.. than .. usual average for a
fiVe~ l)aSsellgcr touring car.
That i~ tue Overlcnd}s average-28 to 30
miles per 8a1l011 o,er hill a nd dole-and
many good drivers get mare.
The O verland i. designed and built for this
purposc. It :
-28 to 30 mi les to the ;\allon of petrol
-1, 000 mile. to the ,~a llon -of .,,1
-8,000 to 10,000 mile. 19 set I)f ty.tes
h ecause of its light weight (16 cwt.1 and its
lhlec point , uspension Triple:< sl>nnll' w·b i.h
make t he car buoy(U!t and eas¥--l?idiDg on
the r oad.
In every det.ri l the Ovedatod contributes tv
upkeep economy. Its springrn g protects the
mechanism, cuts down repair expense and
lengthens tyre life. Its lHud-bolked fin."t
eDamel finish outlasts l\ltlny coats of paint.
Quantity production, further. keeps down'the
Overland price : £495 for the TowiaIt"Cer 01'
Road ster. with c omplete eqooipme1at,.iodudiog
Auto.Lite Electric Starting and Li~
Come in and see this car of proved economy_
Four models : Touring, Roadster, Seda~
and Coope. An inte resting ""talolliW will be
mailed. Oil rc,quest.
84, B r o a d ⢠St reet, Read ing.
Attract Labour
to the Land
Make farm work as attractive as
CI ty work-as shop work- and
you have met Due of to.clay's
T he Samson Tractor will be to
your fa rmin g what mod ern
machines are to manufacturing
industries. Samson Tractors will
speed up your work, make it
Samson Tractors will
s'horte n your hours of labour, and
by inc reasing your profits euable
you to meet Increased wages.
no \.
The Samson is light, sturdy, powerful. Its :hrst cost is low and its
operation economical.
CO,,';(!.Jl/Olicure s
f or Orford B .. clc1ncham cnQ Bul:, Jl.Iu
H a rtwe U, C urtis & Horn,
33, Queen Street. Oxford.
\\ IL~ 'I
Employers sh o uld ~ t bt sarno !;n..'ICc IS
!;:tH>n whero c\des \l Ilt bn Sol , "!) dU rl ug
an..., 1\10 qreat e>..l:po.nsc b tJ.â¬!(os:::.a ly If
j)OSSlbl(' . It should bo ,I rco lll ..... hf'lO tlw
clc lfl h ns not to ll( ca rnoo up ,Int ( dO~'1
st.a..i.r:> 'l' holl aU tll at I:. ueeJ ....J I:::. the il L.
lID .. 0' a. :.Implo fl ck In to .... h](... ll Ih e fTont
II heel of thl'l bl()\do C,lU ho pushed
~n y
hand y m l.l.n " o n th o ~t~ " oul d I'll lke
t.h ls "'l am e ru[lIO}Mt< also prO VI d e- "dl"YI ill'; rooUl ~ " \Ibera the sllllfs c m t n k n off
.llId (h.'l.lIS" IH,t thmg" 1dllrh Crill be drlOd
roo.d3 for t hfl mtl1rn III jhe- o \enm ~ Ono
SlJc h f'olploVN told 1l11.' t h rl.t hl' s.<i\c(\ t he
cost nJ.lll;Y ttm~ o~tlr III not h n.l lIlg stu ff:;
.'11:1) t hrough c hilL:. and t hl'l r conseq uenco....
Care fo r the :::.t.ill IS U&\. I IOSf-l t I:. all to
on (Jmplovc r '~ Ix>.uofit to keep IllS staff lIud
..... ork peoplo h oa lth)
111 th o 5a'lUg t n cost
alono a. good hJ('\c1tJ I.., lIell '1orth \Io11ilo
Its '\.ISO
lJuquC6tionab t v Increased
I.:lll'LO·U ...I'S
e ffiCien cy
'I H E
S KIDD L" G DA....~ G&K
11: IS Dot the rea.lly \\ ot filM on which
t hc wotor-c~c1o 1Ii most hkel;) t o ~lud 1 0
lhl.s case most of t11~ Wil d b:l,s huen '.I.<'Isbed
toto lho gutU:u's.
1t IS \I h ou a shower of
u..rn fol.lo l'l' s (l 1101100 01 d ry weather th,tt
one IS mast: hkeh to b ~vo 11 mW1np I II
t h iS case t bA Ol ud. or 1100SSIbly ~PCllse. lS
stil I on t be roDd . and It 1S d i1tiCll [t lor the
tyra;; to g np p !'ollOTlJ
Vory oflen, too ,
"hen GnA has bt,'Cn rld m :;{ for somo tlm6 lD
d ry woo.ther o n A becom ...... som(m bat carel~ a.«. H)S:'arcls tbe grippin g PO\\ ers of tbo
b.!.C.k ty r o. Probably It hi ~ o ru IlUlootli. on
the tN>M, '" h leh ob"l ousl;y adds to tbe danger Alwa ys ndo ''l th tho utmost C'.8.utlOn
whe n t h e. roads are a.t a.1l greasy. particu_
larly when the m tddle of the r o.'I.d 1& higher
t h n..n the ;Hd~ Ot whon thoro lUO tramltnes
A momen t ' s carelc.ssne6S .lll8...V load to ~
...\1 ..i!l.
Built by Messrs. Ruston, Hornsby & Co .⢠Lincoln.
Sole Agen/s j Qr B erkshire -
- -
Tdephoue ~ READING
___· 0
~---------------------~__- J