Reading Observer. April, 1915.
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Reading Observer. Saturday, April 17, 1915. Pg. 6.
Image Details
Title | Reading Observer. Saturday, April 17, 1915. Pg. 6. |
Page number | 6 |
Date | Saturday, April 17, 1915. |
Edition | |
Publisher | Reading Observer |
OCR Text
the annnal meetLDg wh
Oun ond JUD of Wmdso-; the
au:led aDd tlultle a!.o preaent were
Colebrook F A Cox W J
9.unond sen FrnncLS :A..
Thelenberg F 6tTILtford
J Cumber F J BtMWell F B o1.m.ea
8m th D H 'Butler E T~age
Longhurst (hon soc.)
Tbe report for the year ending Febru:1.ri
at.alOd Our membership of 67 ahow â¢â¢ II ght
fOT t.he yea.r due to lome ha.vmg g ... en up
and the death of an old and respected
Mr Lester of W&l1 ngford
\\ th
wcome of £60 Is 5d. and an e~ll~r.~~i~
£140 158 5<\. owe are faced w th ⢠d
t.he ear II work of £79 Ibs due
heavy COlts of our pet. t ons l'e
m t.he Reading Corp n.t on B 1I
h&ye not deemed to prudent to
funds to meet th s cxcmord
at theU" rec~nt meet ns a lire al fun d
for the p Irpo"e to vh ch tho present ooI"'I,ou''''d
£;)4 12~ bd . &8 a tommen~ement
£26 45 6d h as been po. d
B Company
!!erder Beg1m⢠⢠t, ~1s to-day of the
the well lrno~
24m Buk
his proud bonour To bravo aolcijer
like th9uaanda of othan JD Fr-ance
alwaY' C&lTlM a box of Zam Buk m h II
Acton know. that tIIere 18 no UAefu l
branr, WIthout -'pbySlcal fitnelYl
because Zam Buk hu so often COli
tribuled to the phYSlc&l weU beine of
b mself and his CODll'&dea, tb.t. he bu
wntteu ⢠letter of gratit.ude to the
propneton of the celebrakd fint-&ld
H You can t place teo mueh faJUt In
Zant-Bllk laY. Pt.o. Acton
I bawl
ulOll Zam-Suk to. &11 ,..t, u .... laJll
to keep Frost btte -ut. and to tuN
S,r'1Unl allO fOf' d8aJIlr anlll quklkl,
haUnt Cut. fl"'Oft'l 'barlted wtN .ad
other thi"lS. Zam-auk
tndeed a
grand thlnt fcr6YeI"J told...,. on active
.. nlcCl te cal''''II" h. h ...ersack.
Lord Dnclo...
CItea~l~Street aD
1JttJennce of Sa J ehn
whb be v uiM the
dnee weeks ago
I know that
defea.ted <l.t the first hear n g by
on the Hat. 0 pr(lh b t on clau e
ham Corporal. oJn B II our sccond
our cEUIe "'ilL!! considered on ta
d n.tely successful
t 0 Fund
us Ifll6port
Meet.m~ at Br _tol)
amount ng to £'11
oe ved and ndeed
the leall acconling to
for th ~ most dCII rable
a umque
preparamade in the form
or wafers, which
ex els In the washing
of Iflannels, woollens and
all \ loosely woven and
dainty fabrics which are
liable to Ishrink if washed
by I ordinary methods.
cut ve t.hat. the t me was nopportune
above named a nnunt to'l'ether Wllb S,
from the p evin ~ year £12 2l! lD aU â¢
n hann
W tb the amount already
£21 lOs 6d the total fa. sed by ... oluntar y
but 0 s (or tWl! purpose s £3~ 1~ 6d
recent annua l meet D8 of the Nat a al ."d~rat,ioc
of Moot Trade s held n T ondon our
treasurer (Mr W J D Ve ne ) w~. uo&OLJllomLy
cho5en P es dent-e ect. for 1916
You w 11 "Pt."
c 0.00 tb 5 vel1 mer ted honour conferred upon
a.a one n wh ch. a:s an Al5loc atton we llave a
]\fr Venner Wa.3 a lso re elected a 'Vl9': pre
a dent and member of the Emergency Con m ttee
and Mr W ~{ Colebrook was elected a Dle~ber oJf
the F nance Comm ttee n each cue fO,lLpwlhr.
upon a nom nat un by your Comm ttee
S1!fb Nl
l'Iult-s jlhow genu ne apprec at on by our trade pa.r
hament of th e work performed (In behalio-of our
trade by tW(I of our n ost act V& memben wh\ich ty
ua should be very grat tying
Your reprqse.nta.
t ves to that meet ng were :Me.or'S F A Cox: W
J D Venner S 08mond lien W P Colebrook
J Fowles and tbe h on 5aC
In conclu5 ~ tu.
report appeoJed to member!! to use t.heLr lh uen~
Il.3 oppor tun t ell occur to obt&\n new membe
wh ch meane: It. one the Alaoclat on cauld ~come
ncreall nglv stron~ and usef I
lofr W J D V ESI'O:R n commentmg u~n the
report referred to the adverse balance wh
caused solei ) bv the OppOS t on to tEe B I pro
mated b~ the Read ng Corporat on wh ch ought
to do a. yay w lh the nfiation of carcaae.s
thought the n !>ult h nd j st fled t he I' ad 0 anJ
he hoped that members would III bac be I berally tu
the fund be flg ra ~d to pa.y off the COIlt.s wb en
bad so ril l' been generously met by the han
ta.zT M
Longl t'St.
Mr r ('I cnU1t!lT 1Uu d t ha.d meant 8. great d'" I
of '" ork to figl t t.he B II and t had of course l'
curred h ea v lelZal expense8
When the ma.tte
was before the 'low Counc 1 before the D,
lIent up a pe t on ~IUJ ,Presented bt 62 member8
of the R end ng :'\.J~50C nt on aga nst t~~ > elause but
thl'l.t pet t on never seemed to bave been bough t
before he Coune nnd 110 t he clawle WIUI allowc(i
tP. go fonva.rd The cost of the ~ppoBlt on was
about £110 of wh ch £35 had been prom sed r
pa d
Mr COLEBROOK referred to the generolU! act on
of the secret dry n Il.dvanc ng the money to pay th
costa and sa d t should be the r dut.y aa o.n AI,1Oc o,Uon to collect. t.he money at once
I t wa
reallv a nat anal quest on &nd t.he fact that Read
109 had won wo ld no doubt h an the effect ..:It
stopp ng- t beu g tr ed n other distnct!
The elect on of 6fficers wa.e: n ext proceeded WItb
M W .1' Colebrook be ng unan mously e.lecteU
Pres dent on the prot Oll t on of the r et n n g Pre
s dent seconded by Mr F A Cox
Speech.. "
10 suppa t were abo made by]l.1r Longhurst. and
M.r Venner
The other e e tons resulted lUI follow. - V ~
pres dent8 Mesns H P Bartlett W J Lumbe
F H olmes.. A H H oldst.ock 1 B P tber and B
:'\. White Chu rman of CommIttee Mr W J
ce chlUIlDan !'.fr H :\. White han
tre&!urer Air W J D Venner h on ~c Mr
W D Lonl:!:burst
bon a. d tors Me..5m!. W
Cannon and F St.ra.trord
The CODlm Uee \1'&5 re
elected e bloc w th Mr L L Rogers m the plat.:£.
of?tfr H Elmor~
Tho now PRESrnE~"T referred to t he great hon
our done to hir Venner b, h s h&Vln(l' been cholen
lUI Pret! dent. e ect oC the Nat onBI Fede at on The
elect on he sa d was absolutely ,\lnan moU! 9Jl 1
he W aR sure M Venner would 611 the PO! t a
w tb d shnct on both to h mseU and the Fedefa.
meetmg of the
erred .,
tho ll! Rel'led,
ihe ally
cde t
d H.W
~:l.nho:hi c"-:c,-:__ ,,,
d.y ..d WIll we are .,t"fled be read w tb â¢
c:! 2011 " pot.&t.oea 40s
Read.ftC Observer
A few week, logo the
~adLDg Observertouch ng pn the new a rmy pafd tr bute to the ex
rellent fight n~ powers of thel Royal Bc ks Reg
ment and qU9ted 8. few of tbe eulog atic con menU!
wh ch famous men at the Front had made concern
ng them
fn t h s campa. go.1as n
others n
wh ch the regIment h a ve part c pated the
Berkshire hoys J te ally covenng thcmse Vf"S
w th glory and undoubtedly furtber h on ouI'8 aWaJt
them A rea.der of the artcle referred t o who h~
come back to serve h II co¥try-he s a. mem
bel' of the old br gada -h~, M the re!!u t of t
kmdly fa voured ua who., copy of t he Egyptl<u
Gazette contain ng a. report (If the prcsentat on
of South Af1ca.n meda s to the members of ttl
Royal Berks Reg ment on tbe pll.Tade ground aL
Musta.pha. who took part. n the operat ons 10 th
south of tha~ contment
Major General Slade
~B t.hen comma nding the I Br t ali troops n
Egynt d str ~uted the meda s I He prey owly aa
dre8sed the roc pIecbl and what h e then sa d of
the Royal Berksh res app ! es equally to them to
the the best method of
ehtsJon Mr Venne.r -"---" ~'- a ne.w
p del ng meat which ~ been prepal'ftd
that. if tt turned Qut a.a good as the
eln moo t wQuld undoubt.eclly be & great
, on to tho t<ado
Mr SYDnT Bum 'propo~d The Read {lK
DUltrlCtc But<:herl lauoe aqon
That wu
DO m ean. ~6 firlIt OCC&JllllD Ion wh ch he had
the honour of .ubm t.tlDg t~&t tout
It waa a
gre.."\t ~ifiC&t CJJl to !See ~ W P Colebrook
11.8 PreSIdent
It tarT ed. h
(Mr Braln) \tack tu
the t me "fben Mr Caleb
II grandrather WcWI
one of t.he most enl ghten
c tlZe.n. of the town
Th.eD M.r W M.. OOlebrooE loUo",ed in his footsteps and t
to his endea.vonr.ll
that thBt Auoc at on was started si.xtee.n yean
He hoped t.hat Mr
P Colebrook would
fol ow the e.nmple of h II ~ther and graudfather
and serv6 on the 'lown
Mr LOD~htl.rBt aod Mr Cox had done much valua
hI. "IV CO to the ~ on "b ch d d .0 d
useful work for the abd for tbe commnn y
matter but he
WIth It
nlhti but he
fanti Ie
ap pen.r m
butchers were
lock but.
to prevent
when there was
would effect.uruly
meat n Wly way
ready to adopt t
Royal Soc elY or
would 1l"e811 \tt:.a.t
fcehng of mu'ch p de by t h ose of the Old Br
gade as wel~ as by tholle of t he r eg ment who at t he present moment do ng 11C1 much to m~ n
t;un the p rest ge of the dear O'~ d colours
Col I n t h e cot rse of his address so. d Col McCraCken OB cers Ni COs and Men of
the 2nd Roya.l Berks Reg ment It 18 a pleasure to
,me to be PNlIlr-n t to da.y an d I am p~ud that you
should r,a d me the compl ment of askmg me
to present you w tb H s MaJest.y the Kmg s South
Air can ml\d1.h:
I am cot hero as your Genera l
am h ere a.s y;our com ade- n ~rms who 2" years
agl) fough t s de by a de w tli thc ga hmt 66th
Men of your reg ment sened j' pder me as gurrners
a nd n acned th e guns "" b ch b ~d been taken at the
act on of G nllhk w th devo~ on
lhere l\ere ho newspapers a t Mao wand to chron
your dough ty deeds there we ~ no te l~graph WlTeS
to flash w t4 I ghtn ng ra.p d ty vour a.cts of h ero
8n and your ~uffe ngs from tL. rst and hunger
Men II teeth wfre set t was shoulder to 8.LIOU dc
t was 8eath ~ t.b h onour ",h h waa uppermost
man a mmds J
Alter detruhng the men II suffer ngs through Jad.
of water and ~a.king l'eference t o the wonderfu
marchmg on tha.t OCCR.S1on of 80 lon~ ago lJl)l Ba\d
Such lS & ahort acCl)unt of wliat
your gallant prbdea!8sors went t hrough m the darl.:
past and now 1 1 ~t us turn to the h appy present
Thc world IS governed by sent ment.
£he I ttle
medal I am abOut to ~ent to y ou 1S an emhlew
of sent ment 1\ 6 vt neless for bs m t rms e worth
but to you the happy :ree p cuts Its value '"
p cele!!8
It 111 & tokcn of the h gbest hono r rna
can receive
It II an aeknowled~ent of you
Sovero gn s approbat on t s a. t-oken of good and
faIth ful iiCrv ce n the prQscnce of the e nemy t
II!I an he rloom t o be banc;led down !to your lIonR
r he wo~d prest ge conveYIi & great. den
b ~ llS n the ~t you h llve won tHe dist nct on
1i0 m tbe preaent you h"",e ga.llantly tnamta ed
Ye&rII h enfB you W n look back. to t he lin
when at the handJII of a. comrade n a nns you ro
ce ved the K ng t okeq of h !I approbat on of Yo1.Or
gallant seTV1CC/3 m Sout.h Air ea vlt.b Justifiable
Forty yeaM! ago when I JO ncd th e (lJll[[lY
but few :qleJl oo~ld rea.d and WT t e j To da.y there
18 not a. mM m l th e Berksh res whol cannllt
those da.ys a. so~d er was fLn automat c
to dAy ho II an ~tclligeijlt creature th an
b<lto e h m 1'{}J. cij be can Iltta
r be w II
ere se Ul8 mtelLige C6 the nght way
often wondered wh vou t hro v tbe~e
gethng on &Slde an trust to luck
We alL
to work t hose whQ work wtel gently get
s not the fleet-footed bare gams t he gool
the pcrsevermg torto se thlL~ w nJ; tho pn1.o
II. sold er who began at tbe lowest UD~ of
der haa cJ mbed to the top IW.d t S open to
you to do 110 you have only to pra.ct ce to a.
extent self d en 11
thr ftrness
o~ cncc and
sobr ety-Il.U easyi n themselves-and UJlknown tCl
yourselns you m ust 8ucceed
Ma.y ou be long
spared to wear w th honour and i:l stmd on t,b
K ng s meda.l wh eh I m His ~Ia.JelltYi JII
~o ut to p resen t to you
-Before Mr C
aDd Mr G R Jackson
Fi eld ( n thei ochIJI')
Charles. Bel nger 14 Chelter atmet WIUI cbarg-ed
"\1\ th be ng drunk &bd d sordor)y
n Broad-8t.rret. on
Apr I 10tli -p C Blake Bald dMeodan t was stagger
ng along pug'rung people ..hout -Defend aut waa
bound ovef to tome up for Judgw ent f clllled uPon
and 'jvas ordered to pay tho ~ts 4&
Mercy Ann P a.n;onll School road T lehun
charged W1th 'Je ng d n.l!lK III O:r:fotd oad at
p m
on. Apnl 10th -p C Road lIt.atoo that defendant
..,.&3 h elplessly drunk and !lad t.o be t.aken t<J t htj
pol C8 IIta.tion on t1 e ambulance -DeCendant., was
bound. over and ordered to pay the coste 48
r.n unporlant
the Comm ttee ooa1d de~
IUppl,.. would be all
forward at the uu
10 lcL. 2d.. 3d. and 4d. packe..
ba .."ed
Mr COlnRooK. IElJ.d that
It is a pleasure to wash such things
wItll LUX, It YIelds a beautIful.
cream-hke \ lather. It IS more
tha~ pleasure to VIew or to wear
the fabrics washed With it. They
are f -delight.
IIIl d that1 10
of the kind
tbmgs sa d about h un the~ Wtul no £ear of b .
Imffe rug from .. swelled he¥I becaU8e aa a. seda
t on he brought forwa.rd relat ng to the slaughter of t va he had r&&d the nrunes of thOBe gent emen v. b
lambs and mOÂ¥'t ure calves n order to remedy tha h &d preooded b m n t he W S t on to wWeh thev
ser QU! 2;hortage of stock
He sa d the resolut 0
had , Iec!<>d him th.t day
Tho.. gontiem.u
WiLlI rece ved v th acclamat on and aa a. result the. were succesdul men of busmeu nspected in theJ.
resolut on would be brought before the Board of mun Clpo.lit el wh ch they 118TVed
The gre.a.tA!J
Agr c It re who '10 l d take mto ser au!! oonl! dera.- d fficulty which had confronted the tulle ha.d
t on tho sta e oe th : n~~ n.., regards the st ock of Lhe been the lOBS ef men .nd t he,. d d not d seonrage
coun ry
The butchers ~ ere w U ng to forego them whcD they knew they w lIhed t.o go
Me W M COLEBROOK toasted
t.he r profits on ea.! and lamb n order tha.t the
st..ocks n the country would be mproved
Whe Mr LonghW"Kt who he ~ d WRIII the mattlsu)
W th regard to the raJsmg o (
he Board of A.gncultuN ba.d ⢠I'IChernlo! of the Assoc a.t on
as he be e~ed they would Reading would be proud the mone,! tq me6t tho costa for the r pet t OD8 n
o t he Inflated C la.U86 h e offered to daub e
to know they ere n a.t. t.he beg nn ng
of the oontnbut on ra sed that da)
Mr V} NER sa. d the e was no doubt that the,
had reached a cl max 10 t h e trade and had to
'dopt somo met.hod of replen l!hing the IItocks n
the country
He kn ew that mea.t; was mported.
by t hOlJliUnds of tons yet he had always mamtomed
tbat there WM runp1e room for t he r- own agncu1
tur e:ts to breed m om stock w t.h a.dvantage
tbemeelves a d to '\he commun ty
He did DOt.
see why he Government shan d ftl.Cllitate the ex
portal. on of foodsluffs to Denmark and ltoLnu. Q
ut. the I:!rpensc of the Dr t sh farmer
Thel OllCA BMngs back Its glos.. lustre chann
t on was hO\li VOCrt:! they go ng to r eplen sli the
and gets nd of dandruff
He thought the Government ..]Irere can
tem}lat ng g v ng prom UIruS and bonuses to tbolld
poop c wI bred stock and that would DO dOUbt
To be po~o!d of a hea.d of hea...y beautiful
be a good th ng '1 he p event on of IIta.ughtcr ustrous 13.uffy waY1 a.o.d free from da.o.d ru..'f u
(If young c< I cs and lambs for & seR.!50~ or two tit ma.tter of ullm~ a. li ttle Da.ndenne
'1 be present dear !pr os of
voold aJso do good
1t II easy and tne:r.p6us ve to h .. ,.e- n ce soft hur and
neat WIl.8 a very ser GUS financia.l problem fro 0 lots of t
In.t get a. 1 1, bottle of Knowlton II
tbe r po nt of v ew and he ventured to 8ay tha bandenne now-all chern sLJ reoornw-end tt-a.pply a.
at the prege t. t me tbere were very many butchen! 1 tUe .. direct.acl and w th n fen mu utes there will be IW
who \\ 6 e co duct. ng th e r bus ne.. w thout &ny fLppea.ranee of abund&n<le freehn_ fiu..m.n- and lUI
P 06t
lhey must cheaper meat and dnr I ~ llcomparable glo... &tid l u.tre and tr y." vou ....ill you
the ('Om ng jear they would have to get the very CAllDotilod ⢠trace of dandrutr or falling hait but
real 81lrpnse will btl a.bout two wee.k!a use
best adv ce all to how they could rcplerush th~ your
wnen you willaeo ne" hAir- fine II.nd
at tintheres of tbe country
yea but really nel{ hair-'p!outing oat al OTer yoar
Mr CmUIF.R asked who.t W aA the p roport on of ecalp D&ndenne II! we]jel eve the anI} .ure halr
meat mporWd
to the country a8 compared to gro-.ver destroyJof d.ndrulf and C1U'e .Jor Jil:ehy aca.1~
that wh Ch was b ed here';
and t bnflr fail. to 8top falling hair.t o~
Mr VR."NJ::R repl ed that It was abont 37 pe"
It you want to prove how pt"e.tb and aoft your hair
really ta moaten a e.lo~ WIth a 1 We Dande.nne alid
}.[r COllB:n. a!'.kcd f the pre&ent me n pn~ carefully dre,,, It throll£h your ba.zr-taking one amall
wu nnt due to that Core S!l supply bewg diverURl .trand at ... time Your Mir wi I be toft glOlll5Y and
be&trtitul m J1lIt .. few momenta-a delighttW aurprute
iron the butcher- to the Government. 9
.Mr \ E..... St;R repl ed that tha.t. no doubt wu a . "' lUt.I .."eryone who ttiea thia
ca.use for the Government had become such " Jarg\!
purcbuer m order to feed the &rIDy
But be dtd
not th nk that was all for the home supply. Wf,1S
undoubtedly gett ng sma.J.le.r
M.r LoSGIfURST thonght. they ought not to be
10 dependent updn the fore IP' aupply hut abon (.0.
TO '!'JD: :KDlTOlt OJ!' TIDI
B&lDIlfG mum .....1t
!lee to gettmg a. lar$er home flupply
8 r .......Ti I qu te r eo!nUy the amount of fpo(!
Mr Gu)un::.a sa. d they wanted Pari a.ment.a.ry
reprC)6entat on 1 order that thetr mtereate could g ven to the
ca.rual paupers
waa n8Uflk ent to
be more clol!Jely wa.tched.
keep" man (or &n1 length of L me f rom alarvat ad
.Air CoLEBROOK sa d he bel eved they would bfn:e Mr Herbert Samuel hILI! huma.ll c y lSSUed a.n Order
had dearer meat apart from the W&T yet b" mak ng ( tbe d eLary less bad
Untlapp Iy the
thougbt the Dr t a.b Ca rmer was Rot 110 IIlow as h e
Far ogdon Bolnd of Guard 80na has actua.U,y paased
WM generally 8U.'pposed to be 1he mcrealled p rIce
of whea.t had brought. a.bdut a.n ncrea.sed ILCt'e&ge So raaolution aakibg thil Local Govern ment Board
be ng lIown th u; year and he tho gb t th ..t n n\< to DP.(:M..UK tbe r"lt 01U! [or the ed men
meat W!\fI dearer the same lh ng would hap~D 'W th and L& s c&Olut on a bcUlg C l'Culated
ana for 8upport
regard to stoek
It would undoubted1y eneou other Un
d etary wb\cl1 t.he Far ngdon Guard .na. W sh
~ the fa.rmer to breed and foed more 8tock
11 aa foUln". :MJI l' BA..VClB ra 8ed the q,ucst on of ce for the
and Brelllr:fMt -B£Ud 80s marganne
commg IlUmmer and /\liked if tIoIlf mformati.on coUla
1 01 Bhell oocoa or btoth or gru(ll
be gl.en as to whet.her the pr rea were gomg too
In g- vmg a report a.a delegate to the Nat ona
AslIoc a on Mr F A Cox mentioned the rewo u
WEDNESDAY -Betore Yr J W Marti a. ( n. the
chair) and Mr W Poulton
P'ra.nk C Jones 43 Kend r ck road W8.I!J sum
maned for not hay ng tho dent 6cat on p Ia e of
h18 motor ca.r 8 ffic fmtly
lum nate<! at 8 p m
on Apnl 5t.b ~p C Harman gave ev donee ofi 1;be
bifen6e &nd 0. letter was . . : from the defendant
who was Jined lOr; rclu«i'Dg coats
~d 'D.t''''bu..
or W
er Ma.
Co lonel
.nd ColoDel J E.
My Tired Feet
Ached for "TIZ"
makes tired swollen, Bore
persplr'lng feet feel
Juet coJ)ldn"
v.alt to taka
my hat offl'