Reading Observer 03-1916
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proved by
ma.oe Margarme, last
and .larger than
It was m thel8 woOds I first
the making '1 hia mduBtry. to
events ,lven lID.~tU8, has
WINGSmemory of snoW'dro~ growmg WIld
j>r<lfu,non by a lane Qe&r }'lthendge Hill
to re VISit that most clia.nrung spot
. .
. ; ..
erman made his
fpr me, an lID
ferry boat &CroIIal the thorne. and I
n the Orlordahire bank
a POInt
' t:.
suppllLl1ted that of eIi",r leg
the Chlltem beech wOod. ~re{-;;:;;;;bi't:';.
aSide. from the road my J W8.Y
on~e of
the roughlYj made Bh(l,ntIes 'Wh~re ItD.e work 1S
calTled 9n t BelDg S.t~a:r and w"1U paat n n
no warkt1waa then m p~es!, and I stayed to
on .Ii. w~rkmu.n·s bQnCh ..... a.nd vJew.W the nearer
scenes through the curlIng smoke I wreat.ll:ea of 8.
remlDlsoont pipe The stool on whicll I At was a.
beech pla.nk about four feet ill lepgtll and had one
end broader thlln the other The broad end formed
the workman s seat, and the n~0"fer part was
to Path Hill As I to6k the Da.rroW
fitted With 8. frumework axled neros. the bench
~~'BBII1"6. by. the feet on the lower part of th. frame
rIver towa.rds the hills a trio of wIld
part fitted Wlth a toothed
m the WIthered reeda near the lilone and
the workman, and forces It
m high gled flight rose wen abOve the trees to
bar on the bench thus
m Ie.. tm:e than I take tq wnte of them.
The wh rr of theIr WlDgs or possibly the nng of
heavIly nailed boots on the flmty! startled
B host 0 pigeons feedmg In a field! close by
birds ro e Wlth a. wmg sound not ~hke the ru.ttle
of cia pen used for scarmg, b de from com,
but th
the DOlSe was mnltlpIt
ThlB 18 a
sound p~lar to wood pIgeons at ithe commence
ment of any Budden flight, a.nd IS due to the qUick
contact of wmg feathers dunng the first few
the~1"1Se APP .... ntlf the shy bird,s dId
locate the donger 'II!!]'al which had
sent ti..~ akyWards for as the dense flock rose lt
wheeled m mterlacmg curves for a full ha.lf mmute
overhe , as if Its umta were pncerta.m. where to
fly for ~afety, then on SWIft WIngS With a sound
~e that l'IVen out from 8. Wlod swept field of
grbwLngl gram the slate-grey assembly made for
wlth a.
makmg commences WIth
10,[s m proper lengt,Â¥ from t~ee8
TheBe logs, of. course, vary in
the typo of p'eg r.quired the
thirtee. ond " I half mche.
are three feet or more 10
splIt by axes moo pleoes
are 8haved down to the
'lent Jleggers gener~ll:r work
In pall'S or threes thus distributmg Iand varylD.g
the work Two I!kdled workers can make from a.
thousa~d to eleven hundred of the smaller pegs m
a day belwecI> them, and the paymeut, bemg .t
the rate of fifteen pence per hundred thIS means
good week s The pegs when fintshed,
stacked III loosely croI5scd rowa a.bout lthree feet
hIgh and 8.T6 left to dry for a.bout a. fortni,;ht. or
more, as deCided bv weather conditIOns And,
~ter mBpectlOn by G overnment ofllclall!l who make
frequent Vllilts to the woods th~y ca.rted to t:h.e
neareBt ra.Jlwa.y statton The work of malung tent
pegs engae:es alII\,Ost the whole of tlle availil.ble
male populatIon of the d.i!dnct thll8 aceentuatmg
the demand for labourers on the land m a distrIct
where labourers are few
the beedhe. on the hill, and lllougi\ too far away
to hear! It I well r ..lised tha.t qUIckly le.selUllg
rustle a theLr settling, 8.8 each bU'd m successIon
chose It lofty perch and Bat m a. 81lence hstenmg
recalled .. walk I once took throug.
long lJDF! of beech trees upon ~ulli&m. Hill where
a. tlock p.f pigeons had kept ahead of me by alter
n.te fh~ht and oetthng, nght through the whole THE END OF THE QUESTlength of the wood
Making my way throug\l the beech woodB I
descended to the valley oeyond which lies the
PLOU~H LANDS.i<leply nBlDg knoll known .. WIIhendge HIll
A f. y.rds up Palh :alII a sill. gives access to Her. al the borders of Ihe vIllage green are the
a. cha mg pathway on the nght
.1.hlS narrow few cottages the IOn a.nd the I5chool w,1uch
and qUl9kly rl8lng way runs between rustiC fenclDg
for & tew hundred yards aDd reaches to a. lanewa.y
lIttle u sed by wheels 'lbe path Wlla ankle deep ill
beech lerva, and some of these as e step
brushed towards them took a momentary ffight
ahead as if m play and lD & fi8.1Sh there a.
memory of drifted beech leaves crowding the trail
on Pllo~ HIll .A tum to the left carries the
to a. gr~p of cottages ugly and modem. terms
which Wlt.h, respect to cottages ma.y be sa.rd to be
a lmost synonymous
A.t thiS pomt ill) route
t\U1led right and by a. qUIck descent dIpped aslant
to ~1 valley which on the right band ended In a.
One field of ploughed land showed dark
reddish brown on the opposutg slope as the lane
dIpped to the lowest lme and was In plea sant
M~!!rs Bathgate
the ~rn m~ket )8
The Amencan
after a. poflod of
lD N orib America.
a.ll thtn25 Into
they had a t
to refer to
together make the hamlet Along the valley to
wards the north west the woods contmue for
8-bout two mt1es A narroW' laneway skIrts these
woods and nnder Newnham BtH runs through
them for â¢â¢y half a wII.
And there I found the wIld enowdrops
Journeved :£utI t"\lelve mIles to see and
a.galn i carrled memorIes of their beaut.y
I·Y CO.,
The Very
Local Atldresses
51 & Oxford Rd. }
and the
be renewed
"I-j S ]
s favourIte expression With many of
"e [ 80methmg really unportant
Hos l
well as by 160 Voluntary Wa.r
Depot s were ba.rely a.dequa.te to meet
dcmamdl, when there was not much fightTng
now th.t the greal German Ihru.t
There were three summonses fo(, fadlDg to c0mply w1th :the restrICted I ghtlDg order
But.ler Zlnza.n~treet was summoned. n re~pe c t i.e
her dwelling house -She S8Jd the r%m from .".hiah
tho I ght was VISible was 04X:UP ed. by
When he learned. t.hat a !>Oheem an ha.d ca lled he
went away wlt.hollt po.Ylng fOJ a week s board ... nd
lodging - The Cha rman saId t he ma.g stratcs would
be -...ery len ent. 10 VI()W of lhe C"trcu rn:;w nce~ III tl
would let defendant off With 1L p<l.,7lncnt of cosu;
bound to be a. Jamenta.ble
4. 6d
WillHLlU H Soundy was summoned It! rcst>ec t to
the office at the Abbe r Mills -Mr Sh~rw ood u e.fended - It appeared that there was. no 'b lmd to
the WIndow tbe J ght..s WCIe sl adell - :\.
fine of 30s was Imposed
Hatry &lomons was summoned lD reflpect to hlJil
I workshop at 40 Queen s-rond and was fined 30s
Wllham Gilmore 100 De BeauvOir road a. b,,,
CD t fact ory labolU"er was fined. ~ for cycl ng .... It.b....
out llg bts - Defenda.nt was pu s lung h s b cycle
and was under t he. JmpreSSlOll lha.t that.. m ad e AI
Emily Boyd 13 KlDg s road Cavernham wo.
.fined 5s or five da.ys for not se ndin g her 80n St tn
loy a.ged 11 regularly to school Hen ry Ru th 17
Silver street was fined 5s or .five days for hiS
daughter Pha!be aged 7 Ka. te Woo 1 Down!\l
road. T,lehunst WQ.S fined 56 or live days for JlJ~r
lion Begtnald aged 12 -Mr Geo Phipps SuperlD
tendent At.t.endance Officer of the Educa.tlon CO'fU-.
mlttee oonductOO Lhe proceedmgs and proved t h.
IMONDAY -Bflfon Mr C G F eld (m the chILlr),
Mr Edward Jaek50n Mr M H F Sutton ltIaJol
G S Abra.m and lIT !\ G West
I There we re two further sun mous es und er the .t&t.rlct.ed 1 ghL ng order
John Baynes 98 K<mdrlck road was Runuuoned
~ n rP..specli to his dw.elhng hou&e -Mr F
!\ S;1I
~ e.a.nt and pleaded ~ilty
He explaIned
~ Mr Baynes was a. specml constable a d I ad
prOVided blind s for all over t ho .house or shad e fOI"
the JIghts
It was not. hlS fa.ult to the 51 gbLest
neg-ree but was 0" ng to tbo se rvant nol. pull! If
1:Jown the bhnds -'111e Chll.trIDIW remarked t hut
~ he servant could-be proceeded a.gamst. as bel 19 t\ u
r,erson In ehtl.l'ge of the lights - :.\. fino of l Os II
clU1;IV6 was lmposed
Messrs Bradley:and Son Ltd 4 'rhe Forburv
were summoned In respect of theIr workshop - P C.
Thompson ohserved the LiCht. from tho roof of nd
1aeenL premises - Mr R \"'1 Bradley sa. d 11e Jlarl
~n to the II. ghts every ~veD1ng ~r&Oua1l'y u t 1
I lus oortIcula.r evenIng wben be was 011 special
i!onstable duty -A fine: of 2t)s was lmposed, lht)
Obal.rma.n agaIn rerD1U'kmg thlt.t the fortltnan \\ hoas In charge of the hghts was also ltable
2632 4th Batt IT F )
17471 6th
10120 6th
12.).>8 6th Ba It
filh B.atL
borough now closely approxImatIng to the num
of mhablt.ed houses, 2 286 addItIOnal cooltf;lr8
'.::.~!~~;~.:o~~-: near ber
'1 he
somewhat a.nd fires had been fixed
a.round WlIlJ
the_uD.t¥~erin,g; d,.cr.e ·t·hat Death shall
yea.r s leaf
reluctant to uau"" another!
although unlocked had not
A.rthu;, \ L Ford of Woktngham adm tted dr ...
Ing a. motor oar With head..hghts contrary to t hEt
restneted lif;h.ting order for vehIcles n Broads.treet Readtng on Februa.ry 22nd -P C fh.o.mpson sa id defendant. had a pIece of 'brown Jl~:pe r OvCl"'"
hIS hoadla.mps Saying he eouId not get b 1:1 Side to bum -A fine of l Os was lwposed
D \ Y - Beforo Mr J J Cooper (In the
chair) Mr A H Bull Mr W M C<>le.krook and
llr C :g H ewe tt..
Cha rlcs Roberts of the SUD. Inn Cut~t,. on emand summoned fOr refusing t4
flUrDl::;I'l Iccommodatlon for 27 horses blll&tOO upen
~ rn In pursua nce of bhe Anny Ac t 1881 - The
(j:h ef Constablo mlormed. the Bench tha.t the polK:o
q d no t mtend to press the ma.tter f n t her,.- Mr
.ijrsm satd he would nob l)rcss far a dec S ou Llld
t~e case was therefore dlSWIssed
I Guthrie Allsebrook of 29 and 31 Crowo-«treet.
was summoned for fa. hng 1.0 properly ohocUtc the
ht:ht s of a workshop OCCU.IOO by blm a.t. 740 D ru
on February 2'lnd
Frcderlck Ford 18 Atld.leystrMt was summoned for ( l like offenco VI the per.son ha.VlDg control of tho worltshop ........Ford did noil
appea.r and Mr Allsebrook Ipl~aded ,lllity - p S
Thompoon sa.ld t hat on tho mght lU qUel>t on ~lfl
was on the root of Messrs H~tley Boorne and
S~venli a.nd saw a hght co~mg from the yud oJ'
defendant. s premises
He ~ent there and found!
tI e lighL cOlUlng frOID a glass fron t. 20f t by 4ft
and InSldo "'Were fivo lDoa.ti.descent hghta -D~
fend ant saId ihat he had had the II(:nts s haded
but 80S they were on Uf"g6nt ~o rk the lighti; wel''O
mcrcasoo to allow them to see In the y&rdAlisebrook was fined 20s an<1 Ford lOs
Herbert Payne 54 Orts. ad \ was summoned
fo[ a s mllar offence - p.c l1.i ayes s th.a.t de
fend .. nt had a fried fish shopli n wb ch Wa.<l an In
ca.ndesc-ent hght unobscured 6hlnmg thirty :yards
from the shOll -Defendant wa.s fined 40s
The annu.t me.llIIg of the .tockholders of the
Readmg Gas Company was he .... at tli~ offices of
the Company; on Tuesday" 'rhe report l !>tated that.
the Bales 01 gas durmg the year showed a substan
tlal mere ... of 44 514 000 cubIC feet Dr 6 44 per
cent t~& number of gas consumeIll WIthin the
Frederlck Sumpter a labourer of no fixed bode
was ch&roed With wea.r n", tI e u tllform ot a. H lL
Army a.fter hIS dlscha.rg-e - He pleaded guIlt)' _
Sergt. A Gardner P onder Depot.. IWad DO" S olle
to seemg prisoner wear ng the umform n "'Oxford
'Vhe'lL 6oldlCfl:I; were d .scharged t.helr unl
form wa.q taken away a nd pn vat..o c lothes ss.utd to
thorn - Prisoner sa d t.he clo thes he WlUi weanng
were Jns own property
The.t e was no cref>t or
regimental mark on them and he d d not kno ......
thaL be was do ug "Y;rong by "'carlOS- J,hem _ <\ fi 0
of £1 or 14 days ImnrlSonme nt n <icra.ult wa:t
hy the Red Ceo"" and St John. of
year S VIgour Beemed
to do WblCh we fool we have rather neg I
I s very seems to st.lmulate us
feel that we ca.nnot get to WOl k too qUlckly
could be ~uoted for the appropna.te
~ppli;c&tion of these words but none lD which they
more tr Ily used than that of supplymg
n eceSSitIes for our wounded soldien and
of our ALlIes
The War Office Issue
SATURDAY -Beforfl Mr G R Jaclason (In tJwt
cha.lI) Mr J Rabson and .M S R Wbl!.,loy
Daffad. F""
streeL Mr Churcb Friar street The Poocock
Broad trcet Messl'tl W K l,'by and Son Oxford
street M 1",' A. A Phllhps 'ChrIst Chu,rch road
Bull otel Royal Oak Mr RvdlH ThB Arcade
Prmee of WaieR Orts road Sa\ts.bury Club The
Prmce Albert The Roya.l Victoria. Mesus Ven
ler an Sons Turk ~ Head The Crown Inn Tim
Swan Burghfield
The Travel1er s Friend
road '1-'he White Hart Bath road Messrs Sa.un
qers B ~08 Theale Post Office Tbeale Crown Inn
Theale Greyhound Tidmarah
E lepha.Dt Pang
Tidburv Bros
PangboUl ne
the;-. George Hotel
Chlb LIberal Club Pr nee of Wales Chatha.m
street ReadmIT Co...anera t.Ive Socletv the Cemetery Millers Arms Caversham 111 E Burkitt
Butte r Ma.rkot total £lti 17& 2-d
contrast to the untouched stubble of tho nearer
hmds The field had been cross ploughed 80 that
The proceeds of the 006tume football math 1D
lDstead of the a.ccu8tomed hollows a.od rJdges lD
long lmes there was presented 8 uniformly brokeu of the funds of the Berks VoluDt.a.ryl Ald Tra.ns8urface and, sermtmg the sk) lme each separate port. Service wblch was pla.yed a.t Elm Pa.rk on
clod stood out dl stmctly along the topmost mlge Wednesda.:y February 16th bet.ween the Readmg
'1he unlfornuty of colour m -tbl", field was due to Borouih Police and tbc staff of the B V A T S
crOM ploughmg, whICh had ob'htcrated ongmal rea.c.hed the g.ra.hfymg total of over £60 net
When seen a.t an angle the ordmary
rldps a~d furrow8 of a ploughedJ field show clear M.e&srs Dare Ma.lD and Wa.llaee the mecha.nlC8 of
dlStllnctlODS of light and shade especIally IS thIS tho B V A T.8 must be gtv-on tho ereeht for or
BO if th~ ground has been newly turned for the gQnlSI~ the e.iIa.l.l' With the k nd ass1Sta.noe of M:t
smoothed surface or share Side of each ndge pre l' P CaT)fllll 118 hOD secret.ary and Mr 8 Ba:oon
sents but one surface to the light. ulld IS COTI!:~C as han treasurer
quently r,ark III contrast With the ridges turned
The tha..n.b of the &erV1Ce &re due to a. la.rge
towards he VI ewer where t.he 80d broken by t~n number of fnends who contrIbuted In ",arIOUS wa.ys
mg over :reflects conSIderably more ra) 8 and 1M con to ma.ko the effort such a success
sequent}Â¥ hghter III afpearance
On thiS field the co:ntlllttee gra.teful to.. CantalR Henderson and
too thei 18 n, unusua depth of
for on most tb.e pOMo& "the director& of the Reading-I.oothall
uplands of the hills, where
Club ~esars W a.nd M Vincent and tbe Depot
Ba.nd of tho Royal Berkshire Regunent. who kmdly
the fie l are on steep slQpes one
a.ttended wlth the ooneent of tWe Officer Com
varying Ishade~1 due to the \ar cd
mlLlldtng for all tbot..r "Valuable help 51) generously
lymg chalk tI.tiadea which deepen as
the field dech~..
fh .. »etr~, 1 of
An wetlon was held on the foolball ground at
seen to great advantage 14 the fields
reIOlarK"bl.e ,\ WhiCh Mr Thanbleby kindly sold m~nYj t. mes over
the Ibworth t.ra.d, and there IS
oa.mera. and a. bantam ~k generously gtvell by
example of chalk shadmg on the
Mrs Geen of Caversham end Mr Rumble of
of the road connect ngthe Villages
Cave.rsham 1;eapecLlvely
Upton on the Berkshire Downs
over £15
ma.y be noticed I..D ploughed ]a.nds
Collect.lDR' boxos were klDdly e.l.iio,it'>il·
foot of chalk hllls but lD t h ese cases
hotels &Dd sbops ill Lhe town
due Dot 80 much to the underlYll)g
as to fI.IIlounL$ resulted -Chedd1Lr Cheese
thM wa.shed from the hills a.bove, the fielGS 1m MItre
WheaA.sheat, 13<t
Bugle lOs tid Th. Lion
media.tcly below and nprth of the lnkpen range lls·f G!<l
lind those at the west;m foot of Ladle HIll !lre Qu6en Ehzabetb lOs lid WhJte Horae Emmer
Greyhound Tid.mG.rsh &.. 92d
good ex&mples of scch surface shading 1he SOl i Green 7s 8d
of the Chllte.rns IS largely cla.y w tb fhnt-s -to Mr G H Moses Ca.versham rosa
7,w Grtffin &If 5~d , Marquls
u~ the tcchmcn.l term- and 18 sh ghtly reddish
but the field m view was strangely frce from any of Granby 55 ~<l The Crown 56 1a amounts
under 5s Jack of Both SI{let> Mr Johnsou the
SIgn of fhnttL and that to one who knows
Cemetery lit Greon Wokmgha.m rood Three
the dlstnct lwrly well, made lts da rk appearance Tuns The Sportsm an Merry MCIo~ens Whitley
the more remarka.ble
Wood Post Office World Turned UpSIde Down
Tho Gl"enoo er Fo- Ir Horse Shoes Mr Hart. Bas
WellInglon Antts Hop Leaf Rod
wherever seen tend always In Cow Carpenter
s Ari fi Kennet Al'lDS
mduce a. lookmg forwa.rd mto Castle Plough Tileburst The White House 'Ille
thlS so If the VIew IS tl~at hunt Roebuck T lchurst
Pond House Royal
as a shImmer of rtpenmg AlblOn New Inn Mr Lea. ty Ge1:lrge:.stroet The
Chi iterns are entirely VICtory Bncklayers Arms May D~ke Ca.vor
the case of sha.m Brtdge Hotel PrlDC& of Wales) Caversham
of arable GavershlUll Golt C lub Boar s Haad F Wa.lIlJ.ce
Elephant Hotel No 1 CllraO"e s'h!> Hotel Great
"estern Hotel AnKet Hotc' Gray s Stores Ca\
ersbarn road Mr P..ussell Cavcrsltam road 'lhfj
ClIfton Cav-el'"Sham P(nt <tud Hounds ICaversham
Red. Cow Inn Caversham The Slar Ce. "
(),do,d~,hi"'l Mr H Eynott Cavcrsham },Ir C Mll.ttmgley
Calf~C8h am
REoomg Co-opera-.
tIve Stores Cnversbam Mr Ma.y Prospect-street
CavershalU Mr R1X Caversham M~s srs Bayhs
and Co Ca'en.bam I"oad Post Office White Horse
Calersham load
A. T nkl ng Caversham
road Duke of EdmburKh The OddfeUows Br
tann a. Br tann Ill. Tao Mr Ho.w)ett Read ng
Bn Iders Arms '1 ile Prelmer
DEhorne Arms
RaIlway Tavel n Tudor ArHls Clga.r Dlva.n Cay
ersbBm road R-ead ng Co ooeril.tlv6 Stores Caver
sham 1'oad
White 89 Fr ar strect 'weldale Arms ~eBSrs
Butler and Sous brewrry G W R Sta.tlon Mr
F R~el1 Maxket-place
Guaranteed !!~~~:!!!~:!e~ from Nuts and Milk.
whIch ItQ hold the
of the Peg ' This last
Batt ('I F)
WEDNESDAY -Before E P CoJiler (I D th6
chatI') Mr Ir Rose Mr E 0 Farrer and Suo
Percy Sanderson K C M G
Two youths tlfmed CyrI l Jenwngs a.nd Ft-ooer ek
Bartlett of Elgar road were SUWJll()ned for fitea l
109 "Y;ood from 8 fence belongmg to lIr "Ill a.Jll
Poulton of ChrIstchurch n:te.d and were each diS
char:;:-ed - Mr Poulton said he owned a tel co at.
the Btl.Slngstok-.roa.d end of the Elgar road 8 1d It.
was contmu&lIy bemg damaged It "as not so mucll
Lhe value of the IHec6 of .fence 10 qUetit. on a'S 1.1 e
oontlllual d.amage wh ch wa.s 80 a.nnoylU g - Bal L
MaCh""\ let.t admltt.ed taken tho bra-noh of a trC>e bIt 1I0t.
pa.rt of tho fence - The mag" eons de red thllL
Mr ~ulton was qUito JustIfied 10 bl fng n; tho
caso .before them
When Florence ehoules Elm Park road WlUS sum.
maned for neglectmg to proVide effiCient elementary
education for one of her cbtldren I:!he t..p ld tl e
magl st~tes tba.t he had JOined. t lo ~rruy
H a
age l..S 15
Tho WitS adJourned
In Q. easo wbete pa.rents were summoned for
neglecting to CIl.U"A the;r chlld 1.0 attend school
refitularly It was lmentloned tha.t both the fR..the r
and the mother went to work
Tbe mother did
80 WIth tb6 obJeot. of paYlDg the cost of the f In·
enl of one of her chlldreu
WelLer Sp.nders Laurel Green 2 SLar road Ca.1'
eraham for not sendIng bIll son Kmg a,ged 12
to school r egularly was fined lOs or 7 days Wr.t
Ju Pople 32 Bl"ook..atT'06t "Was fined 5s o r 5
days for b lS son WilLiam Ernest aged 13 llora.!
F..odlth. -Taylor 7 King a road Ca.versba.m was .fined
lOs or 7 days for her daughter Lucy Aged 7Mr Goo PhIpps proved th6 roses