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Reading Observer_23-03-1916_00002.jpg

Reading Observer_23-03-1916_00002.jpg

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ft()m Gut earlit1r
rewrned .! ...ictorious · to


[cleaned wi&

9 SOAP. Hudso~;.
haa a ,..ellj~ tradition for

to live up w. I~
aild quality to-cla.y are
it. eaJ'1i6r r-adition"-j~t
tg-cl.y e enhancing
·ildliticln. ~()n by ~eir r giments years
.., d
'· a!lI!"u;.
~.u .on I
p can nev!r
alI·rotJnd use in the home.
f$t bo
cleaninc J&
cldth... · Housewives
n~IQII;un'8 &ap for washing up
Litti'pOOl Weit Ilt.mwlch







cou ld como

In ,

eft ld


61eep there , and liS
r oom In Ihe h 01 1 ~~ 1 he


- - .--the Berks a nd Oxon Chnmhcr
beld aL t he l j rca.\. Westel n



Beelon presided,

Ipresent Mr C.
Va.rby Gr~\m Lh.
J Donaldson,


H. Palmer, 1\11
Mr 'f. L1ItIlaOl,

Mt W Brazil

"r J

lI. ORmond, Mr T
ih G.





blealtnga of
'Ylotory of our

.._tiog part
«on of a. Royal
Jie~, ...ho, by

droW1linK 1n the

ho~ at the
Tbe e.bsenoo of



h el room

hack door


Sh e


door and
'1 be lunha ppy circumstances lurrQundlMg the murder'
He .... ent
1118.11'100 life 0.£ a olerk at th ~ BISCUit Factory wef"C
rcyeal1 a.t ~he Reading County Police Court
uU['tug the he aring of an ApplicAtion for a. lDllW
tenahee l order on the ~raund of desertion
] h~
detondart "'Jls: Horace HanDs, a bi SCUit fuctol Y
elerk, fl.yd the 5omplam&nt was Allee l ..ydla. Manlls,
or SpeD.fer'a WOod 1Ir SydnoJi grain represented
tbe WI't, Qnd Mr F J fu.tclilfe represenlOO the
hmban~, wbo ~CDIc:d deecrtlon
'the c~ .opelled on Salurday. March 11th
Mr ~ratn 3l1.Jd the par LIes were 111arrled at., l:lt
.Ilarthol mew's, I Read lD8'. In 1892, f and Slllc e 1907
lind res detl at l The Bupga.low, Sl)ellcer's WoodthClr o"n property. There wtl6 no chi ldren 'Ibc
marrlllg4l hlld been very unhappy, .and lor 8. long
lime llle {.omph!.!fl3nt h Hd been lIVIng under
wreLchcd conditions
Part of the lloublc arO::l C
from t~ ra.ct th .. t Mr Manns had obbllUOO from
Mrs. M DIll! a targe swn which had been JJu~ IDIU
~he pro rty .. and which he rertlsed either to (>fiy
back or loo giv~ her an., sccunty fo['
Rcten t. ly:
Mrs ManIlI look proceedlllga In the County COUt L
wILh 8. Vlt:!W to prolectlllg her Il1t-elcsLs In t he pro
Ju"d~e I Harlllgton made an ord e r which
dehned r the rlglrts or the partlcs 10 tbe propert'o ,
and Ml~. Ma.nns sucot!E'dcd to eome extent In c stab
hshmg Iber claIm On Sunda.y, Februa.ry 13th AIr
Manns ~old hl$ wife he was gam.; Lo leave her, alld
on that da te left The Btll1galo", taklO~ Wi t h h tm
n. bed. l be<ldmg l and clothmg.. \ tbe IfolS Ujl of
the S"Urhrhd tl! be wen I., to 'fhe BunR'aloN altel Le n
oclock I at, Q1ght. khouterl
Dc "-er'l lon, t.lesc r ~lOn
doset tI9n'" And d emandtXi adml@ !'5 1011
.E Idcr. tl v
IllS Itlh;ntton was to terrlfv bls vI'I(e Into o.doliluug a. perfect remedy for ' "' I ?'~"t.
hnn llil-o the h(luse ILnd ·Lhen co"te"1~ before th e I PrlCe811id., Ie
Court !haL the offe"~ had been eonrloned
:M t~
Manns ~ent a 11elghbour ror the. pohce, nnd drreclily
Mr MtLnns ,liedrd t.hat a policeman was COlHlng hi
bolted Ifor all ho 'nas wort.h and <lId not p.IL III
a. further tlJPpearanee
Before the police \\ crc
Sllmmo~ed he had ecrambled 111l'ough a <;:m,LIJ
pltntty I wmdow la nd followed Mrs Manns tIo b('['
room, r,bere she locked herself In
For a. Ion..;
time h" contributions toward~ hi lS wile R malO
tenanC€l hud beeF very mell.g.rc
S mce ChrlstmllS
be bad l g'l'ven her onl;) 303
On F e.bruu.ry 2Gt h he
announ~ by a(hertlflement t ha t he would not be
r esponsible for Clnv debts contracted by hIS \vlfe volunteered fo[,
Without hl5 wntt.en authority
Be wrote ber bUL was reJected on
severn.~I&tter8' and In one of them Mid, .. Hanng f\. 15 other oc ca.s'ons ready to rent Tho Bungalow, I ' sLa.'i be
glad to know whether, If sti li In OOOttpatlon, you cenlres, only to
\\ I'l va at.e the prernlees J:>y 12 o'clock 'nlld-day on
tbe 6
prox In order that rel)8.ll"S mn.y be ell:e. ,uLh t.hc
cuted' ObVI011Sly hiS Intention· was to dnvo her
from t~e hous e, IWhICh was the only roof to hel
hOM a.nCi In which she .h:ad a. pecuc l6ry


a.lthou~b. Jt11:'U:~~"~;:';,~:.J~I:l:I~,:!,Il:~t:~;,;;



sl ee p

HI!'; \\ I fe !l l ammed


Intere.t j



Mrs Mann~ ge.' e eVldence In suPpOrt of her
sohcI(<lr18 IStat'ement, and the case wa4i adJournerl
for a. week

At th~ reSl\m~ he:mng >of the CMO on Saturd"y
last , Ml1 Bram f&ld tbat be
eorry t.h(l~ the
parties bad noL Heen able to come. to oorms out, of
Court, but be t~dugbt tbaL 1£ one of the m,agls
tratGS ~8 afJ901D~ed to sec the partlcs prn aLel)


some a'l ..... ngelllent mlgbt; he effected J
M E R;atchfte wmted ouL t.hat onl~ on~ lilde ot
t.he easel! hl\d boch heard, and hiS ohent wlI:lhed to
state hi Cils e
'''''<''''ill TLe dl'Ol!s.exaunnatlon ot Mrs. Ma nns. ha. ... rng
been co~d\ldoo. I
I ,
The def-coda-nt, Mr Horace ¥a.nn8, ton oath 8a ld
that. h('J I had been m hI S present. ell1 ploymenlo at
}1e.tlsrs Hll11L1ey and Pa.lmerll, Ltd . for 39 year s
He hHd1 b ~eh (marrIed 34 Jeers, butl II; "as DoL
( O ll ecl;. ~ say 22 yea.rtl of thAL
t.ime had bellll
The nnfort.u nate dlfferen-cea 9" ly
durltln' the hlst two year!! H,s wife <olm~.,n"'d
an acflon III the ICon ntv COllr~ twelvel months ago
IlIst Jlinuury, but lho:;e proc¥ lDgs ~o ro dlscon.
(mucd ~lld nn attemp t. was made to r--araw I Ip all
agreeme~t Tho value of tho I bnnga l~w and land
was abOll b ~ £450. und th~rb wa.s la .m ortgage thereon
of £250 He <llter-ed to pay HI~ wIfe half of the
proceeds of the Fale atter paYlf1g off thB mor tgage
and tbe Joo&U of Ithe 8A1e '1'h~ offer was rejected
and the case brought Ictal Court. and t.he Judge
a.warded her £1OQ Defendant leonsJ(lered tha~ she

was dro plUg £150 by that

All Ihe tune that

litig ation: Wa!II gOIng on they fere both IlVlng 'n
the same houae. For lo me time hlS Wife bw been
trymg to get him to het nnd make her an
A letter b8.d Iken reeelved from
Messrs. ~r&ln .. nd Bram aaylng t.hat; fMra Manns
waSJ prepared to receive 0. sepat a.tIOP a.!lowanc~
not of 158 a. we~k, ns offered, but £1 u. week, wuh
furDtturo l and Pony and tra.p bought with he l


[I'here had never been

lugge&tJon of

cruelty or. defendant 's
the st~tement th ..t
of bl. t ['6ft,ta aDd IW~:~"F:~:;;.;:;


he slept in the house
few meaj he had in the

h lmse1f. He left the house
.ppe.,~ ;Ho I"1JDlt!ed tb ..t
furntture to her, but tlot fol'
Februa.rt 12th he fOUIld :,that

use, pIa. s, cups a.lld
el en hI S root bruebea.
camp ~tead. which

WIfe aske/d hllD
,"way, Ilnf' $Q.ld

dl!.appOOl1 like
a«omRl~ ..tlon


wife trloo to
fOI'C~ ' lIV' way
other ar Icle.s .
went A.g~ln
hf) could Itll)t
were bolt"l ,
fllf:;;cd to


di';~!'p ...~"<i ,

no t,"uth