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Reading Observer_01-04-1916_00003.jpg

Reading Observer_01-04-1916_00003.jpg

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RINSO is made
by I Hudson'., a
Dame famous in
every household.


the adoption of the


ao reed to
... ere In t,he azmy'

to war-hm ., aUow
ma.tter had been left
&';'"". ';on Committee It would
was • mOV6metlt wbtch
maHer bemg taken o ut of Lb.e hands
1pdu••~t!'on Commlt.leo a.nd: vested 1Jl the
The oonsequen oo wo.s t h ose
Lord Derby I Scheme dld noL far4il
as t.hoee who. went pnor The 5l1lg1e
a.1lowance wba.teYef.OO
bad (on_lderabl, leu
wen~ m the 'first lnst.ance
IDJ;: not

m "le Comtty t here was a.
the. men who bad to go
and oUlen

tho m ot. on of Mr

VJ( voLe of

paeaed t.o )lr Wing for bl! addrOS'





of t he C-ount.y COUDell



than a.t present

It <JU~b t to .be
those men h&Q not .jtot

follo,,!!. 1915

is no ,!1I·t~~!~l:~with RINSO, it is all so sim~le. Yod soak
the clothes
and cold water overnight-rlinse a:nd hapl


OCt.ober ..•..,' ........ .





Ma.rch 28lh









1 here were not ft, dozen vacant seats In th
La.rge ~ own Hall on W ednesday evmmg when
no concert was given .by the Read ng Young Men s
Chrlstla.n ASsoClatlon With the object of ra. sing
funds to MSl9t In carrymg on t he wOlk among
t.hfl troops m tJIe town and ne ghbourhood
!\s a.
rcs:llt ~f ltS la.udable effort,s to enter tam a nd edlfv
t he bOy. In kh~ki, tlit' Reo",hng Y MeA
been p~t to conelderable ct.peol!ltl Ihere are ~ow
10 co nn~cbon WIfh It tlflveral huts ID the coun t.y


have been enlao ~ed
Even In the.e 1eo
nomtCal days sucp: a. :worthy ~UBe IS desen m ~ of


the Friar ,\re.t prell"••!

and are open mght and

Mr G 11 E Fryer



Then DOD t WOJ





tho &cT unts



Not much Ito


but ,f every worke.
lohls t.o\\n ''10 lId h ut. spare t he ahave b umhlfl
a mOl,;Dt {r e m h u; (or h er) W 1ges every week wha.\
~ hacdsome sum ' VOl ld a ccrue and what splenii d
aSSl..Stance could be rendered to out' poor wounded
sold iers ",ho are gtea.d) In need o f 8urgicOLI a\
Imnccs bot.h Ul thIS country and a hroad Af er
all twopence a "eek 18 & small sacn flce fo r a cltuse
90 sacred
N over \vas there itreater n eed {or money or a
bet.ter wa.y of spond ng It It I ~ earnest iv hOI cd
tbfl.~ everY v. ork in,., man lad womiUl and girl w 11
h ereon make u. \ ( W t.o fon ~ecrat.e twopepce a. wee"
of hus or ber wlIoges wlf:llat. the w a r hlo!~1!1 tows (\8
t.he prov1910~ of ~urglc~l neceSSIties for the wound rd
and Will dso l m \k e a. p omt of tell 19 fllen ds of th,
sch eme
I h e mone-; 18 nee led for the purch "P. f
m ater [1,19 for t h e ll ~ ~ facturc bv \01 ntllry 1 I
of SUlg c.1.1 llecc;;lui1t:s IH ch t\!J b llndages s \ I
pneumon a. JlLckets
b e lpl c~s shlrLs
Cl tchc
!Splints leg rests..i b ack re:;tH bed clad lc}! most (
t.h ese I t d ell b e m g abf:em fr om t.h e ofli al s 1
piles II lot ltlhOlild be any shortage II d ffi li lt
t.o rca li se b t so II. . 16 and we ca nnot let our r r
fighting cnn rrules suITel unnccesslmly and \\ It h ..
chancB of bei ng ~lI pp l ed for I re when a. tin all ",If
dellla l on our pnrt. c IT) pre, el t ~ It Durmg I II a
very week t h erel hu, c been ur~ent. appeahi ir 1
01 e of t he 'V lr BaSI It d ~ m t h iS t.o'\O for ce l n
sp l nts t d bed cI",dles io protect. poor fro~t I It n
feet. from t he frpntt-:-hum uur 0\\ I li n
pl tr. IK lIld fl om tbc se of 01 I" alhes 8eem u t;C:i t
and m:; ~h~e ILn d IU-e bo~ltlrl to her.ome t 11
grcatel nnd l" d\-A 1 crs st.en t when the gre ..t. t('sl uf
6Lt engt.h t kpe 1'1 tC

all Hupport andJ the attendaqce a t "ednesda,\ 8
concert j VIewed CFo m t.bls stan.dpo nt "fl8 hlg1l1y
sat. ti :.w:}or'
N o'r had t.he u.udten ct! ~ny cal se to
comphun of the r rogramlOe prOVided for t.heIr en
tertamment In t.hus respect a. word of pl a lse 18
due In the first pi ~ce to Mi- W J B Marb upon
whom devolved the h Ird work ot organls l..twn
m the [second IJllce .to the artll!lt.&s and all TIhO
fl..S8 ls tcd m varIOus ways dur ng the evlmlOg
were a.frilid to stay m the penlll SSIOn of Lleut Col ChMe the band of Lho
Roval Berks Regt pltLVca HelectlOns of musIc fr om
7 tIll 7130 and subseguently they contr buted tw o

... 88 elect-ed president for tbe ensuing year and
Mr hYER rcL-urned thanks for t he honour con

Jerred upon him
M"r C C AXBU'R..'lf the retU'mg president eJ:
p rel!J&ed the apprecla.tlOn he felt for the loyal and
kindly wPik>r't' he had r4Celved from tho secretary
and tJ::.e 0Jfi0en of the A.Iw!OelatioD Thou,h new to
the work the .eoret.&ry bad fuJ.lUled t.he omoe with
I ingula.r, a.Dd hiS (l{r Camburn s) dulles
Mod been light They bad been a.ble
to do hbtlo of aU t.bey propo.oo when the year be
~an but It. would long rema.1.l\ & m emC)n.b!e year
Thor 0&4 JOlt ... ireaaurar wboao whole ~ had
been epent In lobe countr and woo served tbe Atlsoclatlon wlt..h earnes tnos8 And t.hey had lost from
u.Mt' 'I'1rlckt with equal suddennesa one who &8 &
teaoher bad bw beart lD hi. " ar k & man de'loted
10 hur; servIce for otbal"ll and wbo was the falthful
fnend a nd .d,.,tIet" of tb&t AUoota.tion All In the
county felt S)'lnDlLtby partleularly With tb08e In
Beadmg ",bo ..."&tched w1th atrect.lonll,t& lolunt.ude
the paMlntr of t heir fnend and oomrade
nelLrly f ori,. yeA-TIl Mr Caudle had.. been a mongst
them It VIOg ungrudg ngly of hiS best and now H~
the d OSing hou r W"'''I bearlng t.he burden of wed
nes9 a.nd suffer ng with ", st.rength of p atIen t. en
d\lre..nce and a ca.lmneu wh ch came not. Wlt.h !lny
th1D~ t.hat. world alone can 6l1ppIY- Ju..It
for t he end. But could there be .auy e ndlog to a
liIe ..hoee "plnt uBJ Intluenoo I S upo~ Ita kmd ?
N.y I ..He hved.. and would hve long m t.he In8pn·..
twn whIch such a. hfe afforded Yet t.o-da.y they
mouroed t h.,. 1081 of hiS acLlve service among Ulem
Mr Camburn went on to S(Ly thet'e had been
f.hrouchout the country an educltlonal reaction
.nd roeIpoDsiblhty for web l\-D a.ttltude In some
lMa.sUf'8 rested upon eduoatlonlSts th emselvClS
They had somehow f&lled to ma...t1IfOit the value of
educat ion to the mass of p8.l'enta nnd em?loyers
and h e to the long-cont nued expenmental of so much of our system :wa.s due that
.ttitude By no mea.ns would It. aooo unt. for &11
th..e reactionr.ry Ipmt m&nlfested A IIhort tIme
IIIn<:e reeolutiot18 deall1~g with the demand for t.he
oontinll&noo of educatlona.1 dort were put before
t.h e people by many rep"'esentatlve bodIes the F ar
men' SOCIety aJonc dlMenting At a conferen.ce of
Chambers of Commeroe a bout a month agp In Lon
don t he ... hole trend of the litatbenng LComposed
obTJou9ly m great p art of manufe.eturers ..nd
trader! W88 agalDBt the ldea. of promot.lng t.eehlll
cal aDd lrwiUJltrl&1 efljclflncy Somet.hmg WQ8 wrong
ltl tae Sta..te of Denmark
The~ were begInnIng
&II a. people to think of WhlLt after tbe war P and
DOW WfUI t helr chanCe-never 80 fa..vOUT&b e-f"or
tbe workmg ont of a.n u.g:{l"e66lve policy 10 com
batmg that reactionary 6pmt.
Thete had been
• general bre~ng- up a euspenslon ot ttJ.e- en:hn uy
Tibe ground to a large extent was left
fa.Oow Now Wft.S t.helr cha.n~ W a.s not the time
rlpe 'oJ' tho g&t.benn't together of tbe expenmeDtal
relR1lta a.Dd formulating a oomDlete national By"
temP Ae .. matter of ecoJ}omy It 'Would pay Look
IJ.L theIr W&DtageJlO f There was .. time when With
plummet aDd lInoe ga.uge a nd rule t.helr work w ...
t~Â¥ and that WhlCh cOuld not be mO?,8ured up
and tabuta.tcd wu to " G'r~a..'t , xtent J! ndreid An
attltud. o.f d ISt.ru8t. and SUSpKlIOU w .. cru.t:e<t T~
da..y however the bond of unlon between nupec-lon local autborltlM and teachers wu One Of




As reportod n last. week a Reffdmg Ob server
a. labourer n&med WIlha.m Amor of CowmeroliLI
halJ Coley Readmg was on Frld&y mOrning 10
last l",eek found deed at the foot of the staIrs at
hl5 hOU6e
It anpears t ha.t overnIght. he came
bom-e the wone for dr nk and quarr elled w th hiS
whom he
Amor thereuvon left
d!:,~g"tor a.nd Bta.yed.. a.t & neigh
next mOl'nJng there
knocking- at. t he door
was dlsoo vered wah


On {be mot.lon of Mr




to wnt.e to the Cdu'llb Authori ty calhng
.tt.ention t.a the tt'ea~t of the teachers In the
J>orou.g. and &akm g that the teacbe'l'8 In th6
county .hould be treated on the S8me li nes
ThlS . . . agreed: to
The ~ Mr H F Simmonds presented
tlte ba.lance sheet for 1915 WhICh showed. a. halance
..b bud at the begtnn lDg of the y~ar of £17 14s 1c;l
and at the end of the year of £2Q 1 '7s 3d
The ba.le.nce sheet.
adopt.-3. aDd on tbe
motloD of Mr FlnEll It waa agr~&d to send £5 55
.of the h alan ce to the Bene'lolen~ &Dd Orpha.a :Fund
The of5oers were ~lected .. foll ow -VIC&-pre ~i
den t lIt": A E Vickers (Readmg) tteuur er Mr.
H P Simmonds (Bov Wood) •."".,tvy Mr W

J ames (Hungooford)



a qua.ntlt.y ()f


Mo;. A JI lULII mo"'<i t b.t the secretary




that's all. RINSQ does in cold water all
scie9tific I preparations do in hot water.
for the housewife-easy for the clothes.

Sold in 2D. 1& I D. Packets everYWjhere.

2 78
2 87


..a eIIIy Job
even If th ey d id come back after
tholl' trying time In the trenches they could not
fail 1;0 h ....e left beblnd them .orne of then'
dlcleney a. 1088 t ha.t wOltld not make Itself a.pp&r
eDt until they took up their du t lcs again It oultbt
aot to be a dlOicuJt to <lee that t hose men
who were p rot.oohn g the hea.r~b 9 &Df homes of
Bni'Jand shotiJd be properly treat«J In the tnllMer
of .UowaaCtil while they ve a.way Some peoplll
ubd ....h.t a;bout
people who had to do the
paytng aDd who had had to g"IVc u~ thClf- bua!
llfJ8IIM P If they were r ocelVlDg no ullownnces he
W'&I!II 80rry
He W&8 sorry tha.t there was Dot a
KteDera.1 aeheme by the Government so that aJl
~ went 8hould rCOOlve some recomPftDS&

out to eJry in the
that more costly but
It i. the easy





'lbf! contlDued wet.. wea.ther whloh has b een-ex
J)e1:lenQeo. durmg thOo past. lime IJ10pths cannot be ehO"Wn than by & tabulat.lon of t.h& actual
r&JDfall us. reco rded .. t Bat h road Works by the

would "'lAh that the

should be
It wa.e n ot
'"'tell~ to



\. sho'r L diSCUSSion f611oW'ed the

the game 10 respect. Waterworks Manager (]urmg the

of l ts



the b o) s and g irls

(l.tLentlon to the way teachers





"as no


Itf!ml? to the progrumme
lhelr rendel"ln ~ (f
WAS plittlCulfLrly
prn.. se
worthyi and C C \Vhlte deserves
bearty tommend~tlOn for the pi tch of perfectIOn to
\\ b eh he bus t.ramed tbe denf4;lted ba.nd n.t hiS diS laId that h" .......
a nd ConClACnf';SS of t.hll
rt was I'L TeeDI'd of good
«h (\w~ tha.t. f he el'IU n!' I was keep.
tntere1t In FI'l6n dh· C'~IPty !Work
Roo etv workl1d 8.. 8 h "-rd ,,~ the
~ mC11
wo 11<1 h o In l\ bet.ter l'!onritt lon now
Th ~ T'flport. a.nd hn.l a nr"(1 shee t. were a.d0pt«I And
on thO!! motion of Rro Pt1'!ltC'E Il l.. WII '" agreed I that
the Sec~f.II " Y bf' ""'r-uete--l to semel ... lett~r ot
thllnlcti t6 th l"'l !;p' Oddf"el1ows T.Ad~~ g that had l sent
sp~ 801 c:1qnat ons

Mothers ca n reBt eft ~ aften- glVlDJ::
C.. hform&
pO . . ll I
8yrt ~ of Fig.
becllUle In .. f ew hoUl"& all the
lhe Rc ~mg' W,r Ho. p t ] SUPj' ] os De,
A gl,Jlce a.t the pr9gramm e revea.led R. rem r.-rk:
doer€d up .,..ute ma.tter BOUr bile a.nd fe rmenttDg
,bleh ~i~ric¥l I> x In nt htS 'ago h Uil H. l"cad) m I
a.b lo comu n ltlon of local t a lent. VOCH.I IlsLru
food gently move out of the bo9rele and you h&ve
mentR.I a.nd hlst.llom c I he lIa mes of 1-he rt~"tes by vo luntary l<Lbo 11" S m e 12& ono f these :'i I r~ <i..l
• } &&lthy plu.yrui c b ld aga n C1n lMcn I>l m ply
eC~Sij t. e.s QlIt... It s g f't.t.1v ha.n<ka.pped fn T ) t
ftre all we ll kn o VI to He ~d ng people n d t W 4 uld
"Yo III not. take the tI me from play to empty their
f funde
~ hele m!l lire ~dy a. thollsand , rJ.. •
be as absurd as lDvuhnus to 8mg le ut ny on e
bowels 'W'b ch. become pac"ed 8M t hen tbe
~\ I ble but t h e l1 I Imhelj co Ilel he gleat.h" 1 It
Inet gtlUs . ltJg&l.,h and Ithe stomach dIsordered
for part.lculru me 1t.lOn where dl IC(] I lt ed the m
When crou l,e\ en ¥h resUess see 1f the tongue
se l v~M so well
the I I:O~a nlJn8 opel ed .... Itll it ~l uct p,.1 ed f ('I \ SI fil c e l t maLFMld >:l v. ere fnrth cnn
la COf\ted t.he n give t hl&d eliCIOUS frUI t) Illlnt.1've
q n "h th t.hl Ml \\v l k~r"- ~t ck
b\ Mr I IJ 'VOl II tin s Llld M N 1 III til ( lze I)) [he ~ dlill t
Cblldre n love It and It can not c~u ~ e lDJury No Pr."" t'l B" ofW .__ }:!o ~mp.on
UblCh t he t\\O wr ll kno\\n vocah~ts d splrlv ed t.hel r t.1 e ll t t.~k lK bl!yond a \I p r a.lI;e d d., Lfter la,
nr&tt~ wh ~t ails your lIttle on e-if
stuffy wlih nresldent Rro
.... ,' .. .... 0'
t.he hA..b i of getllng drunk ";I- No lcc ed u.b I t,} a:nd afterwa.rds m sr I( Iw,ue d~y lung f( L Ii; 1: m JI t hs on end g \ mg t be l I'r
a.. cold or II. sore tbrO&t~ or diA..uhee!a.. . tomach achc Hro J ~''''bb
hi S PIl1~ or t.wo of bee r
thcy ne, er fll.ll ed t.o el CIt. the a pplamse of an ViceS m a l } of the 1 eve n nakng a. sub lan I I
and t il.. ntoo breath rflmember &\ gentle
tnillde Perce P'
very good terms w Ih blm?-Yes I l cJience a.t t mes mdmed to be mUle cl ltlcal th an \, eek h COl tr b ItlOll io" lrds t.he rl 111l1ll i{ eXl,jel
c1ear.5Ing.... Ibould e.lw&ya be the first \ trea.ln1ent
To the I grEjll..t reo:ret of thfl
the &crfl
Surelv t.hen It l\ not tno much to ask fron
11. good wOlkman and 8.
1:-; t he "" out of Roadmg con cert go~ rfl
1he son gs
g VGn Full directIons lior bahlCIII cblldren of all tuv (Bro G TlIhh) r4!!ngned from
of MISS Hilda. fl,f Knighton ' tuok thl.l hCluse I ;) l{md \\ rk IIg friends t. v. cckly contrl buuon of t
a ges and grown UpB are prlnted on each bottle
-which h &l h ad held ""'tlb conlin cuou~ ab h t.YiI for
~ ve il t.\, opcnoo I <: 1 PO\! \1
HtOlm I and MLSS IftS Wh te "' u.s 01150 very pen(,'6 per he J.{I
Ask ycur cbclm st fdr a bottle of
Cahforn & over t.hree yelLTI;.
On the 'DrOnOR t on of Bro
Syrup of Fige
then look carefully and see t-hat H &vward s~onded bv Bro Wnght thfll beilt thanka
her OlllUbCl l!
A11311 Wtl.(( CS "c uld b e ~ su aU s aol lfioo n COlli a r n
w ra of a.. soldier successful In
It 13 ma..OO by the I Cahforwa Fig SVl"UP Company
Mo"s and H J
Col her It re Wl tb wh a.t our bU:L,e fighters Iro do ng fc I I
of the Co1,U!'cii wero tendered to Bro T lbh
Dard an el les and Frame ' E
lear out. t hlll art. clo U{ wand p u t Ii n
H and back WIth celltHnpt any other fig .yrup speaker" fi:fl..ld all anprec ded UIA verv Able ,I.and
nellr D rm ng names (i1 stmct ly aSSocULttY;!. "\\ Ith thel..r song" 41..d
CahforDl&. Syrup of FIgs lA sold hy
leading pra et l(~a.l manner 1D wh eh he b ad carried nut th~
Her mother It IS suffiCIen t to ~a.y t hat all w ers III good vOice pOI.:ket a nd act upon It when you go l<t wurk n
ehemults 1/3 and 2/ ~ bottle
dutwi and the "Work h e had done for Fr endly
had titruck and eucceede~ 10 achlevmg mdIvldual tnumphs Mond 'Y
Hme IS n. recent c:u.mplo of wha.t othe s
drmk Mr Arthur Fll.l.wn LS a VloliOlst of ma.l ked lLblVt)
Tho question of fill ngo t he 'Vacant pos t lon WSlS
stated ooth m t echn que a nd expressIOn and that 1m! d} ng - Dur 19 Lhe past week the Lrc S I (; e
left for the conSldel'at..Jon of th " (A-lmm lttee
sa.ld her efforh were apprccmted WIl.:t clearly shown by lt he cclv€d I\. seventh dona.t.ton from MC!:IS1S Hen I J{
A ~neral Illfi:CU8810n, then took p!t!.ce o n sublectfl
the tnfluenell appla.use hi S vlOlm solos evoked
.. I d 'I udor S 8 t1\ffj amountin g to 168 5d
l :-i ll
n.fl R' ...... erll l II..nd speCial Intere~t tQ me mbers of
t.o lit.a.V III the
The ree ltu.tlons by Ma.d!,-me Nellie Rltson were a £ 4 from Hobday Rom;c nmghfield (t.he I rocec III
JI'T eoolv Snelehee 5Oee1a..l emphasls he nl'!' laId on
on severnl oeOlUUOns
As an elocu (If n.n en ter~d..mmeni) a. Hum of £4 4s {r
being co mpelled to fly Plea.sm1 fea..iUl'& of the progra.mme
t'he need of a. cOTnprehenllve scheme fot' the
tlOniSt shc I~ talented a.n.d versati le !lnd her ent.erlf\.In meqt arrill.l [ ed by t.he C(l.vcrsh l n (1 I ..
m ent of tuberculOSIS
A 'h ~attv vote of
nat.uruJ comm and of ex presSIOn 1S explOIted to t.he FI endh S oc ely £5 511 from the K enfir ck 1 0 l~ "
waa aceorded to th~ retinnf; [presulent
r he a.pproprl3.t.ercss of her of FTI'c na.<;Oll S nd £ 14 3s 3d \'emg t.he P (Jl:(ei·
&e"IC@! durms:' the past year and Bra
saKi he was cp,lIed at 8 20 to 30 fulle st advantage
i<Jo'm.lne"ci"l. ~~aU and found tlie Ideceased lYing at modula~lOn and her perfect. command 0' er wh at I)) of a concert III t he 1.Ja rge }0\\11 H a ll gl\c n b~ the
When Love C,reeps 10 Your He t rt the popular !Jlutably Te!lPPI ndld
stairs H e was on hiS bock. With technIcl111y termed t.he ~w e l1 and '\ a m ah of the R e ldmg Ind u6t n a l C o operative SOCICt.\'
pla.y by Mr LeQnn.rd Mortimer the author of over
Pl caso Gcnd contNbu t lClnMweekly 01 mOll hl tn
on hi S chest ln fact he was '\ OIce so fre quen'tly employed m t he render
a hnndred eucceaful d~amu WhI ~b I S bemg pl'C
T be presumpl on was !IDlemn or magmficent p \SI) \r.cs 1\ u.s seen 11 hel Dry land H a.o;Jfl.m llmr Readmg " ar HOb( t II
re. ,,1t of a fa ll. down the _t.. "
til c ren,lerm g of ~ rhe Hell G ~te o f SOISSOIlS H el Surplice D epot 16 Duke st.reei R end ng
sented tWJce nightly at the County Theatre tb u;
and f9und tha.t h e was dfltld comma.nd m. er gest.u -e j ~ dso r leas Ilg' be ng e ffec
weck II a. pJa.y of thrylls adven~ure and
hai r
for 15 yea.lS and knew tlve Without belN!; undQly a ffect.ed
'!\eedIC!oi& to
bread th !lcapes
which no ODe 1"ho appreclatell
to d rmk The cause of death
of t}l ~ neck as t. he resu lt of 8H.y MI~dnm() R hon wn...... h c ll'hly en cored at each
a powFdul .dramatlo remance WltJi a rea.l love m
of h er Iwpcaranccli
..He fOll nd no: marks of Violence
combmed Wlt~ some delightful mulle,
1 he cpI)c1us lcn t f the entert amment wq a. grand
In answer to the l Un D r Ma.rch saId t1lnt ile
should milS seemg THe pleoo gnps the audience
"-Jlllanma. IS R ete l
The secret 1of the ~ ma.ll pcrcent&ge of
ceaaod had been dead probA..bly fOUr hOI1"8 Il patrlotlo Hpectlc,e entitled
wh ich W lK produced under t.he d l rtc tlUll I f
from the commencc,ql.ent and the lintereat 18 "" ell break down from the stram of I WRf work
was poss hie that. he foil down the stall's back tlun
F.d wlLrclcs \Va n MUSical aceompalllmcnt,
mamtamed tbroughout the three acts In the fin;t
great care taken of them and the e:s:cellent
The Corone r SA id t was 8. verry Bod case b Ii nl tod tl ~ ng
th e Alhe ~
With tl:ie .trike at thn Aberma.wr
tU01tlee they for Teat when off
Amor hlLd h lwself brou~ht about hu; own death tmd ot ler
by the
There are abOut
No ~ billme whatever could be attlLChed to Mr..6
plete ~u ccet;s
Jomt Comnuttee of
ArnOt' for leavmg the bouse havlllg regard to
for t h e ab le
and the Order of
whaat had ta.ken pJoce
nrutua.l eo-opeutlon Tbe,f owed tit debt of gratl
The Jury returned.. lI. verd CL tn t.he effe ct tha.t 'P!ri ncir'a,l ~ .r~.
ca.} thly filled 0'
tude to the National Umon for the, large share
the d6Cesa~ m et hi S death by thsloca.llIlg h 8 I: ,
t hey bad In brmJ:!lng about the cbans.e No... let
neck through fallmg dowllsl4\lrs whilst \1; 01"60 fo r
them take anotber 8tep made po6llble by tha t
drink They clCprcssed sy mpa Lhy wlt.h t he W do w
chlLUged a.ttltude and stt'lve for the united .dvance
and famIly In whIch t ho Coroner eoncurroo •
towards a combtned effiOlont system snd Without
-dest.rOYIDg' the penonahty pi t he teacher aIm at
llnlung up all &eet. ona of the educatIonal m achmG
- to produoe flo l'!ltlZOn efficiency whIch would oom
nel the reel>8Ct of t.he people a nd make for the upwa.rd development of the nation and the Emptre
(Applause) Mr Camburn the~ moved & relOlutlon
Lo t.hE> effect t ha.t t hey send an a.ffe.ctlonat.e mesaage
of sympo.t.hy to IIr C"udle In htp 1nnells and to
thosa who belong to him In b e
&lIXlety that they
In VIew of tho prqsent high cost of grot 1
a nd seeds a.nd II creased fre llht,s It IS f ool h
of anyone to suppose that dry Chick food
u a last
ca.n be sold a.t the Sf\mo prices IS heretofore
of sympathy
IItl1(tss mgredlents of mferlor q llllht.) are ubed
thole who be
they f elt
The use o f ch c!\p m ferlOr foods rotar 1 ~
1D 1893 1ihen
gro vtb upset s the delioate orSl\n ~m of no 1)
and Healed by CutiCUla.
be 1t3.~
ha.tchod chicks Rnd BOOn oauseR wea.kne s.
1 wfl'ered from ecmma on my hand'
dIsease a.nd death
and atmI up to the elboW" It ftrst l!ltarted
Remomber that dead chicks mean lo~ of
.,b etween my ftnrOl'llJld when.1
time disappom tment JOSB of m ono) and
It wu at Ita WOl'It It "... feuabove all loss t.o t he NatIon
tully r1ld . .d wltb yeUow
pJaeea on it
ThEIle pl&CM
used to turn wet a.nd then
U80d to dry and ocala off I
Ion ntghb sleep ;nth It and
I aha 100t weeks ot work
I trted all r.medl.. but
Done did a.ny good.. t Ul I got
......• ...m'n'.
Outlcura Soo.p and OintJ"eller 80 I boulht m ore
ome completely









~ O~










And ArnJs to Elbow. Lost S,eei

Save your Chicks!


The \Quality 01


Lamb 4~


"·r.,.,,, BY rost