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Reading Observer_13-05-1916_00003.jpg

Reading Observer_13-05-1916_00003.jpg

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Freedom LeI.gUe held ra ~ ..
10 th~ Palmer B 11 on Motiday
addlre\oeed by Mn De,p&r<l " the Presid.nt
M... Nma Boyle the head of

mlhtl.nt department, on
.nd Waste




The gatbenng WIUI In lOme ways
pre-war da.vlI-there were flag. and

pl&CILrdA bear IIg the moLtoes
D8~ to be Free
,Vomen GIve The,. Muat. Get-the Vote

_ and the avowed purpose of the apeakers wu to
InSLSt upon the nece&lJ. ty fo;- an

Il'lmedl8.te me&-!

jure for the tnfra.nchlSement of women
11 s! A!'fN.A. Mu:ow. who prealded l said that u
& ~oc eL,. t.hey 5tood for TOtes for 'r0men on tb~
Fam e terms 88 t he VQ~ was £T&nted or might bei


In the r OplD on there " " even!

gran ted to men


more Deed tor the ~ote to-day than there .... u m
t me.s of pe:ace
They thought If they let thOll'
Blg dowo now &t a time when l tl wall perhtpl




... 1. '
of tbe


m IDany for'w,,,"·I(>'/,,ng

not far
growing rea""'it"m
bUild as well as a.
reconstruct.lon 16 In
The hope upoQ. wh~ch thIS mental cba.nge

::~ ~a:~~tb~mb~:~r ~~ a:::K:~!~Ia:le;:r

women If thell" Wlves had the rote
Men told
women that t.bey protected them but. lB thle
Oou ntry a.t any' rate there Will nothlfJg to protect.
'Women from but men (Laughtu) There were
1:;0 WIJd beasts or IndIans or 8lupwrecb p.r TOI
All that women went m feu of was their
They ..-..oted to be gJlle to protect.
hernsel et
'I'llelr cause was .. good cause a
arna.t caUSe a. patnotic: ca.use (Applause)
Mrs DzBPUD said the w&r had shown u& & rree.t
many th ngs _bleh hitherto we had fal-led to 6e8
Many people before the wa.r had not tbe .hghtest
dell tha t there was afJythine- wrong
Then Lh s
torell.t \'\"flr ea~e &lid we found out th&t. our people
" t! re 1 nftt
It wu edr&Drdlnary lD the cIrCUm
Hance. t.h .. t many of these people showed the love
of t!ount ry WhlCh they did P9f1&eSS When we con
.dered how &0 m&uy potentlal mothers were
brought. up W6 began to see ILl never before how
OUr resources had been bornbly waeted We were
DOt. a poor country and we were Ond' Qf tbe fines"
'6ces Lhe world had ever &eeb Then why 'W&I
Hilt t hIS wut.e w~nt. on ? It ... ~ bopc&uae our e;y.~
~ere not open to the things! Wh1Ch were neees.taJ'Y
c.r tbe welf&n of the country beca.use one aex
'is trl'ng to do •••ryth'ng by ltoolf
lived could OOtne 'Out. of an arid eoil, aDd the wont.
011 was the aed of au:bjeot;ion, 10 whICh wmo&:l
bad been kept

£2;000;000 IN


the Berka C lL.&



1 1 !IA?ro:;R!J'~}(.-~ll,.f... r.

B Parfitt (m
Ifr J Rabson

fect\r c ear to a I t Ofie 'IV 0 81e
form .. )U!t estIma.te of the chaul,.,'
already wrought w1e Devlilr can
conditlOns What.ever high hopes the war
dlssIpa.te It WIll have served as a. brtdge between
ao Qld world and a. new
If we cannot return lo the old condition., to
~.8ocl ..tton) Mr C W
what new "orld a~ n e t.o advance' In aplte ot
Wame~hon aecret~ \Vest Wa:rd Liberal Com the cha.nge 11 th~ outlook durmg the lut
a.m OD
nutt8e) R T Darvall (chalnnan) A A N aan few months thiS Questton 18 sl1l1 met With the sub
lIOn Henry
(secretary) F Beulev E C CollIer G Knight conscIous bebef tha~ I/omehow the new world WIll "faa
summoned -In e~h C&6& 'fine.
W Ricketts W R CoUms D Frankhn and C ad)ust Itself at the end uf the war and nothlDg the lOs were Imposed
A SmIth (West ' J~lber&l Club) J Elhs average patrlOtlc caD do Will affect theme
Ha.roJd JfoGucklfJ of no fixed abode . . . at eged
and L L Ragen (Readmg and Count.y Liberal adjustments Yet 1~ thc minds of the belt of those
to atolen a d &mond nng earlIer In the morn
Club), H J Hobh!J' (chaInnan
TemNOl" who went ou~ prepared to sa.crifice theIr h"es so lng He &ppe&rcd ID the dock charged WI~ the
raDee SOCIety) C Moss (secretar)),
and rar u Britain wa.~ cr n cerned thlS '''ar was & fight the-It from Gregor WerOl a Jeweller of 37
roa.d -Mr WerUl identified the rrDg (pro
Wells (cha.pel etewards Oxford road
for the high mtcrnat onal ldcills Ml AaqUltb set Oxford
Th&t morning
duoed) whJC;h he valued at F:l
Church), Blund.1l and Budden (>QCloty
before the cuuntry m 1914 a tigbt for tbe r<ght. prisoner CaIQ6 mto wItness Ibo!) The nnlJ wu
E H"yle
(e,reu,t e~
~·ward) T Holmes and
ot the smaller natlOrlalues f)r the foundatIOn of a tpen op the: couuter and pr soner took It. lD. hiS
~a.nd WIt.ness told him to rep'lace It and he then
(lOclety stewClI'dlS Elm p a r k l Pastor A E rea.l partnership of na.t ons for the final establtsh Qcmed
lh8t he bad the rlOg Wltnc88 went for a
Stocking (WhItley Hall) P
Ludlow and ment of a. la.w of ]u, tlce and right
the place of policeman and pne:oncr then took the rlDg out
Evane (trustees Oxford road
leyan Church) the lLll&rchy of m htary Corce
Ihese Ideals Will of. bllS pocket - Mary Werm t.he daughter of tbe
Rev J MItchell (St Pauls Preabytena.n. Church), Dot automahcaUv come IOtO operat.lOn at the ce88e,. pr.!lVIOUS witness 'Jave corroboratIve eVldencePC Bloomfield siud prisoner to him 'It s
Mesus E P Col her W Holloway H MOOD C tlOn of hostlhtles IThey present problems which In
my pock'et and I don t Intend to gIVe It up
Weller) T Rose F H Herrmgton (supt relievmg must be under~tood by lhe lHlage cltlzcn and th~ but subsequently be plRced It Oil the counterPrl.lloner was remanded for &. week
oflioer) T Keeble W S Roulter W H GOllS solved by the collect" C Will of humalllt;}
M ~ P 6
D CI k ' W M
II h i '
I d J'
Q.r tt,
iLl' , :).
t IS Itruc 0 m"emn.tlona 1 ea S I" IS equa. y MONDAY
-Before Mr Edward J &Cluon (111 the
H J A West Mn W~t J.lr8 Foster Mlee
of tile nattonu) problellls ral~ed uv the wa.r
cha r) a.nd Mr A G .... Wesl
Slack Mr and MI1I W H Short Mr and Mn Scrlous problem" of mdustna! commcrcl(l1 agn
Svdenham the children of Battle School ltesBrI! cultural reconstrllctlpn clamour for l 801utlOH Ihe I Pte Geo WIldou bOth Ball. CanadIan Expe
Force a wounded 80 dler frol)1 t , r
H J Deane (H M lnapeetor of 80Ao01>1, Under old world wos bUilt up of the combtned human ''''
down (Vice preSident N tl.tlOnal UnIon of leachen) dom and folly of ItS people It the .flew" or\\i IS to ~Vood was cI &rged "" h being drunk ILnd dla
ord~rly In Chru;t. Church road on Sund&y U
H Coward (put prQludent NUl and chairman be worthy of t.he eacr lice of these d~s there Will Hayes Ilud defendant HlS stn.ggerlng all o,er the
of directors of The Schoolmaster , W Crank. be need of the combmcd '\radom uf all thmkmg
lot. was found m h 3 pocket - An oftioer
(ch8lnnan NUT Benevolent ~d Orphan Fun ...) mmds One of th" ilm ned late problems for tbose arm
Ube man a good character -He WM tined lOs
C W Crook (pa.t preSIdent N 1J T ) M,.. Colhn. not fullv engaged III tbe P' oBCCut,on of the w~r IS officer paid
"(local han secretary Band 0 ..Fund) represent that of prepa.rllt on (ur the tasks of the future
lDg the Rea.dmg aud DUltnct Teachen Aasoclatlon
rhere up and ?O'Hl the country a large num TUESDAY -&fore M'l' A H Bun (tn tae chaJf)
&nd Mr E W Rldloy
Mr F \V Ackrlll (presleUlnt) Mn J Elhe (hon
of local SOCieties men 8 meetings Brother
treasurer) and Mr 'Vlcken; (hon eecretary) repre hood! 'Vornen Su.8'lage brv.nchee Co operatIve
Percy Dudding 5'> Tlleburst.-rond w•• fined
8entmg the Berb County ASSOCiatIOn Messrs GUilds etc etllJ strugglmg to hold their orgU.n1sa lOa for lea.vlDJr a. motor oar una.ttended. In Broad
Fryer (pre.s1dent) Ca.mbt:!rn ex president) 81m tlon together undel great ~hffi.cultles. In manYi street for .n bour and a. quarter
mons (treaalfl'er) and Mrs H81gh Battle Maed cases these soclebe~ ba, e ada.pted tliemaelves to the VÂ¥ EDNESD~ Y. -Before Mr E P CoJlier (In
School) Mn TodcJ Mrs JObn8 MiSsel temporary new cQlldltlons brought about by the I chaIr) Mr D Rote lIr W Poulton SIr Percy
Scott White Ashmore Lamport Gilbert Bower "ar and ~helr memhers hale been idolllg excel1en~
Sa.ndet'50n K C M G and Mr E 0 Farrer
ma.n Brant Messrs Bowen Roberton and Bouch
emergency work n connectIOn With Soldlenr. clubs
Head Teachers ~!!.!I0ClatlOn MessnI Sadler (chair llond canteens Belgmn refugee hostels hO!lplt&1
James Morr s 150 Elgar rce.d wall fined lOs for
d R
II (
' --)
r eae berR wurk etc but few yet ILttempted to adJU8~ oomphance
not 6ufticlenlly eha.dIn!! the lights of hiS houae In
mun an
WIth the LlgntlDg R~8trJctloD Oid~r
ASSOCla.hoD Messrs B awJttns (eJ: pre~ndent) and themselveB to tire more perm tnent conditIOn!! of He told P C Adams when that officer caned that
J H WhIte (!lecretary)
Church Teachers these new: da) 8 or tu prepare fu .. those changes he was Juet gOing to bed.
t ~n M ess" Snutb R a'fward an d R op ,'\" b ICh must. lUevltab Iy tak e pace
I There W8.3
r &ummona
a.fter the 'War,I Sa.unnet't'
:30 &>Great.
street. &g&lns\:.
a.nd heHenry
craft Children a Cbncert. CODlDllttee MISS Busse, What an lIl1!lU of new and vlgoroue life there WM fined lOs
MeIlsn: S~xby and Swallow
would be m many of these fQCJetles If thp ... ~d but
present mcludcd Mm Bennett Mn Green MIS realule that In BpJt.e of t~e uaexampled
were mnll.aoned for .teepI~ dor
Buby, Misses Davl. Little Drew RunJlacus, and ditficllltles of these times they are days
anp were dealt With U follow Chanee, rJ iW.
- ~1 ey Chattaw.y, A'okliS P lerpomt, huma.n movements and therefore da.ys of
34 fined.
road.. bad
Phillip« Cook Lovelock Ferns E E Cox 81m O..... p<lltumty fOl'tb,oae "ho l~ur for human
Pr\Qry a.venUe C&venDIJD
mons. Barnes Jo\\nllon ~1.e:St"5 GoldsmIth Jar me.nt In th 8 senae It IS 80 pnvllege to b&ve hved
man M on kley, Th orb urn S nn.kins Crow h UI1!t through tbl s. erlSI! In the worl\J. history but n
Andrews, Sweatman, Elam Piper, -Alexander prIvIlege that. carries WIth It a responsibIlity
Lower Armour road Tjle
Turner, F W \VhJte' RlId WIIIJa.m1!l
both mdlVldu and I!IOCletJes which should
dog SInce the-poficeman
The T01VD Clerk (.Mr W S GJutterbuck) was forth their best efforts In prepa.ratlOD for the called -P C Thompaon 1Ia:id It was a very old
fined lOs
be beld over
prevented from bemg present by offiCial bU8lDese
Bunt 6waaArmour
roadto Tile.huut
Thus lOvolvea somethmg more than 110 pMslve been prenously conVlCt,d and wa.a fined 25a
Durmg tho the Rev T W .hortly I oya1,-y t 0 th. , , "dom 0 f our I..d era
... be , t 6.ned
lOs Cox 4- Goeorook atreet Caver,ham, .... at
renewed the d--B6d gentleman s hfe and l!a ld achemes of reconstructIOn wJll fall 1f they are no~
ihat Mr C""dl. had ,,",ugbt the !onrB and accent..
""k.d up by a strong and mt.elbgent public
Th. cu. 01 the motorLSt Capt Il<>bert l!Iauth
of tlJ,e vOice from heaven ~ was not. a. man of OplnlOn It 18 n helpmg to bmld up thiS 0PlDIOD Baz-ry R F C of New CroYt Uxbri.dge "ho .. &I
haste or confUSion, but. of '" place order and that the numerous local labour
and su.mmoned. lut week for neghgent dn.VIDl III
arra.ngement and
acqUired the ge.nnlB of takIng other a.dult eddcatlonal oIgam88tlons
~n~~1!:: !i~1:t: 0~ntl:'O~rno~!.Jil.v~n:lfJ6t!i~~
p&ms Be ba.d reHuced to a. workmg pnnclpIe the wlll, do pud. valuable work at the present m<,m.ent,,' I the maglstra.t-ea -The case had been adJo"\lrned
metbod of tAklDg first thmgs fint
When Mr
problems are vast but Jf atta.cked
for defendant to attend but. :AIr St&piee P'irth
t 11)
\Iv th tb
f h d d f 1 I who repre&ented him Siud he hOO received ..J t.ektOa.udle first arne to Readmg mllly ago he & ICD. , are I to e powel e 0 un re S 0 oca gram to the effeet that Ca]?t. Smith Ba'rl7 lJ car
'Wu particula rly well equipped for the work
I Socletles Durmg the summer months certain haJ. broken down that morning - Tbe magIstrates
l&y 'bfofore him He to the flsmg bfe of the members or groups of members might undertake to refused to gra.nt. a. furlher adjournment and after
town the best that was JD hIm, .nd one tel' how collect such lDfol'ntatlOo as they can on, the various being ,ddreesed by the sohcltor deCided to convict
d art
I They ImoOaed a. fine of £5 for dangerous drlVlng,
completely he put the powen of hUI bra.m and
ep men fI 0 recons ruc Ion na lona. ImperJa
and made a.n order fQr Witnesses costa For hav
hea.rl Into hus work
He beheved Ib a thorough and mternutlOoal
Small s,udy groups might oe tng no ~entlficatlon plat-e & fine of £1 was In
education and held that ev.ry English child sbould fonned to tl:l.bula.te and summarIse the mfon:natlon thcted - On the a')plication of Mr Arthur P'
the w&s
be fuUy eqwpped for hlS hfe work ,lor be sa.w In co11ec t ed und er ea.c h h ead109 and prepare a paper Ola.rk
for £2 2s on a.n order
the chJldren the men and women who 10 the future or pa.peJ1l on the tlUb)ect for the a.utuuln meetmgll
would take up the l'eSp on j lhlh€le8 of lite It. could of the Society If each d~partment were so treated
not be laid that he was a self Meke,r Naturally the Socle~ would be ID a poSition to dISCUSS In
reticent and shy his modesty was the subhme telhgentl~ t~ v. hole IUlbJect durmg tbe autumn
--0-common place of hiS career &Ild yet he waa bound and WInter seSS10Uit and finally to bUIld up a
to come to the front Be could not help ta.kmg l"eaIOned cue for future reforms Valuable
S\TUItDAÂ¥ -Before SIr It T Hert\lon Hodge
Bart; (10 -the chair) Mr R F Dulf the Rev R
.J ma.tlOn OD ImpenaJ and mterna.tlOna.l problems
mg POSlt~O" t.o .whlcb be was forced by the be obtllJned from the pamphJets publulhed b)'j tbe
H Bart DavIS Mr T Nelgbbour Admiral Str
FrancIS PoweI.IJ. Mr J P King, f Mr C B
power of hUI knowloogt! whICh he uDlted With a C uuned for the Study of International 1)elai lOus
gentlemanly dl8PoeItiOD and 8ea.nng As & mem
Palmer Mr w B WIIl18lDS fl,nd lir A 1
ber of'the Educa:tlOn CommIttee he Dever lost 8Ight (1, Central BUlJdinWJ Weetmmster London S W I
of hie responsIbility to bls fellow teachers
He and on Datlona.l problema from the Worken Edu
""~'."W"Rl1l'V ' "
lIved. to serve
catlonBl Asso"clatlOn (14 Red Lion H.ol
hom London
In connectIOn With that Church he had some of
the happIest &88OCla.tJOns of hIS hie yet he did not
talk very much about relIgion 1here wu nothlng
ostentatious ah4ut hun but he woi' not wantmg
when &. word from h1s moer expenence might help
& faJ/ow dJeClpJe mto clearer ltght
He wouJd pray
WJth & brother 8Ild enter mto hil! difficuJtle8 and










sorrows There
IOmethmg In hiS l'ehglon that
mMe hIm a tower of strength to W' brethren
He had beld every office open to & Methodut lay
man, aod had loyally and honourably fulfilled It!
dutle8 HIB death Wal a great J081 to hiS Church
Dunng the I~ t few months .U the Qeauty of hi!
oharuter h8.d been dlllCloled ID the Sick room
lhe~ the ]Jght of hie faith shone for£h and the
calm streng1.h of hla I'8Itlgnatlon wu manifeeted
When he returned !fOlD the nuralng home to face
the mevlt&ble It W&II With an unmlltfka.ble courage
and restgna.tlon He """ Been &t J118 beat In hIS
'borne where he wu proud to protect and 8WJtSID
hlB faollly
The mterment took place Bot Readmg Cemetery
Floral tributes were Rllt by
1f-other Da18
Will and Joan, ' listens and brothers, "Ethel Blld
(nIecel) M.r and Mrs C R Ta.ylor
and Dlece}, Mr\ C H Ca.udle (Sa.hsbury
l-Illep.n'''-Mn Venn and Madge staff and schoJu!
of Ba.ttle SchOol, .tI& of Bat.tle Infante School
the rown Clerk, AlI08 .04- Je181~ Mrs F .A
Emily lhllclleU, Ro~ Cbolwell (a
1!ICb0lar), Mrs Clanage and family, ,.. Ethel'
(Glouoe!ter) Mra Fenton and Mr and Mn Cot.
Mr and Mrs Freeman, Mr and Mrs G R
Jaabon Mr and M., LudlQ","Mr T May, Nell
and Wlil Moms Mr E,! ?Wen (Watfoid), Mll88s and Farr, ~ Qapt.lijn E ~ Bowland,
RAM C • Mr and Mr. llfir;by. Miu li: M Sutton, Mr aDd Mrs J 8wlJIow, Prel1deDt and
Members of Executi.e NatlontJ UnIon Of Toacll.....
ReJ!Mig and D,strict TelaoherO' AUocl&t<on, Berks
COunty T.act'..... AUOOI&t)~, &adinit'
D, ..
tnct Head T.ach.... :Aaocif.tion, ChilCIrm', Con
cert CO)llIIllttee, Officers ODd 'Memben Of Oxford
Offietalo of








t.h ..t there • • ...

oompetltlODS ThIS IS the
the.t. the ebmpetltl~~' have been held being
orpnlHd by a. smalt committee of WhlCh the Rev
F J Howard IS ch&1rIDlln and M..rll J H Wright
hon .acret~j:'J'
sfcen parl!JIea took part tbus
yeo.r--St Johns
uk.. 5t l Mary>
Mark a,
at. GIles &nd 8t George! 1Rea:chng and 8t
Peter'., wle.y I The <t!om~p.tlOna oonlllat.4lld of
recitlng, tolo andr chOir i.Jn81ng drill &Dd sklppmg, and tug~f war and the lexoellent &00 thor
ougb. lnstr~ctIOD, th&t th.e cbildren .had recelyed
.. shOwn 1)1 the h'gh sta.od.uid &tl"",ed by the
oblldrea milde Judging v'efy dli!OUlt, eapec1aUy In
the alDgmg loont-eat.a lD which there was gener.Ily
a tle for the fil"8t pl600 The Interest WN aU th6
more keen on account of tHe eli_Henge abie1d
"hlCh wu (given not only on the reeult of theae
oompetitIOJll but on the result of the recent Band
of Hope eDm1na-hoDS st
more the!
of the
~;~I;~l~~:: }~:::!,.;.~;
155 marks.
j andwinners
St John
s 'e
Wlt.h 149 marks
mlttee IS much ,_"CLC,·.,·



for iJIe """""', of



competItioni SInce they were
l drill &nd
ilippmg, Mw Macrae M A tt910 .nd chOir i!nlli'
mg lIr Gllbert Ledger tug-of war the ReT .A
V Deane 1M A
The pnz.ea and ch&Uenge shield weN) dl!ltrlbuted
by MIlS E M Sutlon, 'Who was pt:esented WIth a.
bouquet by MISS Molhe PatterlK>n
The follOWing we~ the wmn~ _
SinglDg Gam.. CI .... B Girlo JunIor -1 Bt
John. 1'1
2 St Mark 8 a.nd St Peter _ Earley

-Solo &iDlIng. Clan A BOY' JunIor-1
John s (John Moth) 2 8t Peter a Earley
CJ,a..u B
Glrb Seulor -1 St
Jobn 8
2 St Peter I Earley
AU four teams
were Yery' good
Solo SingIng CtU8 D
Boy. SenIor -1 St
Pete" E'A\rley (Erne.t Beard) ond 8t Luke. G<xI what tlu!y
(Walter WillIS) (equaJ) 2 8t jollD's
'tIlen and women who
RecI-tlllg I Clus C
Senlar -1
8t the eva.ngel.ila.tion of the
Giles (Dorothy Batten) 2 St. 1Alk6. 5t Luke. .bout
were a. V0Ty ,good .secoud
The &. A. J! 1II>I....t late of C&Icor>t., a.od
ChOIr Sutg'tttg -1 St Peter'. Earley and St tbe.Rev
E Haywaro 6 miooioo.ry f", .. NoPthorn
Luke s (equal) ? St J".ohn a A very close oom NIgena addressed the meeuD(.
The Mayor (Hr LoonW ' 8utI.on) -aled .t
Rec,tlng. i CI... B
Gtrlo JunIor -1
in the t.boe_ 01 Sir T ll'
Peter R Eaitey (Ene. MOnger) 2 8t George 8
Claas A
Boys -1
2 8t John e
_ton ud lli
CI8.85 B
GirlS Juruor -1
2 St Georges
D Boy. Juntor-1
Beard) 2 5t John 8
G rLs
SenIor 1



!i&''''''<dIU.W'~ ri'.t.~




Ba~d of Hope
eon.Ho~lve ;,eu


ma.y not
be be
or abOrt.a.nd One
1:~~~~i~~~ji1~j~~~~~;~~~~:1 the
the laet phue
I h

as OV«
~u ltlthatl
g~t they
the vote
the war 'ow
«0 splendid
tha.t Utey
I oned t .,at would be 150 bu-t. the.r~WOuld be no
ha u done HI: tbe meant me by t he r lUI. remi,nd
ng tbe 11 f rlends as well as their
tu::.,. of ."b&t
as needed and by contlDulnr toj work for It.
f ol t cans and the Press had very ~bort memorIeB
and ther,efore they WeN) kee!ung tihelr fla.g eytng
and kee~lng their orga.n1satlon tOl t.her
11 5S Nuu. BoYLE 15& d there was
great deal J,r
tlilpt rap belng talked Peonle look p cant phraae&
IUId lli orhd them to death a.nd d not seem to
~e t They were more lust.ffied ow th ..n eYe!'
before 1n a~1tlnS' for volea for wom n They were
lust lied on grou nds of patriotism They we.nted
the best things for the l nation t s.t the nation
cou ld get a.nd they WOUlld never have glVtln them
lei es to t heIr ca.use If they did Dot bebev~ that
t ~ as the hut tha.t could be glven!to the CO'Untry
Ho cons der~ that because she was &. p&.tnotlo
woman .he ..... & ouifraglSt and Oecau. . .he
, iulIr&g st 5 he wa.s patr otiC
T hiS
'IIIas the time to uk for the best tba.t the country
~uld have Ne\ er a. day passed but she s&w hOoW
l eil.'l" Iy 'We were lOSing by DOt hamng .. omen III
the counc is of the nation
Th e death rate of
ch Id rel1 last year wal 0' er 50 000 J lbe h gheet for
ercr so long and '\Iiomen COfIId laved those
I fS had t.bey bad con trol of UtG children Those
cb Id en tho country would want 60 badly pre
Tne counlry was los nn' wealth Josmg
food los ng energy los ng resources
. . . omen were 1I0t allOwed to say .. ba t kmd of work
they could best do and to do It
They aU r ocognised t hat votes for women wu
& measure or progress
People who stpod In the
road of progress must go sooner r Ia.ter-people
1 ¥e Mr Asqu th t.hat de&r old j enue man who
had ,(lch • deep-rooted prejudice
Mr AJq>uth
onee told hla constituents thilt lie cont racted &
pre ud ee agaInst women 15 8u1frag ~ at the &Ie of
nil e wlilCh he bad never outgroWfJ It remJDded
her of & story wh.1Ch ehe 6&W 10 &! Puncb sup
An old lady ran out Into a crowded
' quare n London and eagerly wed the polJCeman on pelot duty , Where shall I get the bu&
lor Ha.mmeramlth;l I
the middle of
YOI r hack: lady
r eDhed tho oonatable And tha.t.
..u s '" here Mr Aaquit.b. would get. It one d ay
Votes for women was a me&sure of
progresa; of patriotism of l U$Lice ILnd of common
SC Dse
HumanIty wu comJlO:8ed I of men and
women .pd botb 'l'ore equally ",Iporta~t to tb.
~e lfa re of numanlty
Tbe re were two I of moat
tb ng& we had tv. 0 legs and two arms and 'We
v;ere old t wo bra.1M
Huma.mtyi b&d been hopp ns: along Wit h Ita rta-lit. leg stfklng out In front
1.00 t.s lert leg dra"Ing behind, all lopalded
( ) The 19th century ,..aal JUaD a centur;r
bul, lman did not know hoW' to a.ppl.t th& Inventionl
be ~ad made and the 20th century must. 'bel
v oa\ an .. ct.utuu 'SO that. &.1\ t.heM! grea.t In't'en\.lon&
ttl gh.t be ada.pted to t.he enWs of ".wisdom &a weU
as of wealth U onl,. women oould adapt them.
Sbe bad Jl't'ed many ye&rI In &n outpost 01 the
r.mp1te aDd ODe realised there u nowhere else
!.bat the bUTqen 01 EmpIre was ) borne o~thD
,houlders of l he 'WOmen
The nation could not
keep a nythl1:ag t.hat It had WOtt by t.he ,"word unleu
It b&d WOmen to make homea and to rear Brltieh
oh Id"n
They "anted to maQ tblng. better to see thot
people were kept fit for lIVing .. weU &I for dymg
Our eoldters I were tr&lDed. to a.b50lut:6 fitoe&s
why did we not do th&t for everybody mea and
Yomu, a.hke? Then everybody would be fit for
natlonaJ &erVlce of any klOd t hi!!re would be tto
weed ng ou t;. of t.he unfi t
It was because they
wanted to be abl e. to do that that t.hey 'Wanted
tbe power lo do It.. PolItICIans were such idiOt.
(Lcwgbte,) There was no gett mg a.way from that
I hey had no sense of proportion and very lIttle
sense of decency The present mfantlle morta.hty
II,aJI a. terr ble t hmg to ConumDIa.t.e eo t.hey lust
turned their ba.cb on 1t In thle great awakenlDg
Lhe more we t hougbt the more wroni' and topa.y
turvy things seemed to be It wu true Urat lf
1PomelJ had had the sole of atr&lra
!lS men had they would. ha\e made lUSt. as great
a llesS of It
It. was <('lute preposterous to fiiUpp0.5e
that. balf of hum&.luty \could go by Itself But the
last and greatest VlCe """U humlhty
lbn had
Illn.d" a bleaa of tlungs bec::aU5e or their conoelt In
tbl k ng t ha.t they could go by themMl1vea but
they had mana.ged to make a comforta.ble pl.ce
for lbemselves
They must. not let themselve5 he m1sled by
prom Ises of wha.t ",hey 'Would get after the WU'
)I en were notJ: kOlng to give them a.nythlng tor
be ng good girls
They would get out. of gIVing
them a.nytblng u long &8 th,y could and a1t<,
gether If posllble. They mUst make their demands
~n~llten t and petllJtent and keep theJr ca.use to
the fore In a. gre" wa.r like thiS wheD the coun
Lt) wa.s bemg 1 gen~ved of It. male
ViOm en ou,&,bt to been able to keep the whole
lb ng ateady
The men who had gone to fi i ht



tng on the ooouion

more d ffieult to keep 1t up they wo~ld be ~11Dg
Ihe pert. of tr&ltora aDd cowards jTbey heanl a.
great deal a.bout women s. dutl' to tlie u&tion I' '''''.'rl.
Th" r Idea. of women 6 duLy to t~e n.tl9D was
Iha.t t!leJi should do t.he be8t work l t.he,.. could to
t he bcs~ ~f tbelr &blhty Women ~ well .... ""'~,~II ·L.oIl&r<l~M, ton)
lIfero aD rntegra.1 put of the natlor' .1"hey


wa. .'_ I,.,..:~ _ga"h"rI'i

Th. Comllllt~ of tb6 Readinl' 1!'.u'ly C1omn~
Aaaoci&tion lUSt. lSSlled their report for 1915
84 fo11owa , Dunn,. the put year lIe9'eraJ I:i'!....e
.been made 10 the tune for CloelfJJ at ahop,l He
oently .. m~ting of traders took pJ.a.o& .nd]bO"
present su"ported the followlnK hours for cl lng
M:onda.y Tueede,y Thurroa.y i'rid&1 7 oolock
8a:turday tJraper! B 0 olock, eUler


o clock

M&l'Ch .2od

lola been


~e ~r.(~~~~~~:i:;:~;:";:~:~~ <~;~~;

aton of

8hOpe.,~, ' ' '..!;;;;;'!;,

111 t.heoccue

Th ..



m~"n.n •• ":ijITh':.:ad~~


pUbhahed lD a.U t~ local
ye~ adopted to Inform
of the hohda.y
The finances of
are latl8facl.ory but OWIng to lO<:Te68ed expend
ture In a.d'ftsrtl~ng the above cllanges the Com aP'P1""1 for an JDQrease tn the amount of
I5\11:MCflptiO" and ask IWIllw.ub
llberally &Up
POrt them I. . the work: of tile ABaoolatlon )8 lust
&II unport&Dt DO.". as In the 1)&lt
The amount
sublJcnbed by tbeon was £18 Is 7d IlI!i aglJDllt
£15 l2s lId Jut year
Tradel'l are InVited to
become Jlubacrtbera Your Commit-Lee cannot oloae
their repor~ WIthout expressmg their deep regr~t
at tl;le 19" ~ust&ined by them and by all the promotiers of WI, clOSing by I the dea.tb of their
esteemed ljrMldent Mr Will &JD McIlroy
was a .. tlLUnob lJUji;orter 01 lee.rher clOSing .nd
hea.rtlly aUl:lported the Aseoo&&tloD In Jts endea
your to reduce the boul'l of labOur
The balanoe sheet 8howed & b ..lance In h&nd of
£2!J 1& 10ld bu~ th" haa &l",ady been used ,n
adv-ertlaln~ I the e&JIher aloaine of uOpl!li
March 2nd


'1'0 TO 1mIToa or TJIE '-.nING OB!BllVB."
Sir - I have !Â¥en requesttd by the Umon of
F.amJil Trade Brewers of whfch I am .. membef
to uk you, to lMert.! the re8OhttJOnS copy of which
IS enclosed paaed at Q. sp6e:l&l meeting held &t
the QUI1J4)D-Btreet Rotel on Tkursday Jut
I may .ay the ~trlCtlOns pu~ on 'US by the
Oentra.l Control Bo&rd h . . had a dlllUtro~a effect.
on the family trade brewe,r

trade .. reduced