Reading Observer 07-1916
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tbe",.elves in a baD~
treSSing _ys; making th"
sufferer a misery to bimself
an~ to everyone aboat
LIEUT. "A. F, J.
hi' abtmce. pri.oner W"ai authoruJed t~ -..p li~.... A number plate should be IUUed
each. licenae
These pla.tes were Ordered by
fI"'IDer and, debvered to the ' Boro)lgh
Office, from whenoe they were IBBUed
.. ~:!tJ:H
requisition from pnaoner. The:-.:- . ___ ,,'
to prLBoner's account.
last 17 year!, done by ,,,,m,n..,'.
eelllOl'll, as there W&I!I no ufe jilt
tlon m which to
account for It.
oounte.rIoila (or seven :'_"_"" ..'_" ~;~'
Ma.rch was made for
it could not be found. In the present
there were 89 leaves unused, ,-vlth .even
terfoils, makmg 96 10 aU. Four licenses
counterfolls jm the books !
Mr4 Stevens, of Brewertlln and Stevens, Ltd.,
bls firm were ownen of beavy motor ve~ple.,
mad~ QUt: t4 the
September" 1914, fot' .an ada tractton engme to run in the
DO reCeIpt or .. -form Of
. A'nother cheque for £1 .,.;.. 'dr.....
October 20th, 1~15, ID "''JIOIIII& to J ~~;~,;;'=U;:~,
'P1pli,"li,on toongtnal
WItneY b:r.' prisoner, who tol~ IJ'
hcen.e ~fee '90'8.1 £la;f th".
fee was ba.lf that amount, No
Another l cheque for £5 ~ wu
on Augu.t 10tb for on adeli'''n,1
win.. ··b.,., ·~~e1I>ed'
The "battle of '. the : Bomtne," to use ⢠CODvenI""t1, oomprehenliVll term' lor t ho gna~ thruot
which the Britlm an£l French ' armies ar6 making,
toroth.. _with the 0P!'ration. <of our RUJlI&Il and
italian alIIâ¢â¢â¢ has !ill~ our n;"'opopors. and our
mmdl .1a:iOlt to the &J:cllml9U of any other IUb]ect.
We have l)een taught by coq..tact with the ieahtiea
of "'Mr, oyer a pen~, -.lmo,~ of two ~1lI,' to dilcard th6 bobih of unintelligent ' anllcip.IIon and
undu, optlml' m. W. rocogniae that tb. ta.k beferre
Allie~ &rm.iea ia tremendoullY beair, and
QUA~~EL.. I~~!::.~E~~~~3~
A quattel bet._ ..... _
..... the Il1bjeo\
of ⢠cue ..t , the :R.eadllli Dorough Pol~ OoU,ft
Tu-.iay, whem 'Predenek . Iremonger, of
O%ford-road. ... wmmoned for UlJnl tbre.t.' to-''L<'''. 'l<'>.
wa.rds Alfred ~ of 21, Triniq--p1ace, 011
June 29th.-Mr Byme, of Meean. Aqdrew Wa.1a.h
.,.d G1'&1. "PPI'......:I for the defence.
c..c.m pla.m~t., &&id tha.t on the da.,. in queati0r
defendant wanted to 19ht hurt; a.M. toot I. off hi.
coat. U1lIlIJ t~t "he would kill ooinpt&l.J1ant 11 he
.ouJd only put h.ia AI... up Compl&lD.a.nt believed 'Dla.Jl WM jeaJou. of h.i:tD beint a ~.eep
C..,......uunoc!, oomploinanl d.niod AfIDi 10
derendant that h6 ought. to be In the t.renol»eL
H. knew ll,ofe"!iJoDt'o lather, allO ⢠.weep, ~
boell Ill. bull his trade had. DOt b6Defltecl dunal
â¢â¢John"-~~~ .. -,~ -'1"
u poopk",
eo<>DOlDIalIiJ ⢠..,
. 16. DOrl>i .. _
I_h ,
said he u.w
e'lMill.Dt" aq, up to ,.. :I:1.aSlalJ.
Def...... uicl U.ol he ..... a married m"". "1Ih
I â¢â¢ elillcI~ ⢠Ha had been out at the Ironl. ajJd
1fU ditch
m )1&1 WlUl & gOod Ion
medicaJ ~ 'l.1la.TtDr been «.-ed, a.Dd .ldd a.
d,,,,,,,tM ~ . ,~ Be UIl.tod bia t.tber IIn .hill
l'tanda.ll had. ta.untled him ijs..t he I . ~;"",,".
ought to be In ~ Arm7. ,
Ch ..nnan : (Mr. .1. J. Ooopor) Mid ~ It
WM â¢
blllrine. quaneJ. between twO men
who _ro trying to ,., all the bIIiiJJetO tIooy
The, BenCft dZmiaaed the cue,
[Au. ' _
' 1'\
A IIlD&-w.,. the peat. tnmk TCH and ~
the water'. edge. H_ mIdw&y _
road and the rall.,.,..,,-, is the ~ miD.
Scartle & mile away is tlae town. "But here
pluh 01 ...ater drowns what oonnd 01 traII10 tdoo
would carry to the apot 011. "$t"f br... ; here ..
rural ebarm ; bere on. w01J1d forgot tJW. hlghwe do not look for a sudden oonapee of the ebemy. roads are, torget that citJes domiri.&te.
But we feel that.
&111 justIfied in drILw1Vg the
.Aah trees tower above .. group ~f wttImn
I,:ollcfuuon from a aerlt!1 of operations cOnducted ..,.... tbe pool. w~ I...
~ punt _ _ nll
on a plan worked aut carefully in co-opleration lb. current of tbe o~orllo".. A climbing ,;D4 . . .
and long and .ttenuQu~ly p~pa.. d. wblCh hu pnt
O"ermany on the deteniIve eVery.w-nere ,eJ:c:ept. at .pray. a hawthorn bnab with bldom in sharp ...,.. I
V.rdnn. tb,t the has ~~ the mOlllent of t ....t "". browning herrI .. pf the hawthorn.
hit mUlmum etJor\t' and that his relative atrength
elder at the eomer of the ~l waves di.Ia-I.b
as, apuu,t the foren conf't'9nt"ng: him. moo from blooml above it. dRk grMll male. mo- by,-m.
DOW onwlU'dl be Con.taotl~ dechnm~
In the bril- 8. oottap prden, iB an aDClmd . r-pple tree wiioIia
h't!Jt feats of the Bnt.lab. troop. In ⢠t~ battle
naked bongn. .Irallgl. oarel â¢â¢I~c. The ~timoO 1
thi Sorume" we eM acknowledge the frwta
Lord Klt¢hener'8 mirac.utoul creation- of huge herod eoltage gives lb. imp;-i~ that It ' h.. 110
Voluntary armlel5, the egual rof &I1y troops In the oecupanlo. an ;mp.....on wbieb i~Iclcl,. ebaDpII
A. MayeH, ' 145, Beecham.road, com·
world; of Mr. Lloyd George'. brillu,.nt achieve- by the movement of a. e'llr'tai:il. aD the ~ of l
c::lerk m the employ of Meslll's 8 and E.
ment. of orgamza.boD &t the Minlatry of Mmlltlon. ; the -'oman'. hand that e1eared t
new for fI'/&<.
Ltd , Grovelancf. -roa.d. ReadIng, 1a.1d t.Jtat
and of the patriot18m &Dd llelt-sacrlfice of Bntuh
had two motor tracton. He ldentified &
enqnir:r of ⢠otrang., making noteo.
£14 1 drawn by hiS firm m December,
Bul lb. mIll â¢â¢ the dominatinJ f~ 1ft I I!h. .
.. heenle for a. locomotwe I No receIpt,
At a luncheon given to tbe Oveneaa Dominiona aeone. Hlllh ,t otand. al the 'head of tho pooi,oruI.
hcense or plate were ginn. On severuJ. oCcUiona
Slated roof I 1
ParhBmen~ repr esenta~ves, the' Hon. B , G. IS fronted. by .. promontory ~m..
he telepboned for the license, but he never recelved
\ Mt~rt, Chlllrman of COlllmlttft! in the South and windowl in the match~ upper 1ton1~
it. A cheque for £18. dated :Mny 12t h, 1915, for
Alncan Senate, !!poke of the ma.flc whieh had can- are wblte with flour dust. 'Qe :red-bricJt mman ongtoal license wall 5ent, <Ul<La. li cense wnl revetted ~e South .AlMcnn Republlct 11;"om enemy house Ibow.l!l .. ple&llD.g froUt besld6 tbe mill Heal£,
celved -. k cheque for £14, da.ted Nuveruber, 1915,
wu .ent, &nd no receipt, hcem-e (;r pla.te ) :was
stilotea lDtO mtegral umts of the BritIsh EmpIre, and is drea8ed in a clunbiDg tea..rol6 trained above
mspued With Ifnhments of loylll devotion. Mr
Stuart, ~aktpg as aJ " pI am Dutch f~imer of the ita four flat wmdo",. ~)garden jutting out {nc.o
~c~'h~ar;:I'~~' Oppen.h.w. of Langley J_~dgâ¢â¢ Calcot,
the pool 1S b8llked from \ the water by ⢠flood ..
Ornnge {ree State," lald.:,
dlreetor ul Messrs C Opptoshaw, Ltd,
&&Id the Company ('1\\ ned two trnctton
, .. The libra in th:eir cOllnes fought for Great .Iain.d wall. tho uglin.... of "b,ch a rich virgIDIO
H. Idcntlfi. d a clfe'!,,,. for £18 dated
Brltllin &t the hme that the South African States doe.s its 'beat to hide Wlth wide-spread. l"l.ves &D.d
I~r.;'vember 1914, he had dmwn for n. h C':lIl s:e f,I e
bad theU' COD8~ltutIon granted by the Govem- dalnty tendrila droopmg ,to kin · tbe st~ l- A
not produce a rccelJ~t or hcen::e, he urun.lly
m ent of the la.te f:hr Henry Campbell Bannerman, tall hi&<, .11 .to blooming done. wave⢠⢠m'" of
tore them up when the lil.-ense cxp,red Hc could
whose naoma was very hlghly revered &lld loved leave! a.bove & row of rose trees gay with richtred
not !lay whether thel 9, WIl8 A plllte glven, as the
In Soutb AfriCa.
~ an ex-RevubUcaD who had
en~lne Wt\8 command eered b y the Gm,ernment
fought ag.unst thus country ~ the be,t. of hI6 blooms-these a.t the outer edge of the g~en
Malcolm Stuart Don. of ff7. Queen's·road, Reada.btlitv, he WIshed to e.xpte!8 hts ungrudgmg penmaul&. Two rOWli of d.nrdy broad-bean pIa.nte'
foreman and ellgUl~r to
admnatlon fOf the wondenul st&tesmanahlp, for show blue grey above the ba.ngrog virginia. \Ou
tlmber merchlUltll, Leeds,
the rare polilleo.l lnl!lbnet which g!,uded the coun the grtW!I8 plot & brood of chien, little brown balls
office Btl 6 , M ..rk",t 'place, Readmg.
sels of the Government m thoBe da.vs when lIuch of fea.thertl, chufl each and each &s 1\ dainty IS disbrought. £6 to the Pollee StatIon In
a hberal coostitutlon WILlI granted If
for an addltlOnnl 1icerl~e I\nd !law Inspector Strute,
It now only rem&lnS for the pollttca1 instmct of
bu~ ·bad no receipt, l1 cense or plate
A ,-reek later
In the .h.llo" pool t ...o duck. pub .Iowl,.
he .gam aa.w Inlpector Strute and a~ked him for
agarnllt the. stTMDl and re&eb. to the gra-.elled bed
to the dlBconrent of Ireland ~
the neense, l and be. fll\ ld he W!\.l very bUllv Mld had
for food Wlt.h ea8e, no "dive " being' nee~ed.
not had time to get It readY. H e c&lled agaIn at
various times, and.. was each bme told by SI.&IOO
Tbe questIon of employment when our forces are Geese, take tbe water near the... punt, and ~lth
demobllil!ed at the dOlO of the ,var lS ,. very large railed hea.d... in onqUlry, alant across the pool In
tha.t. he was too busy to out the heen.e, and
Lieut. A. F. VBU~NHAM. Killed.
the plate could not be' got owmg to the W&r. About I
and a.nous, one. Th. . .cond part of tbe fin.1 reo wedge fonnatlOD, but, no food. &ppe&rinp quickly
September, 1915. be ""lied al Ih. 1'01.00 Stalion.
port of the -Departmenl.I Comnllitee appolDled to they turn thetr orange bills punt-wards, and reachall one of his englDes had been .topped In thq
conSIder thiS question haa tioW' been lSlued It de- 109 the driIt of the overllow are tJ'Wept by tt,
Boro.. gh. A cheque for . £14 WR.I drawn by hiS
clarea tha.t the State and the local authontlcs
He wae' sucb a ought to' prep&re scheme. of reJ}luneratlvs work.!! lengthened hne as they make for the low mudCompany 011 September 29th, 1915, for t1'"O ad! pl&eed there- In 8. ida.y or two
to me that I find lit Impttallble t,..:, of Improvement, botb m town and countrr. on bank Here they IItand for a ~ace and preen their
ditlonal licepse8 He t.ook It to the Pohee StatlOO .000re&&friend
my feeUngs at hiS IO!e ~ but trU8t that
and BaW Inspector Stalte, whQ lIald he was too e.xp
you Will res.hae how mucb yOU are .y~pa~hlaed which die aurplus la.bour may be employed WIthout ruffled fea.thers, and then all If or one miDd t.bey
busy to let him havo the h eenfCs that day, but WIth
delay. It 1l!I â¢â¢ of great \mporlanee" tha.t there rullh to the streu.m with fiappmg wings and sp,"h
us all out here"
would let him have them soon He caUed a fortsbould be mcluded schemes
reclamation and into the ~ CllJ'T'ent, later to dumppear behind
"B.1lrnblm, who wa~ 25
nlgbt later, and was told the lacenses we re not
afforestation. In order to attraet ex·ttervtce men
4th Reyal Berka , ' _0:', ."" _
ready, and It was doubtful whether be would get
to a.grtcuJture it Will be neceun.ry to offer a aatls- the prnJectmg "a.ll
th" war In August,
Steps WIth- a handni1 drop from the ,r.rden tAt
plate owmg to the Wllr He called three times
factory wage. &dequa.t.. hOUSing, more '
With It.lJe aa..:ne retult, and never receIved the
ameDltles. and reMonabl& p~cts of a.dvance· the pool. A chalD fenee l oop~d betw~n 1_ paota
ti!,~~:;::~~.~in;for R. c:
ltcen"Sea I
ment The-Committee is divided on the subject of gun.rds the edga of the w&ter all the hi'Utel- ~
Arthur Lucas, of Shmfield, agnclIltural m;:!.chlDa. mmimum W&ge ~ong tbe reeom~endllttons and between the fence and tHe road to the milt
i.t Ul busmeas .t SW8.lIowfield, Bald that on October
of Ih. Mmorlly ReP9rt a.. AgrlO1lltural 'o/age.
On rlsmg aro-4 ' 0Tel'131h, 1914, and January 9tb, 1915, b. made onl
Boards, a State guU'antee of 40.. to 4~" l?er quax a WIde stnp of gr0.9t1
the road and pool a .ubstantJal.....,~
cheqtlel for £6 each, paya.ble to In !!pector Stal't.e
ter for home-grown wheat, and a bounty for tbe from a welt kept la.wn, where grt"n a ~
breakmg4W of ~gral!.!i-land.
them Wc PC. Wooda, but receIved no I, ~~~~:~;~~~f.:
or plate
cedar stretching Its Wide splAyed armt acntIA tilt
road, and brushIng-the tlttf With It! lowelt boll..... 1
ArthtlI' ,Da.IlIel Apst, chIef "'Istant to the
The. dark btanches contrast IrtTOJ?gly WIth the lipt
Borough Accountant, IlUd that .it WSA dDe O:t.b,i t
gr..n 01 ⢠wainut cI... al bopei Toppbig the
dutl" 10 altend at the PohciO eftiee abcniflh''m.t.
weather-worn wall of the preen II a fenee of -plit
d~y eaclt month for the pllrpooe of
palos, protectIOn enough and yet shutting ~ut
counterfoill wlth the recelp~ book
the money due. The money was
nothing from TleW, On the fa.ce of the
Stalte by cheque, and WltneS!
AND PROCf;EDlNGS." wall near the upper end of the race from the whtel,
tbe bank &COOunt wal ued ~or any other PUTp088
two ferns are growmg sturdily. And round and
than for po~!p' accounts.
OTer the mill many Bwallows sweep In graceInl
WltnBl' "\etl gave 'detailed evidence that the
eleven cheques referred t.o by PrevlOWl wftneaea
We'received the bound volume of the pa'pers curve,., or skim across the ripple! ID the pool.
Near tbe mIll and beyond lowlymg meadowl â¢
""ere not mctuded 10 the monthly payments made
and proceedings of the HampshIre FIeld C~ub and
ctober, 11h,914, to p'eoe.m -.
hYbe ~nl'901n5er t~ hlm tro
m 0to
In tbe course ot the &nnnal report nbmitted It Arcbeeologte..l Spcmtv (vol. 7. part 3), which ha.s stream wmds ltS BlOUOUS way 'ootween the ha.wl
r t 1915,
~e wen on
&t InInipecto
.1ua.1 or the meeting~JuI
Ber'-Bapl,.t AlI8oclatton lut JUlt L__
_ .3
,, '"
d bl
f Ihe thornll and the wtllows Here IS & ' rustiC bridge,
had a conversatIon
.IJI:OI:In 1llStlco
.n. conSI era e po 100 0
S.lute WIth nigerd to tbe whole queotlon of heen.... week. al M&i
ead il,. .t.ted : - â¢
book (wb,ch, by Ih .....y. ;. of bondy .... and With iron guard-rads, and protected at it. fKther
and mentJonei:l that there were now very few loco·
.. T~ have been more than the average num- dearly printed In good type) II deToted to dellcnb- end by broken hurdl.. The bridge, .....df_~
motIve Jt ceD~S in
IDlpe:ctA)r StRite her ' of paato~ ch!otlgel! dUTln~ the year. At the tng the doinga of the Club laet year, and the eix Wide, ill 8. C4TtWo.y to tbe meads 'besIde the :rail.....,.
that by II&Yllig that the Government had com- tJme of our - Jut report four were carefully prepared papen deo.hng With the aeveral hne, and IS made of plankl two mcbee thIck and
a great
and vacant·, 'these have been fii"ed.
In addItion Ih. I....mun.r excunnons . a f Ih e mem ben are lW'e n wortb apaced about Bn mch-'or 80 ap&rt. Tbe water bealeo tha.t m~y
hght tradton.,
and ml!ltaneedl Colher'l!I M now ul!lmg lIgh't t ractors httle church at Odlbam bas beeome bold,
both a& ⢠rooord of the Y6;Qr's actlVlt.tell, neath tnckles slowly and gleams in the DlorDlDg
sun The stream IS loWr, and mud-banks nee above
Witnen ..... ,. locomotive licente bOok for tbe fint. through the 'operation or the Sustentat.lon Fund,
M containmg a. wealth of eunoUi mfOnn&tlon
time on June.l bt, and subSequently diSCOvered that to~ mvlte .. D11nil!lter. We therefore gladly report
For in8tance, In tlie firat, we learn many in- the ....ter eb3nneJ.o-grimy bed. "hero the \""1'
it had beeti }!tut1iated 10 two plaoes
Between tQe h&ppy ~ .et tlement of the followmg brethren: teresting facti connected With the hOUIe at Little- armed water·crowfoot roota a.nd trad5 oft to.. the
July 4th, 19m, add M6rch 2nd, 1916, thet'e were Tbe Rev. J~ ,MVtt ..y DUIm~g (P..tb~· College) cote, at one ttme tbe laeat of Lbe Jamoul!I. or 10 stream, on Wblch It tloa.t. and stal'B t.h& poal.a With
two eounterfoU. torn out. and between. Marcb 2nd,
1915, and lIai'oh 29th, 1916, two other oounterf011. .t, rovela.u I, tRea.dmg; the Rev. W_ J Lush famous, .. ,Wild Daren/" The DareIls, like many bloom
Scared by the tumIDg of a page, a watervole
were "1Jl.Issmg I The book mowed six hcenaetllaued (Bt}at.ol
nt Wokingham i the Rev.~ Alex- other remukable th'YglI, QaDle' OTer With the
to A~ 22nd and each W&II accoun~d for m ander
(fr~m Bournemout'h) at)- Wyclifte,
and thiS P¥tlcular Wild Darell, aho & plungeR from ⢠Juttmg Willow stem and talr:ea the
k~ and there were no IlC~Je ! fee""men·I.lI,,",aiU'1l
Rev. Wt1liam Thoma'll, M A., B.D.
)We ara told,! was "ovenvhelmed with water w1th a heavy U plonk," and a.t the tlound
!~~rf~tl!~ebcaAb book for which there We~ )'10
j a.nd the Rev. R W.
debt, he w~ j o.ooused of> one murder and fi8h dart through open water to the shelter af the
at OdlhafJ)
Wo weI. suapected of another, he )fad to bear...tbe odlum of crowdjng weeds Close by t he bridge on the lvwer
Rich8rd L l1sdec, chIef eaabier to
produced & certlfied caPt of
mto the AaSOcHI,tlOn With Loe debauchery and fra.ud, he was at la.w WJth nearly 81de a _wll1ow, 5pht and bent With age, leMs
account from U&nuarv I11t. 1914,
for them m a lIeaaon .n .bls tenant., a.nd In a stat.e pf waii'are With most hMvlly across the strea.m and stretches long IlrDlS
and proved tpe papng Ln of the
8eJ'Vl~ among Us.
of hiS neighbours, and in 15179 was put in thfl Fleet 10 meet the w&ving gJ'8l8, all Its $8rre.ted ,pear-like
de,,' re' to mak. menll'on of P flson, "hich
-t Iace f or leaves droop gracefully, anu show alterna~ly the
It btl·account' 5 ' 1
wu. perh aps, the ~~
109 nof.
0 cock, Mr Clark!d tIlat he
by the Baptist Cburch a.t Silver- him. Doubtless Littleeote ~N wt::J1 rid () Ita wlld gloSfly face or c!owny undenlde A narrow ..... &y
had four or five more wltnelses, chlefiy pohee
William. a.nd lUi chu.m to nohbihty' was In no wa.y bealde .. tbe st~ C&rTles beneatb the hanging
office"" and it1 W3 S deCided to adJoum tho C&8e.
Itt the death of their Pastor, the
~ JUf:ltlCe. Popba.m.(
dlmlDl8hed, for It paeaed to Lord
Mr. Bram Mid that If It was mtended to ClLII
a ter pro on~e an
whQ. incidentally. AN'IuittAtd Darell of t.he char'- branches of the WlnOwa and leads to meadow8
WoodJ Itt thl ~ cue, he would uk ihat aentenoe 00
e- where, knee deep 10 lush grasseR, wander
of murder,-fa.mous- ' :IA
-hiat9ry as the Judge prepli.a&ed <m hl1:q. tirst It was the ulual coune.
81dIDg at. the trials of Sir Walter Raleigh, Lord lazily.
Mr. CI.rk Il!&ld he would probably call Woods
E __⢠and Ibe Gunpo'l'der PI~t cone~Jr.lorl.
The cr..h of ⢠f.Umg .ignal brew the Ill""...
M a wItness I '
and With & hurtling rush an expreu whirls put
Mr Brain. lsaid he Wlahed that sentence ! hould
not penult Q, IIK't&l e re erence
d ~w od ISo
eacI:i of
but a ~u l pe'f\lIU&l of them T&U daJSleS on the ralway bs.nk wave m the folon
fore he WIlS called to gIve
reader with much abllOrbmg
eVl. moe.
A Quartet' SellioD', when ODe pnsODet
Ea~ ChurCh, Wlnchoater tOWlDg WlIld, and an elder blm~ n1eties and ah&
Reading Abbey,and the off the duat- of its bloom. The SIgnal apnnp back
turned Kmg'. eVJdence, it WtL! alwaya done e.J:cept
, ;,
be ~ted at
m very excep~lon.l clI'Cnmstancel
a laITmg note, and the meadows again are
The Ch&lJ'Dlan .aM. tha.t ... there was bo })OI!Iat.
matter! Q'f..interel!lt
blhty of co!'}pletmg the cuel that day, It !WQ.U1ri
be adjourned It11J r.ext Mond'l
. '
~ the reglonl of
Wooda was also 1"I8D\fWlde for a week Without
at .hiB 'requeiri, he wall allowed 'Wbe ~de- ,';'._' "",",-,,",;r, i~~~:
pO,hce statton.
> .1 1 .
......., -..,...
"- ._--",
TO 'I'D :KM1"OlI. 01' ~
u D.1J)DIQ o~·
Sir,-Mo.,. I trapaa on YOUr conrt.eoy to biirig
belore ynur rMcter. the eondition. and needa 01 til.
F",,J, Air Fund! The Froob Air Fnnd-whi~ I
f.unded t ......ty,l\'ft yean .g<>-<1.... & -"o<k of
oh,,,,,y which Dluot alwaY" appeal pOCuIlar
foroe to the oympath,.. of 'be ch.ntable, brighten·
mg aa It doea the liYM of the poor clilldren "hOM
da.ys are pn.ssed in the IlUDUI of our great eltiea.For the Iwn of la. it BDdertabi to eend .......~{
out of tbe Iq,ualid~rookenea of th& slums for .. da,.Into the mu, ~t, pure ~11' of the oomitzy, to
pay for the railway journey, to provide alrilful and
""",(ul attendant. to look after the <hild aDd
otganl&e Its gam", to gtve tt two good aolJ.d meall,
and final ly to ~ ,t home :refreahed ana delighted, il rather -tired. £10 lOt.. pay. for a compl ,~ party of two hundred JiUle .... the
" .. lSary attenc!&nte. lAd dOooti pi thia """ can
~"ve the party ,k,no.... b,. ..b~ ..... they
m;:.y choo.e Durtng the t ....enty-five_Lura ~ Ita
tIl:;t.ence the F.A.F. · h.U 'gt..,en 0,687,888 poor
children a da.y m C01Dltl'l;.
[n 1908 toe Freah J:Ond maugara.ted.
country hohda~ lor a fortlul'h~ for &.btl m~
cases, and dunng t.he int.erYclmg
... Ali. 1,' ....
!tWa one. have ~ t.nioY6d & glorious
th.' country. Th. root
. ,'"
· .
CROP. 1916.
The-follolrlng mtWmum Jlrioes have been he!
by llie ~:,. Council lor hay. oat llraw and ...boat
. Ira... ol!,he 1916 crop ID England and WoJeo:Hay .£6, oat _straw £3 1~, and wheat ~..
£3 per ton upon the condiUaJU that the f-eo
d~p~ment bale or trul8 Bnd, the vendot delivers tc
c4nta.ih , pON or troop cent.res
Thll wlll enabt.e
the vendor whOllf'J pi-odu~ IS 01010 to' the partIcular
port Ot; *roop cent.:re to obtam the &dvan~ of
pro~p:uty value
Where the vmdor conliihii hi.
....y! ID .x.... of 10.. per ton III cUe.
prodnce bira.tlw&y
r.d b. freIght
Wlll not
111 be
per tonwith
or ~ more
actually teoelved by the vendor wiU be
per ton for ha.y, £3 per ton for oat Itfaw
l.·nd ' "," lo.s. per ton for wheat straW' on condition
.,..;~ " .. ~carl
. ~_._ t.~e
311t Deaun·
!~!6j~~~f;~i~~~;::'~~:~En3 payn:tente
1917, 2l por oont. of
Fund. ~
per coni of tho
~1 d.p of tho.
a per cent. W.u
to Ibe dat. ...h~
upon all amounts
All hay l!'u.'