Reading Observer 10-1916
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Reading Observer_21-10-1916_00006.jpg
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OCR Text
up my rotor!. to
pl\in8 from my
4 nllotlll'"Paction to the bl'lddel, a.1J/~
0 (th4 "tb.,r: RYlOptODlII t)f k,.lu'!y £Ii
&lll DOW' &8
fit as 3 tidtlt,,:
(S;gnod) "fl. L.
On StlptemQer 29tb. 19U1-Ollcr
latt!r-Mrs. Carter said ;-" I
I kidney troub1a (or over tlll~~
I I!.foves beyond ...n t}o~lbt that DOl'1n'~
D10 le.atiug good. II
.I â¢
.dll ddaltn. fir 2/'tf " box from 1'0&141'- M"Ci,/i""
w~a, St. , ()xfo,a $l .. Lonaolt. W ⢠.Be s/I! f
DOAN'S alta (J~l DOA.N'S711~~ Pllb M, S,
PiUs'. ·-.---·-~-.!
A., ~tting of t.he Local ,Tribun~ "'u ' be~ at the
8elaiODA. Bouse, V&\pr-Itreet, lou" Monda! after'
the Mayor
Pi~iding. ) t~er, wete" t also
pre.e9t M~. J. W. Martm. 1). B. Ear!itt. L. tl.
QuelCh, F. E~ Monnl, E. B. Deadman, J. C. TruB'
trum. the Clerk (!dr. B. :.\. ·ColJino). Sir CameroD
Gull ' aDd Mr. Dodd -(!(ilitary ~resent&ti';:es): and
Lieti-t. B
Tarrant (Sub&Utution Officer for
W. DrJflield. 39, a. genetal dt'a!)er, waa gre.nte?
coDditlOna.l exemphop. he b&Vl~g , been, .: .IPfUI,1 since the be(i.nning o~ the wa.r â¢
... E.~ Burkltt, 3?, & tObaccoDlst, of
But.ter Ma.r·
k~t, I&jd he wal runnlDJ: his j buaioess vone. HI,
wIfe wu in dchcate heJlt.h.-Aliowed. till Decem·
bet' .1st to make arrangements. I
' ~
iMr. N. M. SllllmOnQI apphed for hia gardeDe~.
W: B&dbam, 40, an<l, 'Was gr&ttted th~ee montha
Anal. Baclbam alao applied on ground~ of domaltlC
budaD.ip, namely, tho iunes& of biB wife. Be' w&I
&1Jowed three months WIth leava to ' &,pDly agam. r'
W, WaU.i&, 31, a. packet" at Hunt14!l,.....~Dd PalmoN ,
who exylafued ,bat hI⢠â¢heaUh
bad, ....' il,en
three IDontbJ WJth to a.ppJy ~n
{. .. .'
A. J. Sweetman, 3~ a llCCUeed "'Victualler, 1n
a ... c, 3.1.....
glven thf08 !Dontho with I.... to
- ~
~ ..
Purcell, a. eompo~ito!'J 38, .,.~, em:
~ed by lIeal'll. Wyman i.nd ~na, . ..ked for Nr , .i<.i,ol' ~I'f Oo<l:. :~~'{h.n :i C1I>fi â¢â¢til!"i\Y
lief, on . the sround{oJ the cont'inued 11l-heaJ~h ~f
apply again,
~ ;' H
"his wlfe.-In re!;)iy to the ChlLlrma.n he 8&Jd\ ~e
h.,ci not yet baen,., called UP...nd hllJ , <:ase wu ad-
jouraed uptil he le.
,)J. E. Boward, 40, baker ILIld ,sub.po.stIJlaa'ter, "al
l1'~ted exemption 10 10n:: aa he rema.tns In hil
preaont emplovm'ent. .
P. W~ Fuller, 27, a.
FUller. uid ho had
, I.
"~,â¢â¢ , " .... ..~!:~{~~:z:
tflT~::p. w:rl.d,;,.. I ~.r .. ,, "
I. "
\\II' .··<lo"oI"V
Re.rlmg. no
It 1M an f".a~~y I
suprem~ Hoftiflt, i
writer, employed"by J .
two brotbe.ra 1U France.
op~ the' applic ....
m agJr.lan of
lovef3 of nll
: A and B
(Platoono No..