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Reading Observer_06-01-1917_00004.jpg

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of vlt ~l Imp :.> rta.nco {rom Mr P ot\loro

rl'i ,,,ld,,,, of tli'ol Bo.r~ of !.gt:!Cllllture) " • sub
a _eljing of tho 'Berlah .... 'II "+ Agr.

~hlch luet. <it tne f, AII1Z&

Re.d n ~ o~ 8&Lurd.Y'

Mr ' F J K
the ehaU' Ana tnen. were OliO pre
MUll , J ~rbCrt Ben) on Ernut ",Mdner
W Anker S.mmo~r Job
J ,0 t"I.~·. lI. W \ iIlcavmg F A Smith W J
Hen,,,a,._ Fr&DClSj H Wnght E M St"'1!"' u
T Skurra.y, F Goddard C \ A Ferard W
P Crutchley A. w i Laurence IRobert
FrlUlolI n.te fa Bro,"", R W T aylor
W I Cordell v A An,tey T S
B S Pennington T ROse And
S Pott a.nd Mi.. G Elllo"
Mr frotliero. leltor doa.Jt m:t.lllly tjl. or tbe GovTmenft for lDcreaSlD8: the. home
grown food ~upphe6 of the n ~~ lon
After recoromoolling the fOrnlotjon by eabb agrl
oul~1 oommlttee pf a. small ce.nt.Tal execut.lve
~tee COD!18ttng of men of practlcaJ agr oul
tural CJ;peneC6 who would give p'nAta.nt atten
t OQ, to the work Mr Prothero l jnll wIth the
IlJrvey 01. ~& tar..d Ue Wfltee: T~. Imme~ obJeob
are to uoerWn
,.~et~.. I~ 1. po611ble to lDamtalll the eDstlllg
arl).bl~ a.tM m cultli.V&tl~n and if so to aacertaln
th~ 'l,uoqtity and \.ituatton of other I..,d f hlch
Wlthopt 6%p<ID.U.VO fAnd protr.«ted ,pperAt or' snch
a8 ¥'y IllJ'Ie IIchemo of dramage can be JJ;\lt to &
mo,.., !,profitable uato for the ~nng ~uetl0n of
....nt/a! fOO<j
Tho further object 11 to mark
dOWD ltho I."d which can hi! broullht IIlto arable
cultlVl'tion for the hMv..t of 1918
Th~ -Bow h.. obtamed the .erv 00. of ..II Ger
CUAn ~m~onera and mterned ahen, who e.x
\pen8rrr0e4 m agnculture It allo hopes to secure
& sup Iv of plotor tracto...
In order to dlltnbute
tb s J our to the best advantage the war agneul
cultur..1 oomtnltteeo are uked to tom the Board
what il""d III their oPfruon .,ught to iJe. dealt
With at 'Once m. the r areu a.nd what hOtulDg
bot!i~i~1 eX.lBt for groups of m~ ((or exa.m?le
wor"!/ou ... or budding. which could be Irap.dly
.daplj;d) • I
DeiJwg WIth tli. ploughmg up of gr.... land
Mr !l'roth_rr BaY' - The pioughlllg 01 tem
por&nr grasMs for corn only mcreue8 ~he &rea. by
, b,tltutlllS lone ""obI_ crop for oIiother An
"tn.l odditlon to the land under tho plough III
uri"1 tlY nf!e(~ aod committees WIll flUl m their
dytv if th&y ~o not latl$fy the Q,eed I &m lIure
t&.t landowners will as a body recognIse the
pnr:uJlount cl&lm of the neCe!!ltlel!t of the nation
In tHe hmdal of practiCal &grlC\lltllrll~ts I do not
tho nk that compulsory powe" for 1 ploughing
grass vr II be abused Steps \ ar. be)Il¥ taken to
lim th. B0a.r!l those por~ n Bu~.£ seem.
to me neoe8~a1Y tha.t bt~clr use l11:iouJd be caretu1ly
rt'.ul~ted The fo,loWUlg rule nlust be ad?pted
If .p th. "plplOn of the committe. anr are.
o gtjU!l ought to be plougoed the unCOD~lttODa.l
nns~nt o( the landmyner Moq,ld m tJ:ie first In
1,"'1" b. . .k.d
If the landowner cobsenh
t 1 e work wll !l:proceed If ha refufies hlB consent
he ~ r"" should lie-'ml!J>Ccted lihd reported on by a
-t'! nmTfl ttee OOf1,Slstlng of .. practical farmer and a
~ . Ilfied loc;>I land agenl
1JIII'V.:ror )or valuer
"otlF" 'hOUI~ be g.ven of the m.peotton to the
land~ :vner so tha.t·he may be pruent or b& \reJl:I"&,enlt d by hI agent The Bow WIll be gwded
by t e rep,ort In ISsomg any order





a.<;'si stant


' ''O,,,.d, the cxtra. cost


J e!lr be ng

It " su8llested that the orpD1l&t.OIlj of potato
lITO, ng and ~g keePlIlg III the nlla$"" eh"l'ld be
delega.ted to B me mdivlduaJ or organlutlOD 'WlthlD.
the ~ "rea..
or example the DU'ector of Educa..
t Dn I for tlte County m.ght orgahi.. It through
tbe~nate.rIi o~ mistresses of the 81eIDfln~ schoOls
n e eh pa.naJi Or the whole orJO::aD18&tion mlgh'b
h. e tr~oted~ other <AuntIe_ to lIfr J L GlMn
the Secreta.r of the Rura.! Leagu. III Surrey
Stran IW
ho hal
,I t ~e dllpo
of C
tbe ....
be • hilarge
atAff r~~~~~b
of enta In mUlY parte of Engl8l1d south ol'th.
Bum ber 'Wh:!l.~ve.r plan may; be adopted th~
~ " C1~en II wat agrlcultUHl conmutteea who
",getrus In mfa.ny rural Villages c.ould give: m
...a.l a.hle help Bv whatever mean. tlle work .s
org nleed It would be under tho Illporv>Ol"" of
&Jll'lCQltllf&t committee. ,
I the
~fr Pnithero add. - ' Powers &re
~ til ~nab]e the B08l'd ~tther the.Diaelvel
thei;r duly aulhorieed &genu to
'W"h,TBVer they ~d .. Iann or part of
Hotl or Ina&q\iately ."Ih....ted either
reallSlllg the crop. or
tbe nece!8ary act. of ~nD,g oultl",atlon
eovermg the COlt from the OOCUple:r •
}; ....olutl~, proposed bv Mr Blade
~onded bv ~ Ferard was P.A~ that
Execut,ve COInJIllttee be m.mgthened and em
po~ end to ~ out t he lfIl.I'WIY 'Wlth power to
eo o~t fmhtt member.
For.. it&rt .Moms.
C"ttChl... FrQ![ley Skurrtoy Sturges and BenyOll
tweje .dded to -the COIDDllttee
It. W&B ad ... e&ted tb&t cottagent and
holpe" .hould be encouraged to gro.... u man
. egefabJee for themselves ... po..lblo. The B
hod no$ ycet fum"hed detail. Of tbe pnoe of eeed
1'9tatoe. but they can be _up"lied to cottager.
and othen who buy not Ie!! than one ewt and
r.: n~ more than five
Lt woo propoled bv Mr Benvon 1IlId eeoonded
hvl Mr Slad. that £100 b. &pphed for from the
n oard of ApIculture for ordinary _ . . . ."d
f rthor that It be a.oerl&med who would ~ the
~xpen~s ansmg out of the lUl'Vf.Iy BOhe~e above
.na beyond the prm->.!Pn of the map. a.nd tll. pay
lI)eot of out-of I!0ck~t expoD'" to helpe...
iJ'.'bp Execuhve Committee reported that a.
ommUDlcatlon had been re08lved from tJie
Boa.rd of AgT!.cultlln!l IIlld F"benes WIth reference
tn the W.r Office &eheme of mbstltutlOn 0 a~
cultural labour, Th. M.htary Authontl.. had
a.ppnlOted 8ub15titutlon Officers for each of the five
tmg &rea. of the County &Dd the Charrm...
Inom nated tha t fonowmg gentlemen 815 &lifTlcul
tura.) repre5eDt~lve!l to act WIth the Hiht&ry
S IbsLitut,on 0Fcc", -Abwgdoo Mr A Cor
n , b N ....bury Mr Taylor -Read ng, lifT W J
Cumber wlD~or ~ W Wfall, WokinghBJD
(\Ir Oroll5 IS& d tha.t 8. mllulldentand ng h lld
a.r sen over the substitution questIon .An a~
m"nt had bun &ITJved at between the War Office
a.nd the Boardt or Agr culture whereby agneul
t ,ral (l6.bstltutlC~n lIS outside the work of ordinary
~ubst t).ltJon comnutteea
In the event of &. diS
ahr.~m.nt tbe "l"ploy~r should report h,. ground.
of dl!!la.tlSf&.Ctto~ to the Board ~ Subst tutlOO and
the }{jl t.ny Snbst.ltutlon Officer should InVestl
c-ntc the ease It was dec:1ded that Metlfin Cum
her Com!h SI;?6 and P&lmer should be mvd.ed
to 10m the SUb!t,tutlon Committee
WIth rej!.rd "? tbe employment of prisoners of
.,or th. Commlttee reported that a commun.c&
t10n had been tecelved a"king for p&rt lc..u lan of
Any farmers In ted of the .serv ees (If refJervJst6
or pr eoners of at' for farm work and glvmg
dev"l. of the partlculan requlIed and the
'l'et~od by "fh'fh the milltary authont e. pro
!oled to CJLl"liY out the 1 ~cheme The D et.nct
'i'nb-Comm.tte~s were requested to furmsh theIr
q~l\Crvt>tlOn. Qn the sub,o.t and the chief d,m
eultv aJ)penrea to be that of housing
'ppheationa for pnsoners of war had been re
ce veri ud lorw,.rded to tpe Soothem Command
hut. the. apJ?hcations had.. lnot yet been satJldied llad been made by, t he HOIll~
Office for the ernplovment of CIVIl <\n prl~onel.'1l n'
'-aT on farm!< In dUjtr qts WhlCh are not
11 l;l ted area. ~d under specified conclit ons
Mr Roge", represent.t ve of tb. Board ~f
IJ.O,~gested that d SCU8S1on on thl~
1 0 nt ,bould be deferred ~nt I tb. ec!.a.I. of tha
ilew ..h,me bad been formulated
The follt)wmr were appolDted AgncuttuHt
Re"~Aentl\.tjvu tfor the Local Tnbuna.1. - Mr
,\ CMnuh A.blDgdou M_T W J Cumber 4.OJ
'\fr P; T Shc>me) (deputy) Bradfield a.nd M.r
H Tucker } anngcton
The Com,Buttee tep,rI..! that the Boord of
Agr r.ulture wre ' to offer ~a.nts to
co cr two thirds Qf the cost of approved Ichemes
(or tho trAinmg of women for farm '1:0rk~lther
1 r of reJldentlal courses at lnstltuUonl or
!iCl f1et~ d ff rml <J1" as druly pupils at farmll In
he T 0 ' '!IT nels;hbourhood- bnt farmers :were not
t il bf' J.ub,udl,ed qut of pubhc funal for tnu.Dtng
W I) ken fpr the r own
use 'The total 'P&ymenh
fltrmeri: for U;l nmg m& ntena.nce etc mUllt
n e:xce~d 12f A. week per student;; fOf! a. mUI
n '" p.r.orl of four week. Th. consent of the
11 ali r~ had been to & limIted UUI1lj'ber
f •
p. pI £4 eoch tenab1. &t. ee1ecled
t t anI for ent net of four weeki tr&lnlDg to
)\1 n nde 1 wonuu
Tbe Sub Comm ttee hove ber.u mfonned by the
W r'l rncn ~ 'Fann La-hour Oornm tt¥ that tlielr
tr rts to obt:un women ferr tfn,lnmg have not met







I e body
fr om cubca

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r F.~P.lfn.'INa; .!Gl<H. . UHORAL LABOUR



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