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Reading Observer_02-06-1917_00004.jpg

Reading Observer_02-06-1917_00004.jpg

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_ ._ f







th,.t: ,DlIicial bod,.. should pJ.oy In
tratlon, and the. ;Regist...,. WllS
deputa.tlon jo Lord RPDQnd" on the IUDJ"C',



"las very fa.vQurably received. ' Ther
It, IS proFbsed to the g published three times lD tb& yea.r • A
..':'h\Lnty prgant14hoD Society \V~th th"! Reading I \J,Dder consideratIon for ca.rryl~g lt
Guild of Efelp, iDd t he !'Icheme ,", u explamed a.e ferent hnes In 1916 pur "'Gmld was reF''''''lOnleed
tho all1lu.! moeCtn£ of the Gwl d of H elp lD. the, ~t t.J>. conferepee at' Shefficld 01 the Nd1:ioDal
. \ bOOy Hall on \ Friday even!.n g _'\ draft consh A$Socla.tlon of Gullds of Help by ~ AJIlworth'


Itll IO n has been prepared pTovtd,ng tbat t he nome
'1f t he ne'''' body sh &1l be T he Rea.ding' Coun Ci l of
Soml Welfare fbe pUTpose of lhe CounCi l Will
be to OiInnee IlDd .....4 Ga Cl .! work m Rending,
.I.tld In -partlcui4l' to promote and fn clhtaU, co«r Lra.tlOn 3,lld co..ordmat.lon In sucb. ,,;ork The
Councd W!Jl COI)81st. of ;-(n.) the representatives
Q.i the IconlitlttJept org~tlOn s ~ (b) the mom·
hers' ofl the Executlve Committee , (c) ",ucb repro, of otber Commltt.. , as t b. CounCIl
lnny fro m tune to t.i~e det.:Amme, (d) annual sub<: crrbef5 of two S}llDeas a.nd up,,:uds t.o the general
fund, '1 The COD!t ltuent orgalllsatlOns Will Po such
local /.>odie. <!..,nng to be represented as the
Coun 9il allaH from time to time determme In
tbe first 1Q6t:mCO th.y will be tb. followmg.-

The oonlertn"",' do&lt mainly
'tbe GUltp~ m.Y ~ d~~elop
m rel~tlOn t<> otb~r 'l(,o lunhrY"anp lPub)le fliOdles
In different places vory di1!~nlv UIIO b18 been
made of the 'Gutlds m relnson to L bcal 'R8prm Committees
Soiv.e lJ,ave ~de~ ' t:.h61I' 9 r ianl8l1tJOn over for tb'e perio4 qf tJUj wa.r to -the
newly crea.ted bodleIJ I ~ o~ber \pla~es thf GUilds
h&V6 ha.d ~~~t.~laieq. lu~on. them 'by the
Statutory Mt.bor~· The ye ... marla an lmportant step In the hiatoiy 01 the lfat10qat- Ask..
elatIOn , as a. full time .,pcrota.ry wu ' appom~ed
~d an mdependent office tokcu j uI IU.",cheste.r
Th. meetwga ot the l;louth _ " " l"e4e~lon
and Its conference not Croydon ' haye aoo be~ ~a.t­
tcnded In finance the -Year eIo.ed w.t.b the tnRoadm~ Borough COUDCI' 1.4 , Re:J.dmg Board of hented defiCit m , cd t o £54 j t~i was the

of the '


can bei1:eit
to think it

GuarduUls 3, Ruu·dec811cil

Confercnce 3, Free

Churcb 9</"ncll 3, Cburch Army 1, Cburch o!
EngllUld Men'. SoC!ety 1, DIScharged Pmoner>
.(Id SOCle~y
Friendly SOCieties'
Counclt 3, Guild of Brave Poor Tbllga 1, NatIOn.!
&cl.ty for tb. Pr<ventlon of Cruel ty to Children
1, 4lld Uihtary War PenSlou. Comnllttee
, 1. jP S A. :t<;eder..t,on 1, Qqeen VICtorl. In6tltute
J, ~g AduJt SchoolS I , Reo.dilg Blllld AId
SOCIety 1. &o.dmg and DI~tnct Terl>P.Uanco
CollUml 1, Rea.diDg and D"tnct Teacllers'
c..t lon 2, Reading Health Society 1, In
' UT'oIJlJ. COID1llltte. 1, ReadlDg Medioni 80metv 1,
Readll.g' Fhtlanthroplc InstttutlOn 1, Reaamg







Poor~bblldrClJ'a Hobday Fund 1. Readmg Temperanoo Soolety 1, Jteading Temperance ilnd General
Pbl lao.t.hroplc Society I. Rea.ding l own Mission
I R~o,I lJerl.a _Hospttal 2, S.!.a.tlOn Army 1,
SocIety of ~'r.ends 1 Society of St V lDoent de
Paull . WOll"'! P CD oper.tlv. Gwld I, Worker"
Edu~lona1 .A.s:lOCIa.tlOn 2, Young Men's Chnstlan
AE socia.~IOD I , Young Women's ' Chrlstlan A s.socl4ilOP! _The .fd:ecutlve CoIDmtttoo 'WIll appomt
Dl$trJct CoP:lnu~tees Dl'nSlonal Representa.tlve
th Ii
Oommltt ..., not 1..,. than three Or more an ve
In nll!"ber, and .u!'h otber 'permanent or temJl<lToll:lr C.mlDlt~, ool1lltltuted m such ' manner
an<! for , uoh purpose • •Oj; It .ball from tun. t<>
t.llne thin~ jit ~ DIstrict Committee WIll consISt
of • district heo.d "distnct secretary ' a.nd ouch





, '


lDiliVlaU~ b61pert! ... the Executive CommIttee, or
the DIStrict ColF'lttees, subJed t.o confumat,ion
by tho E:pcUtlvp Comnuttee, Bhall from time t<>
t lDle appo1ll..t A Dlv1810na.l Representative. ComIDlttet> will con51St of -(1) the bea.da a.nd ..cre"
t.a:"~es of
mmlttee! 1D t ~ area. c::oyere ,
(21 Such otber pel'6Ol18 r epre.entIDg erg&nl!l&tlon.,
"Orlcing tn the area ",,' are InVIted by t he Execut,v:e doll\qlittee: to Be,... on tt. Til. duties of
tli'. DlVlsionnl CommIttee will be (a) to ""t ..
1m adruory and refere~.,.'; comnuttee for tho DIS.
nal diffi ult


trlC;t 001:plJUt~ ~


of exceptio.



a.nd Ulatters of .policy; (b) to SUp..... I.. tho wor!.:
of the D\$triet COmmittee>! by m8pectmg &II cases
at such periodo "" tb, / Eiecutive Commltt<:& may
deterlDUle' Ic) to reVIew casea which \have been
• '
refused by ....y of the.. D"trict
1DlI1ittee. ; .,
genoroJll" l!:> ~ themselves that tho objects
of the CollllciJ jI'O being carried out by !.he Dilltriet cOmmitteeo_
At ]'poay's mOetiDg tbe Ma.y<lr (Mr F. A. Sart)
g !;hose present were.



r· :M;
<lqle!miok, Mr~ S R. Wb.Uey, Mr.
Ill/tbxt, :/Ilr. A 1" Cla.rk (aecret.ary), the



Revs C"im,' l",",,"leri R Wick,haDl Legg, E . de B
Th~,. sl>omii:)g, A.
JolDiaon, R. H . 11a.r\.D ..... a.nd <W. M. RaWlinson, ' !,fr W. G_ Blair
iR!oading , ~ ~), Mr E~ S. F~


lUld Mr Bourdillon

With t he Jrnes on whICh

more senous as

80lfe preVlous .re8our~ "'jere

found to be closed a~ a.n elI"~t of !.b. war - - But
wo are fortun ate '!' ~ IIPjp to IMy tJ>a.t< ,-t.he
grent genero&ty &Il%~f!'otj. .. of .Je~l m8Qlbera v.
smc'; cleared' off the f"ea.t1r ~rt of }b. sum."
Mr Colebrook, m ll'0powlg tb. a40p~um of ~luj
report, 8ald he ,was lvery< p)~4 tl<at ' ~r, lll'
Y""'8 :!"ork tho Guil1l>04 JQ,t.i1IeiJ i .to · ~n""
The... were qwto & large Ilu!p\ler of, ll!IP.l'le' 1Il
wh" did not I>ell"~ ill tba qu,il~ ot. ~elp,
they' did not Imo\v &IIYWn~' ~ut I~ Many
01 the bUSIest men
&adinS IWi helped the
Gudd 4iotenc~ tho &fllild bad attempted to deal 3>000 ~ 01 p;;"ple



.j. .







tlmc;s 9- espa lr:-










Send for Pree B.ool( on " 'ModeratJo~,
Cheertu llle./1, and ~~her Long Lifo LaWs.








l>EPPARD ,.u, '-'&Ial"'''




They are sf' conClOme d for the welfare
others, the c"-1"e of the f,,*,ily and tbe
ne.. of home, that the,r ovin health IS apt
be neglected
Wilen backache,' uvnary disorders, nervous~
ness 01' loss of flesh result, It shows that the
k idneys are weak~ing, that UriC poisons are
g at herm D in the 5 tern, and that continued
neglect may l ~a9 to I
' Rhe umat Ism, SCIati Ca; Gravel, Stone, In! ,
I tI~h)ed KIdneys an~ Bladder, or to stages o~
In curab le kid ney dISease,
, '
I I.t IS '10 use glVlng i~. Get more fresh :ai~ \.
and sleep Instead, Lighten the work if P9s~il
bi e. Take only plaID, wholesome foot!, ~th plenty 'Of milk, plenty of Iw a\er: but ' no
neces~a ry stimulants. the kIdneys
WIth ~oan's Backache Klaney Pills. OIPer
people m Readmg have proved the value of
thIS sP)endld J<.ldney medIcine.







T is not surpri~ng 'thai "omen do


who COUld not help tFefI!:eelveI!I II~ mlJ.ny" I!a.8e5
the Guild had been
e ~~s 01 1 ij.elpLDB ~ple
m the most satlt~factqry way-not by dQhDg out
somethmg and lettinjf them' thitlk· the, . could
come ~1Ll!I but by, lielp' Dg tljeDl, to lielp thellj661_. regaidr tu tho K~ta~mentloned
by tho Mayor they ilrere mOJ~y ·t,ljings had
done so~ s light .seryJce g.nd ~ peen_~ on
to the GUild DW"LDg tlie ye8Ji there liad ,been
some 500 apPhc&tlourl , &om" qf thflSl ca,rrlcd over
from the y,ear before Wl;i:en ltoQl4lg8.JD4.tlOn~ took
pi""" pwhabty some 200 ca,aea WPUI<j be brought
mt.o the partnership. ' l/le, deuctt ' ",~u!d not be
brought m t.bey were gOUl, to cl~&r .t 011 somehow. 1.1r' Colebroo;; e]jloglljld ~ ,"orl! of Mi..
Ashworth, Miss Maple.den' ~
~ Clark, and
&aid they would _w at l20 " ' l? 1lI !.be , new
organi.atlOn" "" ,.ell , If6 w\ls
Mr. WhItley socoFd~~ 11 ~e Guild
o:usted t<> prov.d. nQ~- '!l.mJ 'l>u\ a friend
Tha.t ba.d been the ~ ,piF~~ ' 01 ~ quild, =d ...
hoped It would be tliO spu!it of tba "e"'; CounCil.
The report was adppLC9J '.
_ I
The ba.lanoe lIheet i"''' 'l'iQP~' on tlie_ propOSlti on of Mr Penson, ~n~e4"ll1r If4rt.-Dava
Mr Leooard SuttO;l:J ~ropoN an" tha Bev. .A
M Johnson ..conded t t .the prPl""lt
r&ma.m m otli... pending'
f,..n,.qo", : '
Tbe mohbn ''I'" .dro~ t,o.
, _
Mr. W E. Colh.~-n;<>vea a .... olutlOn , "Pprov
IDg of the a.m& , ~lI\.e, ; whioh, _ h.....d,
would lead to co-orillila.tlon, ' eccqomy 1n
admmistra.tlon and gJ' , ~~ , It was
Iloped that the Counen "'euld Iieqome •• ven more
rep......,.t.ti • • than tla& ,GOhe4u\e ill; th. <!ralt con.htution mdica.ted.. It WQ.I ~!rablB !to m*e
the oonst.tbtl on el ...~I'" apl! ~llr- tJii> work
hlthert.o done .by tj&. , Cb&n~J' Orgl""!a.tlOn
Society Th. work of tho ~ ... <jolincIl ~<>uld ,be
done chieJly by t ho D,n"," doDImit","-, as was
the caoe Wlth tb. Gwlq of R~~
" :r~,. bolieved
that m the new' Drga.n"~I.n the) old S1fuU of te
Guild of Help would ~vlI'l ,_anll' ~ev.f~ed "? It
to apcomph\h greater things In '{b. fut<m> a. W1 er
opp6rlumtles afford
Mr Bourdillon secondCd; aDd Itb; mDtion ....
I " '
A vote of tbw. rto tho MaYQr for presiding
and M...... Sutton ,a ndClqp' ~\'.f ~ U!e of the
hall concluded the prooeed"!1lB "I



and w~ 1)""e t<> ..'r~e!RN

..i,i....,,,,. whIch h..
,ollle d ltov..-i~'l


- I


.. 1. ' ..... 01 "''''


Tbe ene bundred and tw.rnt:r,iJlircl
01 Peppa.rd Chapel WW":,:~b:t

da.y a.IIucbt glorlOus


There w.. & reeorr(d~~::~~~:'~
Beadwg, Henley, C, &.Dlongst. whom
Tuc1ter, - Da.u;, W. Herri,lgt,
Woode:son, Slt S
Sir J ohn and Lady " n"m....
Mrs. Keene, 'Mr.
fnend. of Pepp",d
patby wno Bho~ to the
good work .ttU betng
At 11 o'clock the annual
Mr,' H T Brown, of TbILtcL,"tIt,
Mr. Brown, the Pastor
a.! l felt" at the . b!lel1co of
th~ugh .m.nes&, and sta.ted.
Mr l'hom!on h ~ conlmue(i

kind and practlC.! mterest
even sent a. larger

speakmg of tbe revel that
pard on W htt Monday.
lowmg advertISement


Press 10 the yea.r 1819
held on Whit Monday,

couragemc.nt of old

wtll be a good ha.t to
for ~he\ mst seven couplb
breilh m..t heads t<> have th,. 1pri",.
will be given t.o each man
and l h . to the man who hn.s





d~!lJ'ed tbe bazaar



fuends assembled to do
tBe . 6t.lIs, Th. stall
Stall. Mesdames I


Barnes aDd
and F
~a Fenner,
Dunste, and M,
A. Bru;t<>w and R
At 1


fRelievY<i ' ~)'
RitOon Smith (Tuber.
culo.;' DfIll<IlDI<Y)' ML S. J. Burbidge (Proh&t 'f ~
l ion ~r), Mi!a ~I"""on (t.b. "'i"'1lO1Dg
I •
aocn:tary: flaild of HeIp),,M-n P H. Pabuer,
' 1"
_R T_ DarvaU, T. s.! Collisf, s. -G. Collier, w_ Eo
Among the la.viahly iDnat.-atodl articl.. on W&r
CoIliF; R. Penson. 11'. R. iBoordillon, W, Pier.." subJeCt. whlch' allpeai m t~e Jwle nOlliber 01 'tbs
etc .
J.l Wmdsor Ma:ga.zlDe H 18 ' o.n
~~lDg survey, "E,ro",df'd
Tho ~1or oaid he felt. that W&O "'" fa<eY.U under the tItle of "Tb. Soheolo lof War:' of the
meettng of the GniId, .. b. tmderstood amaJga.- ways and means by whIch our men are trained t<>
m&t..on W&O go"lg ,to take plJule 'Wiih u..,
neW conditIons ,llJId woaPOIlJ, ,lI.l)d t.l!. photoOrglW1l5&tip.. Society, • H. noticed ~
~phs which aCcomp~y thiS "tticle "fO ~I regl1lme.u. ,,,«e uladtJ, bot turning 10 the
m ...kablo div....,ty an~ In~:.f .An<ltb~r illIP"r
he d;d ~ot see 'When> money cam" from to pay gathers int.o a colllleeted h';:d the .cattered
chronicles of tb. fin. wark w
lla. ,hoen aCeomfor tHem. He "'aa pl.....a t.o ... tha.t tIie Guild phshed In the Waz 9Y t1j• • Bike;, Patha.n., Gorh.
e1IStea to help th... in distress Dot only Wlth walis, and Jato, wh~ .a/llIie_""to at tbe Front
funds b~t -in other ~ for wtaDcel by pJ'OVld- are here 6urveyedl m ~uence to the f' WlDdsor's"
ulg - ).~ advica. Ho sa.. ' from the report primou. artIcle 011 till> workillf' ~ Qorkbas. In
tIl.t I.~'Y bad \Ost their Secretary, Miu Ash- an on survLvalJ pf t.\le ~Cl.nt customs
"ortb, but th.y were g1a.d she w.. dOIDg _lui wblch belong- to Mid~uuimer, ">y!di-y cyrious facta
and traditIons are recaUed, wijjs., ...~mg 1I1u8work olsewhere 1'In her pi""" they had Mis. tratlODs, severn[ obsCl!re local cqstoms heIDg tr=><!
Maploa.den, and h. hoped lIIte wouJd = n Wlt.b to t heIr !,robable oni'n~. l'llia mO\1~Ii', ocrlOS of
t hem In t,lte new!a.tion_ ~e h oped before reproductIOns. nom notable p'lntlPJs coil.ISt.' of n.
tho Dew eoaety "-118 sta.rted the I defictt on the group of ' PICtUres ir<)Ql SIi~pe~'. <play" of
h which the .selectIOns frppl - " Jlamlet " .wdl be of
GUlld"of Help' """"'I"te would be hq.,dated. T. espeelal IOterest In co~riACt)ql"'..WIth Mr H B
GUild from the ..(X)mnlencement had much to th.a.n.k 'Irvmg's revival of that play at t4~ S,.voy. Thea.tre
Ita kha.mnan, Mr Colebrook, for. They -Were These mclude a. cleveT realienng by tb.e Polis h
more. mdepted to him than &Dyane else. (Hear, artist, Wla.disla.w von C7.acl1onki, of tn6 scene
lD which H3J\llet mtervle". tho, Actol'S IlAd hears
the Frst Player Ill'. IU. Pii&llIO'l&te "l"'ecb, wh>le
T\le &lIIlual ~port for 19J6 "as as follows: W It P o10mu. uod. ~pprova.! ; ' 'llld the pea.utifuJ
18 a. source of Slltpt::lM to &OlB6 that m these da.ys .. Ophella." of MillaJ.$, and one of t&e Wiest pIC
of , sip.,.....on allow"""",,; munI tIon workors' tu .... ,"spu-ed by tJ>iG I'lp.y,. ' " H,""let &Dd the
' wages; and w", ' bonnses tbo Guild of Help has Gravedlggers:' by tho d .. t"lgvi~.d. F=.oh ar~lst
B ut '
'.. f th·
d Eugen. DelacrOlx, ... w~l as an ~..~bl;y pnnted
any . war to d0
I. . m. Sp11'9 0
e coloured plate from Bennett&. Rae's more famJh8l"
pr~}?e.Uty of BPQte ~tl~ of the communlty. plCture of t.he. madnttfs of 0t'1u!1tp.
f;here ..stJU , rem~ m1a.ny WIth small fixed mcomes
The fictl OO of the I1umbeJ\.lDcludes It new ep~e
who. f ,"tld JUs~ IICllli'" nlonl; before pnces were lD Edgar Wallace's dllhgb'lul ' '''.. of, '!t<>r>eslrom
rru.sed, buJ, for whom to-da.y a. baro exlst.ence l S. the ca1'e8rs 'bf )IT .. Commls~ooer SAlld~~ and the
Such are Widows, men wltb mdifferent p opular " Bones,': and dlOfOld :amdloss boot.11
h utes a. chara.cterlst lc .Itory l' of C:o.n-.dT.&n h fe
health and consequent low wa:ges, and t h(p aged Otber complete st.<$r \,s , . f.Qd gq.y, mclude
F rom among ouch tbe Gmld has many work by Fred M WhIte, M. Grllllt o l'UC<, Will,&m
;l.]>phcatlons for help. which v.e ha.\e been a.ble t o Came , L G Moberly, EDler~C 'Hulme Beaman,
",eet'~ some mea6Ute by finding additIOnal work, and other well known 'autho~, and one of t be best
At tlib presen ~ JUD cture It- IB most
~tra. lnounshment or ' clothing, aod to 27 of the recent stones' of tu~ic \1lfo -by the late J;t .M mrny tha.t our news ... serVlce from RUSSIa. 15 so lDa.d~­
b had
d th Gilchnst WIll be read Wl~~ regret f9r tQ~ tou cb of quate and one-E'lded Probably It IS lnev!table In
old a.~ penslOnelS W 0
no mcome yon
0 a. vanished hand Whl(:.b, ~ ' :c.Jwa;y.8 .. dutlnchve
weellly. we were a.ble, through the kindness stvle . Thl! abllDda.nce ~f good tiotu;n is admtr the c1I'cuw.stances , th e newspaper COJTespondeb.ts
of . ' frtend, t.o glve extra help until the Govern ably luustratOO by arttsts of .uch dlve~ methods are JOC&ted. lU Petrogldd and the dally phases of
mont ~eoogn\eed tbelr claim by J<lJsmg t be pen~ as G C W,lmahunt, ~unco , Grelflennagen, POlitlca.1 ferment loom much larger than the qUiet,
slOn 1<>17. 6<1. Moreover thlo GUlid does not e .. st A R A., Dudlev Hardy" Fred L~'t, Steven unostentatIOus work gomg on I behmli the seenes
Prlm&lily to prOV ide relief m distress, but to ex. Spurn er, F rank' Gll1eft , G J.I; StjLll'lp,," and Dudley Unfortunately such reports
tbOse which have
Tennant Otb6r clevu black and·whlte art.lsts
tend as f&r as po..s3lble to a.ll who need It , heip, concrJbute to the humoroul5
of "Th:e EdItor's gamed ~be chief currency o~t f RUSSIa. F or the
frieo~p, 8,lId a.dvlce LD the emergeoCles and Scra.p-B ook"
t~e heIDg RUSSIa. 13 the
t country qt
dlfEcnltles whIch arise Just as frequ ently In war
worl d!.....fh ere IS no censorship. no han on
tllne In the d ays of peace On? m orUlO'" 5peot
mootlDgl or free speech scMCfly any pohce to
m tbe qeqtral office heanng the van ed reque:;ls
keep or et lIr.agme what ~ou l d h~ppen If ' 3of the mapy callers ,"Ill pro\e to the eDQUJIer
!u.ID.llar ltnatlon 'eXiSted here We ·s'hould. h&ve
..bether Ot not tbere IS need of a GUild of Help
PlWlfi,t and Soc.. hIt
a.t tbe (p:rt~e~t da.y AllY. though the war lea.ves
the pea Ie who v; ere
SIlent dnd
us 'Wlt9,- plenty of work before us, y et It has
robbed Ius of many helpers Gaps been left
rep-rese.nted as mrunly 'i:~Il:~~'~ ~~fn~
l8 ' what
I)n fqzne of the D!Str,ct CommIttees where both
and a.gltatOTS, gorgmg ~I\
won free·
lu:,ds ' 9d belpeIs h. ve bad to lay a.,de thclr
dom,- ire lettmg off ,ast quant It Ies of steam WhI C! ~~:~i~~i
. GUild work for the time bemg OWIIl S b pressure
makes a. lot ot 1\01 56 but I S ma.mly q Ult.e h ~ml I
loss It I S pe l haps JU::.t as well tha.t the stc~~
of ou t~~de bUSiness or the calls of, more dIrcd
should be lel off, at an y rat~ lt, cannot be stopped
• w.lf work" +,hose '\\ ho remarn have th e ~n.h s



, and
believe was clear
.In the govermnent
live . . '" After -diS'IlUlsoOJehtions, the Prenller


of it.bIS
' E"Iprro wb\ch
, I EnghSh-<opeaI..-.n",
beheve tho.... 11;
the womanhood of

1 ,


an adeQuate VOIce



w ill

t hat tendencv


untIl aU ~
Emplre have the
to vo~ m th ....·Ieeof those who to represent t hem' 't · tho

Parliament of the nation ' and , he Empue. "


FOR- 8 2-

1 0.





, '"


- m d ort of" everyOn6
needs t.he ma:n mu
ev en the lit.tle atqms 0.1. the t.I;e~18
mut. can be of'servl ce Though
~lfis h

t.he u hearts can
notbm'g t.bev IQve

~ tOI1l
Ito m.u ~ of !'
c'hd d n ot be ha nlcsM4 ib

eJghth paft of ;l. penni)

",lUIe of the library &t t he GUI ld ottice, who, e
books· m~y be borr owed b) a nyone mterested
~1a.ny ~f our helpers '" ou ld be surprised to ~s
('.over bow many rea.dable books , are contained on
t he shelves
We Ehould \\elcome the gilt. or
trlore boon on ~ oc Inl qu estions to k eep th e lIbrAry
up to 4o.te .At tho end of September MIlSs Ash-



In tbe

"rk of grOll'n-Vll'

<:annot do much , but coIlecI!; v. ell wortf1 ha:rvestmg.
to belp now they wt ll nJolce LD

they InheTit the t~dqr.
>acn fi oe helped' to procllro,
\\ ounded must be bobOlll:ed at




,i"~r~,~tQ.E:;)~;. tol' ord
b6 "devlIied

80 ;Ia to attraCt
'\\ bo 3re apt to . be-n. War IrdGpita.1a
l{Cd,dHl..; ill"e rap ,dly n~
l:Oliel" , "0 gteat and pt~~ D.
do'''''"'''!> 111,on. thell' resourtel. ·
~c!!c nl{:~

\I I -10\,

i rtlel




lLt.! " I~ unded .l1ld contrLbuf,e. ~
t: 'l :ie
It. 1S suggestJed
"bo have letsure 'is we
tu i,:onliccr:ltels or her Cdtorts
,n !; ,brou .... runl t ile t own.s f and '
fr01ll chll
11 or S<l'V 6 t:o
I::' !..!!~ to c.ODtrlbute ..t ~~
glOrl edl'"

'O J

I'll t l

(t h e

S 000 C'lIll" huted th,s tmy 1l1lj'
1(1 ,I' Lhl C:l.d o[ a YellT
11"c 1 1 am ount 0 [ 1 £214

nllt 1,.
leut to

~eael}~ 8
" Y..pll


the . audle, but "




fadlon of k.oowUlg th a.t afl) t hmg \~ hlch ten ds t o
promote: the well b; mg of the com mttUl t: IS of
vun. lDlpolta;nce t o day ' Ve venture to appeal
for m q~ helper" men or women, '" ho w1ll devote
nmeo slnall portion of t helf tIm e 'IHtmg t~ 0 or
three f~Il1Il!es aqd l eport. 0 0 tb eu n~d 5 01 pro
~rreS$ the DistrIct CO lllffilHees And thiS appea.l
IS madel not only In ' l e W' of th e large a mount of
work which we cannot but expect Will he before the
Gudd 111 the mOQths J pos!abl y yean, \\ illch follow
t.he. end of t he war but also becau!:f' the Sta.te l!o
c1a.krng even more use o f the yolun lory , .. or4r,
.. nd lD t be general ctlOn of our 8ocla.l S) s
tem aud women '\\ III be nee4ed With a.n m
lUg.c.t mto SOClaJ. problems
So th ose who WI sh
to be of uu to ilietr fellow cltlZe~, m the f\l~ re
c: ~not begm !O a. bette r wa.y than by !>ecommg
effiCient helpers In thlS la.tter CQUn ec tlOD Jwe
I'ilioujd l~e to suggest that more use mJuh L be

and there

and outpOBt sta.tIOD are both ~e ry 'busy She ex.
Pects shortly to
as In the
~ly da.ys of the
IDg mght and



Inlorm.tien has jmt been receiVed~
" from I Dr l
Agnes BetllIiett tha. OWUl g t th.
• . heavy
fighting on the MacedoDlan iFront h



'A o.. th left. us !or '" a. SlmlLar but ~mewhat mOle
N' S PQD~bl.! post. • a.t Wa.m.ngton
We ue very
llll! C ~ .n<l~b~d to her for tho thl''' years .... d more

I'1 f her wor!.: 'as It ctetary

She came to us from

' (.uchester w~tlj ~' repul.1tlOn for tboroughne,.
~d unhnng pel'Slltwee j and I she h~s gOT}e ~ ; I .........I~
to LD..Q.r~h.ire wtt.h this re.pptatlon UJcreasedJ and
a.dded to It que ' fDr ma!£ing fneud.hlf B among ~lt
type;s 01 _ri~lI"' W. ' ~ngrl.tulate, Wa.rnngton
on hvinf . .8ppoint.ed . her. " Tbe Clo!.blDg . Depo,t
OOtltinuu .ta 'Â¥lui wo~k Durmg "the year b.l2
~Cllt. bave .Jleeri BUPpli~ 'IP ;;.e,h,beri ,of 85
f...w... We finll
the demand for u..rul go<.
"boot "!.'''·~e
_to p"!>WI ,
~ ' Itai


at present
But mea ntIme we bsar a.bsolutcly nothmg ex

copt through pnva(<> channels of tbe excellent
work t he PrOVI Sional Governmen t' U.s already
accomplIshed. It has reorgamsed transport and
sURphes so effectively that food pnces faJ.len
200 t o 300 p er cent I n every vIllltge and town·
shIp a.rran l& lll'e bemg made to set up
ICliool9 fo r element ary and ~IllCal educp.ttOn,

The Ratlw.y
ence a.t Chester
t lpn tho..t raU\\ay
the same
Th. Ex,ocul,iv~ ,b~.:~tJt~~";""~~
structed to IlCt m
not rec";vin.
to be taken
ml tted to ';;~;;J:t~-;;.hl;p";;f

WhlCli pre\lOusly could only be done by the eic:·1
press sanCtlOD of the Central! Government. wlthl
tho result t h a.t 10 most C&ee3 lt war; n oc. done at
0.11 And prepara.tJ.6ns al'e on foot. for estabhlhmg
no few er tha.n 45 techmcal UniVersitIes to whIch

tb.e poore~t students w.lI bave acce... 11 they .bl/lf
t he r eqUlslto a.bllIty One of t he wonderful
futures of the RevolutlOn IS that a.1moat Its first
and cert.a.inly Its most l mporl&nt work, has
tbe t.cklwg of the ' educatlOn proble,,! ,
wbole.he~rted zeal that lS ' q~lte ama.lOg
dently the leadef'3 of pubhc opmlon beheve t~il.t
well educated pror~tan.t 16 the surest. a.nd ~fest
w ~ to real progre ss
it tS very necessJll'Y , that t be Brltllllt pubJrc
should know these things so

prop..- opmlon of wbat IS
RUSSIa. looks more
ance than to any

a.....J.uat rand

and ,RoId·

a.ri), qu~te

mp"' tue

Alraony, tb.


The ConctllatlOn
Governm~t ~ploY)'''
employees of 18' years of
emploved InTI m the
Post Office the sum of 48. a.
a week to women.
VOl. "''''',Ot.




t<> The
pa.y M.tropoht.a.n
. , caoh bonm to
completed one year's

of the bonus
for men and' £2 to
TIi. anthonties have .n""'....,t l" abtlll\J'on.><i
idea that rl.\n~ pnoes
but tbey bavo
a.nd '*n. are


