Reading Observer 02-1918
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Reading Observer_23-02-1918_00007.jpg
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:-VOl.u'T~'T1".b"'~"'I'I~"'~I·'' '1-JlT';.o.;
Restores Euergy
WORK. .straID.
and au the worries of
the tDotnent wea\cm and
!he~d";;. ~~llI~=~~n (;::~ry~f ~~:
of dIaeaae or
daogers Of wmter ....
Hall's Win. bullds strength
by hulldmg Vlblil)". It reo
system they leave It a ....., to Ih.
'A m ... t:m~ .1 the BoTlwllre Exeoutiv,. <>f Ihe
Fa<mott .Ub.le>n W&Il hold al ~ ~ W _
Hotel ... S~urda.y dtemoon .te> meet· Col.
and other. Volunteer of!ioel'l WI~ reWd iC> the
poI8lbllily of ot.rengtbenmg the Ve>lu~1!!er F""", ·m.Mi.t~
among e.gncullunsto
Mr. E. W. K Slajle pre·
.idad, and <>thel'll p ",oluded : Meomo. R
Chamben, E IRobeon, H Ba.yllS,
W J. Cumbd, A Buw.op, R D TaylOf't E ROils,
Volunteer. were 001 ll1elli.. Capl. ) ro'rt« aDd
Capl Guthrie!
The Chrurma.n expl(tJ.ned the ObJoct8. of the meet
mg, a.nd we-nt on to r&ma.rk tha.t agrle~tunats,
who had.. work to perform on Sun4a.ya ... ..well u.s
week. daya, ha.d long hOUri Cowmen. carters. and
storef the energy whtch
aoJdetyor shock hasdepletQd
-It gives the power to reSIst
, ~ c:hllls; colds, inHuenza and
consequence of I the previous error,
,- .:,,, ' ....... ,. and purposes had lost Black the
JDto aotion to BOme.
meth~ 'with
Jern ...lem articboke1i
them all up now, for even t'Le
left behind W11l s row and m
The finest af the tubers should
ahghtly mOIst sand, and tQ0tI8 of
.thr..~m,iD. g27 )!:I-B7 ob. ete
SIze can be us~ to form s new
ahepberd8 ID m&ny 0&Ie8 started a.t four o'clock In
ThiS 8ho~d, for preference, not
Ule mornmg a.nd In the wmter time -they fin lsued
be m the s~me pOtlltion u the preVIOU$ year'!
wme'Whete between' seven acd e lg1Â¥- .o'clock a.t A fresh ple<le of ground shouId be chosen; &nd
night The carten' h oUl"8 were not so long. At; should first be well dug and manured The
IhlS time of the yea.r shepherd.
occuplod Blher skinned varieties ere far be tter in
,' OthlliiIls
~ Wine
rugbt .... d day. He thought It ngllt to brmg and Ihape ,than ~e
tbeoe m&ttera befe>.. Col ,Keille and , hi> brother
Any plan~ of
officers tha.t aJtemoon , and to POJDt outkth-.t the
~. lI.prc"",Rceloran".
A pabentwntea: "Halt'sWlDe
IS excellent
It sayed my hie
after a yerr bad Illness ..
move m
(h) l"bere ow. . not tinle for 31 ⢠⢠⢠BxKt; 32
P'xB, P_QR4 , etc;, o.s tlI1II -.m&tion wout~ han umted
White's pawns, Wltb the ree o1t tbat one 01 them would
certamly have gone home The Idea of both 'P1&VerB
here was to double their rooks on the second l'&UK:, ~but
Whlte's'supenol: po;8lti.on enabled him to get there firllt.
Perhape 3il ⢠. . B-Kt4- cou ld hAve been tried,
with Ihe Idee 'ef &ft..,.ordo pl.ymg It to K oq Bul
wba.teTer he thd, White's centre plLWns were bound to
tunl the sCale o.t the fLniah, though, as things tUrlied
out, White ~d J),O QCCIl,.Uon to we ~._'I The
Times. 1I
br~mble ;amtly s~ould
now r eceIVe attent.Jon, If It h"8 not already
the . .
men employed by &grloultur18ta 1tl the dlnnct b ..n gIVen All old .tems .hould he eull(d""!.n
were etthEll" those who were over age,' Ol" who b&d tQ the ground, and any Bhort one. roilY aleo lie
obtai~ed. e:xeUlptlona Ul consequence of elf' em· cut out, 1f ~ there is " suffl clencl of good! OD,es
ploym... t . The.... m1ght be an id¥ th&t agnool. for next season .. An canes should be traIned
in fIOme fashion. 810gle bush~1Ii may be ira-Hied
not d<>lng their duly, but \bo.. who upright on three long pol ... - let iniC> the
mlghl bold Ib~ "P"'10Il leemod iC> fprget Ih&t all ground at equal dJ stancea, each pole t,akmg
theee men we~ domg work of n&tiona,l Import- two or three CA.nes Or they ma.y be traIned aa
a.noe and I t W&I almost impol6lble to. eaJ.l t.hem espahers on' atramed wrr~, \eithe r upwarjh or
horlsontally It 1S best to prune hard, 818 not
&way from tbeLr ~ur for any mdefinite time onlv Wlll more frUIt be borne, but it will be
He ..... speaking e>f \b o"" wbo lived in the remote of better quahi.y. of B erkshrre. The farmen were engaged
on ope,,,&1 ce>nsiabulary work, and tbe villa.gcl ID , On heoTY ;"'l1s/ Ii 'fl onl; inT1tin~'
which they and th&T men worked were ItO BOW peas out in the open too early The
mIddle or March i, o~ most lOlls quit.& early
that It waa tmposslble to a pla.toon for A eno\1gh
to make ore-' of getting a crop t.hat
vlllage anl~ the dlatnctB were too fa.r ott each wHI repay j one for the trouble taken
other to get members to one centre , Co) Ke1he b~ t peM are those of moder ..te height Tbm
might t.hrnk they were a.ntagoDlsL]c to reonlltmg plantll are robust and sturdy, requ{rJng httle
work, but be wtshed the Colonel and hl" brother or no support, a few s1n.ndll of wire or string
offioers to &et &81de all such Idelle Be (the chan. J:'cnenlly beil ~ quIte sQf!ictent to 'hoM them
Some of the best l"8rietie!!l or Uris typtf aJ'e
m&Jl) could lpe'ak e>n behalf of agneu\tunst. gener Masterpiece,
Pe ter PMl, Little
ally ~d ...y that lbere w .. no body of men w he> Primo, and Green Gem.
These pe&!I are
w... more Joy&1 and ende.voured iC> do their bit flnel) 8.voored and , " given proper bUlIi·
Ln the defence of t heir country
If they were not TOIi"n, will bear abundan\ cropâ¢.
UllolCg a n8e on behalf of thaI!" ,country they were
Pa.rsley 8e/!!d mAy 1:HiI sown now m the open
engaged 10 producmg ...... tl&l food ltuff. for ground in sheltered positIons, but It tlrlf.ea !It
thetr fellow me n
OWIng to the distlll1ce they long to germmate, ..nd It la better, when
were 81tUa.ted from to"f;,D.9, a.nd tlt.elr t"eDlotene!8 a good deal 18 wanted, to BOW at ODOe tn a
lD oert&m C8se8 from a railway ~ntre It. '' wu ~entle hea.t, tra.n ~pla.nting the seedlings to
boJ:es U 1500n as they are fit to hlmdle
PhYSlcaJly ImJ>Oulble for m'ny f.imen, lD ad· can later on be transferred to cold . fr4mes,
d1tlon to the wa.r work they wore do mg. 8.@. well and ~lanted out In April In sheltered positions.
&8 theU" men, to undertake ally other work Tb06e
remarkls dId not apply to 0.11 of them Some o f
Well· grown cel:nac 7 ⢠or I
the young men who had received exemp\lonl on celery, makes a delIclolls vegeta.ble, &ond l gar~
B.CCOunt of theU' 8ID.ployment would be "'IBe m crener8 Ihould gIVe It. more &ttA:lnf,ion ,1t.]11
(Jpe of tha most nutrltiouB of all root lvege
domg wh&1 th.,. oould 10 connecilOn 'nth the t.ablea, and h&ll .. partioulsrty ple'a&lDS
Volunteer movem ent If arrang&ments could be fiBvour, far lu~rlor to the turmp J The
made for them dnlhng withm a rea.sona.bJe radiUS plants &TO put out on the fiat, no tMncbes
Col Kelhe fully agreed after wha.t the Cha.a· be:rng reqUlred, but the soli 8bould be rIch,
ma.n had 8&ld about the hOUJ'll of work of certam WIth pleqty of mOl sture gnen durlD~ dry
pen<>d.. The root.-IometblDg like thot of â¢
agrIculturut.o th~ tmeb long bovro almost , pre- turrup--ogr'lw!I. lit or almost above the gtoUnd
cluded any poS8]blhty of them putting 1D
level, and ~Ul!lt be .. ken up before ,harp
drills In the C8!e1 referred to by the ChaIrman frost se~ in. The seed 18 BOWD In Ha.rch, and
men would I!Ieelll .to be worlcing from ea.r1y da.wn the pla.nte pat out when they are Itrong eDousb-.
w,. .
LE OOI LE. VEULT.After VIOI"';'tudeo Ihght by compsrl,!On With
tho.'of other great. reform hill.. but oufficlent \0
ke&p 1lI!I In a. con&~nt 1It.&te of UmSlon. the ~re..nlallon e>f tho People Bill h .. re)"'lvod lho Re>y.l
At566nt. IIoDd
tho oompl hng of the new .Kegl!
t.eI- women will take their definite placet. in the
~ht1cal hEe of the na.tlon
It was on tb.e 6th
mst tha.t the Royal Aaaent was g'lV6Il Ala.a I
vanished .. the drama e>f Ih. day. when the KlOg
hlmoelf pol pen tjl paper Still even thoDgh the
King's Seal us In cotnw58l0n , the 06remony in the
Hou:s.e of Lords 19 p~ue enough Wlth Its red
robes and the bowmg figurea of the bla,.ck rodt.
..And for the women who have been w&.I.trng for
the beet part. of therr hVeII for ~IB day, the occa.Juan waa In Itlel! the qUlI1tell!l&D.08 of draml.
--'-;-HOW TO GET ON THE REGISTERWe now gra.sptd-t.he more &stnte of nita genera.! Jdea of what are our votmg qua.1i8ca
t.i"". W. have oti)J iC> make .ure thol we under·
st&od how 1n!i CM llget those g,UrJificatlODa reeog.
n,sed Th. Powen tb.t Be ,b this .... ""' the
Jocal ~ officers It. I. expected-and
lndeed ~re ia' a. .ha.dowy Government. promlBe to
thiS effect. aom6where m the ba.ckgro\lnd-t.hft.t.
theee Regiatrahon officera Wltl shortly Instiga.te a
house to houl!I& Vlsltatlon Wltb a. view to·
mg IUld regUtenng the 'number of quaJlfitd vote"
In the loC&llty. r The next step 11'111 be lb. appear.
anoe of a..notlce lD t~e PreD tixiQ.g the do.~ of the
pubh~tlon of Ue lilt of names on the regusi:er';
theo the list Itself :10.11 ;a.ppea.r pmned up in tb~
po.1 oJllce. tJI~ iC>wn hall and e>ther prommenl
At t.b.ltI pomt IS & direct outlet for the
hitherto IUppree&ed , energy of t.he n8W' voter
She must study the regIstration hst &nd I D'lAAe
S;UT'e t.hat her na.m6 11 tb~re
If]t HI not slie must
3.pply 1to the Rcglstratlqn Offioer for an appeal
form , till In her voting qhalificatlonAJ and una it
Then either the Registration Officer Will
re~gm&8 her clatm, or IfI he does. not .be can fur·
ther 8op~1 to the reVIling on whoee
decn510n ttltunat.ely d epends ber right to vote
Now there are two tbinga to Bee to a.t once, or
very lOOn , Flrst, findl out who III your Regia·
tratlon Officer He]s genera.lly your town. clerk
or urban council clerk lurkmg under an a.lIaa
Second, If there IS no s~ of a. house to house
'VI sitatIon loom
the j~~or future , send In your
quahficatlons WI h qut to be. a.aked, 10 that
your name m&y ot be ml!J&ed from the 6nt.. ,copy
of tbe li.t
It 10
THE NEW SESSION The iRepr~h.tI6n of the People BIU is safely
disposed of, .hut. the new SeMlon WIll prod:~lC~e leglA.
la t lOn which closely concern! women Lord Buck·'I!ABlll to enable women to Decome sohCltolll
lS ,to be taken Imme<hl't.6ly
There IS & deDmte
prOmlec. that the Education Bill shall be re.lntro
dnced i\S soon a ~ p o~'uble, and It 1& not unhkely
t h.t ,ometh,ng Will be ~eM-d of the propo..1 t.o
cfila.bhsh a. MllllstryXf
ealth before the SeS!lon
, WOMEN ON THE LAND The number ' of ,women worktng on the land 11
now gwen 118 260 000 , but. 14 1000 more are wanted
In 'SIuto of the grc:lt prngrcM of the movement
t'lere are stlU distri Ct.- where the uniform of the
.. ' Vomen', La.nd Armv 15 unknowl1 , &lld where bhe
vIHage women &re dOing outdoor work m majl
numbers, and m cllIfs 0' dlTe necelllty only. 1.
lreah camP 8 1~D for ~hOMl dJitnctB, earned out hIt he f Ight lun d of people-those who practlea1
kn owledge of th, far'ffibr'lj problem! and dlfficul.
t Les-mlght do good
Alre&dy ll e hu expenenced
more T1IV'olutlonilry changes 10 three years tbon ...
Inng li fe t ime might have '\"Ielded In more nonnal
timE'\! !.Ie h as ~een the conduct of hiS bu slDeS&-
croppm p:, 1I&le of $t.oek, and ra.te of wages to be
r "'d-taken out of hIS hands a.n d aUpet"\ lud
offiCials, a nd the procrss h&l a..t least been e&lc.n
Intcd to ehM:e him
of hi.!! proverbIa.l hut
\\ ('J ml'n' .. la.lxlUl\.lS offered him In '" qUite clear ana
d"finlte W&~, m.ny a. farmer might noW' be mduced
tn mnkc t.he experiment who would have refueed
to comader It In lei. ha.ramng tunes
The o;chemo or our wterpn61ng new " D trectar
of ~ a.tlOna.l ~Itohenll . " &S' le.xpounded In the
,CO/'ln1ll5 of the .. Tlm ~ ," hU c&~ d qUIte eo lot
fir dI5CU!lSIOn Tho Idea of Publlo Kitchen.,
brtg ht ao d a.ttr¥tlve-, lupphcd With ftowera
Irom the llR.l'ks a.nd provided With grnmophones
'!Hi elcct n c pla-noa," d06l!l not eeom t.o "ppeo.i
''1\1 til) to a.1I tnlnd~
Whde 80me CritiCise It from
thl] i\C'sthetlc Jlf,fUldpol11t othen oon.tder It n ot
,lffi(,lcnUy Sp.rtan for war time . wh ile yet another
p~rt\ while re~ard\Jlg gramophones flld elecl.rtt:::
1'.nos 18 huml e8ll m themse lves, obJeCt to then
kong proVided out e>f tho rateâ¢.
\ nl' f'Sery for t be children of professlOlla] women
'111\ ~horLly be el!t.a.bltahed by Lady Plunk et In
1 ftn dhn It 11 to be B nur6ery, not only In name
I,u t In fact. WIth &11 the com fort! Uld' tova tJiat
:In'\"' child could wi.l.h, and Wltb the laea1 "Nanny"
In cha.rge str&lght out of a. child', f<J.vountre story.
1 hl;l'e are noW' two women holding the hq~lOrary
r~nk of \illoJor In the ItaUan .Armv
The,te &re
Hnl hng. ..d Coo nteo. Helen. Glelehen.
r o£ "' ere in ch&J'ge of a.n X.tay detaeb.meJft
.... hlCh a.ccompal1l ed a radiograph ear right. up to
'he Illh .. fro9t The It&1'&I'I1 ng\ltly lelt it im.
r'1 ~'t.le to give t.hese two herolc women sole
cnmma.n<i over more than 30 Hnhflll ao'dlers WIt.h.
out bl \Jng them a proper authority and tlt.le.
Instant Relief for
he did not know tha.t anybody woold eIp6Ct thoee
men to put 10 ma.ny drill! ' As re"a.rds t~e young
men whb had received uemptlons on account of
'C\dlty. heaTj;burn. and IlIIpun blood. Aak yoar
t.emilt for Dr c....11·. IDfl,illt J{"lief andf take .0
Roboutut.. Pri_ 11 ,nd 30 , from all Chemll/e ...d
Stor~. Dr. Ou.ell's Inttant &Ol1ef 11 tho 00IIl~'"''''. ~ 10 Dr.'. rablot&.
~:t ~:;;t~ed::ha:~a!f:,na :~:t~n f&1l'?t
Sold by all Corn 'Dealers.
fhlle (10 Rlee..).
pla1 and mato
three mo....
Write lor samples and name and addre.
of nearest Agent.
I Key
~ey' B-B2
K- K2
2 B-D5ob ete. 11
If I
If 1 : :
I! 1
I! 1
Under thl4 helldmg we hR:ve arrted to publlS!i
weekly all article on Pou ltry a
Poult ry. Keep'
Ing liy an e'J;port which ~ hould l'ov~ very usefU l
at the p~&eDt time The writer ,..1\1 be pleased.
to answer ally que& tlons by readera who should
liend thetr cbrrespond ence to The EdJ.tor..
<I Readln~ Observer II
The poultry lteeper IS rather porplexed iC> Ime>..
wha.t to do about broodmg and whe.ther the Food
Controller WIll not restrIct the ha.tchmgs or stop
the amount of food WhlCb ma.y be glVen to th6
2200 The by 1& strong, t.&king awtly & fhght , but IS
compenMted for by the da.mty IIlender l5etting and
punty of mates. Tb& freedom of the B R 18 au excellent feature}.
D ~CE .-'Many thauks for "Seventy-two
Blaqk CheekeJ'll," whum we hope to notice fully in
our next !
p ,l H. WILLUXS.-Very plaMed to receive your 10t.oreatiug letter Contents care:fully DOted
E. F. ~ - Glad to heax you dlSmllJsed from
hoepttAI, and hope you will soon get well a.nd strong.
The H Saturda1. WBlStminster GUfltu!, " of the 16th
mst. &nuounces lb. award In the four-move tourney
GodJfev Heathcote, the Jll'1ncc of foue-move com ..
po8eh, ~ta.keR .that pr1Z6 with a. problem of wonderful
corobma.tive .be&uty And atra.te~y. As the Judge
obee~ea . It I ~AO "orohestm) maeterlnece" wherelD
eveq: pIece talIjee lta due 'Place In ad181bllterlng mate
The Queen sa~nHce8 will a.rrest attention, t~e four linea leadIng to model matefi . It has a difficult
ker"""!' .. move ofla Bishop oth- l'eooers. With tbla hint,
WJll find ampl ~ re\\a.rd lor ISllY time spent on lta
W.,lVe a difgram of tlllll,IJuperb problem Blaek (9 Pleoeo).
boa ⢠"
the same tlme
The besl shoold ho made 01 every bird C>D hond
and all the cho1<:e Olles should be used for breed.
Borne people prefer to rum a. cross bred in
preference to a. pure br¢ blrd Amobg the l most;
useful bird. are t4_ Wyandottes. Orpmgtons.
SU5.'te.l:, Rhode I sla.nd L Red s, ,"!.bleb are rolled
heavy, and among the 'lIgbt\es
the Leg.
horns, Camptnes, Anoona.&, etc, which are bred
only for laymg purpoeeB. There IS no JIeIl80n for
mlXlDg up the breeds, and on any farm where they
ha~e to run together it lS i best and more uniform
(8 ~iecell)
{~. Heathcote wro~o
a few weeks GgO, with
tbe "ad lII telllgeoco tha he Jha.d lo!!t bIll eou at the
l'ro,?t Ho wu m the Ro at F lymg Coll18 Our sympatliv gool out to hIm m h1j8: berca.vemeut, ,WhICh we
are lIure our r~ ers wlll sha l e].
The second prbe m thl~ tourney Lt Ilwarded to
auth o~-P F Blake, of Waru np:ton
IS a. study of Quee n, DIRhop al~d
!leconded by (1. clwrml1tjl self-bloCk
echo It IS
aud "e ca.u sce little differ·
vri~e· wi '. " lOr. Mr Blan's
QD8, Q on
P On QB7.
Kt.s on
to them aU of one IIOrt, A flock of 8 hun·
dred , 8o'1 tho same colour lpok very fine. out Of!! the
field a.nd Will a.ttract attention much Iqmcket:J tho.n
when there l ~ 8. mIxed lot The heavy bree.ds lay
a. tmted egg which finds a. mote ready sa.le, b.nd
they come lD well for table Rnd C1ther Will
p;ood moUtera 1f ha.t.uraJ h atcni ng 18 followe d
But, of roune, the light breeds are not muoh ex-
cept for laYlllg only, a.nd If of ~ poor stram then
t"bey Will no~ turn out 'Very profH:able When producmg any of the heavy breeds they can be usod
for almo~t any PUrp 08C., every spare bird bemg fi~
for tbe table 'Fhere 18 a. vast difference botwoon
nod ' the Rh<>de Island Red yet
laYing and table Tboso who
cannot do bet:ter than tbe
I '!VYoDIIotte, but for a: da.nker colour the Red or a.
~. !~!6mI le wo~d SUIt 'Well~ and both being h.a.nCly
stand any pOSltlon
Where they are to be
on the mtenslve
It matters little what.
vlmety, for the on y wa.nt lkeeplllg clean and
.Ihen Ihoy should do well
The lIgbt breeds best for thiS work, beca..ttde they do oot ORt
mucll and tho .mount of food consumed IS ⢠great Where a C1't')m:l 18 preferred It should
'from two. pure birds, then you can often get
than when keeplD~ to a pure 5trnm,
bet~ :N~ults
bec&Uhe the mlXlng of lbe blood ho. & Atrengtben.
Ing e~ect.JI!I~ usoally alIlIl. t. laytng Suppo,e you
.oross a. wyandotte oockerel with Leghorn henfl
thtll doold ~ot"bmder the la.ylng proChvltlcs of
t.he pro.'rtlnv. and every apare cockerel would make
a useful pU'd for taWe, t hougli not o,.er big A
very fine 81'08& is between n. Faverolles cockcrel an d
Su('86X hen.., for tben you get a. fine blr;·bodled
bird wluch would carry plenty of
·Cap~. '!'. C Loder SymondII. "'~Ini ' iC>
frem Hinton M&p.or, FlJ'in,<lI'D,
date Februr,ry 16th â¢â¢ay\ :-We
crop of pOt&iC>eI- laat) ),ear; lind ..e _
.t\ongl)' 'llrged It ill lurth.. t.o Ino _ tho
eroWD thi. year. J W. should
UItlr&noe that thia
.. Tim.e.'"
fowls Thero h ave been ma.ny varled sUgg<!stlOns
lately as to what should be done, for the pa.pers
adVJS6 one d.a.y breedmg as much as pOSSible and
then befoq, many da.ys hr ve gone by we read. I
lJIlg tale of 'Stoppmg alll the gram food WIth the
exception of ono twentieth part of the formor
ra.tlOn From thiS It WIll be !eeIl that If the birds
have not been over fed then eighty per oent DltlSt.
be killed off, or sd'lne new ,source of food supply
must be opened One can o~ cJags. s~ch sugget!!
tlOns 3.'5 WJld ~nd uncalled f~r~beca.use no bud IS
bemg kept to day that ' i s not more than pa ymg
for Its k oop , the cost of foods being ~o high The
dal1y Press has '}:leen glvmg '\IS the reporls from
the Board of AgrlOulture from time to tIme and
each Itat seems to contrndlct the other, for one
day It Will be neceS'Ba.ry to breed all we enn be..cause of the need. for new hud eggs, and then the
lateBt 19 ~ha.t there must be a blg redIretlon t~
bmis because o.nly a. sma.Il proportlOD of the usual
fOOd wilJ j}>e aUowed, but In the same Inota they
s&y ~Dough bmis must be kept w hich can be
used tor breeding iC> re stock tbe c<>untry agam
With poollry. It Will ho ImposSIble Ie> keep any
stock unlU8 food IS eollowed , and much of the food
stuffli uled among poultry t<rday wou'ld not be ii"
for a~yth1Dg else
Those who hve m the co'Pltry and have a. big
garden should
and grow ISOQle food vhlch will
ease their ordinary ro.tlOn
All l)mds of gr4)eD
food can ~ boiled up n~d muced wd. h me.aJs to
help eko 'Out tho .food , and where there IS any
!! ground a htU e wheat can be planted a.nd
thIS gLves a. hun dred fold return for tho amount
of seed thus BOwn It Will be ne<."et;sary to let It
dod then ~lIt It 3l1d let the b1['(11 thresh It
for themselves. If the are thrown mto tho
shed the bl rd~ WIll find endless amusement I.D.
aeratching e>ut Ih. corll and they ore ieedlDg a;
~~n!h:n~~~::t,~:I:~ed~ll a:~a~~u:po~~a~~~
2 B - Kt3eb .tc.
2 Q-QS et< ,
2 Q-QSch eto.
- \
The· \ New -Shell I Grit.
Ca~n II Ioatrmt Belief bring yOQ utural and there. ,
fOJ1:! la.!ting eure.
- Tako Dr. c.-U·. ~Ili ReUello. DOnoVpMlcm
MlO ulness , torpid li,.., dole' headache, diiz:ineu:
.. pecks before the eyN, tlatul8D06 auct wiady Sp&fIIIl,
a good time, when teakale downs
are belDS hft.ed for forclDg, to get the thongs
reqUired for fresh plantations.
Tbe ~Ong8
should he Cllt moo pieces four or fin Ipches
long, and It is best to cnt the root ,end ph·
their e.,ple>ymenl tho VolDnl.eers would be glad
iC> get ~m iC> l OID their force. II Ibey oould get liqoely -.., e. t.q, d18t.ingUlsh It.
¢.n~lII ~n
them In The difficulty WIlJ that the VlUages were be tIed into bundles, &JI~ burted m trenc 6, of
soil WI tb the top end uppermost. If Ie tlU
110 aca.ttereci, and lIome men mlght have to come
the thongB Will be begln~ to sprout
SIX or Mven miles
Tha.t. co~d not M>~,
upper end.
\llld h. did n<>i expect 11. &nyho~Bol It
Where a frea'&. e".rly ~rop of epm~b 11
may be 80wn n9" ID a sa.lhble
A warm sheltered border faClDg
they oould get twenty men ! who would agree to south east. 'WIth a wa.ll or fence behJ.d 11.
come m IIOmetbmg mlgbt be-"done Tbe Volunteer should be bosen, ebut the eeed must not be
authorIties could not do It more than once. ,Qr tWice p u t 1D tiU the 1011 bas Peen well dug, abd 18
but If suffiCient men wero got. together m In aa hgbt. ~nd dry & condition as pOSSi ble At
th). time p! the .,ou1 1llll,- are' h.hle Ie> be
.ne centre;uct.rI could b6 ... t from Read lQ. troublesome, ellpecliJly qp bea'l'y Iml, 10 from
or the ne&re8t hea.dquarters to gtve}these men a. time to time soot .hould be dusted a~oW1d
Certain amount of JDlitruCt.IOD Be did not 1-hmk the plants and along the rows.
unless these men hru:! bJ cycle.. ~Y could be ex
MaD.Y gardeners do not re'luire very It.rge
pec~ to come a.nythtng over two or thpee miles
after a long day's work
H e . hould like to .... et Yegetables, or a grest quantity of an)! ODe
10I'.t- Sa'l'oy, are often left out 01 the s8f)d hst,
from the fOormers present an e:tprehlOn of opinion
as some people think the only ODes tQ he pro·
M to t~G ~roba.b]e number of men tn the vil,a.,ges, cured are the laego -drumhead ones, t hJcb
"here they were locatied, 150 tba.t the Volunteers take a long tlI~~ to form hetu'ta-ir the,! CIm
mighl Ity iC> fix up arrangemenll for glvin~ Ihem tie made to form be&l'te at lion-and also t&kc
the nec~SB&ry lnitructlOn At present the" had a up a sreat deal of room on the plot In Isuch
certa.ln humber of permanent m6tructora, but not ealell It 18 better to pick out from the see4Uat
thole varieties WhICh WIll only make sm80ll
10 man! U they\ should I like, u there 'Were orh,: Tegetable â¢. Dwarf Green Corle4 Is ⢠nice 1ittJe
juRt. en~ugh for the town and t.he bIg villages savoy, whIch can be planted, from t"el,e to
There ,,-ere Im;t.ructors a.t Re.a.dmg, Ma.tdenbea.d, fifteen Inch es apa.r~ 10 the bnes. loo and elglteen
Enn lJID.alLer 1S
Nowbury and Walhngfor~, who could be sent out Inches between the rowa
to t.he In thelT reapectlve dUltnet... Speak. P erfect Ge.m, ~ which only . growl -.. bout.! ten
lnches hlgb
A good packet of seeds 15 t!eallJ
109 for the Volunteer a.utborltlel J he did T" " I thmk more than enqugh for &. ten rod. I.notment.J and
the fa.nners werG trymg to shirk. or get off dOlDg Gan generally be Bhared.
n httle bit In fact be conllderod the farmer.
Though il 18 olten adnaed t.o ;plant ~arly
doing well He had one plate>on OOIlDm,andler,
Cumber, among the fa.nnera of the di.trict, potatoes dunng thll month, It IS 1j:ener alJy
safer to W"lt until ~ext Even on h~t 8011&
and that gentlema.n had done uncommonl .. 1Ull,
m a warm pOSition, theee tubers eho'llid lonly
an"a mdeed moro tha.n hIS bit m volunt.eermg Btl 'be planted when they can be put In ..t a oon·
well a.a for othe.;: thm~
.,derably lower dep th than 0.001 Th.. ;1.;.111
Capt P orte r , Ipeakmg .ae Secretary of the ;. no aduntage. ,lor tho $ls.1o take le>nger iC>
&rkahlre TerrItoria.l ForeH AsSOCIatIon, in the come up. The best plan. II iC> pu, tb. polatoos
courae of IIOIllO r omATh. m&l\ttoned th&t when he In boxes or traYlI, and get them well apro\1t:ed,
so as to be qUIte re.d, for putt1D8 them In
saw the Lprd LleuLena.nt, Mr Benyon, on the 'When the wa.rmer days come .. If boxes or trays
lUbJect a abort. time ago, that gent1e~a.n appre
are not available, the tubers mould he spread
eillted the difficulty about the work In oonaequence on the floor of a room or frol\Proof shed and
of the ""'ttered nature of Berksblre end lb. fA< eovered with ll>eela of n".'Paper or ,",/kin~
men' difficultIes In la.bour lust IlOW. " Col Serocold if frollt comes.
had 8180 b~en spoken to on the subject, and h19
Th& general practice 'Died to be to 1I0W~""l>Â
Idea WM th at It was very httle good to 'try to ge t bages, cauliflowers, &nd savoys In the DU nmn
nren wh o ~a.d to come lD from too , gr~&t & dl8 for eprlOg plantIn g; but It 19 now consl ered
ta.n<::ep 8&y, hko five or ,LX miles
A pla.toqn that 1t UI lUIt. o.s qUlck, o.nd pOI5Sibly meaDS
might be ratfJe<i for thirty men by having cne less work, to sow then\' 1n fra.mes in the
Where thiS IS dono. the lseed aa. heaHquarterl5 for the neighboUring vlI .prmg tuoe
should be sown now. WhIle the seeds l ger
lagea of two or three mllel around, a.o j 1).truetor mIDatlD8J c must be taken. to kee p j the
to' be sent out once. a. 'Week for drill pnrPQ8e1 fra~s cloBe, on,ty allOWing a lIttle air I~ the
Capt. Porter ....d there would be on ~~JlOrlUnity sunDlest part of the dG,y
Whe n the p ~ anta
are oommg on Dloely more vent.datlon j may
for the II D n men coming mto aq,cli a teherne
thiS, 'becauae bemg over age . ana qUite effiCient be glveD, though frost most be kept out !Some
aolthen, It 'Would be left to the C'6 mm.ndIOg Oftieer quick grOWing le ttuce, such as ~ Tom Thpmb,
to let thue meu off Bome of their attendances a.t may b e lIown ~ b eside. the .. e~bbage . pla.nta.
GlD'deD~re wi~b glass Il.CcoJ'Qm oda.tton apd 8.
CApt Guthrie pOinted out the n&Of!!uuty of get littWt warmth/ aboufa now aow Jettuce to suc
tlDg ., lea.der In the various \"lllages to sta.rt the eeed those that ! may surnve th e wlDter I Sow
movemtnt, l and &II soon aa that wa. d one a.nd a. the seeds t.l::t.inl Y;' In shallow boxes It Wilt pay
centre formed mstructon would be forthcommg to dlstrLbu~ the s&ed -lID. apart, and evlln at
tha t dl!ltllnce It Will be r~ecessary to J take
from the nearest headqua.rtenl
every other out, ltfbqg It care fully Wlilh &
A oc)Osldera.ble dISCUSSIon enshed an the best pointed stIck, and dIbble it into nnotlH!l ~ bOI:
methods of furthenng recrUiting, and ultimately After they are establiebed move them 1D ~0 an
It WM deemed tha.t the most sa.tlsfactory manner unheated frame, nuralns them care full y by
would be ~ form centres from ,tbe yanoUi villages coverma: theIÂ¥ up a.t rugbt and regula.tlOg the
nntllntlon by d&y, up the frame be·
for e l5un set Before transferrmg them mtO the
cold 80]1 stand the bous for a f ew days in
be forthcommg from the nearest In the open Select the IIlost sheltered spot~ and
the me&ntune It 'Wu agreed. thst. the Becrot.a.ry the most friable l5Oil.
Ilupply Col Kelhe WIt.1:{ the names of members of
the Berchlr'e Farmer~' Unton reau\ent in the: reo
spect}-ve vllu'"ges who would be willmg to a.fford
the Colonel And hIS brothe-r officers all POll!! ble
Pl&nt herbaeeous p~nl~a
Rupport. In Inltlatmg the movement In their aever&]
Pruqe old geranIums,, ud
loeallt,.. I
Col Ke'he conSIdered thlt an exeellent aJra.nge
P ot can'lBs
m â¢â¢ t snd woold be found' moot valuable'.n develop.
Sow pet'llnl.a s In w.rmtb.
Prune eUntbon
lng recruiting
Start 8lqx~nllllr 'tuben. ' I
Vot.eft of l tha.nks to Col Kelh~ . a.nd ' tbe other
officer. for thOir Il.ttendanoe an d addreue. closed
Spr~ ut early potatoes
the proceodmg â¢.
Sow aporthorn carrots.
Transplant autumn town ODJonl.
Bow eebp.sea, aavoys, ~nd cauh60w~
ID frames or boxes
Cut dO""n old ,IIhoota 01 brr.mble. 1Ul~
and other Liver Tt>ouble8.
The ~lonj,lb.i.e.g f'ftlca.ey of Qf Dr Caaeell's 11l&~
R"hef i8 due to ita t.oDl~ effect upon \he llnr anA
bo"n18. It gifea atJtenjth to t.h, organa and he1pa
them back to he.lth '..14 natura! action. 111 diller
word tl-, It enables the ryatek to cure !talf. ~D.,,~
weaken yonr ~, 'W'itlt pDrp.,til'e pm. Of' moru~
.. 1t... don'l set tbe ,,,Itâ¢â¢/Okiolr I>.bil; 1.1
~urDlp ~~
to dery. eve on-.Sunda.ys aa well ae wee.k·d8oysJ and
8.9 he wsa a. pa.wn ,..t o the good,
::~;:::'"::;;"ji,~ eibbango of queens, It made
pawn ,
Black ha{l to loae a
and w&1gh
well.,'wJiile till> pulleto would make very usefol
la.ye1'8 The cockerels could be
ea:rly, a.nd
thuo &ll9w lIloro ~m lor the