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Reading Observer_09-02-1918_00006.jpg

Reading Observer_09-02-1918_00006.jpg

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~~ .


, .

B9~t'l!h Police \Jl>url


(m the choir), Mr,
,,.,.1;fiiO!aIuor, 15, <h<.yfriars.•eld,

. &lien, to wit, a.
Borough of ~admg.
his residence



"",rtii",~"'1' as

to ths Regi!trat,lOn omC:r
the da.ta ·on which hu; resldence



clianged +d as to his intended place of


~r.~:~~:~[;;~:~ tp sect.ion


of such vailuE,$

t.hat on October 1st of
year defenda.nt callbd at the police .statlOn and
aa.i.d he wished to ~ a& he Wa& taking up his
residence in
owing to the ra1ds In

Readilhis name

Carriage · 7d. extra.

Outwear two ' ordin·

London. He gave
!flotmranian subject,
going to reside: at
carried on bUSUleS6

ary pairs, and worn

to-day by thousands.

Had a Sale
years, but






19 ,of the Alien Con·
BraiJ defended, DJld admitred •



returned if not satisfied.


cannot fo~st that.
market i. high delirium. an
sign of ,,abatement of the fe~er.,

David Feller, a.

born in 1878, a.nd said he was
, Ca,1'OY.-adreet, and !laid he
as a. wa.tchmaker m Commer-

DfNa! from Faetorr, r.ade IIIpplfed.

CIal-road, Londort,


p.nd explained the[tiOn to the Allen.'
Registration Qrder, nd wa.rned ~ him that a eh,.n'i.·lh
of fem.denoe must
reported. to
at Reading at on
as a.
He lett. tho police if6ce and the
sa.w hun waa at 1O.l5 t.he previous '(i
ing, whon he caJle4 at the police
sequence of a reqq~t Wltness !ent
. ~~;!d:1
his (prisonees) wife} who had n""viclUslly n
him that bel· hUSb~ had
he. caJled at t.he po lee
on Sunday
il.Ointed out tha.t h had not l"61')()rted his
of address to the
hce. and be a.dmltted



~~Hg 33/~

Witness registered him





the 18th of last m nth he report<ld hlDlself to the
Metropolitan Pohcp, Bond leavmg there on the 1st
of this month he lreported agam
To theSe remarks of WItness p;rironer made no reply.
The Chclirroa.ll: IX
:vas it his pra.ctlce to go up to
town regularly?
W ItM" : Yes, fnd .Ieep here at nigM, The
Inspector,. contmumg, said although prisoncr was
&,n alien, he was ~n Illien of 8 fri~ndly country,
a.nd could go to RI\Q from London. He left Carey,


50/- Post


It hall a fine lover
0. hl01iDous l dil~l ~
100 yellrs iu business ! 611 ~uut'acturel·s ba.cks
the watch'is not elltirelYl •• I'i.,rQC,~ory,











The first annnal meetmg of the Berks County
'E xecutIve, N.ational Farmerr' Union, 'Was held
at the Great ,,'Yestern H oi.()l, Reri.ding. on Satur. '
day. Mr. E.:. VV'. K. Slade (chaIrman), pre51ded,
and thore " em p'rosent Messrs.. P. AldwlOckle
(\ Jcc·ch,nrman ). E R ow les. E. L lddlard, A
Frogley. E Roh~ll, H R. Chand ler, H BI~Op,


,. 89a. BROAD


mIstake was a.n excumble one perhaps because he
their ordinary did not understand the English very
along ,.,ith, until It
.Iso th.t t1Iey well, althehgh enough ro
III vanous ways, to complYIng with forma. when he Wag very
of the Spectal Con- a pt to go wrong ' He (Mr Bra.m) believed moot
The Ch~rman reu13rked that though the
Impos:i1blo for them people, or a g<Xld many of them, also wcnt wro~
10 filling up forms and observing f~ which had
cutn-e ha.d·/QIlly h oen in existence three or
,vy the duty of to receive a.ttention in consequence of the war
m onths It . waa neCCS&\l"T for them to bayD. that
themrelvc& for Prisenet"' came io Reading last October to restde
meetiQg 110 that t:hev c~uld wind up the work for
co''p''Q'; and ,uggoSted that with his wife and child in consequence of th. air
that lperiod and make the ncc~ arrangements
mid., IUld he took up, hi. abode In C.""y,.troot for
f 01" the ~!luing twelvo months .
be given to the a cowriderable time. He went back to London on
January 18th, aild it Seems he ought. Ito have told
The Secretary submitted t ho report, which
tbe police he Wa& gGing. Instead of doing 80 bee
sf..1.ted that five mef:C.mgs df tho Executive ha.d
went to the police in London,· In his: own dlviSlon,
been h eJd, at which matters o f variOUS importand told them. He WB8 r~ ' in h IS owr.
ance to f&rmers had been oomudered, and resolu.
diviSIon m CoJl1JMrc.tal.road, as the, Insp.ector ha.(i
tions Bdoptocl which ha.d been transmitted to the
.t&red, and , prod1fOO the document showing the
Boord of Agriculture, the MimstIJ' of Food , and
registration mark on it. That was oh Janua.rY
18th. His Wife went with him . T~ intended
aut.honties ooncc'red.
returning to Reading nnd he had made enqturies
a.mounted to £35 129. 6d., and after worklOg exabout tal..-ing rooms at 15, GrerfriaJ'S-roa.d .• In
}>61lSe8 had been met there was s. balanre' In hand
anticipatIOn of returnm,(( to Readmg pmoner went
pi £13 7•. Bd,
to the police a.gain a.t Commercial· road and notitheir . S'IPlmT~ of the fied them ho was gOing to remove to Reading, at
15, Greyfriaro·road '.(bo.t. he (Mr. Brain) beheved
The Chairman moved the adoption of the reWIth
and the
the Inspector Walter!'; bad ,.·c rified on the 1~"'Ders in hiB
port. and in the COUp!oO of his rema.rks Sald that
possession. In conooqucnce of the lehild hemg III
although the Executl';'e had only been in exIstence
and the dqctor . saymr; it must not travel for a
few days prlsoncr and his wife d1d not return to
about four months..they had bad the opportunity on! the d~ tlley inte.ndOO.
The ,vlfe
of dOing a. considerable amount of tlRful work
was totho
tJie camel
on first, but prisoner did not accompany her,
It w:ls left ro the
and he was~l~ to say that in respect of • good I' Gon"lv'
make 8}!ch arrange- and the wife got mto w~ with the police with
m any ma.tteI"s the interest. of fa.rmers
thought n.""""'Y. tho re5ult: tha t she came to the police station about
they. had been ab(o'/io make. theIr VOIce heard
the matt-er 011 S,aturday and gave lnformation
very effectively. JHe partIcularly welcomed the
She said she would tEl!.! her husband and he would
InlU;9 m.eetmg WhICIi, in oonjunction 'WIth other
come round on Sunda.v mornlnll
He dId so
agncultura.l . assOCla.tioru, they held at ~mg
the tlme and reported himself He w1sbed aa IocR'
Town Ha.ll 10 September, in refer8Jlce ro the
as 00 knew there was something wrong to put 1t
Meat Ord"" r emarkmg tho.t. the Ifact th.t the
ri~ht and told the police a.bout his movements.
rcsolutIOn whtch was t hen adopted had since
Mr. ' went on to relJl.8.rk that. It wa.s import,
b een acted upon.l )'y the autboritiet:l was all to
ant t.b&.e regulations should be ~d out. and
their credit. · Owm~ to the existence of thc execupeople must confoml to them. But , the magiS,
tn.tes could obsen'e degrees of guilt m such Crl5eR
tIve progress hjbeen made in other dLreCt.1011A
and they were
t.cruLfor the h el p which they
as this one, where they could eee the man had
had received fro branches and for the n ew
shown mtention to obey the la.w by .regm.e-rmg m
11{O and vigour I at had been mfure<i mto their
P~y.i'~'D.wbo speoia1i.a&d in the treatment his own district. He thought the Bel\ch would
work: . H. was ad to say they had been .bl. to
see that what was done had been. done more in In..
obtain , a. fa ll" representatIOn on most of the war
in poaition,
to the
best thing
use. It to
is nODeJ;tCe orlignoronce than with a. dcli&rate intenagrJoulturaJ executive a.nd the other pubhc comnta1 interest to tho .. 'who tion to offend. Prisoner's wife was present In
mitteeB that had been formed in the Countv. and
Courl .nd would tell her .tory to tbe The
pain pa.rtlea: were aben friends of thiS cOlmtry and ~d
lhat, of course, .gavo t~em the opportumty, tf
that pb,.~iciaD8
there waa anyth~ng ~ron~, of doing
allevia.tion of every wish to observe ita laws. IHe submitted
!SomethinG In the, way of rectifjing it.
H e rethese tha.t no ~ere peri"lty ,vas called fl:!f: but ra.ther
ferrc.d bnefly to. tb~ reconstnlctlOn scheme ndopted
a caution, or probably 'BOme oomomtion and Lile
~n rc~~ of the Na.tIonal Farmers' Union, and
in a Pf'yment of the costs would. meet the justice of the
It!\ decISion to apptWnt a whole-time secretary
o",wug .'" whene .... er c....
which. be beheved, )would be to the of
1\11'5. FeUcr' l wiie of the prl80ner, then gave
the Union and of 8gri~lture generally. WIth othez:.
evidence, whicn substantlll.llv bore out. the circum·
agrlculturisu., tho Chainnan procetded he atstances
na..rrat~ d , by Mr. Brain in hil opening
lS not la
tended & conference in London on the' prevIous
of aU statement S~ Mid sbe. had lived. in Commercla!day, with Lon!, Rbpndd n. a.nd Mr, Prot heroe, the
road for 8ometl·me and her husband had the
obJect of the oonference being to qlscUSS t.he futMre ~:.:~~
money In
view of the premise! Vi here he carned on business as a
.of agriculture: They hea.rd what Lord Rhondda
obt.Utn~ in nearly watchmaker. She c.nme to Readm~ last Saturday
a nd Mr. Protheroe ha d to 8.."\y, bUt when the time
ih" I!!.uaraJn.te" thnt in case it fails with her child, lwho had been ill. Before she
to Reading
husband registered at the police
earne wbren they theY thought t.hey cou ld put
from dyspepaia,
questions the proceedings abruptly stopped and
generally Are lItrongly statIOn m Commercial-ro.ld and t he address
they wer-e told that if t.h ey h ad any quest l~ns to
Mst1nesin from of 15, Greyfri:lrs-mad She would , take care in
future to see that ber husband. complied with the
put they 1!Ihould address the m m wrltmg to the
begin its UJI8 wi out
law 80 far as notifying t.he polf&. in Rea.dlng in r e·
de~rtmen.t concemcd. \ when t.hey would be
gard to their movemen ts.
proaiptly k.nsw~d. LHo ooUld a.&$ure th6IIl that
The Deputy Magjstratce' Clerk: You did not
the two hundred agriculturists who attended the
r eg:ister.
confeffinee from aJ.l pa.rt.8 of England and Wales
W1tness: I am registered now. I registered,.on
were ~ry much, and his own view
VOLUNTEER ·Sa.turda.y.
of the ' procedure adopWd ~1lS tha.t It W33 the
I n reply to tho Ohainna.n, witnel:ls said she took
greatest affront tbnt British agricultunsis had ever
the room in Grevfri'hrs-road on the 18th.
reoeived . 1 Referring .to ~ tlie lpolicy of the UOlon
The Deputy Ma.glstrates' Clerk :- Why did you
genera.lly, the Cbairllan sald that it waa cootell the 'Pollee vou A.l"Tlved here_on the 18th '!
&idtu:ed by some ~ tAt be a. bIt hazy), As a.
WitneSs: I did not ullderstaqd it
matter of fact all things were a. blt aazy at the
Tho D C'Pu tv Magistra.tes' Clerk Q on were
present · tiU)e,
TOO future of a.griculture Wa6
on the 18th
hidden by a thick mist, end none of them, how.
ePdin4'Pobrus.ry 16th, 1918. ..
Witness· No, because the boy was ill.
ever clW~aight.ed , could penetrate it. He himself
The Chairma.n, 1n giving the deCiSIon of the
and ' many ·otbem, too, 'he believed, were r~ther
lJench, told d6fendant the notices were very clear,
uneasy &8 to the future. There were roch ahead,
and one especutlly he ough,t to ha,ve noticed in
and if there wMjnot also .brookers ahea.d he should
which it was set forth that ·any contranntl on of
be very much ~ri&ed .
But, as regarda· the
the80 rep:ulatlons rendered him liable to a. fine of
Igeneral policy <?f tlle rUn ion. In the first p)ace
£100. ThQrefore it showed ~ such contnwention
they knl3'W'. · of course, JlOlther creed nor pohtica.
regarded M a. mous offence . . The Bench did
and, in the aeqnd , they were out to wa.tch the
not think h e had wilfully broken .the law for any
interests of a.~C\llture, not of any particular
ulterior purpose, but the magistratee must impose
'branch, but th~ !Whole of thq mdustry. l\ir. Slade
marching order, wjth a fine so that it miglib be a warning to him and
procec<jed to dl"'cribe the policy of the Union,
be worn. Mid"d.y
other a.liens.- He would be fined £1, or ten days.
a.nd it !was, h e thought.
~te.r bottle 1Ul8d to
PrIsoner's wife the money.
of the
Uuion to
the urban "population Ra to the true pOSI.t 7,45
tion of agrieulture. Some people among the ur'bnn
popuJaj.lons : ~ed to h the Idea that the



~~ :5ij:~~~~:~Et:~i:mJ.~medialte







f~eris' chief du~y lay in thethem
collection of theIr 1~~~~j~i~'~,~i~~!:\I~~~~~!~~J~~~~~;
prolit.O. '1u~ he could
thai tho.t. was
not the ease i)1" ibip, diatriet. The vommittoes would,
Cf.lurse, ~ the industry as much
as o.ny movement. On theee Committees tli~ hiKl
to meet repre·a.entatrves of labour- who W8i:e not
, r epreeeniativ.. el . ogric~iural labour. the ratter
wei. earned on the boOks of 10m. other ~,'"
ti"V:'!.. th&t. did pOt ' undeniMd 'tho {rue oonditlOns
[ ""dOt) which &J!hculturol labourers Ii .... , Illld he
( wae ~ he Wal right in lAying ~a.t the &Gone,
~tural la~ ,..~ organited on the rig~tli~
woUld be bo~. for the larmera
and their JDen. .
' ,
nded the adoption of tho repori rN01~:~'w.~t,:t\f~~:?r ;llitll,- 8i...,~\o.!D.
IDd' fi....oial lItD.t.tment, and th'. niol4!>n w..





eani'ed. .

. .\

;',' .


IDeQlbenbi:p of the

waa tbnt
466, th<o




Hatdly o.t ' Hla B_th· SO.... tim...
SooD q~, CaNd "r VODO' ..

'. t: .



• Ii .....

55, I -BeaUfort-road, St.



. ' ., READIN.G.




(Mr Brwn) knew there -w-a.s nothing against prIsoner., and wlt.h t.h,s exception he. had complied
With the la.w SUlee he had IIVeQ. In England The






Doctors Prescribe
In~i~estion.~· •



Over 130 Branches London to Aberdeen.





street. last. month f.lthoqt 1"2porting to the_polIce,
On the 17th of l~ month the Controller of the of Derk~hire Recruitmg Area sent to
prisoner - to tbo address at 9, Garey-street, but.
that letter was returned to the Contro~lerJ who
nsked the police to maKe some enquirles.
police called a.t his rosidenoo on the 30th of last
month, but found tha.t he had gone. They enqUlred at various pla.c8ll, but could not find h lm.
Eventually his wife caned at the police sta.tion
on Saturday mght, and on Sunda.y mornwg pnsoner Ct"\.lled hlmooIf to &CO wltnees.
The Cha.innan: Do~ vou know where he~ was res idm g Saturday mght?
Witness: He came back to 11, Oreyfriars-road
We do not hke to be hard on these people, but certam records have to be kept up.
The Chairm&n: Have you information whcn he
left Carey-street ~

was In ma.ny
them to under-

W. J. Cumber, E .•O Payne, T. P H att, A. S,
Ne.te, F. W. Turner, and W. Chillmgwprth


I ,

WItness: He admitted he left on the 18th.
Mr Sydney Brain, on behaJf u. the prisoner,
83Jd there wa.s no dehbcrate or Wilful mtentlon to
break the law, and wha.tev er had happened was
the result of Ignorance. Prisoner was a: Roumaman by bIrth and he and his WIfe had ltved In
this colmtry for years Ho seemed to be a. very
respectable mnn carryi ng on t he business of a.
watchmaker nnd jeweller in Commercia.l-roa.d,
paylDj.! a. substantHl.l rent and
As far as h e


' M_jETlNG.



tha.t was so. Flt·~ of a.ll be mado an excuse that.
his child was III a d ~ he forgot tq do so, then
he 'said he had hUSi~ to aitcnd to and could
s pare the time, a.o subsequently said he did not
knO'W that he had · make a, rewrt of the changc.
WItness dre.w hIS OJ tentlon to t.tje pnnted instructIon on his cel"tlficn.te that he had to report. to the
pohee and POInted},out to him t.hat ~ had complied with the la.w n t.hree previous OCCUlons. On


39/~ 45/6
I~:E:~;:: :~Gf~:~




39/3 : i'


rill _~ _,,_ ..~_

gr!1.lldpa.j fiercely
Of I
~dded: ' suspiCIously, "you
him? " H N"""-no," sobbed the
oeneve t(lll(. mcn arc Just q
CUrIOUS as l';omcn, t ie up one of your finJ;ers was only carvmg my nnme m his
my ,penkmfe ."
a.nd po~r liniment over it.
Be-nevolent Old GcnL· .. Boy,
She: I" A clock is dlftercnL flom 0\ ma.n."
He: i II In what rc s pect?"
SI I(,·" When it eLand on the doorstop Sill vormg 1
you go mtd t ho house? " !Smllll
strikTs it keeps on \\ orking."
Miftress: .. Didn't you see If the butcher d3re not, sir; father and mothcr
had plals feet?" l\fnlfl
c' Lor. no, mum
I cussmg the ques tlOn, 'Is mar t la.g~ 8
""0li aon ~





cou ld n't.

He hnd IllS boots on' "
(unde[" not.lce, to grumbling cue·
tomcr) : \ I f StcRk not tender enough f Do
expect it t.a jump up and kiSS you?"
Hoste ~s : «Will you h[H e EOm c prend 8Dd
butter) dorling?" Small Boy. .. Bread ~nd
butter! "j I thought tlllS was n. part.y I"
I f 'J.lommy,"
said the teacher, "can you tell
what is meant by nulrtLtous fooel'"


" Ye!.'m, l' sruel Tommy; ''It'a food 'VI hnt am't
got ~o tostc to it."
1f'1'ommy Tuff," CrIed the tencher, sever ely,
1\ wQY dUl. you cha.llt your name. on
thiS new
desk f" . \" I ha.d be," replied 'l:1tnmy; I< I got
no penkolfej

YOrl ng

to earn it wtth."

IWife: U The d()Ctor stud you were to
have 1\ htUel animal {Dod to·day, John, 60 I'n
ehopped10u up Q bit o[ nice clo\·er hny, ood
scalded i to mnlm lt go down casler !"
"Nd, ohnny; nothlfig morc
filled up now tIll YOll can horelIy mate."
no, ~a.! My mefLt nnd potnto spnce IS fL11
up, but tf1ere's qUlte a lot o ' room leEt In
dessert part I of me."
The Vl~nr: (to sexton): "Why don't you
· ~eo that Ithe scats lU the church nre dusted
now land 'Ulon , Tombs!" Tomhs (the scxton):
. , I do , ~ir ; Lhe cO'llg rcgatlon docs it

and mother has got fa ther ciO\~n
to· him. Can't ,"OU h ear! Illm
You had move on, IgU1;" 1l0
mo ther gets to argUIng she mnkes
claus warm fo r us."
They wep~ in the fron t· hoe !rEmclles,

they had tieen (or an unusua Iy
one I Tommy wns reduped to
some captured Germa.n tobacco. H e
fully filled hIS p Ipe '\ILh lhf "'·I'OC'O'I'
ture, and, I Without lookIng; uPr
mnn next to hIm for a Jfliltch
aDY warmng, fL bomb from
mortar buti ed Itself In th o mud not
a.nd burst iWlth n. ruuffied r cport, Olakl~g no
·end of & mess and gl ... mti forth Il voluino (,1
dense suffocating smok E!
A moment. ~llt(r
Tommy, coughmg out lllgh explo!'iHe ' IWlC":
~ut ?therW1se unhurt, and Wi t h IllS plPl~ ~t ' n
in hiS hand. WD8 h e~ud I muttcT)ng to h tll ~ ~ ei j
II Whnt
WIth th iS bloomm ' G Clman t(, l bakk ".
nod these ro tt en 'tllntstlllkcr' mat~h es \ lile
won't be wor,h li"in ' /lOon,"





Sundla}" morning, s: r"
shh. '! But i~ you say you can't bear the
p:l rl, ~ wb)l ever! di~ )"C1U propose!"
He .

"Well, hpr people have alway, been awfully
good to p,!e, .nd It'S the only "'Y I could
return their hospitality."
"TommY"l'm gOing to pUlfiSh you severely."

Says neutralise and wash them out by
drinking strongly alknline Iwf tcr. Anyl
I Chemist c'a n teU you ho~ to m" ke
this at home. No need of visiting


.. ~oWj, don't try' tha.t
innOcence I know ttll the bad thll1,gs
you've done to·day." .. ~~o, you don't, po..
.. Wbat


YOu 1dOU'1;l kuaw I hid the istrap you lick me


" I

Mr•. :;~'f.d

(sobbing): "Ph, me, Alphon.e
has left me!" Mil.: II The~
' I-the scoundrel!
lYoU know I always em he was good for
noth ng, J .. nd quite hearUe s Where hfts he
Mrs Newed: .. I d d don't know,
mao Hc'Si deB<!! "
E~l uSed to play a good deal in Sunday
schOol., b~t one day she had been so good th'a.t
her ~ acher said in praIse: /" Ethel, my dea.r,
you t havel been a. very good ' girl"
u Yeth'm, i' re~ponded Ethe1, "I touldn't 11elp
det a. 'tiff neck."
e schocrlmaster had been ginng a. lesson
on physicnJ., force.
"Bon," he snld, "cnu
anypne of ~ou tell me wli~t force it is thllt
m#o ~es people along, for cxample, in the
"P l c!l!H~,
s ir," replied the first
boy~ ''It '~ tIle poh('e (orce. "
" )Yes, IMary," snld Mr~. Ncw\'jcd to her

I! "





maiU, .. I do hate to ho.V8 my husband kl sQ
me ~ fter he comes from tIle barber's. I do so

dcttst the odou!" of that brilliantine I1ll hIS
"Do YOll, renIly, ma'am? "
repljed the maid. "I l"6thcr IIkc it...
C1llsooru er (severely): .. Do you sell di:wased
meat here1"
Dut.chcr (bland ly) : '''WoISe
' Ir t "
(CI CltJ;:!dly) .
.. }lercy on u s ' How cnn that be p ossible?"
Butcher ~ (eonfid cnhnlly) . ~ " Thc ment I sell is
abs olutely

'sheepi.hly) , "Oh'" ''
" IStop I " thundered the mnn in the barber'!
c h~·r, who was havmg hiS hair cut. If Why do
insIst upon tenmg me t hese horrible



s tortes?"

" I 'm

sorry ,


9&ld the barber, " but when I tell stories like
thn.l the stlmds 11[.1 on end and mnkcs it
much ca5i9r to cut, sir."
WlIy 18 &. clock like n pretty and vaIn
young Ind;y1"
fa.ll to &ee any resom·



Why? "

.. BecaU6e it is all face nnd



hot' alkaline mineral springs •
Cb~mical analysis nnd tho m£ct oscope both proTe
beyond any possibility of doubt : that rheumn tl<;P.1,

gout, sciatIca, etc., ar" dU9 to uric aCid nnd other
lmpuf,ities lD blood ftnd· tissues. When t he bIded I~
rid l of the impurltiea, the SUff~Cl· lS rld of til',)
rh~umatism. If you are u. doctor or a cheq.ul!~ ) 0 11
know thIS, 1\1so that a drop of nny strongly a !l.ah ne
Iiatud will melt IL uric acid or ernul,lr er:", st.,], J,l,t 18
qot wflter ~elb'l a sugar crystal, or as heat m{lIs a
snoWj crystal. It nnturally follows that l\ hen the
tmy, sbarp l ncid crystals in t he blood [lro dl:h~lvcd
or melted mto liquid
fonn, ' thcy cnnno~ gnni
the vcm"l Il 'lr



cf\tch and collect n lh
lnlnu te blood " ('!I ,d, ,.,





Jomts or





,pflCHnen oj


acad crYlJtgz,. hlr;hly lJ&aq·


No 1lIoMtr



they 1'10 ott c u
swelhug and

'I hrT('
( .,H ·I

utll eC

tI£,ony_ '
It IS a stOnt"lllllr; h'm
few penlOm~ . eIcr jlt ,uJ
chemistti and the 11I{'d l,.d
proies!HOn , und 'r t 1/1.
tllat the water" 6 ,i+,n[

JUuet reach t.he }.dll('r~
by first' being ~sOl oeli
toto the bl6od, and thnt if the wntcr 18 :;tr()u~lv
.dkoline- it thoroughly flush es the kidneJ " "heu
being e~pE!l1cg, taking With It; lhe aCId:. /tnu ]Input·
1tles it has ,":b80rbed while in the blood TIl!" IS
why the stroqgly nlka.line watC18 of ill.nlon.'> ! 0
IJpnngtl are 60 etiectne. Rheumatic and un, II.'I,l
Ruiferers can eHstly prove this to thcir CDntplt!tc 1\ d £,faction, and without sLlrrmg' a sllIgle Ktep fronl tll('lr
own hqmcs. Simply drink 'before Lreakfnst c \ ~ rr otll~r
mommg, for a Week or two. l\ gl.ISS of hot "liter m
which you lmve dissolved a leyel tel\!'.poonflll vi Ill.:! L
sa.1trates (po wder form), whICh all chcnlt:-t" I:~r,
supply, for lhis IS (l. compound which they keep ,11
stock for phYSiClallS' prescnptiom. It~ t~:ilt I,.
plclHumt, its {''O!lt 'hry slight indecd, and It }" ,,[;,I ,1\
IS as good as nny t hmg you can U!:ie fOJ; t h e jJlll pf}~
AfterwHrds, you will ltot bc likcly to hl\\c II Ill h
patience with rheumatic frlcnds If tohey COnfllllh IQ
!SuffEr alter) ou have told' them about this.-A . L.




figure, Ihas no hend to speak 0(, IS hnrd to
~top. when once it is wQund up) nnd has a.
str}klDg way . of calltng a.ttentlOn to itself
every hour of the day."
-nhe girl tram conductor had pbnched a
ti('ll~t and was handing it to a passen~er.
<' Here," .protested the passenger, WIth mirth
lurln~g in the corner of lus leye , "that ticket'/.'
no 19ood; I the bell dtdn't rmg." HEn!" drll)
repp&tcd the guard, "IS it a tram ride you
w:> nt. or to listen to the band? : '
llrldegrpom (two ~A.y9 nfter t.he weddmg):
ho. ... en' t seen Bnytilln g of that thOUS8{ld
poands ~heque from your hther." , Bride: . '
.. ~ell, y'ou .... see, dear, pspa heard that your
I.tier haq already given Us· one. e.nd he knew
Rellding eo-operators ma.y well feel prollii o ~ tl'e.r
we shouldr't cnre to hal"e duplicate presents ,
so he IS gOlDg to give us a sliver cruet mo'·emeut when, after examinlllg the lldl\·lty o ~ t1.~ l r
iRstead! ,..
own branch. they glance Jt the , Inception 0: tllf Co·
" ISUPPosing I give you lour supper," OpClD.tive Socicty lLud Cr mJl!lfC It \\"l th Its 11,'s..:.\t
the ttred·looking woman, ! ,vhl:)t ,Ylll you do FO~Hhon. .
fo eaJ:n l it'"
"Mo.dnm," sniH. TIred Tim,
On August 20th, 1860, n t Cll. 1Jal t y and (lL4. 1 ' , .11
., I'jll give you the opportunity of seein' a man
" 'Ir_
go ~hrol)a:h a. whole'mcal VWjlthout findmg fault took placo at Lowlrmds ~arlU, Jumbo. A r.O.lLt'
was appointed to prepnro tho wfly for ie,lo II ""
wlt~ a. smgle thing.·' Tho WOOHm thouaht for
n. moment, a.nd then told '.him to come In a.nd From this little teu. pnrty at Jumho - th~1I I I,' d
she td set! the tabla.
retreat, uow the site of cotton nnlls beh' eell 1Ill"I"II '
. Mrs. Scroogl.: "I am writing to ask the ter Ilnd RPchdll.le-spr" the enormous Cll " ' ) '1'"
the Joftescs fiere at dinner, known as the Co. opeulttye Wllol esl\le ::iorld\ \;1 . , Ii
to t Ie J oncses to me et the V·rowns. 'Ve In 1916 sold goods to the value of £52,230,0;4, 11 d'; l1\~
thenl both an lTIvitation, you kodw." Mr. tho total suni SlIlce l SG-l, "llell tho COUCeln 1... ::,1.1
"But i'"e h e ard thOy'TC Just working, of £630, li1,394 . The IlJltnuer at IlH'1Il 1 t' ~ :.r
;;~~;;~ii,;d; 'and 'don't speak!" Mrs. Scroqge: ·
They'll refuse, and we needn 'i Co-operati~·o SoctetlesfiU the Umtccl Kmgl' o





fa In.

II f'l

a.t aU!"
I am "' so afraid Johnny

and · friv olous. He Vo"n ~
he were a prince."
know about princes? ..

3,iJG,; ~ 9, aue! ,l( II "
profib of tlfoso Soelelle for that year wer~ £1; ) i" I ,
Tho figures quoted a c frtrm the nnnual lei nI t , I · Ii ·

end ·of Decembel, H)lil,


Co.opeta.u r e 'Vholefll.lo Society, Ltd., \\ Inch, 1[11' 1" .
much otbermiorlDation, lUI well fU! a. number 01 ~ ' , h ~
on tOPICS of cun cut mt.erest.
Thus, 8.1wnter on Ii Natiollal H OIlSillg \ ft I II \e
'Wal" calfulates that 1,?OO,OOO' DelV houses \\llll be

looking at a pIcture qf me,"
of a picture 1" "It was some
with a dog hy his .,d •. " " I
matter. I'll get him a. dog.
,required lI11moola.te1y {~c m obIlisnt i ou beg-il lS
after .getting all sorts of wrong that" be Bln'S t! a 8 um of £300,000,000 sho lid I\(' '~ r­
I Brown turned, ... to her pet ml\rked foi fh~fil'~tlenr ofpel\ce . T o }lIm hlf' l I l h ~
I Elaie/' she 8Q1d: .. Mary f olno:ott ten '' h o usi Jl~ Jleeds ndCllllD.tcly," I ,1, .,
, didn't she?" "Yes, "l3omethutg like 2~ lUlHious of hou!cs ougl, ' I" 1",
promptly. .. And who el ectcd- wblcb m~O:ns n.n cljpel'dlturo of £J3(). O~),.' 11 0 ~
was the· teachet"s next <]oos- year." He suggests thnt the. Co , opclatn-o ~ ~, d \
" brief lIilence, and then.. Elsie should bUild bousesp.n(l sell them to thetr ruetll tl'l:> it·
they sell'other comm odltl~.
., II Her little 1amb, I?iu, It she
Mr. W. Meakin, deal11ug with" Small H ol.dlll ~ 111 1
h Iph ' I.,' 1
about to Ret married~ and methods Of building homesteads "Ithout I cif~ lI,l 10
the '" deLaIl. of domestic aoci&1 V:mehltiC!l and sugO'ests that all fu t !lt.~ ~h " l il C~
ah'.aid., dellrCst, we sh.l1 should be la.r~e ~nough to ensuro tha t t~e IlOltl rll~ (, ,11 11
a servant . • t bst," be !!' ,''" rfClAl 'U1llt, 60 sItuated that thoy call Ic\~I<)P
at · ber.
"Ob, Barry,
E1Xprell8 a sense of commuDal mtclcst.


wuen . ihe,.

"\ Why,
