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Reading Observer_09-03-1918_00005.jpg

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g<><>d.-.01 the ~pu.
apark 80 tliat when
Ilha.ll been
by .ympatbe..c in.,ght
Weohoatd''"'' .....lIy oWiged iif eo....,....d_1I
w¥ can see furthe.r woal~ .....t Us their ...porta &I lOOn ... pooa'ble
tile exammatlODB at after til. ennIs ban

t he dcvplopment of


It p,preacb. to ..

so moulded a tri
on t bc part of the
' han blgh
hiS school.
on which Mr.
Vaughan 'Would have
perform their work
H pl nddress abouods _wljt h food for refleetlon -for
all who pave the mte!'ers of fniure educ&~lon at
hu rt. and 10 the mterclts. of pupIls, tMahen, and
t he generallYJ we venMrre to hope that hil
T'('ma.rks ma.y have 8. wlder circulation' thlUl in theu
l'I"C!'oe nt form The.a.ctcheSB .bon.1d be ,toad oy
C\ Pt'\ t.ea.cber and
I!chodl manager 1n th& Britiah
r ml' lre,



For II>e _
tim. ID the hiatory of th. RMdmg
Green GlrJt( School, a period of nearly 300 vears,
the IlcholaIW on Tnursday were penrntted t.o wear
Durinr the week MJded ¥arch 2nd, Readibg fllb- ordina.ry aUire and \0 I diaca.t4, thelI' UDlfonn of
ocribod £3.1<0 '" W .. Booojo, briDging tlla _1 to coa.l-scattle bonnetll, In9emeas ca.pesJ bib aprons,
and green akirts.



Sir Frank Criap's after to defray the oo.t of proTldina lUI ornamental f enoe alonl thel un.protected portion
of the nver aide at Henle,.., between Hobbll'a boathouse

cou rage parents, and achooln:l..a8tor's alike, to
answer My queatJon which a. growmg hoy ma.y

ask them abollt anything that appears

In a pro·
perly conducted newspaper The modem Journal
IS mtended to be, a.nd should bo, a. InrITor of ltic
and J depend upon It, 3f school children 1"C&IUle
there .. a;nything my.J.nou. about a n ....paper
bemg k ept out or t.belr they WIll set\ It We
Icmember m our .chool day. thot the leaden and
special artides in t.ho London dally were,
mv&riably choeen for our diet&tlon lC1190n!, on
the gro.n,d,
the _
argued, tbat ""ch cOm
positiool coinpri8ed current thought, taught geogQ.Phy, modern hIStory, and prevented a.n.y pos61billty of a p-renous dletattOtl le8l!Jon hemg served
u p agsln. Not at all a bad id ....

!" o

TEACHERS' PREPARATION.There i, another point m Mr. Vaughan" addres.
which greatly imprMSCS ual and that is tho im·

pcrlonoe of ~""- He urges that prep __
trOll eha!dd go I!IO far u to be baBed on prayer
We a.l'e 'Wlth him. entirely, we fervently
w;..,.. DO retJly good or UfIIJiul ;work can De
the performer prepanng on tbe 1m..
~ th8 _Maoter of Wellington Let 1JJ not
be ~ m this matter. Prayer, 8.6 infermi h,' lir. V&ngb&D, .. prep.ration, and all
ill ~D
Hence the truth of th.
de6ailOan as w. lied It in the hymn:
P.rayer 1. the 8Oul's smoere deaJXe,
UtIered or
When tbt!m t8 a. desire to do a work thM'e is neceA..nty pzepa:tstlou, and In thUl aeDI8 the teacher
.Do :f.oIbws lb. Vaughan's advice m&T truly he
aid to be ca<rying out the Panline injunction,
.. Pray 'Without ceaising." All this II far removed
hom the IDft"iy academical, formal ... on.,
sad make·haete zpirit. to ea.m. ca.plta.itOn grant.a
'lI1"puobmg forw=d bright pupil., and leavmg a.p
J>8lOIlLly dw!! on... behmd, of which we have beard
and. seen too ~1lCb 10 t:be past. In short, educa.tion that beoe6te. a. J)a.taon in the long run 18 not
that wbit:h pr.odnces merely" prlze-wIDDen," hke
a prize ring, or a,le ahoow, but r~ther that
wIBdl ~ the bri>a!d and firm foundation that.
obaJl de.elop till ~ i, true ... d of good report
in & oIriId, and check and, if po .. ibl. deotroy, all
that makes for ero. Tbe teacher 1& called to the
rugbest p-'ble voca/.i<>u , aDd th. M ..ter of WoIJmgt.on baa reDdered a great ""';00 to the State
;" tInm ;",pr...ively reminding h,m of th. groat
opparUmity ~at Us before him.

a.cceptid by the '1'0'"'

bewg one


bia eecort dunng t.b&t CAmp&lgll.

It hu heeD deciiled (MrS the Holy Trimty "P.. rli h
Maga.n:De ") to form what wtll be kuown aa the Paruh
Inatitut.e, to supplement the effort. which haTe been
m&.de lately to totter the social hfe ot the p&rLlh It LI
open to a.ll mem~ of tho QOngregatioo over the age
of fifteen, and memben are e%:pected, a.a far aa ]>08atble. to a.ttend t. short deY()tioual meetiofil to be held in
Ute Church ea.c.h SUDday lmmediately &Iter &.be Cat.e el:liam_ Father Hunl h .. oonaented to ACt U Chapl&lD
to thl!l Insrtitu'te, aDd Wlll conduct these meetinga.



MethOd. UDlver&lty College, Re&dmK


TnE a:econd NatioDal Kitchen for Re&ding will be
oJlCned on
day ned.
MR H. J . GOLDn.'O wlll gtye aD addrea at the
r-n ltana.n Free Chureh on 8unday ,YeDJ.Dg OD .. The


ReitgJon of H. G WeU •. "
M n CalUSTOPRER W. W ETKBB.U.L i.e ·ot'l.,aiaing &
"l ll~t drlve a.nd dance at the Town HaU, on Much 13th


:\ j!rtlnd 5J>Orle me&tmg Ie to he hold a.t Read.lDlJ on
F.lLo 'er Mouday, which Will !Dclude Gallow.y, dritlng,
}I'111 ), \yhippet. and foot raoes. See advt.


~ln M H Walll., of LODdon, Will .peak at
t,he Readmg Spiritual Minion on Sunda.y morn1Og





the afternoon for child-


The studoots' ooncert for the LeDt term Jft con.
nectlon With the Depa.rtm~nt of MUlle, UDlvermty
CoJ lege, Will be' given on !,{oJlday evewng next 10
the College Hall.







P&~t l

Children oontnbuted largely to th. pri-rilego of
purch88lDg their future clt.izenship, many
workmen are puttmg ill " theIr bit" ,
Among the oontr1btii:.o.r? to the " Business Men',!
Week" is tha l!IIbstant.ial sum of £50,000 from
Mea51'S -Huntley a.nd Palmers, Ltd., whlcb Ul w.-

I, '

eluded 10 the tot.a.1.
The foUowmg letter

W&8 ' addre&Sed t.o
Chamber of Commerce by Mos.,.. Hunl\ey and



" l!Â¥:mt Factory,
01 Jt,eadmg,
I I 7th Mard J 1918

Dear Sir,-

" In suppOf't of t~e appea.! which your Chamber
has Oll~ thiS" BlUIlne6'!f Men's Week,"
m order to enable the town of Rea.thng to provIde
the fODds for a. momtor, we , beg to tuform ybu
tha.t It. hM afforded ns much pleasure to-day to
a.t'l'aDgo through our bankers here for an Invest-

ment of fifty tbousa.nd pounds lfi N atlOna.l 'Wat
Bond• .
.. TMl15tmg that t.he result of the a.ppeal may be
a credit to the town a.nd aflord aatlsfact.IOD
your Chamber,


.. We rema.m, dear SLl',
" Yours faithfully,
" The Secreta.ry J
.. Readmg Chamber of Comrnc!'C6,

.. I know that I can defend Jpon your domg


diapoMt of th e meeting.



Lard" m very hmited supply, and tberefore the

tation bas had to pe fixed at 1 oz only I but where '
coltimIeDcitlg lIt is not found to be enough It may be made up

Children." and a 'novel en\ltled "Out of tbe
Depths," the of WblCh we had OCca8lon favourably to reVIew when It a.ppeared in 1905."


A snmmaryof thill well known a.nd pragl'8!8i'l'e CompaDY' 1!; annnal report appe:arll 10 our adveril5ement
columnll thi8 week A !IllaDCe a.t the IIlme shows aome
remarkable figuTea. The Compa.nv hue f)ud over
£212,000 in olaims during the put yea.r, whioh mikM a
total ot nearly h..lf a tnillion eterlUig Dee ihe
bega,11. The Oompaoy haYe aho taken up duriog
year a lal'ge amount of Brit:i!h War 'Loan Stock. The
total lUoome for the yea'!' amount:.&rt to nearly 4-l millions, bemg an 01. nearly £~9G,OOO over the.t of
the f)TeTlOUS year. The total cla.lma now paId amount
the "l<I""pte to £21.360.6' 0 II>. Od . • "hil.t tb.
d..tiUld.t £ 12,739,993 18. lid. Th.. , figu .... are
remarkable one.. and reflect greg.t Credit upon the
pment 01 the Company.· Locally, we hear the
Dl.tncta. ,~nd
the snpervlSlon of Supls, W. Carruthers
""d G !NU n, ~lLYe mAde record progreu. aI1-~ we
recomm ' d all ntendmg usuren to peruse the IOomp'!ny "s 9 OUI
poctuaee before U30nnR' elsewhere
rhe Pearl i.ue ery attractiY81>Obcle15 for hfe. endowment, mckneu aud acCIdent, aJÂ¥l employan' 1UI3ur&nce
The Pearl are lUUlng 0. apeciat scheme enabllDll J?~­
chuert of Wa.r Bonds to p4mf'.l'p"te In Rea.dlDg's
"Business Men's \Veck" bv tAkmg up :Bonds ,.nd
JM'lJ'lu~ by inetalmente spread o'Yer 6, 7 or 10 yean
The tull amount of Bonde effected under tbu acheme
Will be Ctedlwd to the" BUalUesa Meu's Week" In
Uea.ding_ The local officee of the Compa1ly are at


WIth ma.rganne
Dunng t.he week a deputation from locDmotlve
dnvers waIted u~ t.he Ma.yor and aot forth t~e
dlfficultlei In obtftolnlng food 10 other towns in
which they had t·o walt. m the course r>f thel1
w ork , and therefore urged some specta.l 'pro'\i}slon
should be for them on reaching Reudmg
after being away lor a great many hOUTS
The Ma.yor ha.s ~forwar dcd a petItIon. !ftgncd by
memb ers of t.he q.epnta.tlOn, to the Mmlstry of
F ood, !et.tmg forth the difficulties of the men
It IS officHllly stated the ratl omng scheme IS
'Workmg very smoothly, tho dIfficulties beiug
gradually overcomo.



~e~d~~~1::n~ s:~n~:~~:~~h

of Reading l\' t>r6 beld on Friday, March lat, when
Mr J. W. (chairman) preSlded, and
were ,,\Ko present the Mayor (Mr. F . A Sarlcant),

aDa Me..",. E. P. Collier. F B. Portitt. L. G.
Sutl.on. J. J. Cooper, G. PbllbricK, G . W. Webb,
J. Cat1ey, W.
~mlth, and E O. Farrer.


Tb~ following hon~ had been referred &t the
preYiou8 meptln81.-" The 'rra.vellers' Friend,"
Frl&r-atreet I I i Tlh e Marqu1IJ of ~rne," Friar.
atreet, I i The G"lEm Dragon," I f Hop Lenf," and
I t Tile
Mount," ~outbampton-8treet I and "The
Roee and Crown, I SUnr-street.
After bearing
e eVidence the magi.strates deliberated. m prlTatc. and then intlm ... ted tbat they
had d eotded to ~new aIL these licencee with the
exooptlou of "The Rose -and Crown," Bil ver-street,
and I' The Marq~ of Lorne," Frlar-atreet.

In J"Mpeet of the houses refuaed Iltst year the
Inl&nd l Revenue ~w:nded £325 compensation · con.
oonunR' " The Cupe Inn," Ctl.8tle-street, na aga,lnst
CblUDhera, Queen Vlotorii~atreet.
£300 · fixed by the Commlttee and £700 oUl.lmcd by
the ownen. Compensation in respect of "Tho
Gmpei," HOider.,e~reet, W8.8 given to .the extent off
£766 a8 ago,1Ust £714 lIuggellted by the CommIttee
The monthly meetmg of thll ASSOclatl0n w ....... and .£ 1,096 olaim~ by the lowners .. The Oddfel _
held at Wllh80n'a Hotel on Tuesda.y There was low,,' Lodge I ' w~s awarded £500 08 agamst £325
a. good attendanpe
The rule., whIch had been fixed
the Co~ttee and £899 e1&med by the
Ilubmltted to members In [proof, were duscu!t'"..d , ownerS.
a.mended and agreed to
The AssOCIatIOn then
p'rOOOeded tG elect Ita offieen. and the following
were unammoull;y appointed - Preilident, Mr A





hand, of Yr. Emblinlf. She will.I&O gin some other releue of eo much aJI can be spared for mumtwos J
tbe m..tmg di."" ...d the lhe<!t method. of dealing
A retnrn ~t ~ ~e Royal Connty Theall. next
WIth the m&tter In order ~~~ ae great a. iluantlty week of II The PI II aure. to b& hee.rtilfwel.
as possible 8bou!d be e:s:-peidltlOusly prOVIded The comedo This chanping world·famad mU8lw comedy
geCret.a.ry WR.8 instructed to write to headquarters
• uggesting the appDintment of a local firm of WIll be performed ~y Mea&rB. F. Lealie Moreton ..nd
met.&! merchanta to deal with the ma.tter lD ordcr Guyton Heath's cqm.p,any, Ib y arrangement lflth Mr.
Robert COllrtueidfl;~ There 19 to be ~.fllll chorus a.nd
that. dclay ma.y be aVOIded Throo member! of the. orchestra.
undet the! direction of Mr j Leone, 10 that
Aasoe:Ja.tlot't, Messrs R W. and Ma.urlce Bradley thare IS everT aaa/Irance of all axe Uent produetion
and Mr H . C Wut.all are on mIlitary servIce, 'Mm g glTeu 0 tbiaieh.gbtfut, bumorouslmd laaoinatin«
and I the ieCretary WQ. instructed to se nd them a play. It should be noted It is to be performed ouly
once nightly, a.t ,.30. an~ ma.tillee all Wedneeda.y.
greetmg from theJ A."uoei~ion.
L&noe.Corporal Searle, London FIeld Ambulance,
Mar$ 13th, at 2.30 As It 18 .ntlclpa~ there will be
0. great dem_alld for 8f1ats p/ltrous are MVlsed to note
YOUft5test &QD of !lr A ,1 Searle, of the Oeor~ Hotel,
the boOking office i!!J open I.rom 11 a.m. to 7 p. m, e.x Lvdd, baa been I\wuded the Mthtal-y Medal for de.oeept Sa.turd.ys, when the tlma is 11 a.m, tG 2.30, &nd
tioc tp-duty lIJ France, Searle carne from an 01<1 ReadlDR' f~milJ. Hla JitT~a.tgrandta\ber , hi. grAndfl.ther a.nd
matmee day. 11
to I p.m.
hll Uliole worked for m.ny yean for Menn. Wheeler
Brae. -brick makers, Col.,. . ' . Hi. fAther -wqrked at
nuntley Ulel Palman for 8eY6rt.1 aDd waa In their
An inquiry wa. held
Wedcesdov by Mr F
empl0J', ..t the time they recel.ed the Orand PrIze a.nd
Diplom. fi'Otp the Paria bhlblti()n, He haa se.sral W. Martin concernmg the <;Ieath of Ja.mes Alfred
"taUYet. now livlng In Read.inl:t. Sea.rle attended a
buUy wounded man.. under fire And ".. }umlfJIf Walles, 16, an employee ~ Huntley and Palme .. ,
wounded 10 the m()uth by " ~groent of a buntinQ; who was ru?- oller a.nd k~led by a motor·bua In
i •
1- - ; 0 - _ , 1
Ihell In a letter to LanDe-Corporal Beut. bUl oolo.11el Oxford· r oad, Reading, onl Saturday
lIlyl!! :...,.,'It waa WIth great. pleuu ... that I learned that
Mr Sydney Brain w .. pre!!lnt on behalf of the
JOD ~haV8 been granted by the General the Hilttarv
MediI. I am aur" that none d988f'1'e it mora. I had dl'lver of the omnibus.
a letter from Captain Oampbell of the good "otk you
Wllham S. Ro,slter, SIgn. wnter a.nd deeora~or,
had done together With VOllr ,,\uad. J feel I must of 24 . Howard-street, who witnessed the accident,
Tho cl:tenslii'v~e~~~:~I~~aI~:::' arraDged fo~ next
tha.nk fon f or your y.lumt devotion to duty on behalf
week ~a.t tho V
Theatre to m&aid
of the whote unit." His major 1180 wrote oongratuclude the .
Ja.tmg him UPOD the fine wot'k be haA a)wa.ya done Oxford rond, 0. motor cab land 'bus o.lmo!t oolhded
In "
lA.nce -CorpDral Searle 1a twenLy-three 'Yea.n of age Deoea.sed was n"dm$( a bicycle and followmg the Charhe ·".caPIiD.
and beforp jOlDinlZ up
WIth ¥essrs R~ aDd n. eab A strong Wind \VJUl b1ctwing at the time and
Mortet. hoslers, Wood·,treet, London Hp was born he dId not seem t.o be &ble to control hiS riiachme
a.t Bnghton and wu for ,ome time _ el:iomtllr at the
When. near the middle of tho road he feU.
Chapel Royal.
driver of ~he 'bu. endeavoUred to a.void deceased ,
but t.he ofIelde wheel wen~ over h1" sboulder, while
MATERNITY UD CRfLD WELl!'AHE CBNTRE. the back wheel pa.&1i6d ovO!' bll n~c k
'l he ,Ju s
A Yery enjoyahle time w.. flpant by.the mothers who stopped about two yarda I&way. It wu goinlt At
..tieDtl the ER.tlev, Cumberlrmd-rGloc]. .ud Ct.l'"enhr.m
hour when t.he noddent
Schooll fot !.fotban on M'ond"'1whEln the joint Il'a.ther- a.bout &IX or !even mik-.
loonveyed to No. 1 War
in" 1I\et \n t~ recently-openerl lIrQnltrl~ Hotberorttft happened Deoo..ed
Witne.. bea~ no horn .ounded . IQ
and In"f.nt e1f&re Centre. S~I'·lan8 ~ -By the energv Ho.pltal
of the bealth vUllton and~ thel' help a:nl1. generoaitv of answer to Mr Bra.it1, the witn6N "said tha.t al
frIend", &- good tea Willi J'!1'oYided for Over ~ hundred fa-r a.s be could judge the driver of the 'bu. WO!l
mothen, allO milk for the babiaa. dee-pate Che necessary on his proper aide and w~ dnvlD8 Wlt,b all reason .
mhmung ~tTlctlonl Dr. Atlhby, ¥e(hcat Officflr of nble care
Health. fl.tld Hn Herford, M.D. , Modlc,t Supen.qten-Sergt. Inst Thomas A J WilkitlJ, ot the
tend'!llt of Olliid Welfare Centres" were, PreH'Dt· ateo Pioneer School, .... ho &1.10 Wltneaaed the iccldent.
YIU Nloholla nnspector of MidwivM tor the Cop'llh ll
Mn. Silver, Mus Davie!l, Y11IA R01»on, ~ A. Nott. beliaved that .tb. rear WHeel of the dooe.. ed·.
KIM G",t'ln. aod other friend. And help,rs. The moRt maehme c&11Itbt in the tratP hne, a.nd in endeavour.
popular of the short enterta.inment-- ",hiM 101- '"~ to g~t clear be w," thrpwn under the 'bus
Charlo, A
,,1 ~ley. ~ driver of tho
lowed the tea "'at undou~ly the cleTer and fI"ICflful
danoel' given by Miu Audn'ly l Birlntead . . Her ibird 'bPI, saia
wu "-<.,!,obblmg " .... if in ddll.
dauce WAS " new and oril;tUlal one of he!! own compoaicultu~sbut!lDeceasea
ret cle6~
'of the
tion. She 'alto &Ang A chanoioR Dutob 80011 t" ch&r .. 'bu.B,
wn.a thrown·
fro~1 hia to
acter. Yn. BH'rn~ aoeo'll~pied her dnuflhtet at tho 'bul. Wit~. did lbbi h~y. time . to IOmlll hia
Pl&ftO. 1<\". !liI.ef, • frie.4 '" lon~ 'taudll\jl ol1Jle
mothen ••ang three eOn,., whic.l, were mueli t\'Ppreci&ted, a.nd .110 1{&Y8 " biler a4d .... 'udab!1I ~ t1l0







oeeuton, ' )In. Pa~e. 01. the c..~~ School.
kindly Il&Te & 1010•• nd
N01'th •. ,Ea.-!.ley School.
re'Q~er.d 't'6;I~able ~ryj~ at tn. ~I\O. 'J'he babietwho ware there in all agot. G.ud titM. 0 •• 1' a bUlldted
olth.m-....... ~ll .lIb Oil!t bOba\iobr: ~{j ...
Dutton. the S"~nt.~a.~t of th .. :O'~tl'l. ~.d~reilllI.
wann thanV. or the meOl'hert of'.~llil ~ to MH.
a.nd )(i.. Bidmelid ' Iln l\tl ;Mra. ' SU.,., for tbett' ped
Jrilldn ... in entertatnm" · weftlI.alaO gi't"Jl.}to
10m. P.earoae fo'; A.mul",ga th.~ ~, _ IMKl· oth'r



'0' ohoaO..
'""1 -../lI&b1,
h.rrp~." ~ThJlr
three he¢.
....~ b''1Ith
ilia '.11154
more fOl'th~1loft .~ .... ~, 11,1 . ~Â¥~ '.11
joiDed in l' ~ " - " 11M, I D
""~' G~· ..n
~ ~ t
" II"


mommg -.


Enj:!1iah and two ltabll.l\.aonRS· M'r 'Van Ller will plllY
Saint Sllen's Coucerto for!the' Yioloncello, .n;d & aenee
of delightful piece! bv B8i-eh, H.ndel and other muten
In addition there 'WID he .orne aQ"OgK "nth 'oello 9hhg&to, BAch'uacred ana. "My heart eTar faithful Img
Jlt'A I~', " and at Jenst oue ot the little ruown worb
Ivniten {or t"o 'cellO!! 'Ve underatand that tickela
m.y ,DOW b& had of M6I\sn. Hames end Am, Ltd .. 6
&Jld 7, Duke Street, Readiug, ' 971.




We desi,re &Ii(aln t.o draw the atUntlon of the pubhc
to the COlncert which , lUI we dated lut week, Will be
W.vell a.t the Town Hall on 'Ma.reb 13th All the entiCl
who haTe heard theee two great artiatet. Juta and Van
Lier. are unanimous lU .warchng them th~ gr_teat
praiae, and no 10.l!r of mntic should millS the opportunity of heanng th~m The programme, too, it both
Y'&ned aDd attractive Miu IJuts. WlU dng the great
ana ant of TachuKo1rllky's JCA.nne D' Arc, which:will
gtve fulllOOpe to her JZTeat a~1itiea. ThIs "ork. whi.eb F Mitchell, vice·~reoid.nt., Mr R J . Byland
a.nd Mr F. O. UnderwOQd; treuurer, Mr. J
I!iO perfectly eSJITeuea the tragic .nd heroic life ltory of
the M&ld ot Orlea.llI, baa not received the attention It Paxton Petty; ...... tory, Mr P. H . Palm~r. The
de&en'M lD.,Ene-land, a.nd Ibnndlliion In the pr1HtT!lmme Government havmg called upon all pnntera t o
alone mutt the concert worth atteDdlnl' She wlll furni sh a return MOWIng t.he weight of twe and
....110 flinjit Tere. del RieRo'a well-known eonll .. Hom .. meW they poneu ana (liking for 8. voluntary
mg," acoompamed by the or~an. Which wtll be in the



" 156, Foa.r·street, Rea.dUlg."
The mut ra.tton rema.ins M lMt week , VIZ I
Mr Bona.r La.w ha.s seot the fotlowmg telegrnm
10d worth lor adults and 4d for chtldren under to the May or IMr F A SarJeant):-

Anv who are





The _1 ...-...a ia ..........ti.,. -,rit;h. \h&;.B,eaaSa«
Chamber of Oommeree II MoaiWE' " Week np t.
£190,000, om! it ,.;., faI:ih<!r
antiCIpated that by the evenlDg !(he ,au:teUnt' mrlJ",,,bed would be well over £200,000 Su~"""
'WIll also be ~reoeived up to the Arat poet on Monday.
One of the ~oe CompaDiea, Vith an of'fioe m
tho town, boogb~ $2,000 worth of boDda, and ono
well koown shop has purchased one hundredth part
of a. mo~. Many: firms advanCU1g money
to their 8 ,one firm. iJ.WwlDg two years for re-










authorIt.y of no me&n order, a prolIfic writer.
chiefly of the, and a well known
~It, he added to hi' a.ccomph&hment. that of
bemg t.he morl. thnny loul In very thinty time'
It. 1" said tha.t EO grea.tly was be addicted to hI!
cups, and so deep 'W&8 the cra.VIng on htm a.t tImes
(a.lwa.ys when he was out of funds) that be WM
kno".n to drain hiS ink bottle dry , not by
of hIS pen, but aB a. libation On IrefiectlOD one
d o~ not know whet.her to de! plle or IldmlJ"~ a
man whose coatmgs of the mernbMnel of hiS
cnrporea.1 csta.te could st and the Bushing of iuch
rhaughts It IS an enraordlDazy revelatIOn of the
cfI ~h of era.vmg that drInk ht' upon some. tem·
peraments , and the Irony of Ilucb a de~ of de~rada tlOn IS t-ha.t it shou ld so often Maali thOH ot
preternatural bnlhant lDte llecte hke POnoD,



' Writing ' ID the Oxford DIODeaatl Ma~e for
March, tbe BiShop of Oxford ..ys, "Whatever
else 15 to be sud about the appomtment to the &ee
of Hereford, I trust 4hat churchem6n
colours' '1\'111 recognise, the humillatmg , lIld 10tolera.bte position in whIch the church. liM With
regard to the a.ppomtmentl to blBhopncs &0 far
Il.I one can antiCIpate the politlcal fnture, it. il not
likely th ..t we shall often for Prime Mimst.ers
m&n. liuch &II we have llad In the past. who
heen th6mselveA keen and interested churchmen
I cannot but entertam a hope that a. real determinatIon Will POS&eS8 the church to cl8Jm at least
a more e£fec:tl\'e restraint lIpon the nomtn8.t.lon to
bishoprics by the Prime Mimster J tn case ho
should In the futl11'B nomlOate men whom the
church cannot wel00me"

the story that \6 told of Q, worthY ' ]D the " good
old times," one by nlUDe of POl'!QD
A legal


to be supphed at the rate of 4 oz
your utmost. Every war bond bought thIS weeK
A meeting,m connection with the R.,ad lD~ and Diswdl show Germany to whitt extent we ~ m
trict Sla.te Club Federation \l'&1J held on T uesday enn- for each adult.
ItIg at the" Welhogton .Arms." 'Vbltley. Mr Sidney
Butter 13 very scarce a.nd there is barely enough
ea.rnest "
JAcoby prestded, Reprellentatives of nnous slate to g1ve mOTe than
oz. to each pcrson
To Rcadtng has been allotted the task of ralsmg
club. atlended repreeeoting nearly 600 membe'n. An
Tea. is estimated t.o work out at l! on EDr each ,L loan to t.he amount of £250,000 Wlth whIch [0
lDtereatiuf{ di!ouulon took: prace on tho matter of
brmglllg the Federation mto more proOOllienoc, and flerson.
purchase a. mODltnr.
arT&D,Ii(emeDts wero alao made for Ihortly holding 8.
comphmeuta.ry benedt eoncert 011 beheJ.1 of the ener- I Baoon IS fixed at 2 ozs per head. a.nd IS very
It ma.y be from any shop-If
«etlc aecretllr)', Me G. Lott. · A vote of tlu"nD 1'1'"
also accorded to Mr. LlOea for plaewg a room at the suppbes

An enjoyable time wu rpeDt 'at tbe ..bon Ha.pttal
on FridAy neulog, 'March ht. "hen the patienta were
e'Dter't:lided~ hila k Cra.weha.w pre!ldeclnt the ,Plano.
Uld. son,BS wen gnen by Hisaea Falter and H.iaooc:k,
mandolme and noun selections by M.~ Hollie &.d '
Folker Mr. W Coulton caused much fun WIth hla
Impenon&tioDi "The Village Conoerl," .nd ., The
Ccllter. PI A aketch, entitled. I. The Mdlmer1! BeveDliCe~'~f
W&8 very amuting, The eh&nCten were ...11 suataio~
by i4.iMee E . Foetekelf. I. Fulker, E, BlsCock, \V.l
Foetebw and B. Bolli•. During the eyeabJg chOOOlaWI
were handed round by the performers.

A TIJIRSTY SOUL.The extraordmary.. thIrst genera.ted a.o.d foat.ered
by the large cuele of cotlJumen who IUcb
nIdI!! on the publicanll' hmlted Jtoc~ to wlUcb We
have referred, remlndll u, In, vez&- Vlvld fashIon ()f



The oomauttee of the Soldien' Bod So.i10"' Free
The gene. of
Buffet, S.E.R. atAtion, ptefutly a.ckuowledge the
folloW'lDg 11ft. dunog Febrnaty:-BJaCuitl, MElftSI'I at CMtle·street
Huntley cd Palmen . cake.."Hrs Marnot and Mrs. da.y next, 18 006
:Burnba.m, milk, Mn Dtmham . apples, Mrt. Fane, and Will stimula.te the nunds
lk08lD"8 &Jmon, Ltd • £6: (Mn Withers), a.nd WOIMIl .li'ho look for the world WIde
.£1 lOa. Mn Alllrey, £1, Anoll, 28., & Canadian anoo of Christ 88 the of tho world
101diflr In France, 23. 6d, The B W . V a.1&o wllh to follOWIng extrnct from the ., Chnstl&n World"
th:s.nk Mr. F. J. Cha.moon, f Qr the geuOroUi 10&11 of Janua.ry 24t.h lMt will mtereM. tbme who WIll Wish
the DOrner shop tOl' thoU' uee, Isnt:irely free at rent, -for to ho..'tr Mr Bonarjee .-" An IndIan Congregp..
the paat three years
tIOna.! Mimster The Rev Pitt Bonarjee, who ba s
been orda.jned to the Congregattona.1 Mmuitry a.t
Wellmg, Kent, IS tho 80n of th~ late Rev. S. C.
Th. dllCllion 01 the diIoctoll of tb. Co-operati •• Bonar".. of the Umted Free Cburcli of SooUaDd ,
Wholesale Society to !iPve a week's holiday Wlt6. pay to
all the wotJ:en In Ita prodnctive worD, tncludiug thoae Bengal, one of Dr Alexa.nder Duff's early Brahmm
convertfl ThIS 18 the finrt, ooca&on 10 whlch a.
In thia dDtrict.. Will Qffect nearly 30,000 people. Ment·
ben of the naif, han ahrsYI eDJoyed holidayt. bnt tbe Cbri8tlan Indian has been ordamed to the Free
Mr Bonn.rJ ee has
exteneioa of the week'. hohday With ~y ~ m.nual Ohurch mIJ].i!!Jtty Tin En~laDd
w()rkeN IS an Innovation that may h.'Ye &n tmportant been I&y p&r.tor at Wellmg for five vea.rl!!, and t.he
bMrln(t to leadmg oUler employees to follow the 00- Church haa made :very conllderable progre,ss under
operatiY9 lecLd in thlll duectJon. The aLx daye' hohda.y hla mDulJtry, d~ t.hree &Ild n h~f y~ of wa.r
'Wlth pal ",,11 be gtTOD to aU with more than. twelve
He " the author of "The Fightmg Ra.ocs of
m()Jltha' CQDtinUOua eerr:1U.
Indta ... "A Life of Queen Victoria for Indin.n





interested 10 th~ Important que.tion are IUYlted.


WAINl'ED A UQ.,OR RATIO N. The liquor trade ill already very largely oon·
ocripted by tbe Government, and ratloced so far
as the di&t.ill6Ili a.nd brewer. supply the retailers
Wba.t i& ...-.nted nowJ and 'mu"t come to paL'18 IIOOn
in all 1!III!m00000esa for the sake. of oomlflOn de.c:ency,
j( for no other cause, I! that the retaIler shall
nM.ioo. the c:on6Q1D,m'. The week· end 10 Rea.d.l.Ilg
would seem to be nothing 'lea than an orgie when
BaochUll and hus BOt.ellit.ol .... lot 100.. to do as
they lik. with the produ"'" of th. brew"",
distiller. Af~r that, m ma.ny C8IQI , t.Je pubhca.n
sees hIS ctJStomers no more far 5. oonlide~ble
tn:ne, in the o( many elltabh.hmente, bec&llse
he i. not open, having no ,tock· lelt with
which to deal It I. foohshn_ in the orlreme
The hcen8ee 1!Ihoo\4. &'Ive orders that coJl'YiV1&lit.y
IiliouId be carried out Wlth mc>dera.tlon and I!iO
he might be ab~ to I!/eet tbe reqUIrement.. of
a number of hu cu.rl.om6l1l on Monda.y and even
Tu esday or the I Djl.lddle of tbe week, by which time
fres h supphes might arrlve. But thiS weekly o~gle,
for It IS nothing leu. I~ dl&cred lt able, and diS,graceful In the extremc







for the Roya.l Berka HoapltaJ


Muk and onlr obtain&ble thro\1~ WI). ' It 1.8 the best
and finest HOU56 Coal obtainable. ' It; makel the botte.t
.. nd best fires, which koep aligh\ for hours WIth.
out attention. elean and durable.. Once toed, .uway.
baed, u teet:i.monials will proTe, , Prompt deliVery.

BedfOrdahire and ! Cambridseshtre diatricta_ Llent.
r.uekma.n -.e"6d tbrooji[h the Boer War and holda the
Queen's lDed.l with fiTe ~, &nd ..110 a apecial
decoration rreeeDted by the rate Lord Roberta for


.. notification that
K;"g I&nd Queen will , be
graoonaJr- pleueci to. pay a visit to
Tuesday. March 12ih. They will vilrit No
Hoopltal ', ""d M is. Sutton and Sons' Seed Eo.
, In
morning &nd Mef38t'8. Huntley
and Palmers· Biscuit Factory in the a.ite.rnoon
Their MaJmico WID travel from Paddington by a
apecial tnin. wbieh li a elba 1.0 arrive -at Readtng a.t
10. 30 a m. They Will drive to the War Ho,pltal
Via Station-road, Queerr Victon"fatreet, Broad~~reet a.nd Oxford-road
After i'll8pectmg the
HOlIpltal Their Majeatlee will J'rooeed to Mes....
Sutton and Sona' ee.t.ablrnbment m. tbo M&rket
pla.oe VIa ' Oxlord-roa.d. Broad-street, Kmg'&-'stree:t
and High-street The Royal Parly are due to
arnve there at 12 noon 1'OOy will leave' Messrs
Sutton and Sons' 9portly after 1 o"clock aDd will
arnve at the Town Hall a.t 1.15 pm I where the
Mayor will have tM honour of pruenpng to them
a. number of mha.Hlta.nte and wa.r workers
lea.ving the Town
Tberr- 1rIa]Crtle.'1 will return
\0 \-be Royal tr~m for hmcboon They WIll leave
the statton again t 2 45 P m a.nd drive to the
blscUit fa.ctory via ' Sta.tton-road , Queen Victoria·
Itreet, Broa.d·street, KtngJ~street and Kmg's-road
After mlpectlDg tlie facWry ThcIr MaJesties WIJl
return to tbe 5tatij>n by the same route and will
leave for Pt\ddmg~n at 4 30 p.rn
In tl,n!e~ of pcacP I a Royal VUlt
any city or
town, pJllrt;icu1arlv II. vi.$ t of the ·Sovereign, IS
marked by ,erlenMv.e decoratton of the !w-eebJ but
in deference to Th~u· Macestlcs' w'l3hca that there
should be no expehdlturE!; for till! purpo.~e on
Tuesda.y next. no scheme ' of street decoratlOn Will
then be und crtn.k~n ~nhablte.nts who possees
bunting are, however. a.tlhberty to make the full est
uee of It and will douhtlle!3~ Ingnahse the occas ion
by dOlng 60.


"""" '"'hoot



The Mayor lias
Their MajoR... th

UDder the auspices of the Reading B.:anch of
the NatIOna.l War Alma Commi.ttee, an ImEOrta.nt
m.... meetmg II to' be held In the Town Hall ou
The dfl&th sa &llBOUn~ .1; Osford. on Frida,.. lU lMt Thursday eveDlDg next The speakers a.dvertu~ed
week, of Dr, Cbarlea ColendJr8 Maclca.rneae. Arch - are Mr. j3en Tillett, M P . . for North Salford,
deacon of the Eaat Ridmg of Ypt:bhire. 14r F. C. J... IBut -cd!J ~he Wll.!on , C M G D SO, M J.~ ,
Ma.ekanlCSII, f ormerly M.P for ttie NI! ..... bury DiTlfllon .nd others..: At 7.30 an organ .reclinJ will be given
of :8erkehiflll, and now 0. County Court Judge, IS a by Mr George PetlmgeU
brother of the late Archdeacon.
The Depllty Coroper (MI;. F W Martm) beld
The President of the Reafling Hebrew Congregation an mquest OD .Mon day oh u'e body of '- Edward
(Mr Percy Coheu) b u haudod'over to the Ro~ Berkahlr e Hoepltal £36 198_ 9d, QU&611 Vlctona Nunauil: Wilham. Palmer, who dloo. at. V, Ort&-toad. on
Institute £10, .ReadlDg Blrnd A.ld Society £3 31 • and February 29th The eVidence &..bowed that the
the Reading (kaUlcll of Socia.l WeJf..n. £3l belDg \he cause of death Waft the rupture of a. blood vessel
The JUry re·
proceeds ot tb6ll' aDnua.l collection hold at
8yn&- on 1the bJ'3ln. ca.mlOg apoplexy
turned a. VerdIct aCcordmgly. Deceaeed, who W1I8
~e on F.bruary2Hh.
62 yea.n of a.~, W~ a. $i~ nA.l fitter 10 the employ
of the Great W .. tem a..ilway Company.
Mr Craven, Manager of the Oorporatlon TramwaysJ reports to tha . Trp.mW&Y1B Commlttee t.hat he
At the luruimre l!lle at Eldon BOUie, by order t)f the
haa 1ea.rnt WIth deepeBt regret that MotGfman
Freot.h WI\8 killed m France whilst on ser- execUtors of the late Rev. n R. Body, there wu a
VlOO Ho was emp10yed 'for nine y&a.l'S
motor- large IltteudanO'e ot buyen. M~. Ooobay and
Walker offered the remaining coqtents of the reaidence
man In thiS departm_e~ . and throughout ttus and
good pnces wore rea1lSed. a'ho :tollowmg were the
penod ca.IT1ed out hlS U\l,t.Ie6 m an excellent wa.y. prinClpalltema
Cblppendale boQkCMe £33, pianoforte
1."J0, bureau £7 l Ow. , cheat. of drawers (two) £6 1:5,
and £tj ,"I •• , draWing-room lIud.e £26 &11 , cbeffomer £6,
The fOUOWllIIg appeared in the .. London Gazette H
8Jld bron'l.8';roup £28, There W&a a keen competition
"General Re!erre of Officen, K RR C. Ca:ft. M L. l or the books, plante and outdoor cffDCte:, and the ea.le
Porler to be MAjor (September 1st, 1915).' Major realieed a subsb.ntid figure.
M. L. Porter, O.B E f baS been secretary of the Berks
Terntorial A..octatioo IUICO 1913, and baa cUch&l'ged
the dntlee W'1th great ability and energy. Major Porter
Attention Ie called to an unporlant m&fsting of \he
aernKllD the South African WN, &Dd was til ~1!Ir liege Reading Chamber of Commerce next Tuesday at the
CounOlf Room, 156. Friar-y.reetj Readtng. 'the lIubJect ot "The cQmpul!lory patt-time edllcatioll of young
poopl. be_n the .~e, of 14 and 18" will be mtro·
Weare pleaaed to see by Eutarn Commaud ordels auced by Dr. C.rI,'le, tbe weU-known leGturer m
dated February 28th, 1918, that Lieut. H . P. Luck - Economics and Polltu;s itt the Uwyennty of Oxior",
ma.n, of Reading, hy been appointed Commandant of a ..nJ nmongst the ~t.w speakers WIU be Mr H. S
~u.l!..ot PriJlonen 'of War PJoaghmen Campa III the
Cdoke, M A... lecturer JQ Education and MUlter of

and the Angel Hotel, hili heeD.
Couuc:il. ,.







The High.....y. a.nd LIghti~ Oommittee of the CoT"
Order yOUl' ~l aud coke of the Great Weeklm Coal
porafion ban demded that the h«hting ot the publiC Co. 3, Statio.. Hill,'. A..k I.or the genlUDe
lItreet lamp be diIooiti.aued hom Sa.ttttday, April 20th I celebrated O&Dnook Chase Coal (Vroteoted by T1'

"THE NEWSPAPER IJABIT."\fo are not qwte ~o we undentand Mr
'·,"gb.n when he reprobateo what h. tenJuI .. tbe
" ' ''sp~per habit lor t<:hool childIoD."
If be
mr>aDS poony dreadfuls ~ and pnnts of that clau,
01 course, we ue. wlth [111m, but $tIrely he would'
w,t, debe.r a boy aa he get.s on at school from read mg' a. weekly or A daily newspa.per'l' That there
m&y sometimes be In such publicatlonl reports
which It I. not d .. irabl. for the yoong to read I.
not suffiCient reason for keepmg the average news·
pa.per from tho fannly. V"re would ra.t.her en






tmtil lI[ondaf, September 3Otf.

'~ ~


,, 4, ·, _..... - -











The funeral of Mr Alfred Alexander Jon ... l. t.
clerk to the Readmg \ Bocough JustICe.;;, wh098
deat.h occurred on 'W ednesda) m l a~t week, took
place at Cavecsham on Sa.turday, the SCrVlOO bemg
conducted at St Peter" I Church
1' he Mayor
a.nd Corporotlon n.ttendOO 10 sta.te, and a det achment of the R e.·l.dwg Boi-vugh PolIce paraded,
while rna.ny other frIends Ipa.ld their last t.rlbut.e
to one whole tdes will be felt as keenly 1U SOCial a.a
10 offiCIal Circles
Th~ Rect-or, the Rev. , R . S Stoney, officmted ,
asSIsted by the &v. D W J CrucYDS, of St.
Barnabas' Chnrch The Service ~as of a SImple
character and no hymm; were sung 'lhe chtl1chwardens, Mr A W Carter arld Mr L · Castle,
were present tn their oflicull capa CIty, and qUlte ..
large congrega.tlOn bad assembled some tune b&
fore the hour for w moh the set'"\'Ice was fixed
The C1VlC a.ut.honhos enrrcd the church In p roCCMlon ID the follOWing 9rdcr
The Chief Constable ICapt. J S H cnderOOn), tbe' Mayor ,IM, F.
A. SalJe.nt), the Town Clerk IJIlr. W. S - Clutter"
buck), the Deputy Moyo': IMr. L G Sutton), followed by t.he folloWlng: Aldormen, Councillors and
offiCials _ Aldennen J. W Ma.rttn, C. G FIeld, \V
Poulton J T G ChIvers, A H Bull, G Philbnck
and F B. Pa.rfitt., a.nd Councillonl E 0 Farrer.
W . Frame. Ma.Jor Dr G S Abram, W Butler,




T N'OrTUl, F Wmter, \V R . Howell and F E.
Mormg, wJth the folla'Hng ma.glstra.tes Me8!rS.


JOkey Taylor, D Rose, J. Catley, C S.
Suuth, J. J. Cooper, A I Rowe and Sir Percy
Sanderson, K C M G Mr Martm H F Sutton,
1fr A. G West and I )III. W. H
borough ofli""", attended in additIOn' Mr A H .
Shel")Oood (Clerk of the Peace), MI;. W C B1andv
(Under Sherifi), Dr Ashby (Medico.! Office, of
Hoalthl J Mr J_ Bowen (Borough Eng1,llcer and
Survevoc), Mr H ~nd (Borouith Accountant),
Mr H T Pugh (Clerk to the 'tducatlOn Commltteel, Mr J Dodd (Inspector of I Nlllsanccs),
Mr. Leshe Walker (Ma nager oj the W.terwork,),
Mr. C J H owlett ILand Agent), and Mr F .
L Pp,nt.1D (Chief Offioer of the FLI'6- BrIgade).
The d eputation from t.ho l Rea.dni g • and DlstrleL.
Ga.rd eners' Mutual Improvement ASt5OCIatIOn CODSISted of Mesus. H . C. Loador (ch6.lmum), G.
C.rter '(Vlce..cluurman), H I G Cox IhoD sec), E
J D~ I( assista.nt hon soc), F. TO"oVllsend, A H.
Fulk~~ land H W. Sopp. There were also p ... ""'t
Messrs! Sydne.y Bram, Arthur F C lark and. E. T.
Hatt, Mr Jabez Dowty (Inspector R S P CA.),
Mr George PhiPPS (~ool AttendBnoe Officer' .
Mr S. J. Burbidge (Pro"D&tlon 08ieer). Mr F N.
B.U (c~rk to tbe deoeascdl, MI DaVId Plant. Mr.
B. Br<?~et, of London, Mr. Arthm- B Stedman,
Mrs T Lawrance, Mrs. 1 W Ayres, Mr. T H
Poyoder, Mr. G J Weston, Mr L W Moule.
the Rev. R. H H.rlrDavis, Mr C. W. Darlmg,
Mr W R, Breedon, MISS Johnson, Ml'!; Hurley,
Mrs. Arenabery. MiSS Burnstein, lMr H
and M r T. R. Tame (manager of Ind Coope and
Co) Twelve police officers in charge lof Inap
Chandler and Sergt. Mercer WtlI" present; 'rmd
&180 the two women pohoe
My B J&mes, l¥e
tnspector in the Rending Borough Pohoe For~,
and 'Mr ' J Anden;on. late deteut.lVe lD'ij.~ of
t.he Force, a.lao attended the service •
Tho mournel"l were: The widow, Mr. Richard·
ftOn (father-in la.w), Mr Poynder, Mr W Dyke,
Sir William Gentle, Mr. J. dIll and Mr Bright
Floral tnbnt..eB were Bent from the wIdow,
" PhyllIS and Llttre ~lfred, "Lena./' ftl.ther and
mot.her. Mr and Mrs. Dyke. Spec18.1 Consta.ble
Eustm Le<:hln, Mn K Arensbery and Mill'S Burnstein, Harrv G powen, Mrs W . Walford RlCliev
~d MUla Eup:eme M PaW!ey, Sir 'Wl illa.m and
Li>dy Gentle, Mr and Mrs J B Anderson, Chrof
Constable, Officers a.nd jMen, -4, Tom, Carol aftd
Cecil," II Hil.da.,""Mr &nd Mrs James Bnght,
SDliciton pra.ctil!!ing ,,~ th~ Readinf Borough
BenCh, Mavor Ind Town Counell. Ml\ J ..HIll
Rothlla.y, Caversh~. II Ltndley."
John, MI\,I{
and Trlxie/' Mr. and Jd-nI - F Bnght, Mr a.nd
Mrs. F. N . Ball, BorOO~h Jus!,ices, Di"lCtors of
Hand G Simonds. '~I La.wronce and FanlllYI"
Mr and Mr. Ernest THompllOll, and the CorporatIOn of Rcadmg.
The fuoeral aITAilgemonts 'WOre caITted out by
M('!!srs H ool n.s . I.t.d • 1f1der the personaJ. superviSIOn of Mr. W B Fordham.







I. '



a.t the Guardians'
'A. Sarleant) present'"d
with a hal(,lt1I'nter
tbe Sooiety for the



CoI\\.oj!"B, "'&I'goourn e, f.n Qn
of her
