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Reading Observer_09-03-1918_00007.jpg

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.1' ,._.

I -~~~:::::M~~i~i~~



provided y capa\lle and
voluntary workenr., It ia

or wor\r:ara

of I,(ea;est Ageht. 1


and skill ca.n j>mduce.


The vogue o( rumpLe wooden I!pilnts which had

to iluffioo l11 ~ bhe early My'" of -bite--w&r "Itnd whIch
st.lll do good 8ero'1ce dUl'n~g tbe prehmlDary~ stages

Cures ' Rotigh &

Blotchy Skinsl
Z AM-BUK ie, wilhoul equal


sa a remedy for those
di81ressing 81<in troubles that
come witli ~l')y



of this





of wounds, IS now bemg la.rge1y replaced a.nd
supplemented by more refined fLJ?plianoea ; whlch
make for comfort a nd the prevention of de(ornuty.
The lJlt.roductlon ot steel and of p8.pleT m&CM
revolutionu:ed the constructlOD of !phnt making i
but. t.he d emand. upon spa.ce llnllt reference- to tne
I.tter matenal oDly,
. ma.che, as ordmary layman --underIt, II 10 , . some way" nom,. paper
and, "by ma.ehinery," takea the (orm o(
and traYI. It seems to the a.
mat.enal qUlW beyond the amateur tq b&ndle. But
tblS groat war wh1ch h .. taughl u •• </ many' thing.
is teachln~ u. that thi S mateMaJ IS moat tractable
and ob1Jgmg, and that articles can be fltAhloned
quite easIly by a.oy ama.teur, Without s~ial apphancc.s and 1rom material ".. hlah findll It.e~(way t.o
every househoLd , namely, ordma.ry blue . 8Ugar
pAper I The process 18 Slmphclty It9CH, aild con·
Bub In tearing (not cuttmg) pieces of r about.
t.he sue of a. lIlulhng a.nd Bt.lckmg t.hem WIth I hoema.ker's paste in layers on to a founda.t.l0n of c:a.J:d
or canv .. , each t my PJe.,. belng well rubbeq down
and lappmg over It! neighbours. Tn thiS wa.y We
desnoo th ickness , usually abolft i -8tb
or 3·16th
In l 18 &equuoo, the ma.tena.l being hardened by
ch'y-ing in ' a.n oven at va.ri ous stage! of manufac·
ture. When the blllldmg up rond baking h:..." lbeen
earned out the article is va.rnlshed Bnd b:a.ked
agam and IS then ready to receive the ;va.rlOus
Itr&pA and fittmgs In Import8nt caaea, t.h~
rna.che is built up upon a. plaster e&et made from
the pn.t lent's hm1> &nd in t h e c!U!e of la.rge splinta.
the necessary rlgldltv I S obtamed by reinforcements
of steel and a.lumIDlum. .
ThiS short monologue 18 the most rnenJtre ont.
tine of an intensely fa.cirptlOg process, and ' d~scnbes only one o f the t"lfl> aectlOllS of this moat
import.a.nL work v. bich iR bemg ctu'ned out with
the utmost entbllsioAm at 16, puke'l!treet, under
the dIrection of two experts from London.
A Vi sit to the depot WIll never be re~rett.ed by
~yono "bo 19 m t.erested either m h andlcraits or
m the welfare of the wOllnded




women nre rea.pmg the first frwt6 of
't"lCtOry In the attentIon which ts being ipald to
t hem by the pohtica.l pltol'tl e6 " rhatev, r their
fLtL]tu de may h ave been LD former days- tiDStlhty ,
mdlfl'erence, supparl-all partl~ ac~mg the
fillt accomph With phIlosophy l and even
C&Ie8, with enthu81asm
.; Speaking 10 a gathenng of L1beral part~ agenU! ,
~1r AsqUIth expressed hlmlelf thus ho~fully 8!!
to the future ' ., \Vb a.l:.ever our views tria,· h&ve
been In da.ya gone by as t.o t.he expedlen~~: or In;
ex pedIency of this parti cular measure 0 en fran·
cblsemont, ~e aJl ~ow aI good clt.l~ns pot only to al!qui.esce in it. but to tCqUle6C6
in 1t heart11y and ~ opelu lly, and wilh gOod wilL
And ," e, as LIberals, I am &tire &re !ooking-&lld
we sh aH not look In va.m-for the active to-opera.
t lOn of the new women voters. With those of our
ymg on the grea.t. work. of LIberal
0'1\'11 sex
Every p y a..splre:S to Its share of the 6.000,000
new women voters, a.nd as the next elechon da,
draws nearer they WIU be milkin g more syBtema.t.Ic
efl'om to Beeur6 t.hat support, which is all t o t.he
benefit of women ' 8 ~htlcal educattOg., Many a
ma.c '" h066 In pohtlcs was not strong
enough to t..UfiI him to a. public meetmg, ha~ had
It stIrred to fever heat by an argument on .. -J OWn
doorstep With a. canv&laer ropfOlenting t.he par.
tlcular/ party war-cry to which b e most o bjected I




NEE DED The prOVI SIon of p oll mg stations m such numbe., JUl d so dl s trlbu ~ d as t{) ellnble everyone on
the regu!iter to vote \'I'J~hout '" ol.kmg a. long dIs·
taq,qe, IS gomg to be one of the nnTlo r qUUotlOns
\0 which we sha.ll have to turn OllT att.enLlon
P arty agents In fonne r e lectlOn~ wcre famlltaor
w1th two form. of the d1ffi cuiLy of
to the polls -In thi ckly popula.ted
Ing stll~_wa'lJ slife to be. the centr,\ of ,a.
crowd a.t ~rta.ln ti-fnes"~ the da.y, while in
'try chrtrlcts 1t w ~ often dlfli cult , even
Ai d of evelJ' conveyance which could be: preMed
1nl. t he .servIce, 10 ge~ men from ouUying lartDlI
~d hamlet!: t o r edord their votes lhcso d iffi cul ties' wlil be grea.ier still &to the
next. eJe~tlon unless provl1!IOn I S made for a
number of new polling fli.a.t.lO na The great. addtt lOn to the .. Iectorate Will IOcrcase tho congestion
In the town!'., and In the oount.ry mown will be

a.nd hOrSe·conve,a.nce


Bcarce .

Clause 3J. of the Reprc96ntatlon of the People
Ar t puts on the Oount.\"" CounCIls &nd Town Coun.
til>; the duty of provldm g polhn g stationA m such
ma nner &8 to gIVe to a.U electors m the constlt.
ucnc.." reasonAble JflC lh hes for yot1Og; it further
prr-t'Id cs that a ny body of voten, not less than 30
m number, may appea.l from the local &uthOf)ty
t o the Local Governm enl Board If thov thmk that
the polling p'aces deCided on insuffiCient.
It \nll be well for women suffragists !.o k~p
t heIr eye on thi S pomt as an electIOn appro&c.ti.e:8,
and to remember tb&t tbe 811thuslMm which would
lead them to walk five ml 1es If neoe:ss&rv to vote. 18
not d by every wom&n who will ~ be enfran .
chlses under the RepreuntatlOn of t hCl People





The proceSl! of d16ch~mg worken from mU1!Il'

t 'on fa.ctories whIch haa been long forUeen M one
of t he problems of demoblhsa.t.ion appt8.t1J to
a!ready begun m some
Pa.rticula11l of
t he clos ln ~ down of s(WeraJ lactone!! With the
accomplUlying d1scharge of thousand!: of women j
' appeared ' tn the" TImes" for February 2'atd
'rce \Vomen'5 unlon8 hayCl a. very good e8M for
their su gjlest.lOn to tho MiDlStry of MunItions
t\at the demoblhsa.bnn propOAfLls made 1)..,. the
J Oint Adv isory I!hould be applied In
tb !'. sc case.-: An unemp'oym ent benefit of 75 Pfr
\\ (lek 10: 1lttcrly madequa.te If fresh WOrK on
munltlons c.1 nr.ot Immediately 00 found for these
,~ n m en, ma.:1Y of who m have' left. theIr homes and
a'U'rcn all their domestic arrange ments to up
"\f,rk of nll.t.l0n RI importance they &re e ntitled t6
a decr nt subslsten06 wage while they are eeeklng
oLhE'r occu patlOIll! .




I I',













the !

.rotary ..w.






Pmeab ud C-





Tbousands han oQ(ed th.iiw!h. . with

"N 08TJtOLAN,," aDd. 00.,.. kMJ) ttuJte. rre.

front NO&& an4


4t;orders by u.tnc

it oecaMon ..Ut: '-a1l ' .bou14' do 10 too.


war Is. to I s 6d

C. G. G.i.vmLOW.
Key: Kt-K2,

TO PROBLEM: No, 220',
' By F, G.uuOE.
Key, P-Q7,


If I
I! I









and nd\' lsed that women shoul d be encouTat:?;oo to
I1n dert.l.ko the dut le3 of driven. '1 ue Traffic
s"P rm t<!ndent. on thc l o ther ' hand , ma.m lamed
I :"L maCH of t ho 1women trnlned &S driVeI'I have
Il t. foun d thC!mse:lveJ>\
c..t.pable of .tandmg the
WritIng in the
Ma.gazine fo1"'
"'tra' n oi respon!'Ol bllitv and ph,YslcaJ effort m·
\ r· jH d
Th e l&st , vord 10 the argument reats wltb March, _the BI8hop br Odor d l!Iayl : " 1 came awa.y f r om Co nvocati on feelmg the.t
th(! ( '(Ilonel v;ho' ~u~ge~ted tha.t eomot.hing might
h. dr'lle to reduce t.he .tr8JO by shortenmg the 30m e gqod work had been doue The reeolution of
b"'11 - f)f dut y, SITing longer hours of l"68t, and the bish ops welcoming the proposed League of
mmln\ lMng the effects of exposure to bad woather. Nations r.eems to D"C to del'lcn e the ' attentIon of
the Church • Qui own St.:tte6tnen and the PreAI\ 0 AO\f] o( tba UnIted see m the Le8fU:e of
\r l~"1 [{ ('lena. NO nn&rlUln , B A , Un,IVert.lty Ex. N&tlo n s t.he mrun hope of an endurmg· #WId
lr'nf.I" Lecturer to London Univenity, haa applied a JUst trea.tment of nt.tl9nal Mpirallons
In ',' a lll lor adm!.8Slon as a. law Itudent to
\1 ',) :1 10 r~m pl e
Her requel5t. h8.1 been " carefully Pope, our own bllhops, and lKde.n among the
f ' n~h lf'''ed by
the Ma8ter!. of th e HonourR.ble Non confornll8ts are wel coming the propnsed .J..eague
~')(,Icl \ of the Bench of the Middle Temple and u profoundly Chrlslian In Idea \Vl:At is heeded
III tha.t. the ma.n of Chn stmJls or all den omulat.ion8
HnanllM UI~l y refused" Prelu'M-b1v t be "Mutera"
Ul,'leJ ~:~n d their own mt.oreluj 'b eat, but to aD out,. should become ..ctlvely and pray erfully in~re.ted
In It. a.nd shou ld keep pushmg It to the (r.oot in
l,ri(J It seem! tha.t they mI ght have been better &d.
: l-ed 11 they had w.yen way gra.cefully Even in the pub:ic attention. It II, It ¥tmi to me, O1le aru.t
!'i::ill pmfesslon there are now many to be found opportun}ty (or the Church to lead pub l~ 'Op:IJ)ion
\\ h.... a>.:knowl~ge tha.t. £be disablhtlel of women In a Chri.tlan direction Wi.At is wnnted is more
n t hIs fin d other- dlrect.lons ""Ill bave to %0. Should than a ...ague nllHrntlo n after ~ which
P.. rl. fJment. step in and deCld& the point lJl women'. may arille iolan mdefirute futuro j It i.1tould become
a. positive det.ennmation ID the heath of •.It t hCl
11 \('111 th~ a.ct Clf admittmg them to the Ba.r WIll
~hl .........,d nothmg .bort , 01 ' thi, l,a\e lost. a.1I ~ of & ooDoeMion to jUAtice and nal10ns
basi S .o n wh ich Jl~ace IS made
rt~sn n on tbe pa.rt of Ita members, and a.ppear w ou ld
Will dlmmisb in no way th e
~l1n pl ~' <LA a.n act dIctated by neceuity to a trAdes Thlt
the wa.r is prosecuted ; bll t i t
Ullinn Jealous of Ita pn ... lleges and clinglDg to them
ttl lbe las;,t .
d~:,d~~::~~!~i~~lr what
longing (or peace. W e
' i. serlouslv reto be Btnven for In tbe making
.0 practical .. P·reoid.nt Willon,
Aaquitq, Mr, Lloyd Oeqrge, Lqrd
B oJf~r I.. et us then Inform OUr·
.Leiiirue of Nations. .ul.r. ' Braj ls·
f ~a.tionA· (Headley .Bro., 2•.
the (.U\lelt . book on .tbe ubJID"
immonlO d iftiooltaeJl ooura.geoulfy
- --- • • -- - his book while differi9g, 'ilem

::;r:1T::::L:~~;:: :~:~
'lVhlle (6 1"....),






profit. F r Instan ce, the manure from the houses
g for artdlcl::tJ. manure, In fact
IS worth s
t \lis is more a.iuable thllJl half the fancy !tuff put
OD the market.
Where tho houses have dropping










Some crope, slIch as leeks &nG. celery, atilt
oft.en linge r in ibe grouo.d a.t this time of
:rear, LftkUlg up val\l8ble rabm, a.nd lllterfer·
mg with the prosresB of digging .
The leeka
and', celery ~ he hfted a nd laid in 10 .\.or.,
and the ground occupied by
celery S'hould
be ca.r-efuUy levelled., &5, tbe roota ate beul(I
taken up, (or the site will I? an <M:oel·
lent sll,.uation for ·~ a cree O!' peas
As the
ground hat' been well ""Of~ &nq generously
manlH'ed for the celery, it
!'lot be neoos8ary to ms.nure'" any "!ore ~hen 8OWln.g the
1"'88, Digging 0100 need -d'oll bi! ..ry ordn<l1lll
lD such a spot.



Many poultry keepen lay tb~ 18 no chllIjce of
profit now tha.t the food stuffs are 80 doa.r\ but
I thiS deponda upoq bow tb9 birdl!! &re mana,gc~ and
whether there 18 I economy' WIth ca.refuln~1I all
Food ttdf
1lut ~
. 8
! IU'e
pro uoo
! hrmgs big pnoes, 80 .t~at IS an equrva.1 t
bird!!. ho.,,·e bee.'b mt king from 2 •. loa 28 6d. per lb.
and eggs 6d. CBch, and thiS UI
return for
any outl&y But there are otb er th\Dgs which shonld
I be wh ich WIll help to ,well the





--- .witb


who .bould


lad of 16"




' rtlH) "~, bemg driven at the tlmo by

(6 1"....).

Und.r thl. h.adlbg .. e h... arr~Red tq publl.b
weeki,. an flrticle on Eoultry a.n Pou ltry Keep'
in, by an expert: wblch ' l?ol~ p 01'e yery usefUl
at the present ~im e The wn
_\11 be pleased
to anlwer any ~UMt,lons b,.
Hna their COr+eapoOdeDca
" 1teadiDi" Ob6eryer."'

- I

If leed wet:"e ~ a -littlel IIKJl'a ,Ina
II common-seD&6 point of vteW thqre woald be
leas los8 each year. The ~ti, it )must be remembered, Ie a.i.noe, .nd needs cKef.l tre&tment.
For in.staaee, . it is l useldes to put it
into damp sc;1l1, fM gerqnnatlon Will be
checked and tb& 8Md poMi~ty rot. Warmth
15 essential to genlnn.ti~, 80 the sod In
wluch It 18 pbtced ...maet ~ fut@lJ' powdered,
that air ""d "'n.~"... can lje ; a~iUe.r freely,
The tim. 10 ..,..., of co~, cij.pen<io Y«1
largely Oft tlle .. tuorl;oo of lobe ~t, W.II·protected. i- g&l'def\8 ma.y be &dwn J&orher
open~ wlnd·ewept. allotrttoedta. Seed Mould
never be sown too dMply ;
good seed IS
lost el'eJ'1 year, jus~ on this aceonnt, that Ute
young shoots .......t get '"
s ...f""", Large
seeds shov.ld be 8O'Wtl nllglf,! DeTer lower thy
8iD,. geuerallr ....... tlLi. Wipt.

. -I


erturned and pa,.,sengere killed IU\d Injured, Col. lmpendmg
P "mgle commented ad\'en;ely on the fa.ct thn.t the



, - 't,J



~eDtn~en in , such • '!I"W7·'1a.s to l prevent tt,a~
I"illd blO'Wmg dir~ly aerOi~ tlie plults. Ttrip
out as SCitOn as the kue leavr s h&v.e ceme, ~

PROBLEM: No, 2208.
By 1.: YBTI!I!l<II, (Selected).



There ~m! to l.te &erne dlftere:noe of GpIOlon be.
t\\een Col Prmgle , ln spcct.or "'u nder the Board o(
1 rade. and the G!ugow Tramways Superintendent.
a~ to t he deslrablhty of emplOYing ~ omen In large
And 88 we pace the Silent ~av :nd mUIie 00. worth 2s pet' lb., but befor6
n umhers AS tram drl'ven.
war's nece8slty. the tall pm~ SIgh and . hlver all waa abou't the usual tMe·
A L the enqmrv into 1m which occu rred
around, aa if t bey too antiCipate the horror of
In (; i,~gm~ last" December, 111 which a. tum W8.8





ar::1o' .'1l, ...., -


tha.t. the excre.mcnte
be scra.......... off
ele a.n and pure, It HI worth muc~ more tba.n when
1\ becomea mo::ed up wit.h tq. 11 on tho finor,
though even then l't h.. conSIder hIe va lue, Muoh
depehd6 upon wha.t the fl oor cov~rmg 18 , for wood
ch Ips ""d ,",wdu.t "'" not '~.j'rodiated by nutoorymen OT ma.rket gardeoel"lJ, beCauJ, it ~U&e8 a. fun·
gus 111 the ground before It oompJetely rots. But
if ,clatr, ahort. .Ir.w. peo.L mOOl, or dn&l lea, .. '"
Littl. Boy. aubject: to FrOlluent Attach.
being llfIed, then I the mnnure becomes a Talliable
Completely CUM by
produce. AI no t,me should the droppmgs be ap.
VeDO·. Ligbtniag Cough CUrti.
plied direct to the lri:nd, but they want at least
Mrs. Walten, 11 6, Dllke-roBd, Cbiswick, LondoD, mind with them 'to enable a more
W .4, 1&18 ' - " A lmost from htrtb. my li ttle boy was even d1.!tributJon and then it should only be
Au bJcct to broncb lw. The "ttAoCks were 1M) &eTere
that he U1ed to be iu bed for three' weeks al; a time, thinly scattered Tho fowl ma.adre )Mte longer in
and looked just" little WTeOk. I always bad. fld tho ground~ than just t'.be Immed,a.te crop, and to
but the trouble oontinuoo. till I tried. Veno's, The 11'1 one of tho best manuree whIch can be ued.
flfl't dOMl or t.wo relie.ed and 800n he wu completel1 Where peat mo.1or chBif ii!l put) on the floor this
can be I.ft for tju'ee or lour months and .beD take
Trult ah,."ys to Veno' ! Llghtmng CoaliJ'h Cure nll the lot out ~etber and lllJe ,it M l' i~. It IS
for Influ enza and Naell.l a.tun-h, (or Cougb" and
('.IOlds, Lung Troub\es, AAthTQa, Bronohltls, Difficult dllncult tI> appo'r1jon 1,be valuo of the ma.nnre beBreatblDS'. Roaneneos. and for Whooping Cough cau,e 1t would d epend a good dea,1 upon the punty
arid other .Brouclrial TroublMl in Children Pnoes oC the manure EvCTj fannor should uae this at
H i d, Is. 3d., a.nd 3s , from Chenuet8 and Stores h ome, but 10 a. smaH garden with a hoU!16 OT two
ev erywhere.
of lowls It would be too much to put thIS o.n the.
Veoo's Ligbtnmg Cougb Cure ill gua.rant&ed free plot cootmua.lly and It must. be sold faT otheT
from oplum and eTery u.rootlc. It a
growel'll One well known Prn¥t.ry ' breeder used
'Th. Remedy for Old and YO",Dg.
' I
\.0 lICit all hi. momure at tenP"'l"l' • bushel. and I
havCl known It sold at £3. per qn.rt load. Much
I depends upon the dustnet IUld whe\-her there i, a.
demand for such l m&nuM, bu't ~ght out irt ' the
country It woo~d b& the fBonneTI only who could
use it in any quantity and he .".,11 buy th,s now
m place of any blh.. artitic1a.1. which are fa;r
moro scf"oe
Anotb:er valUAble produc~ j a the fea.there If there
is mucb kllhng dono a.t home- ~ know tha.t often
there IS no account taken of \hese, and on some
Where ODoe • host. nl .tately pm•• mad. grand fann.!.he f..!.he....... just takoo to !.he manure
gnwlt pilfft of Ia.wn logs. regularly set, I heap and then carted out to
fields wlth th~
unlightly edgmg to the fore!t road From manure. Now, they wl l1 beneat t.he land when
roof of a. huge ahed ugly Iron cb1.lll.Qeys reach f l'9tted, brtt it take ... long time
do thut and beupward a.& seeking to repLace the sha.pely apuea , Aides It IS a 'WaSte oC lao produce wblch means profit
of dilla.ppoumg trees The wbirr of wheels,
to t.O.e oollnese
Where there I~ a. regular lot of
hISS 01 .... pmg Iteam, and the """""I'do too.. , fowlA k111ed all the, foot.he", .hould be c...lully
tcu1ng through the h""rt. ; kept and l!Orted according ~ ~unlity,
of ruth I...
of foreM. g liUlU, ace sounds unusual m thi~ ent- ordmary Wlng and tail featbers Me now bemg
whlle qUIet spot , Where onoe the eye looked I tied up In bundle.s for p ipe cl~" and must be
down. Jong dark avenue of trees IS now a. row o f j kept from he kmda Alopg ~be bl\Ck of all
wooden huts, roofed WIth canyu, tarred and fowl s t.bere are 80me long pointed fc&\-hen which
wlll make up for ladies' hats, TI ly they must be
M.ryy an hear have ",e oM .. lobe low .t,lo kept "part aod otralght "" Iobot 'hey can ue t1&1
°PPOS1t. Ihe OD.·tlme a,,"Due, aDd Ih,er. bvo up In bunchee,
lob. other can be
hstened to the murmurous pm es
But, to·day,
tbe is changed. Eye, ea.r, and heact ahke bagged up and _sold for beds OT pIllows. Now, wounded and· t.he sense 01 beauty mart'ed. Eve n 30me WIJ] thmk thIS I!: a lo~ 'of t rouble, but where
the road ltlel1 hM lost ita cha.ractel'1at.ic work (all thClre 18 a. good de&l of pluC'kin~ done. &nd regular
forest roads are ple.'\Iant ro!dsl, for con8lant. bell.v'! da.ys for it a building is usuallY} set a.part for tAe
tra.flio baa churned t.he aurfa.ce Into liqUid mu • TlurpolJe. The fc.a.tbcn canthe 'Oluck~d Into a. b'
dark bY) oll·refuso. where, haH buned 10 r
the Sickly mesa. he many sphntcred laLhs a nd box, or whCIIrC l5C\-'eraJ pluck to~her, the oommon
tattered end. o( boughR mud-spattered
fea.t hen can be dropped on the! ground and the
It IS ref~dllQg to turn ODe s back on luch 8. best IOrted out' when taken out I There are uually
8CeOfJ, a.nd to p1ange mto the one wood lcft un- a. few ledges about which wIll iake the best and
touched by .ue Md 8a.w N ot a. d.y too lnon do the rest. fa.ll down when p.lucked,· Of cour~ one
we take th1s path . fOT every tree ahows the
ominous white sig n whi ch marks lt out. for death. must find the be.Bt market for these a.nd then
and, ere long thl !l wood, too, WI!} have been re'. alOertam In what statCI they hJ<CI them
But ,a ny
duccd 10 .n uDsightly and a moumlul 'Ya. to
of the old fatten..,. know wheM they can find a
The (orel t we "have. known and loyed (and· mArket and easIly dlBpOIIe or mh re than t.h~y CfI.D
pused 10 eo o ften that ",'e re,ga.rded It a lmost produce It Iit an education to see a profMslonal
e:: ~e:~r!d plucker or a woman who IS well used to]t Tbey
~o~:~~~ou r so;n1;, ;~e~~
logs. It makes ils unreturnmg Journey _overseaa. wil l tako off a.ll the feathers of~n before the hear ~
No other road shall rou or I see tberQ. In a veAl' h as 8topp<ld beating, but tbl~ 1 doea not Include
or 110 the brake · and heather !-hall ,h a~e bIdden "tubbmg In &OD'le country dlstncts WOmen wI H
rottr nA' stuntps, and tangled roou a.nd Icars of do tb-e pluckmg. for ~be f6&ihets 80 they hope U;
htter fire.a j but n o re·planted tree~ sha II h ~\' e find a market . The .&lU6 WIll depend upon the
wn , as th~, for your eyes or your children 8.
tImes and condi tLOo., but '
they should be




Sin. or it.. apart. CoYer the seed, whieb
should he ...'If11 - r _Ir. ,o aly 'IiP'Ir fine SOil, aftenracda glTlDg tbe bed a w~
with tepid wa.te't, ueiog • fiDe..rosed cw. .AiIr
must be admitted W1*h can I ahr-7s arnngiDg





high ldeAls and Write lor samples and name 'and address


bummg del!ite to keep abreast of the tlmes so
t.hat. our wounded shall have the beSt that s~ience




Some 01 tile moot
~b"s . .
.arly earroti, S~ of • Iiltemg Wiety OM
DO" , be ",.. n iIt • frame in


Sold by aU Corn Dealers,

bolds our lUterest at the moment
The Readmg
War lIospltaJI Supplies Depot, who run: thie work.,

a keen botJy



the la8t item, nafDely, surgl(:aJ requlJ"8m&nta, tha.t






8'r. MAltY'S

found ,miMlng

''f . lob."

O\l,,""i,vaillo nul" g a.nd


G().O D -AO


lWoding _,. ~ a .Ieepy Iown in t;;""
but It. ,18 oettam1y worthy of a better name lJl
tim!) of W&l' It.e aet.lvltl,a it! the cr.te "Of the
woundocl ani piling up a record i.hat will ~gnod
Dot a


' ,POltZlGN









Q-BSpb .t..
Q- K 3ch .te,
Q-Kooh ete,
QxKtPch etc,
Kt-B5ch e\c;








,. .





Where horseradish hI\!: Become almost •
weed 1.0 garden ot allotment,! the only remedy
is 10 d1g up the whole p"tch 8nd repllmt it, If
even a sma.ll pIece of
1 left. 10 , t.his w1ll
gTOW and take nouritliment away frol!l other
orops. Th e bc3t pla.n IS to ~ake a new p:t..n.
tatlon upon ;he 3iie of tbe om. one, and if d~­
!:!Jng 19 very thoJ'ough no PlF.6S will be oyerlook ed.
The ground .hould!. be tr,e nched aad
wen m&nured , and the crowns should j be
plfLnted "bout lOin. below tr e surface of th.
8011 lD rows.

root 1

Conect solutions to No!!t. 2203/,2204 from L. ~ey,
A. W. Goodman ~G a. ... nlow's two· mover has an eas,
key. but reveall much beauty afterwards. Gamage 18
ODe o~ America's lea.dlOg a.uthol"S, and hiS problema ale
in .....n.bly n eh m .... arietv aud coueummate in art. 22M
II!!" good tyPe of hiS work). E. F.' DeBon (2203: The
k ey "'Piece IS, but there ]5 8. chOIce of moves. Very
ooruple:s s~ ries o.f disOOVetleS and ,. shut ott!." 2204
Like other 1'00t ... egetables, onions are Itkely
Unexpected kcy which lelds. up to & lliurpn se Pawn to start sproutlDg when stored If a. spell ' of
promotion and Queen sacnflces. Quiet second mo ... e warm weather scts in
The wann da.ys of
.lter Kt-~7), RAlv , T, Ham11ton (2203: Fine cro.. - F ebruary h!\\'e ca lls ed mo.ny oDions to begIn
checker. ,2204 Full of subtle a.nd beautiful cheaa. to shoot, and if the 8WJ'e i!~ hot loo'll:-ed o ... er
The common or prden problem- deapunng ehess- pl&ver and the~e pIcked out ... food will be
migllt stud,. thll problem Wlth adva.nta,ie), Wm, Relny
For If the ontons ~P't'~t 'Very much,
(2203' A flne C1'OIIS·checker with thematic key whIch w&sted
iI antvoidVoblr reamcted 220t . A. good ~Iem wtth tho bulb shrl'~ela . and ite rOoiJ \> alue is lost.
&i'6 acen to b e 6prdntin~ In !num-UctGe.D~ Jllodels.
NIce dual Queen Merifloo a.fter
1. Bt-B2, the Bishop blockinp: a square in both ma.tes) . herR a colder pl~ e should be found for
Ha.rrv Dewe (Two m&gmfieent flp6Clmeus. The S.. er a them, whM'e, If p 06s\ble, ~here can. J>e •
ooml'Ucated ..tralr wit,q model' ma.t.eA and flne construc· dro.ught Gf c~ld aIr ~l~wln~
tion). "Two Orlo1'tll11oys" (Two-er flne, three-et
difficult nnli ill.terestm~) . G. Emmerson , U A.~ Friend
Broad beans &rfl one of Itfle most acco-m&o
in," " CheltoOlan" (Gavrilow'(!j a. beauty in
e ... err detail Oam..l!;te baa some extra.oTdm~y varlsty I dQ tmg of crops, and though ihey prefer a
y heo.vy rmd "well manured. ao]\ they will
and marvellous mates). "Old Soher" (2204 by
eaused & II furore" in AmerIca when it W&8 first pub· do "ell almost onvwoore , Seed may be sown
hah6d - aa promoti.on ideM In plohlemM th en had uot ~ no"" but a shelte;ed 'border should be chosen,
a d ...anced .. lot). Mary Welma.n, A.. B Smith (I waa protected by a b e d ge or r~ nce, 80 that the
hours 0... er2204. W}lat. re&1 beauty!). "AlIco," T. force of the cold wmds of sprIng l S broken If
Kinll·Parb (2203 :_ The k ey of 8. task· problem, ot pro tected In t hiS way g ro"'1th I S not cheeked,
coune, canno t · ~ Judged by ordmaTY standnrd ll Au !Lnd th ey wlll go nhead , prodUCIng a crop of
interesting tpeCiIn-etl of four dlsco1'ered croRA .. checks. beans carly in the summe r
Even better than.
220i Ob'f'lOUS \:e1', but some fine play, Q being in tum 6OwIOg o\ttdoors is to sow ~he beens in )ox.
.."nfioed to Knight, each BIShop, .nd tt:ing (twlIle) "ith or . pots, &nd put them in Ito waTm, well ..,
ave diatioct motlel mates).



ventil""ted cUpOO&rd, It

E. F . DUN.- Problems received, for which DlIUIy
00..0 .
I '-.
p , H. WILLWIB,-Very p~ voith lettor .Dd
probl6ms. These we are using icl our next..
A. \V. GOODX.,Ul -Your problem ho..a three aoJuttou.,
th. two I I eooka" being R - Bich and P-JU. We see
DO W&yot &mendlDJf It elthe.r
RURY DzWE.-We cannot tell you. Write to the
Seorctar,.. .


It it not wil e to accept the oommon tiebef tbat ..
problem compOter al",a.ys reaort" to Bohtary conftnoment for hOlJrIl top:etber to mate riahl'l e hUl ideaa on the

cheu·board, thou~h in many clll!les-due to tempern_
indl1'idua.1 neceas]tuHI - a.n a.tmosphere of
detaebment is essential to -gtve h,s Imagmat,fon full
acope. We kDOW of com poaen who put their p~blems
to~eth er when on n railway lourney, worktng le ntuely
on dl~mll and mmU8 a- chee!·board. Gindelh, the
cleYer HAhan probleml8t, hu never played a game 11l
hUllife, ~ lId kuows no'hiu,i of chess as a. I!a.rne, 'et he
n1lmt and

has won many F.J.7.U ill tfl-oblcDl composlt]on. He 18
now it! the tz;ench essomewhere III Italy, ",lid has com posed severa.l p[1ze · wtnnLDi' prohlemfl to
a.ccompl\nunen t 01 sbell·fire and al l tha nOIse !Lnd turmoi l
lAGldentAl to w& Sam J.ovd could compose under
any conditionl. and CA86IJ cou ld be multiplied indefinitely of work canted out unnffact«\. by enV1ronrtent
fJ r dlstractmg aurroundinR8. Only lut weck a. well-


known eompoaer, wbos~ problp.Ol!l often r1ehgbtml
OUl' readen, wrote to
as folloWI :-" I only wlSh I
had more time fOT composltton r • • It would
probabl,...amulI;!j you to lee how, at tlmes, I matll\ge. to
Inn.tch a fe!" moments to> devote to the construction of
a. new problem. I play the p;a.n., at a picture house,
a.nd it ill quite a common sight to see me with my prob· •
lem board-pocket edition, of course-on tHe mUlIO
lland' between the leaves of the musio bel,lg theu
infUcted on the .utferi()~ audlen ce ~ the troubll' ari!ltnll
constantly at the eud of each pfLge to tum ~Yer t\lld
trnmrler the boud at t'l1e same time, to aa.y nothing of
keeping the flIu"ic gomg With one haod. l'/aturlllly
comiC l)]ctur~s affor ,'1 me the beet. opport.unlty for tb]s
sort of tbUlg." And tho work of thIS compdeer docs
Dot sutrer a.t all on acCOli ut of hlfl difficulties H ow tbe
two proOOS8b!l can be).:t\pt dl"tmct 0[10 from the ot.her It
wonld be hard to e xplrun perhaps, except by tbe theory
of the pUtely m echanical An il [lut.o11lo.tic opem.hon of
piano-pliwmg. The blnm III n.t work In one dIrection,
while thA fingers are d Oill ~ thAIl dljty
18 c1enr beybud question , :loud we mnst
W . H . K-: P oll ock. the bJ'i1i1o..nt Ichelll _",.er --wl.o
lIacnficed th e pr~ of n. t!le fl,t CR.reer to'be'>ornl'
chess mR.!lter,-wrote In the "Bnlbmore
mh'r~&tLIIJt h ttle article on .. Queer movO!l


He ]1011Ited out th:l.t bizarre nl l (l lme~l]eoted
1')011'; pln.u.hls &.'1 e:trly :l.." thr:l first.
moves, a nd were in:tul ,l!{'n in by s()lue
.Itl'~n.te"t f"S"no nent.ll
Al]dflr~Seli nHule
1 P - QR3 in hl~ match With
ton\c'Momhy "out of t.he

I P-KB3. P t'llock W ~ II.
fellow, And hflcll\ gnod
him. On o (]f\V hI> "'C' lIt illto

Strhnrl - o'ice tho T.oII<l"l1l

luino .. ncerl tlmt1ro hn.l """0 """"
rn O"A f nr 'Vhl tc III jl iYIIHt til ... 0
the; fil':'\t mo ...o P OOl' 01>1 Bn ,)
f1',lIu fil m pAQ Il'S - Yo lu,
rl,Pl"fl IIO'·olt\". null tl,;11

I",'. .. '10

· jell' lm 1o ;~
the nook

,Ll t,l lnt) 'm!

\\ 011 1,'u' t hita'lI~~f,,~;;~.~::::i~'"~~

no l frame


or gl'een-

home 18 ..vq.lla'ble_
Tbese 9houl~ be welh
drl~tned aad filled with (R~ly rleh 8011, a.nd..
the beans should be plaee;d Sin apart when
6m. or 8m h~h, the youdg plants should 'be
m,oved outdoors, t~e rootS being yery c~
fully kept in a deep hole, I
Some g ardeners prefer ~the s...,oy e1llltb~.
to other vanetie!:, for It 18 not so oftem

Btta.cked by the cabbage butt.erfty, and where
there aJ'e plen ty of smootb - Jea'Ved cabb~,.
thIS insect Will often leave the SBTOYS alone.
This Taricty of cabbage i~ hardy and grows
sturdily, and is to be preferred for cold ,
h.eny s0l1s They may be r'?wn EO as to come
10 for uae 10 late summer, I but no oYler ve@etable resists frost better, Bnd they aJ'e valuable mid winter vellet a.blesl r Dwa..rf "unetiell
are good tor sma.fl gal'deq.s, such as Tom
Thumb, New All· He ad - these only reqUIre
a foot be tween each pln.ntJ Sew shonld not;
be sown too ea.rly f or the mainerop j April o~
Ma.y is qui te soon enough.


So!fte varieti es of small early cabba.ges msy
be sown outdoors Guring I March , as soon 89
the ground IS dry enough. TheBe small ca:Qbages, fluch as Little Pixiel Bnd Ellnm't!I Early
Dwarf, may be planted out lSin . apart each
way, thus 8110"''1 ng of a good numbcr ~elIlg
put· in a row . One of the beBt of aliT th&
var.i.eties of cabbages is
ThIS Can be sown at once. as It IS very Hard!,
! and Will come into U86 tn late sllmmerJ
l!Bowlogs are mad e late r on, it Will last. thrdugh:!out the wlflter
It form s ~ very /lood heaTt,
1tlte leaves bemg very tIgHtly rolled, s~ that
the heart 18 firm and crIsp. I
' I










I '



Work m-ay b ~ done during wet weather Oft
8r&ssland which IS being prepared ror allot,..
ments when it 15 no t posl'lhlc to work oa
l"nd that ha.s alread y been cul t tvAterl
shallow t!loib: it is best to bn stnrd trench, (or
in snch ca~es the "",b sm1 IS he n...y, and it is
bot wise to brlDp; It to th e ~lIrf&ce This kind
of trenching allow" of the l .su'bsOlI being
stirred, thus ben etiti n ~ it comudernbly, and
laleo ~ ive~ , 'SufficlOnt il epth for the turif to b.
buri ed 12in -p lenty 01 d epth for most crQ?s,
ineluihn g pota toes
The wl)rk of dll;~g in:t
shon lo. be hnrrle« on n.s ...mnch as pocsibl e , S(J
that seeds may be , where \'er lit IS s&fe, gpt.
as soon 8.3 pOSSIble




I', ~






It IS too early yet to eov.1 PE.1I.I,
but ID a sheltered bed protected by a fen(,8
cer tain \arl etlcs may be 80"n, wluch will
come lO to use some tun e before the later
)lioil sh ou1:it be
as dry" 8 condl·
tiqn as p,o!!slble. an d may be ~l.ll'ther drled and
wn.r'med by sen.iter mg over the .surface 0. la.yer
of dried woon rL!'O hef'l or Ip.n.f rsoil
The I'Ieed
I'Ihoulcl then be put In and C"qveTcrl o,er With
t h e m"atcrwl
TillS ~!l l make germmR1lOn mor-e rapId and pre vent , losR from decay.
Varletl es whi ch may be flow n now tha
Lincoln, LIttle Manel. the PIlot, Kln ... er Gem.





I '

. I


l,a5t veal' mftnv n e ..... nll otm e nt holders we ..
very riisa.npoint-erl with t he n ca.bbage crOll
becn u o:e 01 the ravn.~s of 'th~ cabb.f\ge butter ..


n" c flt.c rpll1a.r And hour s wer e spent huni1n«
foJ' the vo r ac Ious ~ r ubs and ~-es troYlDg them.
, N ow, when th e '" IBlli1' is hqing turn ed Oftr~
much ml\v be done to pre vent a Similar state
of tllmgs this v~~r - When J digglUg pi the.
plots where (, l\ ~ bi\gi's wcr~ grown, careful
lIe&rclnng Bho ll hl Jhe made fo r the CbrVl5&hd.
or th e moth Th",y I\re fairly) eas\, to ~, anI!
ne edless to !Uly_ e1{~ry one shqu ld "be d~troyed .
Where 80 few fow~, !lore hnndy, they ca.n be
turned on to the ~ plot: with verY good resulbl]
ror the y will 8CCO\\rtt . for " .R;ond IJl&OY chry!~
lids that .haye hern overlook~d.

' I

I I •
! I.







111 otheT foolish Ilud
to imp'tOye- FaTe the






Pot up calcoolarills.
Sow seeds of petunias
Complete the planting of deciduous
Renovate :box edgi~. '
Plant out border camatione.
Start lubernus begoma'i In gentle heat.
TraMpl,nt autumn.sow/' onion. where
soil"1s fa.ourable.
Conynue 10 )prou< pot~loes,
Sow early born CIU'I'Ot.s lD abel'Sered

now netv-hf1nten are fo>'!'d.oo'0.ea
tIes Ie.r\"e their pUrpoe8


nl e nutow"Uca.lly conulped



LOok o storM o( T t.a ud onion!.
'. Give .ir to potatoes 0 hotbeds.
<Make Bew plantations 9( horae.radil!!lb. ·

Butard-treooh au\omn!eOlfn Ofilbage.,
Renovate old apple ud ~-_. ,


..... '.






Try ' NO::lTROLIN.E' and toll7Q1Utrlen4L

==_. __

I"STA"" R£LI£, 01


8014 brlCM..I.tI.,.~

111, _ b,. .... JIll

H.......I, ,"'...,.. .....



