Reading Observer 03-1918
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Reading Observer_02-03-1918_00008.jpg
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OCR Text
the M,aglc
Mr. 11. J. domng, '
oeo: of' th. abo..
......WI to pDblllh the jfollowing appeal:I
II The long continuation of this tertible war hAl
been tle meQlJ e of taukmg anxiety to the ma",age··.1
, .
ment ot..~y rinstitutions with rega.rd to, ~1::~~1'
The numerou!J IC&lIs for m~n&y upon our II
I ' " '- . : - - - - -
IF , ~ou BUFFER- from . Eozema.,
'p80~aBis, Itohy Rashes on tfe
ann B-ack, Pimples, Ulcers, ~ad .
Le~, or any other skin or soalp troub,les . '.
Za -Buk will cure you.
J .
This magio balm has cured 'many ,cases
pronounced un curable, and is abllOlute1y safe.
Zam-Buk is a soianti-ftc he~bal' preparation
a world-wide reputatioJl for efficiency
aDd reliability. It destroys tho germs ' of
without injnring th, llealtby ti88u~
and It grows new skin.
I' Za:m-Buk Is the most wonderful healing
agen) for every-day use. It il
Roots that are stored sbootd be ~:J:amift.ed.
from to tn" e, f.or aibout this time of the
rear tbey ... 111 he " ..ling 10k> VOwoOl\. If \liia
]s not checkeq the root-s wJll beglD to sbnv,.el
and ' iose great", 10 1I".out and ",uality. T!J.
shoots should be cut off just abo ..e the tap 01
the erown 1D the case of pa..r3I'Iipe a.lki~ earro:u,
but t l)e tops of beet sbOQ"ld be twuried off Wltlt
tho h-and. Any rooUl In the ciamp that show
. s18ns of ' decay n;lUst be taken oqt and burnt
and fresh storing material may be put In fro.,
tUlle to_ ¥me,
' ,
fa.ll them ID oonsequence of advaDced age
and mfirn:ntles. The careful perusal of our balance
sheets will convince t ho generously inclined that
our cause mert t.s every encouragement. 'and ~port.
The pUrcbMtng power of the a.l1owaoces \0 our
needy veterans has, needleu to 8a.v been conSIderably reduced owiug
the high .price .. of \ food-'
stuffs, eta., while thoir penston., for the m06t
paTt, remam the aame. Our 1\Bt of patron~ ia a.
,our"" of pride - to the ANooiation; e.n~ . the
E:s:eeutivo. ofBoel"l all give theU' &emcee 'g ratuitously. W. hope that thil Appe&l will meel wilh
your kind consideration RIld tupport. Contnbutiona wtll be ~uUy aclmowledged by the hon
trea..surer "
WIlilo @ "" ce.).
I . FLZ.Zells, R.E.,
C" E ': P entrn).
, Fn:l'mgdon.
"l1 u ""t...
I , lie PROBLEMS 2201 (2202 . â¢
Str&.ngely enough both these problems
aoJU tiOUII . , 2201 by Q~Q2 (tho author's
KtxBt:h, and 22112 by R-Q4: (the author'lI
Cofreot IOlutiona-either the
" cook " - received from S, W,
only IOlver to point out the II
L. Lace .
Goodma.n, G. Emmereou,
man, .. AHoe," A. B , Smltb:
Du.n "TWo Oxton! Boys."
There are various POInts t? be remembered
wh en nading .up fruit·tr,ees to "'!JUs. Only -ooe
mnl staould b e used (or the he, Dot two. The
' lowest branches 8hould be taken first a mi
Arran ged as low ns posslble, (or most of the
future growth of the tree wlll be made 10 the
upper and centre parts.
Large branchel
should be made secure before the ~ma.lIer onal
Bre touched. must be taken in muhnl
to e.vOld tightness which would cramp the
branches, and mlgh t r es ult lD broken bark~
!WhICh would do sen ous ha.rm to the tree. The
branch should be pulled by the tlEt not pusheli
RBtLLT.-Be,st th ..nks for kind
tribution o~ 8-nother two~mover. Are
E. F. D XJ..N.-Thankll for fu.rther
H. iw . BU'l'LBB-- Yfo cordially
jected Idea,1and will wrile you itt the
A. ,B, SlCITK.-A Will for Black,
caD pronnt the ,march of the Pawn.
by the Dailâ¢
Every ga.rdener 8hould de TOte some sp~
to tins crop, apart from the fae'
peas are one of the mOllt delieioua
"l~~tab1Ie,. in e::l:lstenceJ
Any kind of sod ia
the earJiest crops are a.ll the ~
a warm, dry, s andy SOlI, and the
later Icrops are BUited better by a rich and
r ather ret-entlve loam In o.ny;, not mueh
mrloDure should be apphed, Qr the plants may
run too much to lear. Soil will have been prepared last autumn by good tre~chlDg and
ridging, and, wheneve r n eeded, hme should
be a.dded, ' as lIme is an essentlal to the growth
of he.Uhy
the Bar k>
Re ... T . iramilton, Ho.rry
- ,- '-
. ,
commeuts these problema
our &01l"en-the luri: At!that time in!!u.~H'~~ 1 " ,,!!Iy
the Ilee.ding oompo$f)rI of Great
Geary·a problems rarely consunied
m en~uomy of forco bemg one
IlbdJw and difficulV "all uaually
gonrned. his ideas 0 tl;te nG(lossltios of a
to 'lUll
the humble two-~r,
Mr. W C1eft.TJ a nd hiS ~ wo aons
'with orlg(oa~' \Yor" Ilboq.t ten
... ' cann"t
call to memory 8. single i cue
of them. We know
UI oonlideMble titne
good shnpc wIIl not be produced, The !!leta
are not so lia.ble to attacks of the onion - fl.y
Inaggot DS aprlng 80wn ontons, and get ~beac:l
"Well for thIS r&~8OD.
all the beher. Our
from tl;tis. m'.n~~'ripl
our readers will
I t,
A boy living in ReadIng, &ged' l~ charged
With committ.m g maliCIOUS dam to .. lavatory
lock. tho property 01 the S FA and C. Ro.ihuy Co.,
to tho extent 01 30..
From evidence It .' tlji,t t!e hoy w ..
seen o~tlng 011 the 810t machine outll(ie, the
door With & chisle, appareDtly [Wlth a.. Vldw to a.p.
propnatJJlg Ithe content"
An ord(m Was made for th, -defendant to: pay
, a.od he. W&fI also bound ooler for 12 months.
The New Shell
Sold by all· Com
Wn te lor samples and name and
o f nearest Age!)t.
w. . . dODat(on.
j . L,M
It appeared from ol~or IIVI:a'."'~!b~1t.
tile bo.pital ........1.,.&)"1
The Rev. ' F~,mii'"
'1 '
All gardeners l should send off seed li8ts
wi.thout I d elay, for many firms are aireMY
send ing back seed order! to c ustomers, as thay
are unable to execute t h em
Only Just y
much seed 8S' 18 r eqUIred 8pould be ordered,
not only because of lts dea.rness, but 60 that
everyone ma.Y' hue his sh are If pOSSIble. Seed
8hould all be sowD to drdls ;, it IS too vn,luable
this yea.r to bro8.dcast, and , whene ver possible, t he seed sbould he ao.~ n 50 thm1y tha.t
transplant ing is unnecessary.
R,v. CaDrtrI
B P~'a1'llOD
Llnrt._)', lJ D. · ShlLrp
(Dublm) , (ncadlnlfl .
K t- 1{B 3
S B - Q9
6 K.t.-KlJ:J
Kt- HS
B - K t ..
8 fuatlu
7 P-tl<
'R- Kt
K'- K6
8 Q-H4
9 Kt - BS .
10 hP
11 PltKt
l j ~Kt l
--;;'C" " ,' -
I~ - Q ~
t P - Ql
i P-K 3
( lru<
p .... IU
. KtiKt.
PltP: ,
No tIm. should be lo.t in cle.ring up .U
the land fr~m last year's crops, only th4
winter gr eens being left that Bre still .pro-- ,
dueing tende r . shoots. DJ g~ntg should folIo"",
cl osely. on the clearms, so tha. t froat, rat,n,
and snow may have their effec t befo: e the
time for g~ n e ra l pllmtlnS beg ins .
mu st be thorough, so ~hat each year a fu rther
de pth of SO il m ay ' be ob talqea
Wheneve r
manure can be got this should be w~ dug in,
and heavy SOlIs are all the furthe r Improved
by tbe long straw wQlch 1! present when fresh
manure IS used. If manure I S not a vaIlable
lust yet, no harm will he done by leav m g tb i5
tIll l"ter on, especially for such crops a.a
pot atoes, onions, ot eabbages.
one of t he crops reqi,tires
...,pl:y.· aug soil, and wh en making a new
feet !=!houJ.d be dug up if
soH should he ~~nChed aDd the
m$teriBI .well loose'ned th.n layers of
should be place d ~ be een each spit.
lhrTll11D , l' vVJ.'rA the SOLI is" h CRvy; fres 1 pl&nt&ttons wtll
need . to ' be rond e' more often than wben the
[oil is light and triable.
' JitlCb Mil should be used for the paMitey bed,
bUlt' lighf sOl l lS preferable to hea.vy for a. good
e r op. J The seed may be sown n o", in drills not
mQ$' than hal f an inr.h I deep
The seed HI
I sJow germmt\ting, but if it iB put In'
"~~~~ an1 e-arly crop will be obtained. ProTi ~ . he so il Ilt dry !\nd fn.irl~ looSe, the
d be trodden flrm and raked smooth .
.ff 'l
I " at all damp ot heavy, the tread·
l~g '
Jbo omitted or the seed will .tick to
~$_ II
anet come liP on the garden&r '~ boots.
â¢â¢ \!>, â¢
TUEBDAY.-Before tbe Mayor (Mr. F. A. S'J'
jea.ntl. ,in tho chOIr, Mr " J . C~.r Mr.1 E
W. ~lidley, Mr. A. Rowe ""d ¥r, W. it. SmIth
Four bol'" oW 14, 13, 16 and 14, ........ ch'uged
with ,_t.ea.hng mopey and vanoui ..rt)cl~ from St,
Luke I V.A.D. HO!PIt.a!, whIch i. c100ed If9r one
month, on Sundat .
Mt'1, . ...\ bram , b ,B.E. , ~m.&lld&llt
&mong the &rticlel ItoOk!n
' c:i,~..,.t~
".p, mona,. (2 â¢. 'bd.),
and to~ether tbe value of
.boiII £3 The cigarettoa,.
been aeul by Queen M....,- lro-lIl '
for the 'Wounded IOldien,.-ad
Where roots of celery are wanted early,
seed should now be sown in a temperature of
5Odeg. Though tbp~ see ds germInate rather
slowly, there IS nothing to b~ g6med by trying
to burry them wll h ' a higher tempenture, A'
5in. or 6in. pot 8bo lll~ be used ,for sowing the
seed, for what can b e pnt mto this will~ be
8uffimeQt to make a large Ipl$b~tlon o/ · this
vege table . .As soon ~ as the 8eed li ngs h ave made
theIr first r ough lellf, tbey should be transplanted out into boxes Bnd kept 10 warmth till
the t.illl& , for , plantin~ out ~oiea.
It is a good 'plan to setl aside a small spaetl
in the aUotment for gr owJng onione for l5eed ..
Inl some cases g&rdenera used their bed
oDloDa for seed purposes every year tIll they
hnve improved their stock so much. that very
fiJ}.e OXllOns .l'e~ult.. , OnJy thos ~ , onions that are
hir~e aDd well·shaped should be used lor pro:ducmg seed. Thalia ths.t have started to grow:
or are shrrvelled' are u sc less, and small ODes
are of httle value. The ground In WhICh they
are se t should be well tr enched Dod manured:
thoroughly, afteMVards belDg levelled WIth a.
fork and worke d mt.Q a fin e h gh t condition, S8
is done for onion seed. After levelhng, it
should be trodden firm and the seta set
t ightly in pOSItIOn WIth the soil preesed
aroun-d t hem to more than he.1f their depths.
Unless this is done, well·ripened bulhs of
for the t&ble.
To make sur. of getti ng a fine crop /If
par! ntp roots, the Boil should be deeply dUI
and free from r ecent manure , &.S this tn1\.kea
the roots liahl. to lork. When specially fiIIA
r oots are wan ted, hol es 4ft deep and 6UL
wide at the top, 151n . a.part, In rows 2ft. fro ..
one ¬her should he dug. Each hole shout.
be filled up with a compo,t 01 old potting soil,
decayed r efuse, and wood ashes. A pmch 01
guano and salt may be put In ~ole an.
nu:r:ed in With the soil Three s~eds lIn deep
should be put 1n each h ole.j When the see~.
linga come tip, they sbould be red.ucec;l , to the
I!Itrongest' plant in e~h bole.
. '~
. , .
~hik to ,play u<f mat.o â¢â¢ Ihre.
, P1J.rpl~ iiprouting broccoli is one of I the mo"
useful crops jltst now, prodal!ing fine 8hoota.
The ibild wtnter that haA been cxpenenc~
up to the present haa be&D very b enefici-.! ,toe
the crop , and t he shoots Mould be c ut &8 eoOII
a. the purple tipe begm to .ho.... If cotting It
lelt very much lOllget', tho plam.. ... tll g...,.. ~
their full size, and a few bl"~bt days wIll
hYing them lDto .flower, when they will ...
WOMEJt AND THE NATIONAL KITCHENA ne'" dep1lrlmenl of t.he Mimstry of Food
Major C. W. Da.rby
Griffith (in the chaor), l>fr. C. E . K ey,er, Mr. C. r ecently: been fonned to create National KJkh.ens
Dijrler lb 1a heading we l1ue arranged to I publl, h
J Haviland . Mr L! W Jell·Pelll, Colonel W. ~h,·oul~h(.ut the country: AlLhough this qllestlon
weekly aD lrtlcle o.n P oultry and Poult~,. KfI6P"
In; by all expert ~ hl cb . lIould prove Te-G1 tlieful
Thornton, Col. W P . Naah and Col. J . E
Ithe preparatIOn of food 18 one that by common
At. Lho prl!!e:l~ time
The writer ..,111 be pJetMld
mo~udlDg that 01 'tho mo.t pronounced
to answer any quest ions by r~a.dars, Whf should
.end their eorrespondenee to Tbe I Editor,
a.ntl·suffragist& and anti. feminists, spectally con.. Read tng O~rver."
Gwendohne Eggleton, Mortimer, Wh summoned cerns women, women being allowed practically
for sellmg cigarettes to a. boy und~r the age lof 16 no V01 00 In the po1icy by whieh this great innova·
on F ebruary 9tb \
htr Sy dney BraID appeared fot defendant , and tlon in our nnt\onal habits 18 bemg catned out.
fl&ld IIhe offenoe WII4 thllt the boy W&II apparently Doe w oma.n1 ).:hse M a.nley, hu been l04ned to the
depanntent by ~e ~ of Educa.tlOn) but she
of age .
Defend&.llt, who had been previously convicted mlJoY at any, time be. re<:alled to her own work, .of ⢠IUlliiar offence, W&B lined 200. .
few women are being :a.ppoint.ed to posit as fuapcc.
tors. With these exbept.ionsf tbe whole wrrk of
It hall .Il.l w<:.ya been difficult to understand why
Tom Flet cher, Shinfield-l'Oa.d, Rea.dtng, w as the depa.rtment IS .tni the hands of men ~ho~e
the ordlOary farmer haa not taken up poultry on summoned fo r ca u ~tng a horae to be. worked in an speCial quahficatloIl,1!l Iare by no means evident.
Aldermi1ll Spencer, appomt.ed by Lord Rh6ndda,
a much Iargcr sca.le than ,",\\ally. So n[ton tb. unfit. ! tate a.t. MortImer on february 15th, aOlI D~rect.or of National Kitohena.. 18 a. bU8m~ man.
fow1s aore qUite a Side hnc to the ot.her branches,
HIS statement. a.s to the meana WhIch be intends
l5ummoned for workmg the horse.
and their at.tention is delcg"tld to the odd man ,
to adopt to populariae hIS kitcbens ,have, horever
Defendant~ pleaded gUIlty.
called lorth already a good ~ei>1 of erotiClam in
one of tb~ 'maIds, or 5OmetlmC8 the wife wlll take
In ~ DOlvty proved the eaM,
over thIS branch of the work Un fortunnt.ely It.
The case tnst Keel was dlsmllJ,8ed, but Ere~~ on the gro~d t.hat. they llre unpractical
wuteful of pub to money. T h e subordinates api.ll8 never been taken up I!eMousl y ~I th a Vlew to Fletcher: was fined 2011.
pointed ' by hun presumably men oj .milar
profit. but more bGca.uso It ie the usual t.hmg to
type and expel'lcnoe.
fmd rome fowls it) cvtrry iarm y&rd. Thtl Idea.
llarry D ay, Wokefield, -,vas BumQioned for rid·
It 115 Imposllb\a in'ie.w ot tbe ruponsible work
l!ru; brought about a nri lila-Lory method. of work.- inp: a. bicycle without D. rea.r hght at Mortimer on d.Qne by women during the war to' m tha.t
they laCK tIre m:.ce~sn.ry powers of orga.nisatlon for
ing There bas neN'er hEf'n a system, and the Febru.rv 14tb
~.lenil'r' who did not appcar, w~ fin ed 5â¢. . this work, and in addition to those powers they
operatlotts h,.a.vo aJwtys more or IQSS been of Do
could brmg to bear on the IUbject a .tbn! of
h'~ha.t:ard typo. ~~ enoe in breedmg is mort
speC ial knowledge and experience.
carefully oboorved ""hen or sheep are the
Alb ough adopted 10 the first. place aa a. war
objects 01 thougM, outi poultry-well that i. under pre83ure of neoeBIl t.y, NUlona.1
Kitchenl are likely to become , &> feature ?{ our
fa.r too amaH & ma~r j to look upon in the
Me, If run op practical and common-5eDae ktnea
83me way. Thi, IS wher the.,great mlStake bu
by people who know the needs· and condlt jons of
been , and, it IS pleasing f'O Dote thltt. in 5Om~ di Sthose for ",hom the,.. eater, they mlght ext ncta there has been VB6t Improvement 10 the
cellent ruulta on the health of t.he nation .
quality of lowl. kept.
I' I
wou:d raiae our standard. 10 the matter of
!iow, o,ne of tbe?ll","" hOI been the nODdeOcript HOW HARDSHIP 011 WAR·TIME DIETING ing, whi c.h we are alwa.ys be~,Il; told is deplorably
low. T hey would take pa.rt of "the burden of bouaetype 01 ~"'u so often kept WIth only a poor lot
work from the lboulden of p oor ,mothen, lUld it
of mongrels about there II notbmg to really &lOUie
is iust on tha.t point. that oppoaltion i. alread y
any interest, but whC!.n & good clasa of fowl IS kept
making Itself felt . There are peop!c, 'qIost qf them
t here 15 more to enthul!Ie over and intertlt yout
A wel1~Jmbwn epecialiJt pointa out tba.t mai"y m all probability in very comfortable cJrcumneighbours when they call. I am well aware that d1apeptiCJII .~ expenenoing the uup1erLf&ntDe18 and stance! t hemse lves, to "hom t.he Idea. of ,
the old price of a fowl wu nothing to crea.te much dietreu ar16lng from ..,ar-tune dieting, and 10 8ny of t he conditions ¥nder; 'w h1ch wivea
mterest,' brsca.u5e thl S kept. round eighteenpenO& ol'eroom e tt, all that 11 n eooBluy iH to take halt a mothers do the work of their homes i8 an_thema..
and nel'ar mora the.n h'a.1f-&-ctown, and though te88poontul of pure bi,urGted magneeia ln a little .. It IS slmply encouraging th e women in Id~e n'el!la ..
th ey say Havo ihev t he leaet eonOEtption of what
ille young stock more, It wu- often I the innuedillt.ely &fOOr m .,..l..
Thu, t bese cond Itions 110 often a.tetThmk -of the fam ilies
hlggler which took tho profit and very seldoM the neutnli.el acid present in the .tomach and 80 renden whi ch are housed in one room OnJv.
Tnat one
it hl1po&1lhle for ~ e food oontonta to.terment. Hoa.- room i" "kitch~, ltving-room, bedroom and nut·
But times chil.llge ' &nd we l5hould all move &long pltahl han employed bi,~rutnl IJlMPHla for a long aery, for adults and children Births, del1~hs and
time P"'''~' and IK) ! uC0885f'ul h.. it' P1'9ved in case:a of Bidwell!. and the ordinarv occupations of! le veryor be left. hop?er;ely behmd Poultry to-da.y 18 a. Indiger.tion, dylpepfl ia, hea&.rtburn, fiatulen oo, in - da.y HIe go on 8ide by si4e. Bow would the
gre<}t. consIderatIOn, a.nd whether you ,vant to buy ilflmmation, ga, trltie, eta., that every, ptLOkH,ge i.e " superior" ~non who Ie).. dread s the effect of
or b a~e to sell the ' figure is four or five tlmet ttl! no,.; Acoompa1ll~ by th e makera' gua.runtee of
.. Id leness" on the mother of a. fa.mtly hke to be
old value. Thu! bas been brought about bv two faction 01' money baok M'tUJ' readen wiU .p.precialo tnVlt.ed to partake of food ID such a. room,
t nmgs, "ar a.nd ent.erpTiAe
There ha.VG been fM ct tha.t pnctiou.U,. aU ohemiats
stock Wltb the utensil. at the command of lUi lJim&tes!
b"'lrtJl~d nl agn,eaia. in powder and' tablet form, an d W e are. 1ookin.s forwu-d to a tlDWl when such oonmany farmers wq.o have sccn money tn feather. , tboee who find wat bread di.la81'eefII with thl'm or dltions shall h&"Ve becqme impoMuble, but'l meanIJld they brought t.belr poultry up to date by ~xperienoe diflt'reM after 6Ilnnr wonld be't'elL adviBed while Iet UI t.Ue ad~an~£e of every minor reform
breedmg, ~ better clllBS of bird, and innead of to olmlin a supply of the bitlW"',o mapetia from th~ which aeems hkely to unPf'O"& the hea lth of the
mixing the breeds they ba\'e ~ n \ kept &epa.rate obenlillt and gt~e it a trilll. Ii ie a p~ and perfectJy pubhc Md aet u a oheck to Infant mortality.
and oft~n t.he fl.ocl-. on 'the one ftirm is just the one harmle8ti product, ani the guanmtee which accom yarret )'. and they have done fa.r better thad when panies eyery ~okage, both ll"wder and tableta, eo .. THE MINISTRY OF HEALTHnbles th08e 10 1 doubt to g; Ye it. a thoro ugh trilll
Dr. AddllOn oPPORrl to he making good pl'Og......
e. bopelc!s mixture TboE;e who have followed the WithOut Incn~ng tho least rille of foea. Should
01 dmnry a ilctlon sa.'es must have notIced how the hl"mlltd I'qagneaja faU for Iloy reuon to do you witih bll negotllitlons lor the olltabhShment of a.
prices hA\c gone up, and whCl'Q there haa never ' good, ' the pJ.1rchuft price "ill be refunded ill futl, Mmistry of Health. ! There are a vllriety of in·
terestll to be conclliltjtOO and. brought lnto agree·
bcâ¬n any attempt. to apeclah!e t he fi~ure!l reached and the trial wpt COIItyou DOthiDg.
ment With 000 anot.ber~oct.on, insurance earha\'e surprised the owners. ' Vithm the p;u;t fort·
pomtloon a.nd 10c0.1 authontle5-~ut there is good
night thcre "was Ju st an ordma:ry farm sale, but
hope tha.t t.hey will DOW come in to Hne and I Up·
al1}ot;lb' the stock V. M 80 quantity of chickens and
port an agreed Btlt. j OnIy time for dilCU~10D lD
Pnrlia.ment will theti be needed, llnd that l should
,b e", Wlut'e Wyan"o' te. w,thout any p·reten"OD.
he .granted before
ond of t~ Seealan.
to q}lu.h ty but merely useful laymg stock. Most
of the pullets mado 20s each, whIle one lot mode
BOÂ¥SI.tND GIRLS 22eJI.' and the o'd hens up to 14. each.
Anyone FRIDAY (Februa.ry 22od) - Befo,re 1tir G W
representlOg the different
can 'C." ly ,.,. whA t an opportumty Ihe flU'",. r. h..
Webb (10 t oo chalf), Mr. G. R. J,a.Ck.son Mr. J . 0'r;~l::~i:~.g Committee
,provide recrea.tlOu for young
If only he will keep the right sort
Catley, Mr' IC, S SmIth and Dr. J. B Hurry.
,oxiotenoo " nee 1916 It hal
Then agam ~, war h .. altered the "l'peol 01
the esta.blilhment of , Juvenile
or~~~~~~i(~~d Commit"l""
in all large town,l and a
l h ng' and opcne4 up the roAd for poultry keep·
have already a.ppointed tbem
T~ey are
Ing \\ hlcb was never expected an d which oould
Four boys were charged With robbmg ~ eon tn· compoeed of repre&ent.atlves of aU the vo untary
never ave happened · but for t he \tIlT Every but,Joll box: belongiog to f.he ReadUlg Pht14l1- or~l sa.ti o ns working in the town, and d legatea
po u l t,r~ k~per IIhouId know tbat we lmport md~ throplc In~ ltutlo n at the shop of Mr. Powell, from ' the local education a.uthontlell, ,uvenf'le em·
b ODP; of eggs every year, but. !Inco t he war the chemISt, St.. ~Iary's Butta, and .abo Q, box belong.
ploym~nt and after·care committeeS, I zchool·
n umb~l' has been greatly reduced , hence 4the nl;ed mg to Dr Bamard o' s RODles frorn the counter: of teachers associations, imagiatratel and pt baLlon
officers: they dea.l with B<;hemes for pr vldmg
fM a bigger supply at home The ll!W!oed , im~ 91, Caversha.m·road
. .
r fll't s naturally' sent. up tho va.lue and though Dot
The boys broke open the boxes, &nd diVided the ~cretLt.lOn for boy .. 8n~ g'lrls, the 0r.enmg o( new
clu"bll;, and the of o,d oneill
1'0 lugh m' the oountry distriCts mlUlY bl~ towns
The rmlgleader was sent. to a. Bonta.l In t t. t'
ralling-oil in the nupl'ben of SU itable meh and
l! ,\ e been buymg eggs this winter at,. 6$ per for live yea.n,! and the ot.hel'l were bound 80!e~ ton women With time to I devote to youll~ peoplo·.
d'll\!n Tha.t. fonig n supply wtIl not be coming
ciubl, boy MX)uts, girl guides, etc., is hQ,~permg'
h:l. ck ag aIn for years, and it ill up to the home pro- SATURDAY --Belore Mr. F B. Parlltt (10 tb. the work of such otganiMt,ion! !eriollsl:v, f nd IS
(ju('cr to see that our own markets are kept sup.
chOlrl, Mr. E O. F an .. r; Mr. G R. Jaokaon held accOllDtable 10 lJut for the recent mc In
' Juven ile delinquency.! .
J,bed \\lth home grown produce Now there is . Mr. H. M Wall!, and Mr L. E Quelch.
Mono better abI e to do thIS than the famler , and
Ii he would move along tbeae hnee: the openio ... 1t
(1.':\ a.nd the return Will more than repay for the
A small boy W&8 char ged wlt.h IJtea.hng a bott.le
t l ( lble rmd . expeme.
Fq.nnera a.s a rule too of maltell milk tablet. and a tID of menthol pel.
much conserv:ttl\ e. They like to work along the
value la.13d., the property of Measra . .Boota,
on Janqa.ry 25th
, old \\ 1\) s, and what " wu good e nough fQr Dad ill
remand for five weeks WM ,ordered in order
,t;nnd enough for me " IItylo1 80 that no mat.enaJ
t hat. the boy't parC'nt., who will then be home on
1."'.1.l1" il.y 111 mnde;.aBut the man u"bo mUM money leavo,
can attend t.he Cou-fi,. I
\" ehy I S the m_r .ho aees an OpportUOlty and
I, k" It and move. alond witb tbe tim... Surely
.Ii. 13 -ye&l'.01~' boy of T!lchurat was ch~glkl with
t he..... a rc not. the days for reatmg a.nd following
(,I d Id c a:s T he farmer I &- asked to produce more brenklDg Into the house o{ Ernest Wng1 . ~ Tilehunt, and ,,\.ea.ting 46 , on Fe~rn&ry 22 .
l fVId 1,\ grnwmg e OTn and rB.ialng mo~ siock,
The bey told t.he mCl.&"u~tratefl that. he wanted to
of Lh~ latter the-re IS nothing of qUicker growth buy a gun Wltb tho money,
&ri d rea dy for mlU'ket soqner t.han a chlcken
P C. Skamer gave the boy a. bad character and
t ile maglltra.tea decided to :reed him to & Rel~rma.Â
tory untIl .t~lDin8 tho .~. of 18.
Jloo â¢..t
L â¢
too '
l.l~ri i.~ ~:Iaohle ~. ~i·roo~.~ l~l
tMN are
the g round it is a nustake to I~e t.Ma
' 1ons&tt fe r ·they W111 BOoaer _
' later bedn fA> rot and heoome useless.
Dot g....~.uly mown that celery r<>OI3 !a~ ie
for ....ral ~ if Ii~
on " dry day and stor ed m s8aci, in a ~
for choice. " Too roots s"bould be wiped. ~8D
of 'any dn~t, and all ~e&Ves and decayed ouLQr
leaf·stalks should be ~ed lIoway.
roots may then 'be packed agamt '"\, ~.u
possible, one above the other in a: dry plaM..
If co moIsture or wet reaches them, 'fhey I d
remain crisp for a ~e.
loca.l Veterans' Asocia..tlon
tbe old fiaS fiymg 10 order to hefr,end
the o!d bngade, a.nd to see tli~ the warr,'ors
other da.ys are not. £orgotte.n in O\lf
ThClr prove Ollr oTd veteran s
gone by done t.heu' bit. fo r our glorious
many a. trying ca.mpa.Jgn in a.flUO!Jt fwfJT1
of the world, and it t~ in memory of tbell'
t.hat. W& venture to make I:I.D. earnest a.nd
appeal t.() ene.ble \l8 i.d carry on our quiet I
eodenvourmg to keep up th e e:!lpnt df cOrpS of our
mstltntlon, and of the diBtrees tha.t
overtakes our aged soldJera and sailors when their
~ waste" and where
and thiS of18 tholle
no more
110 11 '
offer and, in so mnny
I . . rifte<>-Pro p atril- Mori. '
· lDNtS :T6 , AbLOTMENT~ ~o~1
fnende and the generous publin· ill a~l ,
caUted deserving org:J.lli.aa~ioDII W be overlooked or
in the background. N~ver 1n " t.he ~tory 01
wada.. have bur gaJlant 50Ididrl and ...11"", been
so well treated a.& tm)y are at the pr&aent.1 tnne,