Reading Observer 12-1918
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Reading Observer_14-12-1918_00002.jpg
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1. 1(;
naw b~ore the eJ.ecton_
, or tbe 'irito~of hi,-ciwr.
h& urget¥--the sefiling up of ' a. bighet
lif'e for the workl... and the giviDg of
. Even now peopl~ do not ae&m to realiM thatJ1i!~
count.iy is m the tbr-oes of a. Genen! ElEo i4o n â¢
One Jn1ght £efely say that w b eore'fer on~ goea l~b.~
t op)C dil5Cu!~ l S anyth1qg but the elech~
a.nd even If It 1ft rpentl'O ned there 1& not that
of enlhuSllsm;'tOdll,playec;l aa at prevlPUS eont~tA.
Xnm&t>U5 peo·plfl ba'fe been operuy . hea.rd to".'
tb y "do not think It. 'W'OTth while to \'Ute , n
tb:t .. be WIll get tn "WIthout. my help." There
ample ba1'18 to ~hel"@ t:!1at there ~' ill be :~l'e
than one 6UTpI1Sf! it the 'POll an~, lr so, It. ~11 he to the public'. neglect t.? ~ t~~
, ballot pa.pers Aa to the result, everyone Will
ba"e to be patient. -and walt unhl D«ember/28th
A well altended meetllnl in ~lpPOrl of tbe Coa,ti'tion oand!date. Col. Wilson, wae held m St. John.
Rall, Fatherson-road, on Satu rday e\enmg ⢠.-hen
fr F. Winte r presided , other5 pre.sent. bCJng Ccl
Wtl"l\TI aDQ lfr... Wil lson, Mr. and Mrs Huberl
F ~ rgU&o n . Mr_ F A. Stntond,.. Mr_ Herbert _~tty
and )'11: Prett\", )Irt;. Abram , Col. KenftlI~~t.()~,
the Re\- J. A Alde~G n , etc_ The Roe\' W _ :RnH.oft
and Mrs Button wrote apolog1&lng for thelr ah-
Th e Ch,urman said that p\at.-form WR.5 T!eT'J
flLlmhar to, but he h ad never stood 'on .It. 'befare AS chrurman of a pohh~al meeting, nor bad
he ever b~ fOl e -tnnde a pollt.lcal 5peectr Bu t ",'hen
he wnl> ns-\;;eq t~ nre3l<ie he felt.. lt hu. duty to Jo
flO. H e thodgnt all parhes ", auld ag1'ee tha.t It
\Ii&!> "3. ple:r.sure to.& r oe-pree
...ented 10 Par\ul1uent hy
a. ronn like Col. 'V lh-o n lApplall!l." ) H .fl coul,)
n ot. c()r!l~m-e t hat. anyone m the co untry cO'UJd pCl5f' lhl) be mOT_a r.eady and WIllIn g to ,t.udy the In·
t - rc ~ t s of tb~ Borough than W8!I Col. WII 80D~
When tnel- Tcmemberen t be~f'\;ice:s Col Wtloon b a·.1
('n(~ e-Ted durmg th ~ put four or lhe yotus. whe:'
"t he v Tem<>mbered the leal'S In w b'le b he bore hlS
"hBr ~ <In t he battle f ront and tn e ye3rs w hen :le
)v· r e 11:s .,htiJ''', nOIlie. the less heavy '!"'e!'pOn·
IbIe 10 {he ta.&k of adnl11Hstra.tion at h ome, they
cou'd I1lfleed be t.hll.nkful tJhat d\1rmg thore Y!l8~
tho,; h ad such a leprese nhhve ~ for ReBdmg L
.;0.-,;; Ih21r duty t oQ return hml agam to Parhament.
(Applau sc .)
Mr . H e1b~rt Pretty. In pr()pO::>J ng a. vote of
flrl4>"~ '" ('01 "'I·1;o·n. referred to the (h.~mS1nshed
te o!" ' lce!" ' v. h eh Col. W1lw n had rendered to . hIS
d..,mt n
H IS. DI s-t I1lglushed Ord~r h ad been gamed
fi ght ng In South Afnc!', ..,h1ls t t he Dll!tmgtnued
Orne r of S t M'chael and St. GcoY'ge ba.d bten
gaint:d WIth t he tUlCol",rortable addit ion of & German bltllct~ t ltrough his lungs, Ih i h'} war whiob
holld nov. dnnOI to n c1O!e. They wou ld congrAtulate tIi#ln~lv~ and thank God. l1lat. the bullet h ad
rwt terlUUlAt.ed th e rciatloDsh,p' between t he ·electorate and Col Wilson. He bad hopM it m Ight
b~a~e beftn pow.blo that Col WI\!,on "rould
been the fatigue of a. contnted. election.
Col WIlson's dutl~ii as Parhamcnte.ry Unde', :
Secretarv f or the War Cabinet had brought hml
into do~ cont.act. "With t.he problems 'WhIoh Were
fac1ng t hem a. t the !>re5ent tnme. They were an
aware 'Of the sig~al ser..'loea: 'h e had rendered to t he
J£nt:er Y'aub .of tlhe Army , of whIch he 1re~ ~uch â¢
dlSbngtllEhed: mem ber
Tbe p.resent wall .n pt a.
party elect jon. Col. Wi~ n waa not opposed by
the Llberal Or the Labour Part.y liS a. wbole
Ther-e ~ many members of both those partlE'fl
who were rendermg yeoman &en 100 to the Coa.h ·
tbe t':;nuse_ (Applause.) The &erV1ces 'Of some of
the Labour Party had been of t he highest va.lue
to th e c-:nmtry At present they were oonfron~
.- "
...r Ilf" '''cjf.ihiom
. ;.""'l
~h....odd. . That I<nowledge of
m'nf"t~I.~ft"" which had
'mad. to
Lloyd ....,,..
(' ",'n~
& Cbmmoil
I had ilothmg
(Applause.) "
""~fr;. ,. 0'
.. ~'mon. brct-berltood aDd eulrehaI aDd
fut.urO I They
H~ urged ·that the 'Spi rit of ~lidaTlty that
had wnk deep into the .mindâ¢â¢ f the peopl4!l,
, they
w.... !dJowmg ikelf a.ruong the rallw...y men , the
" .. "IfJth ·thatl knowledge tbat they 'Were "l>p",a<~ t-'(}o,...r.nI.â¢n' ~ere rol,uri~li'tl) 'M-' '''''~iJ;'
mi[J' th~ engu1eer8 and o4he.n; mUGt "press
109 , .M.:,- great enterprife T~eir
ing t'lfat the
1b~J forcibly upon -the politlCll. I powem. If Trad~
not o~ y.t, and It wu tbm,. bUilDeM and
r:he believed they
' to
oecui~n aDd Jrni ,n.J :.would bring about the imp~ved conditi.ons
kge'to lstiolc to tboee men who bad brought tf9.e~ tJhe rt?l})!'DSibtlity. that b.d been pl~ upon"ihem. In life tll-e:y so much d + tb&y muA combIne.
thta tat' &a.fe1:y, until th4I gnat ta&k 1VU aocom- It seemed' to.. her -'that .. Coa1ij;ion GO ..·p'Dtnent ~&1!5 They bad got an increase In t heir -wages a..t the · ~tory ·"",u nnll Mld oomplete. (Ap- what 1(&s pa;rlicula..rly w:a n tM for tne'lr i.orelgn
factory throug~ combinlDg, and It. would be t hei r
. It he bid st.udied b18 0'Vnl penioJla1 ~oop:l,- policy. eaptoia.l1J witn reil.TXl to thetr JiIa.tionsblPS only "'; .. .of ebtaming ether benefit.&.. The p nn4
he woulQ.ili~ kept out of ' tbl& election, .k:now.~ 'With the enemy Pcniefu:. Palling on. to home ciple of 8"lidaTity was 'well exempllfied by what
tb.e ~jority of h18 people ~ not 'n pobtic!. tlhe- Ilpea.krr s"it tbey _"'~~ , ~~e IpolitlCS had feen takIng -place the w t day or tWoO at Thatof the CoaJjt/)()D_ But that did not that appealed very' d<S!iJy, to :wom-en_ They bad cham. There iI'a d been a. ' rtrike- in the paper mIlls
htm from doing his duty. .. I CI.D do no otber/' felt in times put tha.t Imperia.1ism ~,8& more 01'
about 10000k noun, and t heir employers had brought
ex:el41oo6d the s)) fen-enUy . I " 80 help me lei!. bound UP. r.: ith the Conservath..-.:early a.nd
in & nwnber of bl.a.eklegs toO 'Work to defeat the
I" So ~ng &II be raEd· in England, tmd not !'OC!al monn 'Wlth ·the Li~NI aoo Labour Ps.rlies, aims of the ~ st1'ikers. The trou1¥e
it) Germ\ny, he elalmed t.he right of the freedom
but that would nob be ~ iD the future. They brbught to the notice 0{ tlhe Execut.I ...-e 10. Lond 011
of u. 'E ncIWlmai, No one 'Would dultate ~ him would get 'luge- houMg ,~b6,ues; }je re t.h~e "'"fl"e
In an appeal I~AUed by the workers, >'8.nd they ha.d
what poliliCeJ ' opimo'M he jh()lllti 'hold
great po~i bilitiel All t~ings comide roo, it wu oorQde,red the situation a:nd the r esult was that
"'ld~on m.jnt&in~ that. Lloyd Georg~ . was a. E&fe to' say tha.t rocial reform wu not In t~~ haIids
tho Jailwa.y wO'rk-eri 'Were .giY~n lnstntctioons :no\. Lo
m&:D Hnt of 'Gcd, l.nd W06 be to tJl~l 11
of &D1 one 'Put.y to-da.y . I (Applause.)
-han Ie any goods that were gOing to th e paper
oor&pped him . "Th. poBSlbilitl' is." cot,eluded
Col. Wll>tOn r;ald he .".8.8 g lad the l'I'flD~ A,ct nlll1~ .at .,:I'hntcham. (Appla.use_) If tlh e spirit cf
Mr. ~"'ldenon, <I tPLt ""e ·ah ..U DeVer nl'eet
f r.p1- solldaTity could be thus e~ressed in i the R.a.dwa.y
had been passed, ,f ~m. ly,( becn.ustl '.It- 'ad
on tbl. pla.tfonn_ AftcT the ~ CcalitHm h811i done chised women like MI~ Sutton, who had t:~ered
Umon In t.helr fight agaln gt In)UE.tlce, eould It not.
itS'..-,ryc we shall go h8ck to our awn, but I I inest, ~en"lces In th, eo:uLl hfo O'f the town
@'ball earr,.' wltb me the 6I.C'T~d me-mory tba.t m RefeTtlng to fh~ l ett:rs ~r. had receIVed from rome b9 ~rprbfsed 'Wlth equal strengt h and f~ in
Rea-~mg by the woOrkers uniting to ~ eDe "f
.oecember, t918, I d id my duty to nly oountry, my ofti6en And mea oornplaJfl'ng thlL~ £Ohey ha.d boon
their own elass to P~lament to !LI;5i1st in t he
cfief, the bctya who hl.\'e been so br&ve.aod· he;oic, prevented f rom hl~ m~etlng in tbe Town
of dmrm~nmg the future o f lhe count ry"
tho 'i'.~ ~ad and Col W,I""n, "bo evor &lnco &11 last week he said e had gone down to the
They' had compla Jne d of the anXIet ies
the·-CoaIitum took .office hp borne share of Officer Comma~ i ng and ad lea rnt fllat.t'he rearofl
h fe , but th~y must .remember th i1t
natl'Onal -reepont>tbillty eo fEnthfUl ly and so welll 'WU beCa.use it was t he ~om11latton dl). HfI bad.
.0,0'...." W"ere t he results of a. syatem a;nd a(Appl&we:l .
a8 some of tbem knew, ~th great dImO,!llty got t lie
they as m en ond · l'I'fomen eJ.tclon
Col. Wlilldn, 'W ho WaG very cordially 'I'eO(:lved
rule altered wh ich p~ve n ted fl1en tn }JJPfoIJll from
unH.iug, i-emoye_ Mr.aJ.,loyd George ba~:f
pa.fp & -tribut.6 tp tbe Town Clerk "(Mr W. S. at ttndan g politt<:a.t me~t~, and if he had .known
n e would go to the c!'untry w1th a proClutterbuck)' for Ule way m 'V>' hich ha and hu the rule about. nomina.hQn .day. he "'X1bkl hR\·<:!. dOll e
oj refann th at would, among other thmgs,
a8S1&tl8.nts had c&rned oul the dube$ of re:giatn- hIS best to get l~a.t .altered Spellkin g'o'f~he war,
the condJhons of the oagtlcul t ura.1 labourer
tlOn a.'nd the pl'omptne.... wltb *hicb they bad dis· h~ 88.ld the Britit;;h had' come out of It. With clMl1
he return, tb~ land to the p~ple ~ H e
patch:d tbe ballot pa.pen;. to Mlions Iloo 8OJdiern: band3 they had fought a9 1I0Idu:T8 2. n~ !"allors ar..,l
hardly nromlSe that while g~at Ianclltlrds
abroad. He had evny e:>nftdence t hat the very aIrmen, and M gent.l~men . ( Applilus.~ . ) He wu.hed
on his p la.tform . n~ughLer.) Yet. the r e
lure majority of the 1!oldlera a-nd Ilulors would h~ could say the flame about th~iT enemies, bu ~ he
iOll of the land
the people 'Wk5
have ' th e OppcrtUDlty of V'Otin-g a.nd of :rea.dmg.tha IOOUld not . The Colonel menhoned that t tte . n~m'
r.""d.,,~,y " if t.hey were to '})OUe3S t.ha.t , ⢠â¢-' .-;,~
e l~tloJl addreues of the ca.ndid ates. - As -to ~ing
ber of women wbo were m tDdl,.t~al lite fad
TJgbl. . (Atplouse.!
t, ~ to Lloyd· George, GoL WliEon said be was a.n rl5en from 3)20.'),000 11\ 1914 to 4 ,~C():), &n 11lspeaker r eferred to t he leiters
enti'I"ely free, and was 'DQt. bound by a.ny, til!" ,!! rE::!\£e _d ... rlDg the war .of~m~, 1.GOQ..OOO, a.Dd. ~e
that the Prllne Mm 'ster was MJOOto any party. He; eI&lmed perfect. md'i!~ndence to b ore testimony to tl\a ~5plC"n(hd 'Work they had
CoalItion c and ld,Jt '*_ He. fOT one, hill
vote as ·.be thcught fit in the Interests of th~ coun- :done in helping to win the ~&T Re-ternng ,to th'.!
Lloyd George's bl~ssJngs, awl d 1d T\o t
try. 'He 'WUI not lopeak11lp l1l a poht1Ca.J r;cnsc
chaIrman , h e '£aid "he WIlS U'<lt 5}lrpnsftd thq.t. Mr
He Lha.nkel1 God he was not 8. ooupon
when he r;n:d. It. wou1d be a nat!onal diu/,ter if an W_ A. Mount was Tetllrn ed unopf.o!oo fQr South
""na,.aato: .neit h er was the Labour Party a. coupon
AsquitlMan Government wflre returned to power
B e.rk" considen n g .,the work that Mrs Mount had
As for ihe Coahilon can(, they
Col. WIL-on sPQke of t he 10yaJ manner III wMch d OT1~e among l... the woundql s':)ld !eTs.
Thet'tt ,\\'ore
t he sha11dygaff kind , B.nd hilS haa-rers would
Labour ·YlDlSt..ers h ad IUSlsted t he Coailtlon -Gov· 18.000 ~omeu no ..... on the ,;ot~;r"r"', hst for R~a.amg,
eTDJl,lent, but. pC'lDt!:d OI:Jt thnt thoro Toro men an4 a great resp-Jnslbltlly rested upon then'l, f1.8 ""ci""" ",d what tJJllt meant. The dlft'erence be
po5mg M lA;oour l ead~rs 9.. ho bAd done nothing to th~' , "Would III & great. part. decide wpat .mouM be tween LIberals and To:rles was, afler aU, only one
,o j d e.gree, a.nd there ~Quld be no Untty of Ceelmg"
lJelp ~L on4rch to ·h lnder I he prcoiecut io n of the th~ future pohey
.the Gov.ernment of thIS coun- 0, a.ct.lon bet.ween labour and t.h~ ei'31;S that hv~d
if a Labour GO \'eJ"nlJlent were returntd
upon iL. (ApplaUi ' e.) H e concludtd an eloquent
those meD, would be promment In t ha t. GovernAfler Col ' VII£on ha d ant/?, ered fL ff'.w qUestlOll,6
menb_ H e
/I'10~ I1lloglUe "'bat woulcl happen t he re1>~, u'tion tr-:JS Ptlt t8 the rueehng and earned a<ldT~s by t hanking alh(MhP ha.d oontrJbuted towalda hl s ll e1cct len c.xpense.... and urged evet:YO"Ile
If men hke R a 1ni"ay Ma.:xlo nald IWld P hIl hp SnowWit h enthu!itll. lI' ~
to vote for hilm on el Ecticrn ,()'lIY
den ·haq. ~.nytbll@' to 63> the Peaee Conference_
M'(I~ ra. B ar.' "
I I ..\\-js klDdly lent' ~ plan9. :It
M ~. E B_' Dea-dma n , In pTOpcSlng the -ogorou o:;
Mr. ;Macdonald had ia.ia that the Lndepe.ndenl whIch Mis5 DoriJ :_: '-'-n:'wbk preSided . .. ~
pro: ~4tlon ()f Mr. MO!,[,I:"s c:tn<hda tUTe, referred
L'abOUr Pllofty 'boau done its duty twice, once when
_ ___
to th!e quasbon of dlf.ablem(ln t pens.ionB of soldier.s
It 'Pl-ce1almed l'bat th!) German cause wu partI)
anj kid ,bat he knE.'w a man no had lost; both
nghb, and &gam when it. resisted OOD!el'lption. Th'~
legs, 1 hiS ~ght mdex finger a.nd had beetl b3dJy
Genna.n eause ...-as wholly wrDng, a.nd to mamtair;
' .
W'omip-ed in the left a.rm , r ecetvmg the Mlld\mt Of
tba.t any p~ly m the State was right 'When It reo
I Lieut.·Col. L.,li. ,Wi loop, C.M G., II B.D., ha.
per week. whereas boys of' 18 yea.m of ag-e.
611ted: EO entica1 a t.une WM ..Imost
1mpoo~ible ito beheve lie did not want> 60 see COil, informed Early Cl-<m~ As!O(.iation that he &t. the fadory would, January 1st, get £2 5s_
..,rjptlOn the 'W ~r. It had been !!laid that they . tu.PPJ~ta th61r propo.sal6. to aecure . (1) ⢠BIU for t he per week (Cnes of Sh8JDltl I)
~frl Knight , m ~nd mg the rmolu tlOn, saJd
:D9t1. tTeating the. Germans 'In a. Cbnst-lih perma nent compulsory earJy closm(f of s hops beino:;t
!pint. They enttted the W3r w,th tbe hig~t plaCEd on the FHo.lute B;:)t()k. and (2) a !!io\len o'clock t hat, bcing 8, local preacheT'. he would eom'tl1ence
Ideals, IUld they mamt..a.ined that tbdse peopie who c1o!lDg on four nigh llS In -t'lie ·ito!elr, and one, late IllS r rmarks with 8. textr (Ll!lugh~r. ) .. Wcr:lc.en,
be n?t Mhamed. that ",hlen ye vot.eth fOCI th~t
had commItt~ t.he greatest. o"f. crimes ag8.1nst n'ght, wlbh the usual half hobday .
Will ~a also Y'eap" (Laught-er.) Tom Morns, he
huma.nity mU&t pay tbfl penalty to the fullest
e:r:t~nt. (Applaus8,)
said ' iwas on th e Ime in bl.l!!l s.ignll l box wallmg for
bbem , but, Jf they did .8 t he Coalition wllnted
The meeting unanimously pll..8led -a Te!!O lution
lhe.m. to, tne;y would fiDel the ml!~l vee; on a sid mg.
pled'g'lDg Ihself to support Col. Wilson.
.. LIVING wen" often times
An 1899 Experience.
·OnBept.ember 22nd, 1 8~9 . Mr. W_ Harris,
29, R egcnt Place, Swindon, 8aid :- " In ml
~. the :..eenoUB ki!iney troubles I expenenW; wore the dter-rerolta of a. severe chill_
I had not negleoted my hell..lth In any wa.y.
Bladder we&!cnees nnd hno'lr:ache were the
firet symptoml, - Urmu.tlon cauaed a. burning
~D. and at timeal could not stir.on account
. o{' ba.okaoh6l Dizziness, languor and de- '
prt8l10n seu:ed me a.hw, and I quite lost hope
- of reliel.
Ie But hearmg of Doa.n' s PlnS, I tried I
thpjll:-:~nd ,:iiiiJi fine r â¢â¢ u!\.. They did good '
N01'1 -Do,,·t merdy Mk lor " bl1ckl) r he lJ/!ls"
or .. f fdn~Y
lor a d Inawt
lJo a8 Mr
}farrl ~ dId.
Do(w.'fJ Backa(/te
_4 d;
P llt..
',Backache Kidney Pills.
~I.I ~""'
or 219 jloat fru. frOM FodeT-.lCcC!t1(a.~ Co .⢠8 . lV'clla Strl'!tt, Oxford Stred, Lo/ttCon, W .l.
- "--,
.r -HE. BEST
thl1 latest Revues and Music~Comedies.
,. -:~/~ Up'1Ma.:rd,s .
, , .
'TO '!'JIf>!
'ZDrt01lt. 01>
' j:
C()unC'1110r Wa.:!.t,e supportod the l"el5olution , whLch
was darrled cordia Uy "
' IC
Juu,nl'WO oll$'£RvJ:l.
£4: 0
(App,lawe )
" ;'
. I
by . the foremost Bands 'and Vocalists from
THE Practica.l PianQ and Playe r. Piano Experhâ¢
Duke Street, Rea, ding. P~7~e
_ _-
All kinds of ''Commercial
Doan's PIlls do not cure ba.d lla.blts_ T hey
~(;t rorcly upon t.h., kidneys, the urinary
aystem and th o bladder, thcrebv helpmg to
runk(, aruend::s for carclCIlS U11C' llCld for mmg
hnlnbl. ThClr action relle l es backa.che,
gru.,!el, rheumati ll~ 8tbne fOimat.ion, r ena.l.
dro~y, Beintico, lumbago , lJdlllmmallOn of
the Bliidder and une"acid poisoning
19 Years Proof.
On Octooer 4th , 1918, Mr. H llrrJHlld: _
I I It is ninetecn years since D o m 'p, Back.
ache Kidney PiUs rid mc of backa.oh(l , hludd jr
troublA and kidney weakn ess . Th, lllk~ to the
thoroughness of th1s medicm e, I contmue tu
enjoy the very b~st of health
(Signed ) ., W Harri s."
kidney med.ioine.
~ ,,:~,
from the fira.t,' and I persevl"red, they g ra.d u"
ally took Bll di8comfort Mld p d n from me.
Within a month I was absolutely cured of
all traoe of kidney and bladder troub le!
, II It is my privilege to well Sind wlde:1y
recom mend DOlln's PillB."
Became beneath tn e
, of !ich
dishes a.nd high livmg, lurktl tnclplent
uric,, ~oid poi60piDg.
Maybe, the meal you
DlQ8t enjoy is your worflt enemy! Better,
then, live WIsely tblll live ' well.)
Make It
" 8. meal-tablc-maxiVI to Choose
simple, homely dishee, and to overindulge. lf you could .strike out unc-a.otd
from you r ,bill of fare YOI1 might never
livmg bn.dly_
Sir,--;}Jay I be oa.l1owed .the pririlege~ of u'!'in~
wi th Ibreo piil<ci_tm. poli<yof Bctlon"the polio, .
your ....luabl. oolumna 60
an 'e at,!est. ~ppc.1 ,to
of lMction and the policy of faction .
ttie many thousa.nd.& of, both me.n lind wC'rn-en 7Ie
A factio~ was :a. pohtical Eechon wotking 'n
tors~oi R~a<l'jnq, who ibu'e WOm.iSed ' CbJ. Le.l1~
1.0 â¢.Ina
, their support, to- exih\;l&e
_~ t belr Tgif
j b'
umty for lts own pUl'pOses m op-posl.,,wvn. \
Government Cl' pubhc good_ That factIon waa Teon poUlng diloY. 8aturd-fty, Dece-mher'14tb.?·
presented l1l Rcadtng by Owo candidates Whilst
On ~nda.y everung 11. cr owded 8nd enlhta.ia.atic
There f⢠.a. dangerous flpl:rit of over':COntldenee
" rr:eans freedom 10 all its senses," u id
he wa6 the last man in t.he world to betittle the .,,'cnleh·. meet.Jng 'WU held 'In tbe Corn ExcMn,e
a.broad tha.t tho electIon of Col Wll»au l.S a. 'Ce~.
~t "IIl"'Ork whIch t he Labour- Pft.rty bad done in lIn \Y- A. MouDt preJ1doe-d, and W88 IlUppor-ted hy tainty -and that e lectors inch\,ldually need not Mr H. Wooldr'd~, who preuded a.t t.he meeting
in the Town Ha.1I in &UppGrl of the ca.ndid ...ture of
the Governmenb du rtng Lhe last few fMn, he M~ Boyea; ~r1I. Murdoch, '?!r.e. Ta.nne:r, Miy E., te.kfl the trouble to r egister t.hâ¬ir_ votes_ Col
deplored the Ca.ct tha.t, the Labour Party Sut.ton, Miilo9 Duker. Mn. F1eld , Dr. Florence Wtlao n', eie...,·tJon S90uld be a. oert8inty -1udgmg by Mr. T. C. Morns, the rall\\ay 51gnahm.~n. on Tues'9I'1Il'I signed by trrro uamee ~hftt tarried web an
.Armit..,ge, 111'1. Abram: Hi&!. WaldroD ,
and ind i!'a.ti>ns, but this much-dt.sir~ .result can only be da.y C\-enilli' It meant free4.o1ll of bedy, soul a.nd
unptea68.nt. odOUT' !he refarrEd to Mr. Ramaay Mn. IWILson, ,M r. and M1'S . F, A SI}Dond", and cptamf(! 1f -each a.nd.-every voter " d~_ hlS or her m1nd, he cont.mpoo_ It st9Qd for educallon m thfl
MacD.onald snd
Snowden "'The laHer had Yr. &dd: 'Mr&_ Huhert. Ferguront
bit" a.t tbe p :lll .
~hâ¬lit sense ~lble and It stood for the blgh~t
bad tho temerity to slate that if hJa polict h ad
I tear t ha.t. it .bas. be-en lmPoss1bJe owmg to t h'l ~lb1e good for tbe hlgltest po!lSlble number of
â¢â¢ 1
The Cha.lrma-n u1d tha.t Beadmg 'Was honoured
been pursued the war could have been fim5 t:OI l WO
abnormal c I;)nditicn8 pre\'8ihng and ths E1ze of th e people. ( _"-p!llaus~)
vears: ago_ At that t.!me Genna-ny l\-·as a.lmost. In havlOg no le~ tbJl,n fOUT ca.Mu.i&te15 It WaAi conshtuency to ftnieh & .complete Ca.IfV&.s5 of .every
Mr. E B_ Deadro a:n T'ead some 1etten of be£ t )
1 d bee
d then t swd thatt there Wall safety In mrmbers, and thal elector M in pr~vlou& eleci1ons. r trllst, therefore,
W1.&bes Cor Mr. Morns's suCGf'llt at.; t.ho poll from
;;r th e
Po-wer:. beang i!o
felt rathe-r 80rry lha·t
was not th-at. thooo who are supporters .of Col. Wilson and many gr VLf, Trade U'J1ons--the !tol lway Clel-klS
'Yr. :MaeDor.ald. with that dlsregud fof ver-aC1ty
lady eanoltia.t-e: It ".ould at least have :addw '90.00 have 'not been es.BVUI!i«i v.i1I DOt. In(u tbere- A!':go,.:iatlon oi Great. 'BnLam and Irela.nd, N&hona.1
w h'ch ".as on e of hlA prorleDlInant. chuacterist.1cs. t.o the. piquancy of the E1tUAhoD~ ~ , Laughter.) It from that t heir vote is not Y'eqUlr~ Jtnd that they. Ur-lOn of RailwaYQlen (Rea.dmg No.1), the
wu, hm.e'\-~r, Ifow too Jate (01" a. lady to come for
h ad ,· tat~ d thtlt the wa.r was brought about by th~
and the cm()lCe of the elect~n~ Ia.)' ~tween Will '£:If turnmg up en. polling day a.nd registermg, RhO'ncl da. Borougb" .tabou r Pa rty, Mdhtbyr Tyd'-ll
BTllt5h Ern!)lre and Sir EdW&ro Orey. No m OTe the (our candidatf'S' '9o.ho '... ere nomlna.ted last week _ theIr vott'S In hiS" (8,'\",Jur ensure.
! 'mGindicent La.bour Party and from t he ::oJ.U.H. (South Wales
1.1lIqu't01...s libel was ever uttered. If ever 1/1 tnilD She baa no doobt that the candidate they IWOUld victory ln Readi ng sommemura.te
, the teehD~ Ilnd MonI1l:)utbe.hIre district). Mr Deadman &ta.t-ed !
f'Ou ght. for 'Peace It WI'S 8 1r J:4w ard Grey , &nd iJ
of heartfelt gratituQf\!' which aU entutaul for Col. that. boLh he and the ca.ndidate had tha.t. 'Jl1ornm;
r-etuTn wO!lld be Col Leshe Wllson. (A.ppl&u5e)
eTe':" it. country fou ght foY' -peace it wu tne '''·'~I!J.·I· ;;; w.a 'i fi ~. IOId-ier and a. gallAn t gentleman Wlth W.Il50n for all ~hQ.J.- he hlB dODe not en y for h1S been t() the Registrat ion Office to obtain some Ideg.
»ml'ire. (AppJa.uBe ) So lo"'l a', Labour Q81~h...... Ien(]id ree::rd of l5en.1ce performed In Ga.llipoJi Cou.n try but 'or; thIS town
Sueb i& "·le,oTY , Of t~ extellt of proxl'Hl lulIg at thIS e lechon and,
d Fdes hlld to tce t.he llOe to Bol6h~Vlnn 00 , long
would;, tend td conso!.uJilt.e W S pP9tion ror as t.h~ r esult of that Vii.lllt, he 'W8.$ able to eay the~
must t h e e-I e.clon Mlt'ulie to vote for a.ny of-i ~em.
a.q9. _trAllce.... He aeq e hl!!l conswtuene,y
ln , man.y years be> oome a.a
tor :&eadin~
be no proxy·voting e.xoopt for those serving
' l',Ir!;OTDeut, and tb@,y were gol q to.end.. ,n&lnst
any who, 'lmght vent'ijf6 ~o'- â¬nt,r the field
far di stant nelds., such as Salomkoa., MesopoMR I1EXDrnSON' R SILLY P1I,R.ASE.
, the
hoek to, -r~ enl, I'em ID the nut Parli..
~ ~r
t.an11~, et.c.
A c-andi<h:te for lIl.ellon had come forv;ard in ment. (Applauae) Itwa.s ttbe fiT'St t lme that wolnan U, â¢â¢"n'"
Mr. liOn-IS, wbo W9.$ accorded a trelllendow:
th e pcrscn oC lIr . Thoresby H e boa.d never had had 'h ad tb~_ pawer to \·')te. There WM a. eer.
Yours fBithfully;
ovatuk and mWlica.l hODOUr'S, .a.:id he de!-~ to say
thl' pleaSllre of h eanng hIS n"me until &bout a tain nUntber' of women who took t~ hne tba.t be.
P. A, SnrOl\-nS,
tha.t 00 gT~ater honouT 00'u1d be conferred upon
for t mght ago. and he doubted whether liT'. e .. ~e the! we.r;, opposed to W'O!Ilan'8 suffrage ttier,
ChalTEl'lan 'Of Col. Lealie Wlhon'. qoahtlOn
any ma.n th8D to be asked w sto.nd lIi$ ca.ndldlLte
T ho.. @tb ) 's in tereri. 1n Re.tldlng eo:Juld be oC.& H'" ,.,ould not \-Me beca.u&e the pTlVllege of voting was
- E!eehon ComruHt~ .â¢
for t l(Js town. {A.ppI:a\l'fA!l.) H e 'Was pleued,' to
la c. ll ng char3cfer
From the pOl1lt of Vle'" ()£ thru.t . upcn them . The.y PT'ldoed them.el~ (In
December l~h. ~91a.
r ol e l, h owever, wbat Old ~rr Tep1'CSWt ? betDg'lcfIF.I...⢠!.h~ hated logic_I ~ple; they were
P,S.-Auy man or W(),mln Jho is riill in dO).l9b reeogm.! that, at thilt 8tage; the people mtended
Th '" Acqulth lan _Eeclton of the opponenll; of tn(lo to d Ifficult to a-et on "nth. (Ll\.ugbtet;,) tOg\e&l III to, whether be er she haa a. wte can obwJl th~ to make amends for a.ll lh e1r past apa.tby. 'Fha
well :a.polog-Ue lor
C" ) ali lion Go.ehnrment
No one c)uld denv thi p eople 'Were determined to die in t he la!o~ dHeh . n ecemry lnformahoo a.t the ~eareat Wa.r<t'toah. . ' PremIer--and h e could not
~rr. Alquit h bad rend<:red great service to t:18 She uktd lJtem to eonSlder the urgency of thul tioOD CO'll1mittee Reom or the CentTat COlllmitt..e-e Mr. Lloyd Geo'ge ~lng B W"I'I,mlon--(I"Uir.h~er)+l1
- had rl~med lt .advteable to put th1s na.tion m to
<''i:u nlry TheI'@ h ad been occ3li ions wnen he had eleciton, to thipk of the que3tlf'OS At issue, fraugh t Room_
tho lur ruO,JI of a General E lectIon 10 ()rd'e'rj,to 8ecure
\ Oa·ed the i eelmgs of the Ell1'Dlre In imD1JbabJe 8.$ Ibey were' WIth such lmport for thea.r. country.
a. s r.a lch-\ote ( ~plnuf,e.) H o had mll!ifaken I the
langua:;-e . as. f o r I nst an c~, a t t he outbrl!:ak of WAr, Ill elr Empire and them-;ehes. (ApphulSe.) Sh...!
t_mper and splnt: of thl1r class_
The EI~ctioD,
&~ to "ben fhe BrItis h EmplrQ .,.;oukJ $h ealhe th'l
belle\'ed tbat t.he ladles a.t a.n,. rat,&; .... ou.ld plump
wh1ch had been thrown upon th-e n a.tion, wa$' un
swom. Bul hlS polley of and sec hlld neArly fOT Col Wilr&t.nd !'eturn 'bLm wit!) a ma.gni6cent
evu.Jht f.or by their pa:t(.y or 91de-(a.ppla.use)-and
hnu~ht t hem to rUlIl . nnd It. wu a poilcy whlCh 'lDa-jonty. She ooncludE~ by readmg a. .I«.t-er
tile ISrues " ero g.olng to be deter-mi ntd In t he
t'OHld oot ('onhnue. What cbllnge came Ol'et 'the 6igm.a. by tlJ,e Prime MlJ'I", II..nd Mr_ Ronill' Law_
terests Of _the nJf!ion . ' They had accep ted the c~,
counl!", the moment Mr . },loyd George became contalmng the formal te..."Ognitiop oft Col. Witton
At a t:rade
&l"(e &nd ent'hUElU ~ meeti!1l or t e lfnge-;for a challenge It was- throw:n out by the
Pnm e 1flnt~ter, '<Ibh- ~nnded by ?orr BOÂ¥r Law! as th~ OO'a.1.HiO'll -candld'2~_
heJ.:\1n tM Aiiembly BoOlllB'. Bridge-.
Pr-Imt Ml1llS ter.
He (the speaIcer) had not reThey han brough t t.o bear on all quetl'tlons 3
ilITI5. BoYG.t: propo!M the fQr~at r esolution str'['l- strett, on Thunday - ~ t-$l"Doc#t\. the f~lf~Ln! reeo. ceH'ed the ben£.dl(:ticn cf Mr_ Lloyd George lllld
brudth of \ieo1\" atJ 1mmensily ·of foresight a.nd.qe- porting 'Col. W 11son . She u id ISbe ~bot;ght .1t.,Ja-s luliOn Wall par..«i.-: "'lb&£ in th~ ~i-riion of thl,
Mr_ Bon3.r Law, $0
on e eould caU hlm a ooupon
termmatIon: and a. \olc3m c energy wh1ch h al'! ClLT- t1me that 'Won{en took more interest In politJcs. meeting. thfl intenet. 6id llbeTty of thai subject ("RnG ?nte_ They haa-.1 ad e nough-of coupons dunng
TIM th " m to l-lctOry In JIIS vie-w one of th~ pJ'lln- 'l1le elecfton diJfered in two waJ6 f r om &.ny which
, best IIfICU.reCl b.,. I'iVlng solid suppOrt 'to \h~ the "s.r-(applauoe)-l hey 'We ro. not trying to set
cipR.1 causes wInch led 10 the fAll of Mr. A!quith'« had"'befqN_ ' 'F_OT the l fitBt thn~ they had
}.1:b'it!it!b,; elLndicbLe without a.ny ro.88.rd' . a[ t.he up a. 1GO\~ern mEnt ...·llIch had its ba.nds bcd_ Re.
GO\ el'om ent was the l.enderlleffl displayed to the &. grub nurriber of w'o men 'Wbo would be '8I~ to
for 'PII
, ty P9h~iC8 lq' any fonn \
fertJ~g 'to Mr. ~ L1oy d 9-eor~8'S lSupport.eJ:·f!, he said
H Ull clempnl In thelT m,dst. 'fh ank H eaven t be
· a.!silt in det~mining 'wh~t form. the Government
tha t evet} th6 Radlcala of t he old days wou ld turn
t IRI C'camt1 whnl1 thev were aU lnt~rn ed A& to tho
f uturc t h~y ,.culd tell Col. W1lson that. It wa.!l
11l t heir graves If t,h~y cou!d cnly Eee the alnI.cable
their wi sh lbt a ll lho~e Germans who hfld com~ had ~r:or to the paning of t.h~ FranchIse Bill. ev~n
democrats who IIUITOunded the Fr-irue Mtinls ter.
There ''Was the Duke of .Rutland l LQTd Ohaplm,
·'bey ..had' l;oOJ>
_ to it. seemg ~hBt lb.
o \-cr t o Eo!!lA.nd durill.~ lhe last 20 years ahould be 'f
had0 _
fit. to /JIve women the
, .
Lord IMIlner and Lord: CurzGO (Laughter.) The
S,lIIt lyacb from 'W'henee they ea me. lind t ba-t. no prl .. ,)eg~ oj elt.12:~hip it wa,s thtt dIl Ly to eel"Cltlfl
t\~: .~
lit,. th1S E!eclloll ~a" to decide wha.t the
Germa n .,hm!lcl be allo,.'l'rl to enter Eng-13M for a.l It. Rhe would go further and say that t he WOIn&.Q
would be 'W1,Lli.. reg.ard to
lea ,; t fl.e ~nrs a.fte r the slgm ng of peace. H,a.o:1 a.l!.o.ved tier p~ludlo:::e to stand In the way ~f
___" _ _
the Dl1ke · of Rutland,
Mr . A ;(] l ll lh':; Go\-ern ment oontinu~ In power tnp ber USing this pri'9de~ EO as to aid in ( ..rrying on
cf land wlrich did not.
"rho had .:lll mCOme of a.oout
G~rrnans m igh t hl'!.l"e been ufely 6l':!lt.ed 1n t~'i\t the Wvl'k their boYIf had done, was not 'Worthy .of
from ground rents, etc.) ex .
,.hall 'Ih e trr.g :d!es of llilglUln , part" of FTQ.TlOB
what. tfte bO'ys had ~rie for ber_ (ApplauSe.) ' She
and of Serhla v;-ou lrl hnlo ,been repealed,
to .gIve
b L9 land
ukflil her. he.&reft not tQ nlind what their opinion.
nomes '" (mId have been d~61ed and t.helr liberty on ,thelr"poJitiC8 ~ere,. but. to oome out and
t aken frol n them, and they -""ould ha.\f'. been . th('
slal'as of th e most IlJi"'UltOlm nabon t,hat ever (or, whic ~ea tb"Tr lJeJp In tbia
Of crisii/ Furthet', 'it ~. the custom ."''''. ...,.
E':!I:'st~ d on the fnee of t he ea..rth Th ev boped tho!! aU. vot~ to support a. certain ca,odia.t. , . : , .: .. . .,
ColtlH IO n C Ol ~rnment 'Would utterly d15regard tbe
I iqt'"1>olation â¢.â¢
silly phTMe adoptEd by Mr. A. H cnderson h to be "' . . ." acihe~~
'1 of somfl particular polioy. ",But I..
" no annexat ons t./lud no indemnities." He ' c:.ould to-da.y .~he:r ' e&m.e ornni, !With ti~ party cries, no
not. Mnc~1\ e that.' tibey 'WOuld ever allow the '!ml aDd.. .'Do ~ieT" the '\ro1'd wa ⢠.generaJly
'J!eecgniYa,_ rn,e,. a.boWd put theU' countrry be.f01'e
Colonies wh er e Germany had brut.a.ll) ma,fGaue<i thelr pa.rl.y and vo~ for t.he Coah lion GOWPDthe I'lh:lhqt a nts to -revert to t he hands of the' Hun._
_nt, ..m.h-hld oamed OD " " .... 11 ~J> 10 Ihe pt~.
AI' to md emmlit'S, wen they to beheve that t his· .eDt tlme_ " TINt-eo weft three forrull oC Goverb.
cotm!ry "'ti S to beftY' for genel"8hons to eon\t the ment' thab W6N p~Mjble, viz_. th e At quithian, Ih â¢
...·h ole or the burd ~ ti of thlS . ⢠-ar Whl~h had been
I \ 't.:.nlr~r
1or <:e<i on t hem:l They I!hould ext ract fl"Ottl Ger- lAboUr ,a .....
.~· K...
r"'" 'Cc:?ahllon ~ .⢠In her op'inion tb6
As:quitb~n Gov.un9lent, :with ~ts 10 'Valt and See"
ma ny th(' utte-rmolt farthln g the>'l'- oould in
policy, 'A"Obld 'D. evel' do, ..thile "If" a.flltid· of
t ion of tins nnmeme lebt. SO'~-e of tbe
.. IKi undi~l,.,lIned ·labDur
spj ['Jt ~ of the Labour Par ty talked of ¢OlUcription (iovermneI1t ,\r;t he Coalition, &I1d
of ClLpl hl and of!inr, tbe rleh bu.r the llurtien,
,) 1 IÂ¥m were no nf:!l it, .would be perfectly jlUpoMibJ~ he a;ren t6 eland by thOle who had : "t~ocI.:b,
f c-,r ('n T)Jtah1l~ to emba.rk on muc::b.needed eTIWir. in .tiIlf:!l pilSt. Referring to fOl'fllgn'
tbat tboGe
tbo t
prJ"~, a nd thus affom empl oyment to t he teemDJJ'
Coiil(er.eriOe · m~,o
' tbe went.
eolid to'
--... Eturv 1'i4tut'IJ
i4tf' -G Storv·"
.Â¥ !
In the
. â¢1 .
~alth that th~y h.d made
The Labour Pa.rty 6t~ lor a.l!
.and ' ~-E:8t within them. :.It wa~ a
~",q!,,'ent on~ the ~t 7(}.or 80' ,Years 6f T~
"hd·IL;',.,·'" iilJJett b a:t Mr. Lloy.d <leo r~e s h Q'llJd u.y
&peeich- a.t. llanch eeter t b a.t tl1ey oould
A1. na.t;ion
& C3 population. (Hear.
was .t lee,st in t he power of t he ~
.Jjt,et! tbat &t.te of things. H e 1""" a.
m â¢.tr\I,.,,· Of bhe laTgUt SI ngle Tradfl U,nion,d n the
wClrld viz. tile R ailway ,W orkers' UDioD. a.Dd: wu:
the' Executive Couulliltee .....ho had met ;nr
Albert Sta.nley Il'Id held out suc«:-sfully - lot' an
eigh~ hoUra day tha.t 'Would commence in 'February.
and Oener;al Printing
'~'R'eading Ob.server
'Printing W Qrks,
Undertaken at the
In- I
And executed expeditiously and efficiently.
ml ' hce'1s of the oountr:y. (Applause_>
Th, Rev. I , .... - Aldenon wd' he nuld ~ di&gu,&e from sbcb an intelligent 8udlenoe tha.t if jn
the <lim ",d d",t.&ot ~"'" h<i, .. .. !if_ng IAbtr&~
.k&1ti !::~~~j~~tS~~~~
, '
Evejy facility for Ru~~ng and Binding Account Books .of all
de~tio.. also .the Binding of Magazines and other Books.
06untry , brblnd them in' Order t:bat. they migh t ISe
â¢â¢10 to <I~I'O_ (ermS fJom ,be d<1'''led
4~at ... m1l*b , demliad ' 1'e'p&rI.t.iOD
i~~l1ity. Thtr-e .
.. K.marad.".
But thoy
1I.y tif tk .bodow
bf ,hM
,&nd a. half yea.ra. a.nd
" ,... Iot. and aoIdj..., ..",.t._ ,
. . . local
Ail~' all ""'oIldr~"" ·f!iJ"" ;'1
f .,
~' ,I
, ...~.
I had h.ppen,ed te and bi ....l! io th. oouIpa"y of
, ⢠â¢,. ....
. liOllle of the gentlem en whqtn he
'...Iocia.tecl L ~~-::Ti;~;;:;"'~:I.blttiD
wjth- that oeveni'D1r he would have I.ll.· .·.,;,.....hol r
01 tJte uneasy qu&lJn. mu..t
. perienocd by t'be pro!)'het Da.ft<iei .,..he".~~h:~
~ ;;;::~:t::~
tlJe den of Hone dUl'lDg thee flrIe: f.
Mid up their p&';'
..... billeD
bul il
<1<"'' ,>1' I
, . A ·R./"â¢â¢â¢â¢ tll't /v. ",III ~e p'~fJlIsed to call for Orden
'; 1 ' ' , J';"
, re/;o/Jt' fit postcard.