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Reading Observer_31-07-1920_00009.jpg

Reading Observer_31-07-1920_00009.jpg

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l.Iiss :Qo~ing Fullerton, -silver pincushi«'l . .
. I. - Miss Fullbrook ~gait, .Jea.t1ier card. case.
1i..~l··G<!nerai . lind Mra. Collinge.

If the old bomily . ye~ be truo-" Happy t be On , emerging from this unique arch. the bridal
bride~ upon whom the sun shin'i:t;. etc."-IL life couple were face to face with a veritable ba.ttery


of, cameras whieh pow-ed out a hot fire from a.4
',01 bappin... .is in store for Miss Phyllis Awn· direct.ionll'
. The kmg line of waitt.'g~moto:r--ea~ ­
waring HendeI'90n that was, now Mrs. R. H. were 80Gn speeding towards" Pen 'elIDU,'r CtaoltJe :
P . C, Bainbrigge.. HoweVer threatening the Creseent. t,he residence of Cn.ptnin and y ..... -B i n':
,. _
weat her was on Tuesday morning Qrid mid-day, derson, where the receptJon was held.
the sun WM ' sbil)ing ",ith J eal summer brightness · The. ..recep!-ion it.ae1f was held ' in tL room wher\
as Captain J . Sr Helldenon (Chiel Consta.ble of the walls were covered with photogr&P.h, of ,pollee
officers; preeen~ed to Captain Henderlon .M ~tqkens
Readmg) escorted 'his ' daug~~~ · the red of
t-heir e8teeni· (or their chief,'_w·hiIe amongfd. the
baized path to the door' of .All Saints Church just . pr~ nta lajd (out there.· was 8 ~utiful !iilver
helorp 2.30 p.m. . ,
bowl , witably engraved , from th~l)lIicen ,of thel
BY' tb.t ti"l. tq. · church had been . well filled ~a.ding· Borough Police Force. The preaoou
with fr iends ,and relation. of 11 both families, were as ,{ollowa ;
nmongat thell\ being Mr•.
S. Henderson (bride'. , Bride tp hridegroom , luther letter cue, :.. .... Ma'ijel' .. Alastrurr Hendel"ll9n, Captam ...-!!ridegrpol\l to bride. sold.,.atcb br:fcelet. "
Bride's fathet' to brid e; clieque.
K. S. S. Bendenon, Tank Corps, Captnin"Salmon
Bride's father tl) bridegroom, cheque.
. (~ man), . Dr. W . P. Y" Bainbrjgge ((a.t-her or . Bride'S" mother to bride. diamond pendant.
t~.e bridegroom), 8t:ib dier.Genen1 and Mrs, 'V.
Bride's mother·to bridegroom. fur motor glovee. :'
Bridegroom's {ather -to bride. pearl necklace
, A .. Colling•• Colonel and Mr:i. C. Mainwaring 'and
Mi .. Mainwaring. Mrs. alid ' Mis. Tupmar. Mi.. nnd brooch.
B ri dekroom '~ -father to bridegrootn, eheque.
Burn, Mn. H. L. ' Fleet, !,Irs. Laurence, Mr?,
Ca.ptalD K en neth Henderson, cheque. _
Carr. M .... Henning BelfTage. Mi.. May. Mr. R,.
:Miss; Betty and the Masters Henderson to
F. S. Biddnlph nnd Miss Biddplph. Mrs. Powley. bride, silver man icure get. .
Mll'-:- F.! Simonds, Mrs. Clarke, Miu .A . MainMin Bett.y alld the. Maslers . Henderron
w&ring, lfrs. Philp, Mr., Anlh~rty . Fielding bridegroom , motor·cur mascot..
Clarke., Major 'l'OOlb~ Dr. and Mrs. Gardiner, -Mr. W. B. Henderson, silver spoons ijJld
. '
Mr.• lId M is> Carter. Captain Rogenl. Dr. G. H . longe.
Mr. N. E. G. Mainwn.ring. D.I:G. Indinn
It. Holden. Mr. Harry Keevil . Mto. A: Ji. and Mi .. Polico. aod Y 'iss 0. ' Mainwaring, , roagnifyin-g
Poulton, Mrs. and Mi.&s Hu.-ey J lira. Ranshl we , gl ....
Ca:r.'lain Tubbs, tbe Rev. and Mra.-.rF . F. PenMiss A. Mainwaring, siJver clock.,.
'ru dock. ('Woodley), -.Dr. , and M:rs; --G. Stewart . Mlao E. AWnw'!ing. gold and pearl brooch. ,
'lfiss M. ~fa.inwa.ring l 8Uede purse, -_
Abram (Mayor and ],(ayor... .01 Head,ing). Mrs.
Hammond Srnitb, Mr. and Mrs: C. G. Field, Mil!
Colonel a.nd Mro. C. V. ltl!inwaring, .cheque.
Wickham.Legg, Mr. J. L. Martin (Borough
Colonel and Mrs. ·R . - Henderson, aiIier gwt- .
. ( L.-(Joroner), Mr. and Mrs. H~ W. Lindley,. P.B. IhMdJed umbre~}a
'l'hqmpson, nod others. ..Qutaide the church was I I ltla.jor and Mrs, J. S. Ht-nderaon, tea. knives.Mr.
cbeque. _ _ .
n. large ga.tb.ering of peopl6 all eager 'to Catch a.
glimpl& of the. newly-wed ooup"le at. tJley left.
· Mli' and Mrs . ...Charles PiBg. bandkerchiefEi:.
The clergy we~ the Rev. B. WardJ!!Y
· Mfa. PoWI'!, ea.rly· momlDg tea set.
King, the Rev. J . R. Powley' (Uncie of the briere),_
Colonel a n Mn. J . A, Tupman. cheque
IUld the Rev. 1'. ' H. Dil<:hlleld (Vicar <it BjIrl<.
Miss M. Tupman, amethyst. 'p enaant and chain.
ham. and cumle to t~ l~ ,Canon 'Pow10y 'fben
Dr. and U n. H enning ' Belfnl.geo, gramopbone
~ ..
he lOa. .Rector 01 Cbritt Church, l\oading) . •
The eo1emp. ceremony over, -the atirring strain.
Captain aDd' "'Ire. P owtey, eilver crumb SCOO t).
of . the · .. \V~(ling -March " 8:iDote the ear. of
Rov· J . R . Powley, .!lIver chain bag
th<ioe outside. The IIU&l'd of ' hoboor, oomwoed
Mi, Dod MT&. Bryan Powley, silver spoon.
' 01 P ..ln.p. Mattingfey ' and ,.~ other police
N nnnie.' Ool: tray.
ofli6ers.. stan'd ing on each side of t~ portpjs.
?t~ l tl~ d ' Miss BUleY, afternoon ten cloth.
drew their tnmoheona, not. wi~ noy in~Dtion of
.1dn. ~Wickham.Legg, silver l<rinket box.
making & che.:rre; bat to fcmD an_ areb .....y under
'1!r.. " d Mil{l 8001«1, CUshieR.
' lUams, coffee cups.
' which Mr. and lin. Bain~ge .bould ~ on
t.heir 'lltay to pUn'in~ limouaine at ttie gate.
Mit!s Carter. pnrB&OJ.

t Mrs.' Carr, 8ilver~.!ID

IlDd penoil.
MrS. Boyle and Mrs. M.ontague Brown , ea.tMr
'nddnl .. \look.
I .
Dl'. a.nd Mrs. , Gardiner, afternoon tea. cloth. •

· Mn\ FQI'beo. cbeque.
, .
Mi8!f M""y Bidpulph, lIi_lver ~ugnt" tongll.Mri" Bnlober. oake plate.
· The Mi.....j)omY"l'o needleWork.
. ~.,. Wt')tll':" lIonium ~_ handkerc)lief.
, ~dealion ' '''~ ~tr•. Ducat•. paper kpll ..
, ..Mr. and ~Mra. 'Fieh:l;'lJitver brea.q platter.
Mif!8 Ma.:r;_bead neclclac~
Mr. and Mrs. PetroooKmo, silver cheese ·ab .
, ' Rev. H. lUlct-Mre. Wacdley- King. R~kin l boWl.
'.,- ·¥n, -Gn.ves; needlework. , _S·.·' i
" ~' M(s , Ho~d&n', tourmaline .I and d.i.amond pen- .




. ,

dan~. '·-

Dr. Holden and Mr. R. •nd M... C:
~lver.... powd+r pot,
. I .
. Mr. aJld ~. F\'ver, .diru;ler napkms.
.,.. M",. and Mise
<1, p.,....,]. .
Mi,. Mit.chel:l, sHver spoon.
· Ml'8. H : ColJins~ ...!ilver buUer dish.
The MiilJeS Colhns, Silver butter kn ife.
. . . _Miss James, honey ja.r.
,'1 Ma.jor Tombs, .tilver scent bottle,
· :Urs. N &wpQrt and Mrs. Fulford,
:, dish. i
. Mr. Gray. table. ,
- ... Mr. and Mrs. -PuUen, RiJver' butter .dish.
Staff at. Hillcroft, salad "bowl.
Mr. Biddulolli tea cosy. ,
Colonel Jlnd :Miss ~Ma.uriOOj framed



·M.!. and'
I>roOCq. ' .


., .




; II - .

Simmonds, apppire.

'~ Colonel tmd Mrs. POUlton, china. ~~*~i
Mr. ' and Mrs. We91ey loIa.rtin, f
and six poa.chfonJi.
. ,
Dr, and Mn. .
silver ten. knives.
C:aptwn Cyril



P. O • .C.o ll_. RAdia, .

"trUncheon arChway"






I ·


Fe\v te.:uns this Cricket· season have met wi~h

t·h~ wonderful IIUcceS8~ tllllt hu up 10' the present
" ~ ~~o"""e of J "",,Uis:uiU·actor)!.-'!...A-",

-"'.- '"

team to enjor.

A.lthough they been engaged
week of- thi• .seaaon
again ~t the mo~ formidable opponents, ~b.ey pave
not yet .lOst. no single~ match. _

in" matche~

D4~arly "-.e very


. Their . ~ost. . creditable yi~ WAS ),hat .. O:?f
(be f.mous ~f.C. C.• whom they .d.fea.ted by' th e
~ decisive marg in' o(- ZlS r11ll& wiu{ tbPee wicket;
·in hand. Another n~table ~evement W1lJJ the .
defeat of the Berkshire Clut> rip-d Ground by three _....
Tbey are at .boQle to-~A Satiiro~y) to
' Wesley Guild. a t ealJl with ... ~ name in Joc,al
cHcket circles, so. a. viJJit 00 the Kensingt-on Road
S'port.o Ground should .be. ,.eI~ worth, whir.'. The
is as fonow.!J~in t.b,;..
(!~ft:. to
rightl :. '
Top &w: ' 'F·. Masten, !" Rioe,~ J, W.
Croome, ~. O"'.n. ' 4. B: Croom•• ·BariJett.
ISecond Row: ' C. H. Williama. -Dr. R. T . .
Col.iat~ ~ H. B. Palm.... D. G.~ey, 11'. 'G:', ,
Shea.n." ,-
















.. ,




Bottom Row: O. V.n';~g;-H. J ..Holme., .







. f"

- ........... ....


. '.




'- 1-


~i .. ,1

';'.rri.d cO'!Pl. l.ft for ~cir. Loneympon

ad Mr..

Wall.. haye made ' their new

. Rudin,: .. } '.


R'.a~g ~mle!t·~

'. r~




Ii.Ur.~·"'. (~r



ri.c!>t, tI>e
.room s moth ...). Mr. A. ' P<I!Iee (but man). Mr. &!Ie! ,J>
grooar8nd brid.). Mr. and Mrt. .Ev.n•.(parents '01
the Mi••eoD. W .Il~ and M: E~o. (brid •• maid·. ); (lront row):
' Evan., Dei.y, Fraullio and Walter Evaol.





--- ,







, '.





• .:_

,. ,J"




... '-:. .'





, We r~,u.. here a ......ujl_-:;.~.,=.
aDel Mi.. EI.i. 'jKate _E...... ~ at
Alter tit. cerCmooy. at whicK the
