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Reading Standard Etc_25-07-1913_00007.jpg

Reading Standard Etc_25-07-1913_00007.jpg

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I' j, I " ~ : ~h~,

II 'ti~urb. \IIKoada i .. '. to ,'
OI'ickot GI'du'ml and.'
, '
idollco: of tho nuko of
I A I T a O U " , . I , l n u " y uutublo peol)lo from tho
TI~ ... maid nUal
' Into ' Kiu" dowllwahla ,h ..vo bOOn enter- ' ..
Sill~&'' " liS the cU" iouHly
II/lr IILcdl Me,
, tuipod. ,'A co ntinll?~ rou"d ' 91f li ll~~&emo~t ,cliffs \havo b~n named, ,sot ,t huir
(lIllY Dlw~YB bo ?lli~ , UPP!, ~Y. I vl8ltor~ . . tocou~~ for iEDstbourno,
'1'horil. i
many f~tlll'\l'1 •
t.o tl.. iUllImer \'iHit.or,
})dvonaJlII'o . PDI'k; tho plerJ and paVIlion by a ' American authol' UC'iCI~IPt'
Ullt of, th~RO iwi ng in,
,~ro"id; II ",u:iety, of A~tl'~ctio,D8, lind the golf '" visi~ (to Etl'etnt, just a<:l'o:ss
illli~y 'in lIuacllY If '
, h"k.p al'O, e."81I y _eft~'bIO'
I, .
whibhl migt\ t h~ve been w1'ittcn
tnillloodoUI Cliffl
H ~ T J N C ,..
of the little Cuckmere ..
IItl'aiahte~ than a, hi .. i.1 .. ,I1."t. , iWhim we.rimi<il'& ', h~t i~, BastihgJ CJtle , have' the, ~~ea~ cube, (If white ClIl[[c} illu,. .:mg
. of tbe
000,' eet,
the first English tOllrnamont WDS held, and tqe ,uJ tJe bay! anH look,ing f~r
4etached ~~ belo~."
that ~he daug~.ter ,of the Con'J~~ro~ w~ if it ~ad ~n painted
~. One ItaaId, at the olift
th~ Queen of ~e~ut-! on tha~ occa810~, ,t will .a1~q'dhe .Downs l\-re magn~fipent,
(I' tbe foot, tbe view i.
IHl ae,en . that there IS . ~.o~e. In tha hl,~tory .of l~~~ls and fa.intl y-shaded,dells pro.
the '
H~8tll1gs , ~a~ the VlS1tQ~S who 'fowd ~ts , sll!~i . e invita~ion to the wanQl~re~.
TIle w*lk out
incident, p....ina · D'
front. andl p),~r9 are pJ.oba bly aware - ~t
Folowing the banks ·ot tb'!
ftda, Qn' I"hicil
H~~lDgS, t<X?; ~us Ihnd ~he doubtful Sa~lIl-' Ihavon, o~tnking ~. c~n~fn~ent
W"'or, Ol'flCltod at"~n of . being .sacked ~Y the Firench, but I to!i-a~ri,vps ·at the : coupt y
lIC'Ire early in' tlie
heyond thiS the town has not, loomed. 9ver - , ruined I(i)astie and 'Priory arlO
ono .ima"inoa\ will
lal'gely , i~ the turbul'lnt ~ast: ~ll that. ~n ' genial a'nd approPl'i r t e,:'setting,
be saId ,of-; the O~stle' to-day l~ thr~ It ~8 1 notl\-b'le his~ol'ic pas~, 'for \vhen
1 an exceedmgly PICtu~SqUe ruin; ~hat l~ was d tributing the prizes to
I ~d~8 to tll, a pearance o~ H~&
10wers, his son-in1lS:w, William
" ~ngs ,,~en Vlewod fro . the SOlI, ~Ild t~at Clime lin for a gd,odly share"
I~ pr~Vlde~ the tow~ w th the ~~lsfa.ct!~n ' ywnshi!J of LE WES, "',here he
ofl~ossea.smg a r-0nll/i pa~t which, .c~~In - pitch ihis camp . . pt additio'tj ,to
. of ~ts n~ghb.our8 are 'ft In ,a poSIt IOn- to , -st rongholcf, p~n:i01s ?f which still
claIm:, PasslDgl on l rom feudall d~ys. centr~ of the 'pown, he also built
Ha.stmg~ blosso1l!-ed o~ as the , p,emler . the \\I'irlls of, which may be traced
Cidque 'Port. The ,1' ages of the' lead, '
. ,.I,
h?":ever, trall-sfovmed in the calirii<'! .of ; .WO
H J N C,'
a~ Bri.b* nacbM 'i t.
I tIme the eI1tire SUSS'ix coast, and now·
Spa king from ,a purely "T'''''' ''v '&' p01mL,·I,
da1a uf t.'h... 8\l1leX
' t~ere is no ,~~~~ouro( any ~ize ' ''Ihat~o- . W?rtlring ' ~:a~ two
ever, t,he mapt~~ lif~ oq~he ~I,F bemg WIlde was bVlDg' here wber
crowd mak.. Ita 'wI!! .
whieb qIAIIlilicent ,
,I .
confin~ to t 4e VlSlts of pleAsure steamers liant comedy, · " 1'ho .In,p()l-t,~ n(~e
lurroundiDa COUDt'1 l : Na~~ baa tn~ to clotq.e these
to its pier) ' and the sailin~ ani rowing bo:l.ta EarnJst" , (playgoers will relnelnb~~r
W •lCh p.".
' •
. WUToeII, , but;
her e1fort~ have not
I. f "1m I't S b each f or Iga,.n.1
~ med his prinCipal character
dia~ 'it ia impOuible apiCUOUI 'lucce.. IP far. ; Leaving IPo.vl.,n"",v \ ~t is a cur ~us fact tha'~ tlie e,xp~~io~ of a porad abode), and Mr. Henley's
Bay, ' wi~h it·.. graceful cuo/e, its
to\VD for re Identlal purJ 0sds Invanab y , re- and '
to . bears the name 111enellth
.suIts ,in dev.e opp1ent upon its west!lrn horder. '
to the "dear lwife of
we turn
at Brighton, Sirlce -y,jsit fr6m Pridcess
' ;rhis truth ~s~~een




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