Reading Standard Etc 04-1915
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Reading Standard Etc_03-04-1915_00008.jpg
Image Details
Title | Reading Standard, Saturday, April 3rd, 1915. Page 7 |
Page number | 7 |
Date | Saturday, April 3rd, 1915 |
Edition | |
Publisher | r |
OCR Text
The late Pte. ERNEST VISTOR BATTY, 2nd Batt. Royal Berks Regt., Pangbourne. - Killed in action. Aged 28.
Pte. J. DAWSON, 2nd Batt. Royal Berks Regiment, 42, Briant's Avenue, Caversham. - Wounded.
Rfn. A. COUSINS, 2nd Batt. Rifle Brigade, Owlsmoor, Crowthorne. - Wounded in the arm.
The late Sgln. ALBERT JAMES CURTIS, 2nd Batt. Royal Berks Regt., 198, Southampton Street, Reading. - Killed in action. Aged 25.
The late Rfn. E. W. HUNT, Queen's Westminster Rifles, 74, South Street, Reading. - Died of wounds.
Lce.-Corpl. F. SMITH, 2nd Batt. Royal Berks Regiment, 42, Charles Street, Reading. - Wounded.
The late Pte. F. C. GOVER, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry. - Killed in action.
Pte. FREDK. GEORGE LEWENDON, 2nd Batt. Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, 26, Weldale Street, Reading. - Wounded; lost the sight of one eye.
Dmr. A. G. HOLLOWAY, Leicestershire Regt., 25, Spring Gardens, Reading. - Wounded in the shoulder; now recovered.
Pte. F. POWELL, 1st Batt. Royal Fusiliers, Mill Cottage, Arborfield. - Wounded.
Pte. E. C. J. AXTON, 2nd Batt. Royal Berks Regt., 16, Elm Cottage, Grove Street, Wantage. - Wounded.
Pte. FREDK. CARVILL, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, late of Bedford Road, Reading. - Wounded.
Rfn. J. HUGHES, King's Royal Rifle Corps, 35, Orchard Street, Reading. - Invalided home with frostbite and with injuries from a trench falling on him.
Corpl. G. FRANKUM, 2nd Batt. Royal Berks Regt., 42, Commercial Hall, Reading. - Wounded.
Sergt. WILLIAM WINTER, 1st Batt. Royal Berks Regiment, Newbury. - Severely wounded.
Pte. A. E. CHALLIS, 2nd Batt. Royal Berks Regt., 63, Norfolk Rd., Reading. - Wounded in the arm.
Bandsman E. T. WICKS, 2nd Batt. Royal Irish (late of Reading Temperance Prize Band). - Invalided from the Front with frostbite.
Lce.-Corpl. CHRISTOPHER REGLER, 3rd Batt. Royal Fusiliers, Union Road, Bradfield. - Invalided from the Front with frostbite and rheumatism.
Pte. W. TRACY, 1st Batt. Loyal North Lancs. Regt., 16, Mill Road, Caversham. - Prisoner of war.
Here are some of our Tommies going to their billet, which is in the loft of some farm buildings. They are entering by way of the ladder; but our men are quite happy in their rough-and-ready quarters.
Paris was visited by Zeppelins for the first time on March 21st, but the raiders fled when the French aviators rose to attack them. Many bombs were dropped; fortunately no one was killed, but about ten people were injured. Our picture shows the damage done by one of the bombs, which fell in the Place Corneille de Levallons.
The way to win is by placing in the field a sufficient number of young men. But they must be TRAINED and they should enlist NOW.
War takes us back several centuries at a single leap in many respects. The extreme specialisation of modern life, in which each man does his own job - or small share of a job - disappears, and the soldier becomes an amateur of all trades. Our picture shows him in the roll of cook, a function not to be despised when hungry soldiers have joints to be dealt with. The whole regiment has a kindly feeling for those who look after this part of the business.
The 1st Royal Berks Regt. is grateful to everyone in Berkshire and Reading for the kindness it has received, and is pleased to know that the work of recruiting is being carried on to help us finish our hard task. I hope all the young men will come forward and show themselves as Britons. - Pte. Albert Hiscock, late 34, Whitley St., Reading.
The 2nd Royal Berks Regt. has had a terrible time in the trenches, but has made a name for itself. In the big fight at Neuve Chapelle the batt. was in the thick of it and worked like one man. - Lce.Corpl. Fred Smith, late 42, Charles St., Reading.
Lord Kitchener has made it clear that every round of ammunition is important, and Neuve Chapelle supplied a reminder that if our soldiers are kept well supplied with the munitions of war, they know what to do with them. It is now to be hoped that there will be no difficulty in getting ready a supply of labour on the most urgent work of the moment. In our picture our soldiers are shown learning to use the weapons with which the patriotism of the industrial part of the nation is keeping them supplied.
There is unanimity among those who know what is happening at the front in praise of our Territorials. By common consent they are a splendid lot. They are well equipped, too. Our picture shows the curious little yokes which the artillerymen wear. In the pockets are the eighteen-pound shells which are carried in this way when the ammunition transports are unable to get to the guns.
One of the most persistent of the requests from the trenches is for mouth organs, and our picture makes it evident that gifts of this humble instrument are not wasted on the soldiers. At the close of a hard day's fighting there is a pleasure to be derived from playing popular airs on the mouth organ, which those who are accustomed to more elaborate music at home are perhaps hardly able to realise.