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Reading Standard Etc_03-04-1920_00007.jpg

Reading Standard Etc_03-04-1920_00007.jpg

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I Ann~nner.


Tho annua l dmner of ~hG Reali UK Cbn.m\)er
of Oommoroo Look pla~ at the C.. enh::un
BrJd<ro H o tel on Fr d ay In 11UIt. week Mr I G

l?r~~lIdont of \he C1 amber

\\ 11800



At the h ead t ahlo were Lle.ut. -COlonel LeIIhc
M t'$

\\ l&on


MaJ o r a.nd

Ma ores6 (Dr n.ud Mrs G S Abram) Mr
st.lnley Machm (Preiiadout. of t.ho Londou
ChaJfli>er of Comme rco) a.nd th~ fOJ] OWlUg:lIlr E A Simonds 'lir and Mrs Herbert.

Prett)' Y.r C S J ohnson Hr and Mre F E
MOIIUlg Mr and Mn; \. H Bull MrJ. S~a.nhl>

Hayward M, S H

Hodg\"', lli



BaJ eB .M.r s.nd MI'Il Galt. Mihar..... W Caler
(New'1)ut) Chamber of 'Indo) Mr A~tl~ur








OlllW"H p re5C1 t. we re Mt "
St.8Y~ns hlr Sal
mon Mr Gilol! Mr ~man I N.r Jae


pa rt.,)




.Mann ! 1I1r

Jelley lIr W M(irrl."1 Mr Mackay Mr W
Arol er Mr A B \\ a~ncU. 1 party ~1' Gil
lard .1Ir al d ~ra \\ \ll81ow Mr &1ld Hrs

Mr fLnd AI", Allaway ~ ,oot. Mr
D P rtiLt. Mr T,lbot I Mt'
LeWllI Mi
:B \\ OHM Mr and
Russell Mt' a nd MN. Drake Mr and Mrs
Langford ~Ir S!q'Y emon Mr H Slmp80 HI'
Mc:Mullen Mr W Sune Mr and Mrs
aton Mr and"Mn \\ akehu M.iee Har well
!.lr Kahn Mr a.nd lI rs A W Tudor Lie It
Commander S -q.ondM lIr Noel Sutton Mr
and Mrs Dr) llI rld H ll.61a m lun Mr H Kmg




FranclIi Mr F



ham hlr r Ohlsel l Mr E He dgoock Mr
J Bot tr 11 Mrl lIr Wo.y M.r
No rman " r ight. 14r T Mbrley Mr Willcocks
1Ir Ai S hor~ ill Qroona'Â¥i ay Mr and MN
B Cla rk Mr B JSl ort. .. Mr a.nd
ShQr t and Mr ,,. J Ds-vultl
Tho tout of Tho KlIlg h a."mg lbecn wb
mltted b) t ho Oluu.nnlu a nd loy-ally hono nred


Mrs "

Thoa Houses of ParliarMnt



t.l e



dtrecLor of Mes~ Huntley and Palmortl pro
Tbe HOl fiC6 of Puhament
"Ill It ,t.lcu t ColOnel Leshe Wl bGn C.M 0
D S 0 1..1 I I
amenU.r)' Secret.ary to t.he
Mims t l'j of :::>lllpp I) .. )
WOOt.her It wa& from
BUb 00111 10 vme.oe u .fr om a fear t.hat he m ght t';'r'i':o",~;;:;;;";:'io~':Li;;;
not. do ao p1~ JU&tl & to the l5ub]cct. t,I e a.ver
a"o l' l~hshm~ll m a pproachmg t.he moment: of I'i:'I;anJ;e~
tho o rdeal 9f
spooch ~noraU}' fOllUd I
that. he pa.iBe-d tl rough II. faw mQruonta when
118 nudCl> 'Â¥i ero hlt e.1~ to pia) pra.nke \\ Ith h It
(L3ng h t!e r) It; 'Â¥iie &. good practloo to mloro


1PUbi '"

\..UllKl/! Two

duce n ~c bet cen tho speeches but. he oould
h8J.dlY sn.~ tha Mr "oolliama Il\cly oonp
soot hed JUB dr.str3CtlOn buAathar aglt.ated hIS
nerY e6 ) 0 could ha..e "..ahed Ot'l;aDl&erB of
the cHw rtammc.nt. had provuJed hlDl wJtn
eomethmg of & moro &eclat.tVe chlU" eomething tor m!!l ta.n ~ hke- t.he lSOOt.h ng . ruewdiea

of tl e Readmg ~I 'roWD Band
( )
Passing on to t.he] to34 he &aId tht:&t emergmg


by lo ng It.:ld plI.lUful I6tagee f rom Sucw tUDe8
tlJ,P Hou&eil1 of Parhament. aa we kDoWd,\em tod1ly fin;t ca;n('! Into eIlltenoo rathel' di'Ore than
600 l oars ago Oonq~t.a cbeek€d i:be develop-ment of popular rt'-presentatlon for 'be con
quenng kltlg8 t.nod :\t-o nile by t.he aword alone
buL the grea.t n6Oe8ll t.les WlLh which tlie, wore
fa ced especially of money and supplies to
carryon thClr forelgn wars ga\ e tho people
OpportUDlU<l6 of extractmg conC(alO!l6 a.nd
pr VIJeS'e3 from thorn UI return for t.hQae DeOe&81wes and the gretk Oharter extra£~d from
K rng J ohn gave an ImmeMe Impet.1MI too wha.t.
to-day WaG sclf-gov
lIany oontunee
had to p8.8S before LhT vo oes of tho people


eculd make ItsQJf hea"d ettectl'Yely It WOB the
r apD.oC1ty Qf lIuceeEl>l Te kings- ili~i led them to
800 that theIr mteresh la~ l'1tf1 the OOillwon

poop!. I


,f'u!) ..,,"'.

The Extension of the Franchise
TblR was a, 'Yery sr,a dual affau. and It 'l"M
M <:eedme:ll I [lilted untd quite ),«emU,. but.
,now we ht d 'reiiCOOd a. stage at whl<:h .... e bad

almost. a(lult suffrage ilnd we had adnutt.ed.
ttLd fema.le sex 1}ot only to t.he franchl&e but
to Parh3tpent If.eelf Thu; had been a.cblOVed
In tho m.a..m b)' plU:19lVe m et.hods
On /the who5e
Engilltld had boon a land of eett.lqd govern
meut. ~o v; ere I!;Olne who churned t.hat the,.
were more cOn cerned Wlt.h the mt.eresta of the
nat.lOn than WIth t.he E:raLificatlOD of purely
peI'9Ona,11 ambit. ()Q6.
There were tlQlC& wI eu
coITuptlgn ILlld bnbE'ry played a p&rt In &OJId
mg f.Q 'l1arha'!le nt. those who were not 8U1ted
to repr~nt Uie popular Ideals Our reoord of
paCIfic p:rogrOOfl was o n& which
parallel at all ~ente
)edrs w t ho ut. parallel 10
of our
country or he mig ht aay LQ
\ orld )'! eo had DO: .;.P:;......!,,,.'o.,
bath 01 i; French ..
exposed toO -tho "~'.. , . • _n ...,, , .
the 0 "
t hem&ehes from




1051- .. 95/-,

throug h wh chI wo had lUSt. pa.esed P

BlUer a"'l Blind Party Spirit.
It was hum I a.tinp: to reRect UtlLt. tlha parLy
aplnt had OOcn eo bitter and bhnd and thl\~
It lu.d been po68 blo ior a Vile fore gn spy I ke
,Treb \:.seh L I coin to be t.&ken a8 a reprellOuta
b e qf a IBpt ISh coMhtuencl Illstea(l of an
honest Bnton It was poeslble t.o do what I t)
bad md ca.ted but only 80 ,f they act.lyel,. he
empluulIsed actn"ely
thEf." themaclves. mto
tbCl t (!Sk of et1sunng tha.t ~he B o uee of Oom
mons should Cbn~ no m&h or wo ma.n exoept


to estl'.hl sh the trade
referred i() t.he 6~lllbltlOn at -;;';;:v.;;;';';;;i


P ILIa.ce. but ~ he l:I'Oatest U. yng t.he \.:
h" d d'lrc wI'S the eRtabhEl ~melJt. of new
abroad R.nd t.ho ro-osta.bhshment of
tradee a.t borne
The Consular .......
Ho w6nld II&Y mthout hesttatlon that the
ColUlula.r Ser.ylC6 of th18 oount.ry before tho war
~a6 never WI at e, er ~ bcd~ 10 th. country de.8et'\ t!d
boca.u&& t.he !Consuls were underpaid
8rtd they could not. be removed except UPOIl
p~ h tlOn to the Kmg All that bad been a.Jlered
cnt rell' 8Jl~ he ve ntured to My that there was
not In any portKln of the glol>q, a. trade repr~
senklt ve of tld~ llt'ltl&b Erop,rt wbo 'Â¥1M not a.
m:tu t:ikilled nil tho Jan&,uage 01. the ·country
"here he rt'lS dea who was not & commercial
expert :u: rl \ I () "' 1115 not dOln'f lUll best to un
nro 0 tlls ~nd l on~ of the trade 1bet.'Â¥i oon t.hUJ
oountll'v and Lhn.t. -. n which he l'OIIldcd
r eoognUted \U elerybody ciao mu st reoogn.,a,
tht\t. tll.!15 ('''p:U\S10n of tr:l dc. \li M d ue. to t.1u~
uatur:a l IDllllbre m tbe aler nge b U6lnOSSlman

