Berkshire Chronicle Reading 02-1915
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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_19-02-1915_00012.jpg
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heavy, bu~
were 'very, cheerfill and
iUfJ all the way. _
had a great seml-off'lb y
Winohester ·and Southa:mfton people. \
21sT DEo.- Reaoh"" Havre about .7 a .m., but ,lay
outside uilti~ ' !'o60uf). p .m. 'wheft we we~tl a longside *he qua;)'; and diSembarked. Had a stiff march
through ,the' t,pwn and up a very st!lep. hip to a
flaoe where we found ·tents already pltched lfor us,
with boards;' Ii!> 'we were. ;very comfortable for the
nigh't . in ~'pit&of the ralI!'
,I ,
~ 22ND , I!Ed..,-W~ went fON a short route march in
the mo~ning, Paraded ae5 p.m. and marqhed, ~
th,e goods statton in Havrli'. where we entr8.1ned In
box carS. W II left Ha"re ".bout inidriight!
. 23nD DEC.-,Still travelling when we woke up in
t'!o ' nlbrningj ' Journey~ : all ~' da>, thr~)Ug\l, many
nnnges. ·~M " ~owns. and ftna~ly ' detrou,ledl at St.
Oitter abOut! 'l' p.m·. We·wll.fehed fro¢ there to
snlall villag ,'>cWo' had· tl)e misfortuno to jmarch
two iniles Pa~t the village; and on discovermg the
&pt.' 26'1h, 1&t
error had t'!l march baok' again . We evontu'I'lly
Nov : 6th. 2rid
got billeted fc 'barns, and I got to .bed at 6 a .'iII' )
- Doo. 12th, 3rd
24TH ·DEC.;-rSlopt till 9.30 a.m. Got up and ~ad
Jan. lQ16, 4t,~·
a pretty qul~t time all dal" One nJllf .of
In addition to .lobe . above,
pany is at' one farm and 'the other half split up
oeeds of oonoert'o, '"and
between two! farms. I m"ved mysolf 'ovor to the
g~ing ' oompeti«o'n.
billet Majbri P!lOly lived at to-day and found a
vilry comforta1ile p.laoo to sleep in-a .nioe oosy
corner in la lIarn next to Brock. The fi~Wg of)l1g
. guns s&iip distance a'\Yay has been pontul,'Ual SlUCO
''11'0 ha vo peo/l here. "
' I ,
I 25TH DJlc..Lchristmas ]Jay I PTe spent ChristDay~ in somo q~ei ' places, . but I ' never
dreamed ~ wOllld w~ko up on a Cbrlstmas morning and fi /ld jmJself lying on the strow in ·tlip barn
of II. Fre'tch farm. We found the big gun~ ' were
silent wh"n 1'[e woke lfPt but the sentry t Id me
that at ~.SO t.m. he couln hear the big gun . finng
in ono' direction and eh q.rch bells in the 0I/posi te
one. Wo l hac! a very quiet day to-day- mltnaged
to find a "pub." in the Till!lll'e whare we could get
drinks, 80 had some bralUhes and coffee. JIDner
consisted of! bully beef and b'lscui.ts, hut
curry powder helPf>d that aown well./ The ffioers
brought us Bome wille at night, so we sat round
the fire in t/ie kitchen and drank that. ,
nt to
bed, at 8 ~.~ :
:16TH Dlfc. Bif:t guns firing at intervaISlo-daJ ..
We' receive _~rI9C.ess Mary's tobao~:box, WhiOh ,
was very , aqcGptable, as we were en~rely ut of_
oigarettes al'd tobacco, and Ilone c';lUld be ought'
in the villl'go.. We also receir ad a SUbsjantiat ,.
slice of CHristmas pudding . ~ ch. These 1itt~Q ': â¢.
I{ifts artl . very acceptable; . and 1'e are " al ve.i!.- DIDCOT,
thankful to, 'get them. l'hlngs were. pretty qUIet
for us a~l lday. We could hear the big guns firing
The accounts fo t. the yoar ended I) â¢â¢ co,* l,er
1D the dlsta~ce.
]9li. of the Didco,t,l Newbury, and
.27'l·H DEc.-We all had. to turn out to-d"r Y and
Ra.i1way are to be presented at tf.e
d.g trenches .. W., received some tObacco.· and ing 11' be held at the Westmin.ter
matchc~ ~-<iI1Y. 'The frost ,has s~pped and It has 01 Wednesday. .
b!len raLD)h~ illost of the day. 'lhe sound rof the
The report"states:big gUlls tinng seemod to be much neat:er, to+day. ,
"Owing to t/lo Government
28TH DEc l~Nhthing much to write 'about· .Am
the control of the raIlways as
feeling rathkr seedy! through a bad c.old. '~' t en- last under the provisions of the
trenching 11 day at a Snl>t about SIX m.1 \'Sst :Forces Act ]871 the details
of here. R ther wet weather we are gettin now. by arrangeinent 'beep sWlpend'Bd,'
29TH DE .- Still entre}lching and still fee,ling for the absence 'of the
uaIL .. Sltatlst.cs
BOedy. No news ' except that two officers afd two . , port and th.e ,curto:.iled nature
N.C .O.'s are goinll to the trenches for exp9 'ence, Account.
I wish I lia~ the ,I"neck" to ,ask the adjutan. to let
'''fhe net receipts. of the railway,for
me go, hutr l~roser, who came out of hos~\tal to-.. for which it has been taken over up to
day, tells me that half the N.C.O.'s in tl\e bat- ber, 1914, .have been based on the r~h~i~lt~~~:~[:Yn.~
talion have' asked to go.
corresponding period last year, lcss this
80TH Dl\c:-Still on entrenching work, but have estimated proporti on of the ~ecrease in
almost entirely got "ver the cold.
gate net liecelpts of the rmlways
ment '~ontrol fo,: the ha.lf-year
"- J Ar'
' " 1"15
' t . we
With the
" .-0 n th e '5th- IDS
1913. In compar.son
orders to maroh; When wo got to .
"'l'he. following . tablo_gives
quarters I recelve4. order~ to go With
mar'y of the Company's "eeo'lIn",
Loftij and tMarhn 1D a b.g . motor-bus
ended December"1914:-Gross re,ceipbl;i
oyer , ~~e t~el\ches. 1;'1 additIOn there were
count No: 9< 'Newbury se,c tio.r, "'i~,'lJ'l:<l.
N .C.O. ~ and one office: from each of tho other Winchester section. £24,108 Os.
compan.l es. Alth<!1jgh It was rather . cold we J unction section, £) ,4S2
managed t,~ maker a ratt ,r pleasant kip. !, Mant
7 os.; total, . ~",~2 19s.
Penny a,~l .,t.1e way to ~~e ~an~,
general establish_ment charges.
lIarble Aroh, ete., were II £28,955 98. 6il.; balance per
troops 11'& passed on the way. N"o. 9, £15,527 :_9s: 60.; Ie... interest on , ,*:ltl'~,U'UIJ
·ne. ~rollo·'I?Ilg ·"rt.ornDon the battalion marched.!' fife"' per cent. debenture stock, .£8,300." ~:;~':;~~l
day heavy shell fire ,was o~ revenue a.vailabJe for .del?enture und .!
moved o~ to til-ke our intere$t (£lS,SS5)1s . 10d. for 1914)" £7
was a ~Illsera?ly
The , groBS receipts from traffio in
a n,vT.lOHU7
.£44,485 J4s., and earnings per mile.
"TlJ,e receipUj 'fbr th" year
tors to pay· tlte fun interest on
a,nd five per c!>nt. debentures for the year,
per cent. on .tl;te three per c;ept. debenture
after providing tor all prior charges.
'''l'he. Bill seeking ,ilroyision for the Jiqui!IntioJil
of -the IDterest outstandlD~ on the debentur,es 'of
the Company. and relating . to .the {)ompany'~
vearly general ' meeting and accounts . referred th
-;'n ·the pre"ious, report, passed both · Houses df
.Parliament unopposed and feceived the ltoyql
'Assent on the '8th ~ulJ, 19H'L The liquidatiop. <if
the outstanding inte"r est , by ,the issue of thre.e p~r
cent . .debenture stook. in the .terms 0'£ the Act a~(1
a ' general , aottIement 'Of debenture , ini:er<ist has .
b ....n- earr.i8d out as . sho:wn in the accompa nii'1'g
accounu: ' .
"The , direct!)rs. who retire by '. ' rot~tic'm . a~e
,)?rederick : Ber!lsford Turrier, Esq.: :and ',Sids y
Herbert, .EN·" ·,,ho offer themselves for re-electio .
"Mt. 'Walter Money is the 'r etlring audimr, '
offers himself for re-electiDn."
I ..