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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_19-02-1915_00011.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_19-02-1915_00011.jpg

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C ' neil
.m'l;or'8) ,

~ ..ti:On "au~ ~IVisiion/~ny &JIpr'OVcE.a.



i Thoqgb ,.the ~eed

a..; ....:lOODlJIlOth.ti~ m:i$1it DOt,


.f?r ,80me , tillie, ,e~ tha etructliral and other
a,lter!'t.ion8 necessary 'to
jthe ,buildiljgs lor
hos?'~l U88 were ,80
th~ ! it was ~oDRht
deBlr.lite to ncate
'buildlng. at /mee and iland
th~ -over to the m~lit..arY autJlorities. and on F-ebru· '. '
&11' ..atb the Army tUnCil w.,re mformed 1.h&t at·
ran~en't. bad: boo OODlpleted to . giye ine!" im·
medu.te pO_OIl, . The' 1'lt\Ill of. the ,bwldin"o
had boen reqw";'\ion1d ",nd a 'Burvey ' of the pyemis.,. mad .. !by offiden cho.rged 'with tJ>e yrepar&tion. .
of ,,;pecisc..tioIl.'l for the iguidcnco "' , the buildlen
who wonlll ear.-.y out tbe worko. , It woe ,o tateQ \tiM
the ' moso'bi,a tiom :8ho~ld .b e treated n , 'atrictly 00"6.dential. 'That ..aula -'e xplain w1\y he ~ 'WithDut Iilie Fdlffica :of !the committee. He ........ ' how8""r, sure; that


OM ,with lIim ,i n the de-

liire to a!'"iot t'll.
Y .('100 neil to .t~e utiDoet ;n
1\laking -aldeql%&'te pl' viiiOn far tho ' C&Te and cern(art oJ .O U,! .• ick and Iwoilnded aoldicre (Hear. h ....r).

He•. woUld ;!ike to ,&ddbis , eincere &ppreoiation...,. .


'fhe h\>a.rd decided: (1)

.whole ¢i the iMti.tution to
1he casu all wards and

BLl1llding tha.t they will
gue.rdillne in liB good a
l'eCeiv~ it, !lnd reimbul'l!le
Expenses they Dlay he p ut t o
mod ..tlOn (or the inmates
institution elsewhere ;
ad... iea~le in the flr&t.. iu:sta,ncc4
.with tpe lI'ela.tives of'
' "nt, pM..
,t ion ill ordel' that they
tunity lof taking chaige of
and III which c outdoor
13) ,Th..t the cBSu!>l
receiving warda for our
tary) , I I\.n(l provision he
roams I for the reception of
institution under t'l'e Lunacy

rOT'k"' be ca.rried on by

, otenan~8 of , B",ttle Cottages'
lea,ve" j' and .tbl1.t the Dlen to

farm, )!.nd ; also the inmates

!cfeaning and ""mr'_
lands I~l;loal, he hOWled In


8CB:tteJOO hOllle). at 40, Russell
.. ma~enllty Iht>me, alld· that
to other ·'homes; (6) rrllall' 'Blof£ap1c
vtS\On be made for ,p hthisica]
ohUdr n . I 'l!he' boa.m
geney Committee .lIMuld .
out t e ne~ary detail
wi t.b t .. \ransIer, a.nd
e!"sa.g d in "biLrryins out

W Meh bo ',.,'.... lRtre,
ould. be;shared h_v " ..ery mem,ber ¢ the, Oommitte
the way ' in which the bead
ma.t.... had helped; the w>ry ex.OOptional arrangements that had' had to 00 mttde 'in """.equence of
the t.cmporary 108.
'theirl _ochoa1&. It UU18t· ha.v"
been' II very grriat nconvl'tdence ' indeed • . but they
had done thei" be'ot to t...cilitate the ano.n·lfcment8
iin every ~ay (Hear, bearJ, Mr. Pngh and his rrtaff
,had becn ,very J1U)C ; · with work OVeT the
tran..,[er nnd ' ali
theiT u'limoot to .id th",
military' ..uthoritioo. He mignt ....y that wholo
clerica~ ' anil ochool .t.ail'. 'Of their oomID1·t t_ h.d
acted Rn'd workod i . ju.t the 'Wnll' the town w,mld
'1,ave wished at such II juncture as the pres8n·t (,;.ppl.a.use).
," .I,
, .
. Mr. Winter felt, 8 he ·h od Il1l &ubt ev~ry , ",eln- .
ber felt that it was ver:t.J'ortnnate the ",b",Tmllf> ()f
tbe;r c~mmitto" wa- 1'0.180 mAyor this :vear. In,
e ad\'M,l;tagcs of Mr, 'Butt1"" _00,·
as in other ways,
cupyi1lJt ' the ' dual pst thIS ~'ear :had been " mply
d'emonstrated (oppl" ·'iIc).
.' lr .
'I'he MayOl" . T6PQ t stated tl\a.l ~e 'had p.llLood. at
the disposal of th Army {;aUDCll the roJJOW1)]g
Council Schools, vi ,: Eattle, Centrlt}, K~t~sgt'ove.
Re<ll lLnds~ ahd Wi fion. He had ' ,also granted to
the Reaning Bolt
of Ollal'diallEr- the u"eof
Grovelands 'Counci .school for U>e nccOJllru Cjdation
of the sick, pOOl' .' laced by the military occupatio)] of th\, lnsti UtiOD . • The .e<t.uipment of tbe
vacated schools n ' reqU1r~,d for immediate u se
had been ,stored i i<}oms 'in the - Old U rliv~..itY'
'!Collej\'e .buildings n ValpY.fltreet a,nd in' hired
·warehouse.<;. Cotta eli had been ta1!cen for ca ra,
takers who resided ou the,school premi6es:
'1'],e dei:!lil~ in , ho memorandum roT-erred to
were:Wilson 'School ( enior): (231 on" register to 'lie
accommodated), a ·Wol, ing'ham.roa.tI School a nd
rooms at Park In ' tute, Stundard 'IV to 'he Tetn.4'cd ,in Ju','ior6' all. (rnt",·, Mix:e-'l), (343,), by
double SeS"lOUS t Oxford-road Boys' School.
Afternool' 1.30 to 5, ' (J'1n~oT Min d), .(369), by .
dc;mble sessions ail: Oxfo rd -road ' Gil-Is' School.
Afternoon 1.30 to /r>. (In~lltltoo!)" (325), by double
6e6510ns at Elm iP4r.k Rail, excludin:: cbildren
uud e r 5. Afternoon 1.30 to 4.~O,
, Battlo School (lnIants'), (3<4), hy double ses"ions at ,Elm Par1~ Hall. El,Xcluding cbildren und",'
5. Morning 9 to 12. (Mixed). (654), by double
6ossions . at Swantiea-~o ad Mixed School After ..
noon 1.30 to \5. ,
CentralB~s SellOOI (S~l)\ by double sesslOUS at
George Palmer B~ys ' ScHoo. Afternoon to 5,
Ka.tesgrove School (OirIB'), (~o); by dO)lbte aea-.
6ion. at George. lIalroe\' Girls' School, Aftemoon
1;,30 to 5. , (u.~ant:a'), {286)., at Silver-street School.
i:illver-slreet .schoJbl at St.\ Giles' Infants' SchooL
Exclnde children iunder5.
.. Redland. SehoQI {Hays) . (212), at , New ToWD
Boys' Sphool • . (Oir),s) , -(212). at Ne", Town Girls'
School. , S1;a.ndard I in llllll of Infants' SellOOl.
'(Infants) ; (~27), _l bydouble sessions at Woking-ham-rolLi! ' Sch"oL WQkingham-ro&l! : mOl'nirig 9
to 12. Redlands School : afternoon 1.80 to 40.90 . .
Evening Schoolll.-Wilsbn E vening 'School 'nas
. beeu transferned I to :tllS premises of Oxford-rond
'School, . Centr.ll rEvening School has been transferred to the ' of. George Palmer School.
, For 'A ccommoiiawm of ,\ged , Inmates of Poo,.
Law I1Jstitution.-Grovelancls (Mixed), (272). 'by
double 'sessions ' at 'Tilehutl!t ·Norcot :Schoo].
Aft;.,!rnoon 1 , S~ to 5, (lllflllDb~). 091~, by double
_8~on8 ,at Tl1ellUUlt Norcot ·S ehool. Alternaon
1,30 to 4.30.







hear.) .
nart, but ,

lntion .

to boy" .
heLP aD



but had P4inted

if this
As re2a.Tds.l l'Ioorluti'RI1

l and around iMaidcn11eui "
appears to· be
fear" ,
6e;rlpusly . oV&fl o.'!~oinl! ,it.


figures Indicate the nae
at B'ohlter's , Loek. TIM
taken' a.t Boul'kr'~, i&
up .to ,8 ,a.m. : '
. wa.ter

'lft'4in). ~ainIL
in. .
in. .
, .08
11 8
112 of

'(lIDrIJl M
ft ~

040 " ,

'12... 7

J13 ,

4'1~ · 8
13 6
13 0



13 7.



... .


Nil, .




of football ma.tch4l8 b~
Inf.= ,trv Bn.ttul ioDB 8f.a,..
complet-ed on S",tlU'

Y c,rkshirA tell.ID6--"tml '" Sib ..
Read. ' The ' " 9th .~
it muat ' be a.drnittiwi;
victory of tti'e previom
by defeating the "10th ..
,Amulli! the .spoot&to
comml\ndin~ offioo1'8
G uy Lwihington H
The 'te"ms !Wer.e!-.
"P,.ilv>L1fA L'lln.)dHGrn~ral Jobhorns {A C()~..
r ,' ·IV ...... Bullock lB, "


f U



'Of the




Ml!Birs. Dreweatt
largely . a~
the President


_ ---,_ .....,._--


. Johnsc>il \t -

hlf·bae.~ 1"

,!le.- '


BlJ,Ilden" (D); ttoDa ;
. , IQUl ';