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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_16-05-1919_00014.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_16-05-1919_00014.jpg

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1 •

a' ....klh',.. Hospltal.-W t>t>k ""01 , ~
'T, MaY.1Uh ; . Io·~tiCD&e ednlltL.'(]. h.
1b.1!Ilt.- dlklhlrged, 37; ope,.ti, 'n.
foJ'1llled.. 51:
'ft. -Rev. EV'l'Ird
Igby'. Accuser 1n
martial proeeeaingl .,.'
the H.·,
~.l!rd Dig, 7. wllich
uJWKl lD hi. ACX)U't ln'.
mted that the compl&iun" I,l.M ~




,~had _ntiy been

demoliil&eod, Ii •• \

1~IDIf. "her. be wu emplo,od

tai <>1"1 ell",:,.



<Ia:n!le w. . b


.y of COIIt~

lha cJut.ies of

a8 •

Bal l.-:-A 8uC)Cf'M{ul f ,n


IJ the ToWll H.,:l '"
dospit6 th~ fact , ,,'


wu amall. an enjoy ..bl6 ,,'
Thera wu a Con.oidnrahlo , ,

d~. ptf'ooonl.'., •
Mr. , 3 . C. Elliott pl' rfor" ·1

~LC.• an4 mlUic wa, '''P I'

by )fro All. Baker'. band. The catN" ~
in Ute hand. -of lIlr. Radley.
Lord ~:t:r.. Rlturtl .-Tbr E.,


a-diog r
~tulrD ~


~td a.'




\&s oountg [NIm America, II
IIOCOmp~ by r..d,y Road:i~g and l'i&r I,
wOOj:l Meara end Maj<»o Cra~ord Stuatl !

da~ 0)101;'
ia ~~,

which h will .,.MUme j udit',al ~
. Tbe Earl (upon TPli nqotl h ~
tu.-w.ppoinbrlent as- hia Majesty'. Hi!fl> ('""
uWeiooer and Am
dor Extraordinorv " I
. r:r 2D a pecial Mi.saion 1.< , ,
eft America) .... recci,',,1
au~noe ' bj the Kin.. bn Moode~ ,
''l"""dent Labou plII'ty . -rb~ foil
ing reeoht\ioo was puaed ul'l&lliincuolJ " I
mOOmilr of the above pel'tJ' on.Fri f \.,
: " Tltia meeting of tb 'Reading bra,
of' . lDd pM>den\ Laboolor Part, not <",I
deD\&ftda the withdrawal of Ih Briti.h tr·· .,,/\
from RUlllliabu' abo moA emvbat ically p,,,,,!.
allPPliee to reacho '
there anr! i" Ii ,IO'
, Or any interference whatever ill tl,p pd,



aflaira 0( Ul_ IlOWIlriet<, ••!tall imlO"' j,

atot, cease, &ueh i"'~rfer.ono& beinl( .1.1"",. "
tal ~' aU labour into_ta."
R!'Ya1 CDunty Theatr •.-" ThE! J.I1"l
the Na'fJ'," th la~ and mo.t our ",'
!!.~.,.I play. is the attraction at Lhe { , '
\QHIiatre. Re.diJr«, on MendaJ npd. Th e ,,,
paIIf. appoa~ in Readin« i • . Mr. P.,·,
H:1dobi.on's pnncipal J campen,., run ill , .
ju~tiod with Mr. Alfred Butt ....01 ;ooIl1 ,j·~
..vera! ...ell·known artm.~.. .. Tho Lock ,I
the Navy." played. to, tb" C&~ of tl"

,,', " Theatre


perfoon&llCOS weeki,

'Prior to it. IMrinlt taken off d tbat thpal",
and ia ~ting ' t,a tlUOOOSI now at tJ> e G.arra
Theatre, W:
Waifs' ..,6 ·Stray," Society.- Tha n.,,' ,
T. fu.y.
.A.. OrganiaiDIr IeCr'etary for ,I"
'ie1,. ' iii Rea4iinlt, aeknowlOOges w ith grll
~ a jf8nerous ~1ft of £5 ' 'rom thp commi ll,"
~. ~t. Mf'1'8
offee Stall. Too Soci~IV 1.....
J14 homes m diller n£ part. of En(lall(\ ~ ", I
in Cll.ulHla, .nd during iM exi~t.enc. 0\' I
CfUldren .h.d *n proTided with ]I<>n","
the oo/,brear of the w tbe &>ci~&y 1, ... 1
uno ita hOmes.
childTeD wh.
left hOll'leJ_ or UJlpr~by r""
th" WaT_ At ~nt ~ Society bave
5,000 obildren · Od.r-jt& ears.
Df M~_ F"'~frick Ticliener.-Thl'
at hia reiide" •
Ande...• /lrtntl. ~w'n. of !Ii-, F.....
'PlciWMti in '
'1fia";' Tbi a
jfelt\\s!\ItIlm had- been ail"" Mm \One. "f~ "
he - . 'pr .inenl _
bet 01


Piwooo ~ootiog Glob. al ",hi. h
a lIumber of m.atch_ H e w~,
~~~allrT \i jlOOd epa,..~ ' -.ho( and ... ~
b.d 1 .". "'lila' in \b. diU..",. £I,
of athl~;.,. and .q
and II.,
" moSt indoor «&meL The cIecto.....,1


of • the moil


IioeOieos n,

'~~:!!· D'ive.-TIl.~ BII'" Beee ~d
.and d&llC&

Larp :Town

or this

H.n recentl.l.

fina ;
was hel,1

\here be.u",

~t. The folJowUog "ere au,'
Mrs. EHiIo and B(;. Fo:rplJ. 180.
aad M •. 'MaM. 176 ; 5, Mi..
8a1u.aiel'tl>,"od Mr. "SMmdel'J, 176; 4. Mise T ony
l'i5 5. ¥r( ~lderman and M,
Mae J-.I» and Mr. Luatood.
/in' hall, Hiaa W llOL
Allen. 96 ; most i41f "
&r>d" Mr. Wood ; :
hennee and Mr. 11:.~·
......>nd.. ,;,nt<tn- prise, Mre.. O'Keele aDd
prise won b, Mrs. Hill
danae "aI ' nttnued -,JI