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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_16-05-1919_00013.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_16-05-1919_00013.jpg

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OCR Text

~y. J . A. Pem~rion dfli,.ered an
U)teIaRIiII acldr!!. OR , JDiaiiOllary work in
lDdia, and ewe. of
.ntbu.ium "hich had
mArked tb.t -C.lI.B.
teary .bration. in

. n.

Meirut and aenarea. ~ark~ QII the 01 the nat.ive Chri.tia~be r_led
an iPoident of the Iodian ' Mu y, "beq a
villa.. wu aaol:ed /)eeaUJe of e refJlMI of
the naii,.. Cbriatiana to renounce ~eir f4ith
and embr~at 01 I.lam.. TIM DAUr" lIow·
. W. ta1\r:ed ~ea, 'added
eyer, .tood
~e .peaker,
tbe 'i'lcoomtenOJ of the Iadit\D
'be low _ndud of bi.
ChriJt.ian and
morab, but "ben it ~e to the real teet. he
would rat.her di. iIIaa deny Ohriat.
muaee of \Ddi& were waitt. . feR""" ohurch
a' hOD'lf. to &end (Jill. mo1'8'11riiilaufl.., -to pmyWe T.illaae ~ pn4 ecllooIt..aod to.» .upport them until dae iime a?riyed t;:Iadia
would be able to t:J&lT1 Oft tle"or fndependendy of die born. _by. II.
prayed iIIat more J.boarel'll would
intO ~at ripe he"'" hId. .
O. R: ~PUYJ'a,.e an
lanteifl ahdeI,
........ 01 til.


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