Berkshire and The War: the "Reading Standard" pictorial record. Volume 4. p 722

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Title Berkshire and The War: the "Reading Standard" pictorial record. Volume 4. p 722
Page number 722
Date 1919
Publisher Unknown

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The l at e Gnr . W . EATON , 7, Lavender Street, Reading.€” Ki l l e d i n a c t i on .

Gnr . FRANK HAMBLIN , of Wellington Dairy, Basingstoke Road, Reading.

Gnr. C.W. MARTIN late of " The Forehead" , € Mortimer. €” Wounded.

The l at e Gnr . A . G . HUDDY , 25, Blenheim Gardens . €” Di e d of w o u n d s .

T h e l at e Gnr . GEORGE WELLER , Siege Battery , 132, Elm Park Road , Reading . Ki l l e d i n act i on.


Gnr. F. FLETCHER, " Dorchester," Blenheim Road, Caversham.-Wounded.

The |ate Sergt. A. V. WYE, Swinley, Ascot -Died of w o u n d s .

The l at e Second Lieut. WM. THOMAS GODDARD, of Swallowfield .-Died of wounds.

The late Sergt. EDWARD A. F. W. HORNBLOW . Killed in action

Bdr. R. S. HART.-Gassed and partially buried by enemy shell .