Berkshire and The War: the "Reading Standard" pictorial record. Volume 4. p 859

Image Details

Title Berkshire and The War: the "Reading Standard" pictorial record. Volume 4. p 859
Page number 859
Date 1919
Publisher Unknown

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[photo, portrait] Pte. T. W. EMBLEN, 6th Batt. Wilts Regt., Arborfield Cross. - Missing.

[photo, portrait] Pte. S. G. EMBLEN, M.G.C., Arborfield Cross. - Twice wounded, twice gassed.

[photo, portrait] The late Corpl. P. G. HOLLOWAY, Royal Berks Regt., 102, Beecham Road, Reading, formerly a postman. -€” Died of wounds.

[photo, portrait] Sergt. F. A. HOLLOWAY, 102, Beecham Rd., Reading. -€” Wounded for third time.

[photo, portrait] Lce.-Cpl. FREDERICK HUSSEY, R.E., 12, Queen Street, Henley. -€” Severe shrapnel wounds.

[photo, portrait] Lce.-Cpl. J. S. HUSSEY, Canadian Seaforths, The Rose, Weldale St., Reading. - Wounded.

[photo, portrait] The late Pte. HORACE CADMAN, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 52, Elgar Road, Reading. -€” Killed in action.

[photo, portrait] The late Pte. LIONEL CADMAN, Duke of Cornwall'€™s L.I., 52, Elgar Road, Reading. -€” Killed in action.

[photo, portrait] The late Pte. F. J. SMITH, 18th King'€™s (Liverpool Regt.), Arbour Dairy, Hurst. - Died of wounds. Aged 19.

[photo, portrait] Driver C. T. SMITH, Berks R.H.A., Arbour Dairy, Hurst. - Malaria fever. Aged 21. He joined at the age of 15.