Berkshire and The War: the "Reading Standard" pictorial record. Volume 4. p 1002
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Image Details
Title | Berkshire and The War: the "Reading Standard" pictorial record. Volume 4. p 1002 |
Page number | 1002 |
Date | 1919 |
Edition | |
Publisher | Unknown |
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OCR Text
[photo, crowd, exterior] The children of Wokingham had their "Peace Day" on Wednesday, July 22nd, and assembled in the Market Place, where the Mayor briefly addressed them. [Photo by C. E. & A. May.]
Festivities in the County - continued.
Didcot. - Sports, tea, dancing.
Easthampstead. - Luncheon in Easthampstead Park, children's sports. Over 900 persons were entertained.
Grazeley. - Tea for all children under 14, sports.
Hurst. - Tea, sports, procession of decorated vehicles, fireworks.
Lambourn. - Dinner for 1,100 at Colinridge Farm, sports, 800 at tea, concert in the barn, bonfire in Market Place. The carnival procession was postponed to the following Wednesday.
Mortimer. - Luncheon for ex-Service men [sic], sports, children and aged people, tea, bonfire and fireworks.
Newbury. - Civic procession from Victoria Park to Market Place, children's tea in Hall and schoolrooms, sports in Victoria Park, masquerade in evening, dancing in the Market Place.
Pangbourne. - Adults and children's procession to Thames Meadow, sports, music, singing and dancing in the Square.
Shinfield. - Tea for children, sports, and concert in the Hall.
Sonning. - Procession from the French Horn to Holme Park, 400 entertained to lunch, sports, tea for children.
Swallowfield. - Dinner to 80 ex-soldiers at Swallowfield Park, sports, tea to 600 children and mothers, bonfire.
Thatcham. - Procession of children to Mr. Woodbridge's field, tea to 400 children and repast to 300 ex-Service men, their parents and old age pensioners, sports, costume parade.
Theale. - Fancy dress cricket match, procession to the Recreation Ground, sports, torchlight procession.
Twyford. - Thanksgiving service, luncheon for Service and ex-Service men, sports, tea, costume procession and bonfire.
Wantage. - Lunch for demobilised soldiers in Market Place, parade of decorated vehicles, tea and sports for children, Concert in Victoria Cross Gallery.
Warfield. - Sports for children and adult competitions, parishioners entertained to tea, dancing.
Wargrave. - Sports, tea for children and adults, dancing and fireworks.
Windsor. - Procession from Bachelor's Acre to Eton College and back, military and athletic sports at the Imperial Service College grounds, regatta, carnival procession, torchlight procession.