Berkshire and The War: the "Reading Standard" pictorial record. Volume 4. p 737

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Title Berkshire and the War “The Reading Standard” pictorial record . Volume 4. p 737
Page number 737
Date 1919
Publisher Unknown

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On T u esday, December 11th, 1917, Lieut.-General Sir H . C. Sclater, G .C .B ., Commander-in Chief o f th e Southern Command, visited Oxford fo r th e p u rpose o f pu blicly presen tin g medals for
b ravery in th e field. T h e Mayor and C orp ora tion atten d ed in th eir robes, and Lord Valentia,
C .B ., in military uniform , was also presen t, w ith Col. Sir Charles Cuyler, Col. Ames, Lieut.Col. J . F . Stenning, C .B .,
and Lieut.-Col. Godley. T roop s t o th e num ber o f 1,200 w ere on
parade, and th e band o f the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry w as in attendance.
A m on gst
th e recipien ts w ere Sergt. G. Shackleford, R .B .R ., 290, Hemdean Road , Caversham , D .C .M .;
Sergt. C. E. Minchin, R .B .R ., 3, Highgrove Street, R ea d in g, Military Medal and Bar ; Sergt.
W . E. Cook, R .B .R ., M .M . ; and Sergt. J . W . Lambourn , R .B .R ., M .M .
Sergt. J . W . Lambourn was aw arded th e d istin ction fo r d ev otion to d u ty du rin g a raid.
Sergt. Minchin won his M .M . on April 28th, 1917, fo r g a lla n try near Monchy, and th e bar
on July 21-22 fo r supervisin g th e erection of a w ire en tanglem en t on ly 40 yard s from th e enem y
in fro n t o f Hook Trench a t Monchy. Sergt. Minchin has since been aw arded th e D .C .M . for
b rin g in g in, under heavy fire, Sec. Lieut. Beattie on the n ig h t of October 15-16, 1917.

Sergt . G. SHACKLEFORD , Royal Berks Regt . , 290, Hemdean Road , Caversham .€” Awarded D .C .M .
W o u n d e d fi ve t i mes.

[P h o to by D onna R om a.
Sergt . C. E. MINCHIN , 5t h Batt . Royal Berks Regt . , 3, Highgrove Street, Reading. A w a r d e d Mi l i t ar y Medal and Bar.

[R e p r o d u c e d b y p e rm ission f r o m Oxford Journal lllustrated .