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Reading Observer_04-03-1916_00003.jpg

Reading Observer_04-03-1916_00003.jpg

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the Counml hod tak.n • mean '""""tap for theIr
own penron&l enru
There wasl gOIng to 'be trou
ble about ~4i,:I and ~ hoped when It came theywould not he adveree to shouldermg th.,e responsl
Mr Quelu~ s motIOn ,vas lOll a.od Mr It J
TyrreU was elected representative for Redlllldts

A m..ting of ~ ReadIng Town
lleld on Thursday "hen cont.rary to _flre,t.tion"
COIWdeT9oble d !!CU8!!tOn took place on
ten tha.t arolte
When the three
reached there was .. LIIl a. coln',101
btlSlDe85 to be done and the CouDcil
till TaUf'llday nut
meml'fen of the ConncIl p"!Bellt I....,.
Mayor (Mr L G Sutton)
(AId. 0 G FIeld) Aldermen
J Bnnn G PhIlbrick J W





the Edu~tlon Committee.
the lIalaty of Dr B -R
Vhiven and T Muon li
Minkler I8i1I~t tchool mema1 officer should
be Increaaed
J Raboon W Spark.. F
Mr Domnm moved that It be not a;pnroved
Alnm Dr Fielding Clark L E
llie ~\lDd tb&~ t be, p....nt ..... 1101 .. bme
ll. Button, R G Rambow F
the salary- of any cft[cla.l lIhould be mc.... ed
W"mtor. Costm T Morl.y F W
Mr ALI.W&lGBT Mlconded
OhiIda W E Dolh.r E P Colher
rhe MAYOR expl&med that Dr: Mmkley waa -.p
8lgbteen months ago to /take up work Dr
..... W Fram. E Jacbon F W I Al l" riRlit,
PrlCC C9uld not do owm g to wal1l work
T~ev d d
J Elght..n J H Waltero T
not wish to lose him
Butler W M Colebrook H WaU..
Mr Dormer s motIon was earned 80 that the
G J LeWl" A J Maker and W R
Commlttee s recontmeDdlltlOn WM not a.BlIented to
Mr DOBIUR mo\ ed • I lmtlar re!!OlutlOn WIth
regnrd to the temporary lUcrease of sa lary reoom
mended! to Mr W E Simkins
The MAYOR ruled the mot,on "'Out of order
The 'lOWN Cf.oERK exp lamed that the mmut& of
tlie ~ueat.IOlI: Committee were lonly 8ubDlltt.ed to
the Counotl fOl' approval n so far as neee8\80ry for
the Counoll hAd delegate 1 tbClr POWCI to Uie Edu
The MAYOR S&ld that before
c tlOn Comm ttee 01 certam pomts
lhl! WM
the busmesa he iohould like t.o refer
not. ~ full mcre&!~ but only, a temporaJ'f mcreue
held m tho GUIldh.lI London the
whI ch the CommIttee h t.d powet to gra.nt
Dr \V iU.TJlRB It la time we refuse<l our delega
D90Jl which he attended when
on to tho EducatIon Committee
the Exchequ er the Secretary
ABRAM said that be mutt vote the
and the FIl'et Lord Of the AClml,.,,!
a.pprovn l of the m nuters of the EducatLOD Com
repre!entatlves of munioiIP.litie.
mlttee ucca.use there was unfa.lrness between the
tutlODS from all parta of the
two case!!
'1 be Commtttee might have voted :Lr
Sunkms a thousand pot n Is and Ithe CounCil could
ask them all A.nd to tell others m
not have 3lud flo word aga n!ft, It
espccm.lIy Lord Kltchener I speech
Mr COLh'"Bl}OOlt t ... d. tba.t. he al.I!0 would vote
Cha.ncellor of the Exchequer
agam!t the: mmutes
They were noll c LlIcd upon
them that It was a. war of
to mltke S6Jil.rificel ,0 thl9 war and h. would 11k.
to know wll'ere Mr Slmkms eacriBL'e was
.M iss SUTTON '!!Iu. d tha.t the re~lnrks sl::towed that
Borne of the Counctllors were 19'.l;0rant of the num
ber of children Mr S,mk n' had heen teoch ng
Without ~y remunera.ltOn I1 k.t all
Ever SlOW
some of the schools had bee 1 tun cd nto h Ofipltals
he ba.d ~en domg the heildma ster ti work ur Wil
Bon school WIthout ~lenllY
\\ hen he took over
the twp;!~choolH he dt not take over double 1J&Ia.ry
No one could take on that addJ"lonal wurk WJthout
a.dded .tr&1D a.nd It WH begmnmg to bn;ak d01fIl
hts health and neuntUi v.: u.s commg on
Mr QUKLCH .ald ths-t the reason of that I'e
commen,dattoD was that the Educa.tIon Commlttee
had been irymg to IconomlM .ud one man was
trytng td do the work of two &nd brea,l!:mg dowq
undeT It
DRYL.WD sn d tha.t many people were work
tra hotll'8 a.nd dare not- .sll erlra. wagel for
01 W.)OlIu.m'~ ti<'"
pomted out that the CouncIllors to
for the I'eJectment of the whoJe
Education Commttiee &
inforn,.d that had n"er been done


Mr IW E COLLIEIl obleZ"Yed that to vote
aga.mst the mmutes was not a. reMonable pohcy
to (Iursue
Ev.j\~uallJ Mr DOIWER moved
That the
Councl/ are of opmlOn that the .a.Io'Y of Mr
SnnkhUJ; . h ould not be mcreued F.;d t.hat the
Edull&tlPli Commltt~e bo requeoted to reconSIder
t.he matter
Mr ~WJUGaT nronded and It was earned <I




A l.tIM ....


Reading branch

~t:,':l by.

wa.y that they han
Ward which m
thetl' POWtl' at. a.
teelDg tha.t the of taD unaJlna.tlOD
fatby ..,IIi the pnn"'ple. odvocated
m Ule ward on behalf of
In JOakiog our P'T'Qtent
that the power lib. Cou"",1 hay.
the outcome of OD~ of vanous
Cothtlon Government whIch m
U1I proopng tp be a. suppression
lihertlell PQwer and freedom
Mr Ih.BSOl'r moved
formed that In the oplDlOn of
e.xistin& Labour representa.t.l.on 111
to cope WIth opposition of the oahbre
which It 18 faced and coDilder that
of 20 per cent of Lhe community
guarded by ,~onng the Wloh.. of
A motion tlla.t the C01mcil
buiDeu 'W.. can'1ed DIM
Tbe lliroa I&ld that. he hurd Mr RabllOD 5 ~lana.tlOn
then have known what h18 motion W'U


TIre MedtcaJ. OtBoer of Health has cubmltted a.
report to the Sanitary CommtUee of the Town
CounoiJ elating u fOlla"' 5
Dur~g the live


woou ended February tiLh. I rece ve,l notifications
of 2J. CI6eS of acarlet fever 2 of d lph bher a 2: of
opbtbilml~ neonatorum 11 of eryatpeJn.s 55 of .en
tet1C t~ver 415 of m.&aIleI 7 of C'e~1I.D. measles
1 cue of cerebro-spma.lmenmgltis 8 oases of pu~
monary tUberOuJ08 8 and 3 of Don pul nonar-l t.uber
Two of tbe not.ifica.t. ODS of enteriC
were found not to be cases of t hat d &oa.&e
one p&trent. lutrenng from t 1 vcs 0 t.s de
OrOUgh hut tbe case e belongs to It
n adttit on to the a.bove tbere were noti.ficat ODS
o the followtng m 11t.&ry ~ namely 1 of ~


let f6 er 1 of d phtbena 15 of e nterlo fevu

of meMles 1 of

!".lIici~I.t.l meDll1i1tia

er' Blpel~


and 2 of oorebro-sptnal

In moving the confirrnat.lOD oC the" SamtarY
Committee!!! m nutes Ma.Jnr ABRAM lita.ted that
ID regard to tbo health of the town at the preleDt
the condltJOIla which at une tIme tbreStt
be ! hghtly serlOll! Wlt.h regard to the 1D
Cldence of mfectlOus disease. had been modIfied
to lIuch a degree that £hey, m gbt prl\Cttcally say
t he dlS8&l8 had pasled u no notlficd on of enterIC
A~t thotle
had been received since February 17th
well could be tra.ced to one orlg nal mfectIOn
active I1.t the end of December a.nd tho
begrnnmg of January 1 ut. waa active no longer
As to .potted fever th S tIme la6t year the ~Pl
denllc a.S8umed somewhat senoUs proportlOns The
poslhon Was utterly different thu!o year for they
had had only two mIlitary C8l!e.! and those lD De
cember &nd Ja.nuary



.,e •


The ~YOR moved that Mr .Re~Dald J
Tyrrell of Upper Redlanda road draper be ap
POID~ to flll the va.eancy In the office of CoUDel1
lor for Redland. Ward occ ..,oned by tbe deatb
of the late Councillor Venper
He moved that
Mr DollJUR dlsa.J:lprovea of the statement of
as Mayor I\S the r esult of the proceedings of
the Chief Conlta.ble In regard to publtc Wa11lIDgII
pnvate meetmg of the OOUDCll and he thought n case or Zeppelm raids .. H e thought t would
Mr Tyrrell would be a. valua.ble additlon t.o the c~\lSe uuneooti8aI'J alarm
liT B11LL stated that It W'~ never Intended by
Mr L E QUELCH mo.ed an amendment that the Head Const.a.ble tha."t syrens should be liIounded
Mr A. Broadley of MelTOle q,venue be ejected to nnleQ 'Waflung ",aR recelvM that l..e"'nelm.. were
fill th S vaca.~c:y
H e moved t hat WIthout any In the dlstnct
He thought the Wa.tch CommitantIpathy to the nommeo of the CoWlcll but to tee adopted a W]ije COl nle In agreemg \\1'1 ..... the
live the Council an opportunity of savIng them flead ConstahlC) In ISIru ng th e nO~lce he did
Ielves from ha.vlDg comm tttcd a. ~ lD]ustice to biggest rfaetory 10 Read ng had a.1read 10110" ed
tke worlung cla.efSe8 of the town
There was no the exa.mJlle of the W"tch COmmlttee and ha.d de
doubt whatever tha.t If the Min ster Wa.rd electIOn Ct Jed tllat Imm,edlBtely anyth ng occurred 81 tbelr
had been fought Mr Broadley wouJd oeen bells should be rung and every employee would be
lbo Mayor bad told tbom thai It w .. ~cted to aet off ~he premllel as qUickly as ho
Dot merely a. war of amues but a. war of natIon. C()uld A. to alann l or pantc th&y hruJ re ld that
The mernhen of the working classes and the lrade the other ntght the Mayor of Plvmout.h by a.r
UOIon movement had bOOn ca.lJed upon to slDk rangeJJ\ent gave a. false alarm and th~~ was no
tbeir claM mtere~ta and be at one to secure VictOry PIlUlC at- IlI1 and he hel eved the thlllg would
for tho Albed lorcea
He claimed tha.t they had occur ID Readmg
dcme theIr he asscrted that at least 75 .-,er
oont of the men fightrug were of hIS class and as
he had stated Un recrUIting platforms were fight
109 for the common mteTest which a11 Engh ahmen
enjoyed I sa.y tha.t 75 per oent are 6ghtmg for
your cl.... I (e"" of No )
I hoi Sman Holdmg and Allotm.nh CommIttee
Mr Quclch ", cnt on to sa.v that hi S dalJs had
relpoq.ded well to Hie call of the natton m that recommended
(I) That the part f Prospect Park upon wht~
terrIble war and he thought that tt was a terrible
dLl!gta.ce to the ua.hon tba.t In SPIte of the unity of house refuse WM a.~ JO e tune depOSited and wh ell:
feelb;tg m tha.t mn.Uer the Counell should ~o out has 11 nee been leVI!{iEt b(I approprla.ted 8:nd u~
of Jts way to flout Labour
Labour had done eo for aJ1otment~
(I ) That the land recently acquned from t e
much and that was the return It recOlved
1la.d elected Do man who could not by any stret.cb of fru.te .. of the Estate of tho I ~~ S,r W.I r
a lso let 11
the l.ID3.gmatlOu be sa,ld £0 represent la.bour a.nd P a lmer for wldenmg I Oxford road
they had done so ago..rnst the letter and SPL1"It uf allotments unttl sudl t lme RS It. III re urred for the
the A ct of Pari ament which empolliered them purpOlie. for Wblch Jt wa.a I urohued
Mr W E COLLIJ:~ movcd that t.~111 be not ap
to do it
Seventy five per cent of the burgell!es
of the town 1'were of tha.t class and yet they were proved as It was an lllegal and Imprf per thing to
a portIOn j f a. publ c pal
a.nd al ~he
only abJe tb obtll. n two reprellenta.ttvel! vet In
IJllte of tha.t fa.ct the CounCil bad the audac ty and Borough: Enguieer had already been natmeted to
Impudence to ,"sult h s class by Ignonng the re lct out ~e Oxford road land
Mr 8:u..n:\NT seconded
presentatIve of that dUlls..
Mr RABSON 81.\ d tha.t It mght n l t be etllctly
Mr E OHTY.EN What IS your c1M8~
~l\1 for- tliem to uase any part of a. pUlJhe pBrk
Mr QtrELCTI ML~lass lS the working claM
tiut the part of a park In questIOn was merely a.
Mr ElGHnZH Wha.t are we Y
You belong to the exploltmg portIon of land whi* WQ.8 ongmally l acqUired for
who are clever enough t-o use & park e.nd whlch ha.d been used as 8. dumpmg
on to lJay that tlie Tesohttton
The CLERll Old that where It. legal di::~.~:~~
moved conveyed c1en,rly the raised It waa o.lwa.ys the ten~ency ,f
COllnClI to treat the matter WIth
the mOjonty of that CounCIl
the Counotl thought It would 0/ conte)11pt J .nd ~e<lUlred for • par~ DOUlJQ , !\O,
the mterest!! of 20- per cent r4 be used for any othe:r purpoee If they
the town tf they had another lo.nd contra.rv to their powen a.nd let
rho.t war would a.lter a lot dllotment@ the general public could walk
m,.;"rit. of the mem allotmentl
Mr COLI TO S motion WQ,fJ earned, Iond tlw
the fad
put In commenda.tJon ot the ComSrnt.tM not approved




\~Ith nference t-o
l'&CO~-enda:€lon tha.t


the meettng Ii
the midst of hl8 work
to thClr meet
year for which
a.nd they had





~tOO1<I>1~ Qpres~ed

",..,Iullion ,... d.f•• ted





Sunday School.
under the ch9oIJ'lDan
Mr Arthur N owhery
An ad,dr...
by . ~Bl!itor atockmg and several m11l\ca.l
wer<l pioN by tbe Elm Park O,cb..tral
At th&- momma: and levenlng IefVI~'
BJ)e:C1al anthems were rendered by; the chOir
On Wednesday ~e c&lebratlolll were continued
the llia.IlOil beipi fillvoured With .. Vlllt frolD the
Rev W H Lax, of Popl'" w~o preached m tb.
afternoon A pu'bhe tea was held followed by an
I, e,nj~'l",!,le mUSical programme 9orra.nged by Master
Wednellday evenml ;a. 'Wen a.tty-dld pubuc
w.. held. th. MOJor (Mr L G Sutton)




H~lI "'lebile\! ""
~n Sqnday I ..t •

• M " _" " ."
an aaset to the
.L ue
(,'(lDtmues to do fiplsndJd work
The 8ame can be Iald 01
where much faIthful work has been
class meetmgs been real mean.
and altoget.b,er the yur hu been
cro)TDed With GOd'8 blessmg and sm Ie
coniP.:Cgatlous continue to be very encouragwg
and fillanclal1y our people ha.vo ~nne nobly
'fb.e MAYoa congr"tul~t.d tbe M18elon ILIId PM
tor on the ex:cellenl work go ng on there
It was
evldant th ... tho buddIng of tb.t ~I bod heell
very much needed and wa1! of great sp itual '\ alue
to the neighbourhood
He WM iorr tba.t ihey
had to hold th81r anmvel'ury once morc With a
cloud of gloom hang ng o,£er them but It was a
time 10 which they must ikeep 1 p theu- .pintua l
ceIitrei 11 order to help ttiO.lle a.t home and those
who would be com ng hac\:
They were told by
a number of protlJ.lnent 'People n.bout the needs of
the country a.nd that they '''ere no lon~r depen
qant t pon the nrmv hut tho vhole oountry wa.~
expilcted \0 ,uppon the army and do tbe best If
they were gomg to do their befit In 'Secular thmgli
they certainly must to Sptrlt ml th ogs and he
hoped nIl would ra!ly roUl U the r Church and
make It ... CSl1tre for 8p lt ttlll\l good
The Rev W H T II X then $(8.\ e a. powerful and
mprel58l\e address wluch W<LS h e Lrd With great at
tentlon an d appreclatl n by the con greg .t on
DurlOj!: tbf'l aven tnfi the chOIr liang an anthem
o Pr."e the Lord
Votes of tha.nks CO l eluded the meatmg




that tho m,cl,ng
Ulun,.a,y n ext and t~ lS was

Countess G rowsk9o

worn In la ncient days,
IJIIch a ,,"me I .'n"e

That soon ,t looks "._ new.

For Happy, Bright Reflections
~onkey Brand.
It makes Copper
Gol". Tin like Silver, Paint like New

Monkey Brand IS also prepared
tho name of Powder Jl,fonkey
For some parts of
work Powder Monkey IS handler than Monkey
Both should be In every household










....fter pla.1mg a g rl s part-a
kno,,- n W·llltewClSbtng Juha.
"ben 1 was
I JOined the KendaJs Compa.ny and for qwte a
long t me !:.oUTed all over the ~01.1ntl'Y
Indeed I
le.a.rDt a.lmost 6verytrhlng tba.t I le&rnt from
Mrs Kendal And by thlB I do not mellon that sbe
me at aU I don t wean deliberate
I wfW,ebed he," and h~r tecbntque ..ana ¥he
bow to do tblDg' I ployed all sorto
obu,..~.... With tho lU'lndaJa-AelV-4Ilta IDgenues
'6m~tlonal paris 00ltl1oO puta everything
.. Ittiough I almoet. uI:varl.bly pla.yed I16ver~1 d fret
eDt parts In a week I did not find It parhcularly
bard work-at no harder th&o p1a.Ylng the
same part 0 ifht after n ght
SafOo peoplfl I II:now .ro frequently apt to
th&~ t.hey dislIke tourlUZ
Well obv ously of
not I each the trams
oourse to pLa.y ln Uindoo a pleasa.nter from mll"uy
polOts of vew but I am g-Iad to S8y that I lla.\e
the Volunt.a.ry AId Tranlipo.t
always been 80 keen on the stage that I very
Comonttee ue
ea.rly In I fe ~ah8ed lhat what one must ha e 0
in!:!!lil.b,le help'
These concerts etc are of course sUf>plement.:ar:T do any good. at a.1l I ii expcr encc-a nd lhere I S n o
to t.I e rcJr. lar I,er e& of enterLa nmeo ts so admIt" better. experleoce than tho stock company system
Anyhow I know t W&5 everytlllng to
ably ce.rr lcd on ever, week n each of the hcs of trlloUllDg
J!1 t.als under tme 'rna nageme6t of Lady "atson s
Entertammont 1 Commlttee--one of the many
~ide8 on tour one p;eems to bump up nst
b;:lLDchu of t~o splendid work. of the Care and so mallY s dehgbb of 1 fe
Tbua I 're nember
~mfort!! Comm ttee
once when I was pIa,. ng; an Thc Wa.ter .Bab es
MNI Wanng of Beenbftm House Vi II be g v ng at .»r1.. hLon~ h .. wasn 1. wlt.h Lhe K e od&1s of
her prol'l1iaed oonoer-i to the wounded loldlers In co~-a 1 ather prett."r. I ttlc "to ry oon nected with
the Town H ..ll all TUe&ia,. next March 7t h con
a. certs. n I t.Ho t IIY \lute Q the company who had
menctng at 2.1 pm
made such a. big hlt tnat almost a.t every ver
forman04'J the received praeenta of chocolates toys
ao on and so forth from members of the aud
• I
One afternoon Just before her entranoe In t be
lut. &at I found the 1 ttle m toe Mandlng In lhe
wings w tb two Lons of ehocolatea under one arm
and a big fa r balred blue-tlj ed.. doll unde r the
other -all preS6J tis from the auc1ienc,e
Of co I'fiC
she olght to I ave been tremendously del ghted
vrlt~ these mrpr lse preeents but ,trangeiy enougll
ahQ q dD t seem pleased & lltt.1e blr.. and wben I
clUlle up to he, sl e sald w lh eyes tull Qf tears
The annuo.l I meettng of the Reading SUD
' Db. I do wlah poopl&' W'outdn i. send me these
d&y School Umon Wfl.8 held On ""ednesday a.t thIngs-they are 50 u~e les!ll
At Lhat ;ploment she baa to go on I!b~ stage b t
Wyolilfe B&PtIS~ CI~ul"Cb K ng s-road &lid wa.s well
as tbe ptf~ce WIlS ovcr she stdled up to me
Beforo the proeeeJlmgs M~ J H
expla eel oxa.ctly wI Y slo so d 81 ked presellt.s
Xmght (the rLng nresident) I and Mrs Knlgi t of dotIlI and obocola.tes
H~r' who
kmdly supphed \ refre&h~ntB lp tIDo schoolroom see med Wa.<I Ill.rgely depeJ dOl I. on her 811 1o.ry had
been bed rJ.dden for mon ths and h~d bee I
Mr KDleht pretlCled at the gatwmg
ordered by t he doctors a.ll sorts of luxur es such (lij
Mr GMlWK G;tLUEll lhe hon g6'tleral secretary
wves foot Jelly beef tea cb cken and other III
preaeqted th~tP an'l1ua.l report. and accounts va l d~ dehea.cles \\ hlCh she was n o~ welt enough
He tb&Qked Mr J H Knlgbt for acting a.a pre Qft' to buy
If only people would Keud no some
aKlent. dunolt one of the most d fficult yealS the tb nil usefu1
me sa d. Molhe.r would soon get
I call t buy her anyt.h ng
Umon had ever known
AU those engaooo n the welP aDd sho added
pract cal ,exp..,iO.,IC. out of th, 11 onoy I got (wh c~ was truo e nough
(or ~ bcl eve her a,la.ry was a v~ry very SD a ll one)
to tho
I HQw It cama a.bout I don t linow hut. I ca.u at
Jeast) S 8.y tha.t although after th&t afternoon the
chtld oocaslonally reee ved chocolates and othcr
tb 0$' -WIL oh sbe d RI keel 80 much at the cnd of
e,er,.. perfonnanoe there was a.lso wa. bng tor her
E\~ the litage door a. pal"col cont a nmg the very
t.b ngfJ tlhe wa.nted for her nlolbcr
"Very earlv
In one 6 st age oareer one s a'll. to see 3. good donI
of the sa.G SIde of 1 ie and th 8 I We neluent
toucbed me ql La a lot for t. !;truck mo a.s n
tensely paLhetlo t ha.t such tIo tipy child should pe
made to feel t ho responsibIlIties of a ~.rown up per
son so early In I fa
By WA.y ~ hrm I was 1.0'1. r ng n \\ b lcwash
I g \Tuha
and The Wa.ter Babtes
It wi ch
pla.,r 1 am proud t-o say I at.tra.cLed the fav oul
",hIe not 00 of 5 r- t.hen Mf -Artb r Pmero I
oaly men ber of tbe CompMny tnder t.ho
thIrteen and therefore the only and need
But needlng .a. I cenee 1n the
t coo not ueoOti3{l.r Iy mea.n h I'\. nr a. lIcen(lo
now when I think of bbe occa
lllsp,,,tor v Stted tile theatre and I
to sa.vo ff'oy boLl er





A. new ... head-p,ece worn to do,
By All,ea tn the great affray,
To whom all honour due.




S~e, ~,c"ly


The CommIttee of


Co npany 1st B.ttabon

Helks Volunteer Defence Reg roeot ha'Ve lssued a.
repqrn for the year ondmg February 1916 as fol
lows lhe past year has w tnened Important denl
opments Jl regard ~o the Volunteer movement
throughout the county and thore have beetl many
ahang81 m our corps
On the lDitJatlv6 of the Ma.yor (MI I eona.rd
Sutton) the questIon of closer workmg between
the local Volunteer Corps was thoroughly .gone
mto a.nd nontually one bl\.ttalton w I S fo med 0 I t
the three units:
We are now kno\\ n l"l S E
of the 1st Battahon Bcrks Volunteer
Defence Regiment and are undel Bngad er
General- W A Colhngll a..'! Re~ mcntal Com
mandant and Lteut Col. Hodgson a!! Dattalton

Durmg the past yea,r 33 members have c 1
I sect tbl ee of whom bfl\ e obtll ncd enmm "slOn!> n
h ~ M tJcstj s forces and 0
" t thc grow ng
flcarOity of I~bour con~eq\lellt on the n at altu to
the long h ours of the mUll ~Ion \VOl hi'S mat j
others have been obhged to !'lever their cotmect n
wtth tbe corp! thl1t1 reduc ng some" hat tl e
atren~th of the co npany
rhe number of act ve members 11 nmv about
65 a.1l of whom "" Itb one or tn 0 e:xcoptll)ni! have
been ~upphed With tilc auth lI se d Ul If I II
Comp.!.n) and Battal on dl li s ha\ e been r('g
larly held a.nd on the" h Ie fn.lrly well e Idcd
The compa.ny bA-ve also taKon part. n sc\Crnl fiell
da.ys and other msLr cL \""c and nterest ng man CDl
VTes and rccently at the reque~t of the m I
tarv autborlt es a.t.t~nded 0 I 8 tndn.:;s at the depot
at 'oldcot "here ~hey havc p t na g 'eat deal of
u13ef tl work In cOllllect 0) 1 v th Lhe loadlOg and
unlond ng ot m ht al~ st: rea
Rome 20 memhefs h a.H 11 d fled for the Ma kl)
man s Bad'{e and the Doregal Bndge for 1::110
by the N R A was von hJ em (Ioral
now a. 8 gnall ng class who nre
br8s8R-rds vere d ~ t b te.rl bl
an d 10 }"ia.y Co lonel DUll
l ~pecte d Lhe corps on hchalf 1f
F01lr Ao.ttlr mmmturc ranGe r fie:. were pur
ehnaed dUrlng the .tea.r
nd the corps became
afflhHote~ to tbo N R A
Sergeant Bhgh was called I p
s.en co m
Mav and lImcc th It time CoIC'll1r Scrgt ~:icotch e r
Bel ks Reg n eJ t ha~ actcd as erg


1') 0 bllM








Att~ rclifto Shcfl'old
00 ~ eat lell ef

IIllyll - Ttlt
cODfidently @,..~

tlllt o'ne hox: of t1 OIlS ptlls haa donn r,:e more llood

tllln ..U tl e mediC Iltls I hnvc tallen nober~ Lea ke
11 Sihol Sheet Darnsl er wrlt oR
'lIiloUl plcllsed ~o
SIlY yo r ~ Ib I\ l'C at 1 r celeas ¥"ortl
M , Wllkl j
of ~ ebo alM-tea My II .tel' S ffored fro}U
we lk k d eJ 8 took Ot e 1 ox \f'h cl t n.:) do 18 her ote
gl)o)i tha.l pou d.. IJpe tome I cuI ruen HOLD
HOY» S (j JU V} r. P[LL::; a floalttv. ClJre tor
Gravel PlJ.n~m the Bank Dropay Bnght _ D _eaae
of the RldilliJ' Gout $el&tiea.. 11 Sit of Chll:llllle
P""t fiee 14 .I&mpo I{OLDBOYDI8 l(J!;DIC.u.

lULL, 01_10.