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Reading Observer_04-03-1916_00004.jpg

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i. ~



AD mwestlDg'\E.8' in QOI;,~~i<>
I' Pnneess
Ale:u.ndra."" Lodge of
P...c&.<hng was h eld on Monday e"~Q1Dgt




The ~u.l reporl; 01 the Ja;'''dIo:jI:..~ilo;''''lIit
BJlb-Comln.!tee for the year eildei
h ... '"ed. The report of
ployment OftIcer .tated ,
"In preoentmg. a 'lOVl§. of tb.
o~ ~b. operations of ~e



A ~l<I of dall; _ ID _ . f ..... 10
.100 belDIf the presentation of a framed emblem
ho_hold II _ .
TI"s artio_ of d.. ~ h..
In the afternoon a meeting exoI~IVely
a.nd gold Jewel to F P G M. G Tubb who baa l\&oo
cellt1;pj ooncluded & JUCOessful term as Gt-and ..,.an~ pertOds ot ita hiatpry been a 8ub]eot of 0()Il00 women ...&1 held m the Lar8? Town Hall,
'-Muter of the Re3.din~ Dlslnct ~ro 'l'ubb belOg tro\ter~ and II once beinr prommently crowded a.ttendance of laWN I froID. all
1· ~~2;::~: acbeme IU the borongh,
broUl'ht beJore the pubbo eye In V1ew of the d18· IJlllted
Mrs BroJLdbent preSlded,
year for sta.t.18tlea pf pb~~.t.
a mem ber or tb,.e • Pnncesa AleunUn." Lodge
There Was~ 1L large a.ud representatlve gathenng to CUSlIO~ rega.rdmr lmporta and.. pnces of tb18 "f)f1 ported on tho 'platfDnll by • numlwlr :~~~~~:~tltei'."'''''' It IS satisfactory to be
arUcle of food. The purchasers may be
do honour tel P P GoY Tubb
P G W Spencer
ladi.., and tlle 6p"f':'<erB were
11 ....orking more """obtbly
syotopresIded the Vlce-Grand belUg Bro P Gnmsh.a.w c&lled bn to JMl~ higher prJCea fot' their 8U~' of Miea Clara Ne&le, ~8 Cooper (Oxford
and .. that Progrei¥l baa been m tamed,
:rhe Dllltrict Officers, PlOY G M A. V Lane,
Secretary), and lrfllIs Sora.Pll
owmg to ' abnormal ClI'CDmI!!l oea, the
Prov D Q M A Welch and ProT C S Bnstow. Wlth the (reatr"lctlon <)D the qU&DtttJ' to be allowed wai fir!t gIven by Mrs Ralph Tatham,
!Some respects Blaoliened I l
weI'!> presc Dt WILl! P P G M A J Rourke (Diotriqt
of the war In the latter parl 01
Tho ga.tbermir aleo lDeluded P F <T.M
Mrs BBOADBENT.... m openmg, Bald
contlnuou~ draft of men contle·
G B Parnell and representatLves Qf the follow)):!g
together on & great OCCiUllon, to
& .~ble
by tG.e1good hOUBewife
Lodges _u PtIlnoe&s
..Alexandra. OJ
P G.
the ~ aitnatlon an
FNom. (tTU.tee). G P...... (......wy). A. D
So -rmstomed we become to .. "'er:r free 6fty years of women' s work for the
rllte of w~e.s"!for ~
Cullum (&6II5t.&Dt eecret&ry), H Wookirlciae, G ute of fUgar WJth. almott filer,- meal In dum w..ya were fortunate m ha.vmg Wlt.h them
proportIOn to the demand. while
Swbbs B Chesterman, T Newm&n. T Mine W
that It IJ8ema hardly credible there W&8 .. time tlvea from~nca., India. a.nd Japan. W b 0
l work of a
J HarvtlJ' Bros S. lillIs, W A.llen ~ H D sloper
apphc.t,on to sohoo! or
and maDY olbers
II Berkshire" Lodge
P P G M when such. .. thIng unknown, or aa we know of the" work In those parl. /$he e%plamed
Miss SorabJI belonged to' a. race of Pareee.
a large
portion of
C J T BaggaJ.oy (oec,.t&ty). P G 's F Glboo •• II
There are senra.l grades of JIlgar wlth WhlCh were d"rtven from their country by
E Wilhams. H House. G Ir! C 8mollho.e N G
further mcrea81Dg the
W Henwood, V G H T&ylor, Bro G H Weedon ..".. are\ all falluln.r .... hite or refined, granlated, Her fathtlr was among the few who
go from. one l .ltuation to
• Excelsior" ~Cc P P G M W G Blair. P G a loaf or lump and the TaT brown, wlLile thertI la
casual employment "Yl,Jthout a.dVlc& ot'
P An<WwD. W. 1£&ver F H Fisher W H a.nother n&med }{~ado _ The latter 18 In the Chriatianlty, a.nd ~e became and
8SSJltance, and too often WIt.hout bqnonrable 1'6.
Bowen, V G H J A:tt-weU, Bro C Alien .. St.
to conditiona between employer and em
natuze ~t unrefined or: ra.w tlUpt' It 1& ebta.ined three ...ery \ glfted daughters
Peter's II Lodg& P G G W
<I crown
)U1oe of the .upi' C&l).e by, ....apora.tion
01 Eniland" Lodge P P G M G Bowthe.-. P G 's from
Mrs HENS1U.N -expressed her pleasure at
the case of gtrls the dLSlocatlOD wall Ifor the
F G Iler.&rd (oeeret&ry). D W Bhmdoa J and dfA,W1ng off :ell.., mol.... ){UICOndo 5Ui&l"
m the
Andet~ \V E nor •. R. H Bowsher, N.G: E contam' tD:Ipuntiea which render It am colourea opportunity to speak on " the greatest work
lOCre8Sed dema.nd for them. and an Improvement In
H~(Ul5 and Bro F WlLt'Wlek:
or mou,t
' world," the wOlk of spreadmg the
wages rn tb,e biSCUit and tIn I)OX trides, a.lso m
Prtor to bhe preseut.a.tJ.on the bala.uoe 6heet for
AI to l .h6re sug&r WU tnt oultiTated. and manu· was the duty of t~e "hole Church,
lea.ther work .nd machme taJlormg; ao tha.t np
1915 wu presented. which &howed tha.t the oont.ri.
till now It here has been httle difficulty m finding
butlons to the sick a.nd fUlleral fund amounted to fa.ctured there does DOt aJ)pear to be ..baolui:.e COll· to tbe r"" hole Gospol t.o the
£1 154 &nd that £1,819 was di8bur&ecl In d)Dnec- c1uBi.Te prodf, u their or1£1b. 11 behe.,.ed to. da.te They would have to drop the Idca tha.t an Ea.stem employment for good or average cl~ gIfls
\.10n with the same fund
The deficit on t.M m.a.n haek to the rem0t5t &Dtiquit.y. and therefore .,.,U
I b
SpIte of difficulties, however, the pla.cements were
l"Srluon was good enough lor Ea~tern peop e, \it qJJlt.e up to the a.verage a.nd In qualIty m~lI'8 10
agellleqt fund bad been roducod fro ... £91 tb £53
&Uthentio&lly Ie..."ed
n.dla ' " held to would h kve to take the whole Guspel
£SOO hid been m"ested In Wa.r I.oa.n Uld £500 lD
The number of chllcfren reported tlo left
Excbequer BoJlds. ITbe Lodge lIaa crechted m21 be the !prJ(lD of the home of ~ ~gar cane
Explalnmg the growth of the women's work for school durmg thIS periOO was 1 .......2 (1,346), anum·
for soldJers oontnbuliona
'l.'he net Droit on the IS eonsidered to haTe been cult.l...a~ JD the ooUIItry the S P G , she ~ald that some 50 years ago It was ber 96 In excess of the prevIous yeo..r ~ This was







...... JJ.

lnvestment fund wu £&3, and the caPital of the
~gi;ta.nds at £192'2B
The pcofitl on the yea.r


The balance sheet wu ])a.a8ed a.fte.r .some ~
..\Jng rem.vb by l' l' G 11 T~bb, l' G Wool.

dridge and others






P G hooKE, In w
tWng the Datnct Ofioen,
referred to the fact t.h&t the Lod~ had
reduced Ita defiOlt on Ithe ma.nagement. f
• a.nd If
they pursu.ed the same methods the,.
l e"n~
tuaUy c.leu It off alt!oge.t.her
They he~' con.
gra.tul..ted the DlstrlCt Gra.nd Master on
"'potUt.1on he bad attained
Prov G M A. V Lu... liM tha.t o~ of eI moat.
pleas&nt. duties which] feU td a Gnnd My
oj the
DlStrICt now devolved upon him, a.nd tba ..,.as to
make the presentat.lon of a. framed emb~ and
gold ]ewel to P P G if Tubb &8 80me Illig recog
D1tlon of hlS &en'U~ Ito t he Dnrt.rict
T.h ugnout
hiS two :yean of office Bro Tubb bad be n ~ most.
t.horough lQ everytb.i;lg he had don~ a.n.d person..
ally he owed 1um a. grco.t. debt for the In ght ho
had gillen hlDl tnto It.he dutIes
n.g the
ca.reer of Bro Tubb 10 OddfeUowshlp the speall:er
poInted out that. he ihad been a member of the
OrdeT for fifteen ye~ but. It. wa.s some years be
tore he took 8. keen mt crest In It
Since that
time 0.0 had render
usefu l ser,; Ice to the nc.d""e
by pa.58JDC the chiIJrs...,l.and acting as Lod"'e audlt~r
As hoq secretary of the FrIendly SocIE~tres COunCIl
he had, also shown gr~at ability. and the i!rMit of
gcttlng tho old 8~e h,m pay, members frM-~ddlcal
attend~ce was uU'gely due to hl3 efforts j As
lCstrict l{irand Master: Bre Tubb "'M no qrna.mental DISi:.rlct Office~, but dIscharged hlB dul.les
W i th a.blh ty 411<1 energy
Tbey had heard \the.t
that Lodgo ! bad Invested & large amount 10 jar
J..oao, similarly tlta.t. ltbe Readl1lg Dutrlct. llad
Invested I" 000 10 tha.t way
Th1.8 _as due to the
splendid work which
done some tIme be'! ore
war loans W6rD tbougb of lD R-ylng to bring ~e
to t.Mll5toos the m&.n.De~ In which they should invest their mODey
A. the District m~t;jng ro


Tubb waa chosen at

e head of the poll bf a

t.humpwg maJority M one of the represent&. v.ea
at the Dus.trict a.t the A. If C
They ~ 00
thought or WI!ih that thie p~esen.ta.tIOD W&I gOIDg to
end Bro Thbo's uscfulnes8 In the Read~S' Di&.II Jet. but rather they hoped bba~ It would B~ur
him 011 to bi gger dorts and. sLilJ more llJI.8tul 'II< rk

tbe Order (Applaw )
Deputy Gra.nd Mast r Wl!:LCB' d~t "Ith he
question of lDveltmen • and doubted whetHer,
when aU the expenses
the losses In con.accqon
wltb mortgages wer~ t& en m10 aooaunt they Had
realised more than 3 or 3! fU oent J \ The Lod"e
were t.h~refore on the l'I4:ht line 1D. mod:"
In War Loan
Even _ajfteI the W.a.f w~e
o \e1" 1t would be wort~ whtle LodJ;rnsidermg
ilie Invest.meot. of monet lb boroUli 1o&ll8 w~
reprd to BrO Tubb, 81 ce he h&d1
calledl to
ol'liee he bad met hoo
good deal -on eomini
"ork, and bad bee~&tck wItb the ~ tho.rou h
way In which he did e eryt.b.lng
lOr IN 19L'i
Corresponding Seere~ BltlBTOw &&id taRt B~
Tubb waa ODe of the I m table N G a t.he Lod,e
ever had, :a.nd had gtvth:l, em of bIB best AI (nad
He had been
" of the ~t progresalYe
men who bad ever pe&aed. ihe District chajrs Tp..
day .the Prqv G M .had to. "'ork ~ ~ the
office had been made trebly llRport&itt ~ ~ ·work.
of tile llUlur~ce..Act
60 far as the ~ ye&li's
s tatJst1.Ca bad gone the numeIrieaJ. ret.urn tie
only one which had been oompleted
~ coI{l.
menoed. on the volunta.ry s,de lwlth 8,51:::t~
DurIng the ;year the,. lmti~ 187. aot
Dumber, but QOnsideTlng eYei!,rthing l
.......1 u,at thore ~ 115 8.ud
l!97. 1*
not nup:J ber &t the e.hd of the )'ear ~ 8,2QZ:
a t'eductlorr of 225
'l'h!_S'1'086 membenhi~
&.nd VolunlNy, .... 12,380. of which 2.076 werle
The t.otal.number ",as slightly 1~ u~
of Ibe preVlOu. year UOWlDg th&t the" bo4l ~
up for what they had l loot on the volunt&ty aid~
"'1lley had. 1~ 143 membera on the ... oluntAr.J side
lervmg 1n either the ..A:rmy or the N....,.. ~ ~
contrtbutlOu credited to those membera _l durin,
1915 amOllllt.e.! to
Oi lld. IDa IlnprellJ0f
lOU that tbey would 16nd tb&t they had madf
roug(bly the same fina."nciel procreu 8& lor 110m,
years put. (Bea.r, hear) In .. "ft!Q' pea.t man,.
CaH6 the Loc1gea reported .. ooJ:Widerable ieauottoD
In the amount of beDCIfi.t. paid OYer the ~
He did bOt Dldw how to explain It .1~
I t was that they had~lli"er number of memben
&ervIng. &nd tha.t. thoie lot home were eIlJO) pe~

_00 St.


ty &Dd plenty 0~0d:.

h&.P.fl a period. of l p

They .lmaw by e"Xper.1en e th&t when tnde w good
thelB benefit. w6l'e ~al1,. light
that. wn6n the IltatiSt.ioS lor the whole n.tri~ .... ere

compl.ted they ~ I find tb&t they ·h~ dDne
..ry ....u li.n .. ~y dunng 19L'i (ApJ>\oulio ) I

P P G)( TtntB.r·';-bo /. . . cordially reCeived ••aid
It "111&8 WIth. the ~ ple&aUre and pri48 that
ho ocoeptod. tbe ijlft.-pleaaure at being
lent of two such jh.&ndiome preJenu, a.n.d ~ at
haVing been tibe Pro\' GTend. }faster or ..cnt! of the
oost. DU.tzlCts of the lIa.ndleater UDlty I (AI>"
He had not fi..niahed hia work for Odd
fellowshIP, bui hiS aerYl0e8 would always bel&t the
d lspou.l of the Lodge &Dd Dtatnot a.od the Uwty
titsel! it at allY tmle h18 eervtoea were reguired.
His t.,..o yean of office were en,remel,. .PJea&lUlt
OD~S plenty of hard work
It had been hI! prl,!"}lege to work Wlt.h eome of ~ boot
oollea,.,"Ue8 tliat II. man could ba.ft
It was!'e aDd an educatIOn to &ere .. Deputy Gra.od.
M.... ter uDder such an able ':t_rand Muter a.a Bro
Wh.iJ.ehorn wiule on hiS a.C1Of:.SSlOD to the due:!
District offio, the District fa.wu red him With &
very able coU"!&gue Uldeed 1D. Bro Lane, whoae


grup of detail, especIally as regards fina.noe. was
of Incst.ime.ble V3lue ~ to h1mself and to bl.
on t he M~ent ComlDlttee
District was In extremely safe handa uu. year
HilS tb-anb were also due to tbe !-,:anagement
Com mIt.tee &Dd &lao to ProT
BrIStow, the
rIght...h&nd man of every Proy G)(
Nothing _aa
too mueli. trouble fOf' C'.s Bn8tow
He should
cherish m&ny' haPPT memOrles of hta V1&M to the
V&'cIOU8 LodKes th& "I'eCept.lOu he had had. and the
frIends he had met
Sec,etary PLJ:AS8 p"l'Opoeed that the Lodge altouJd
nominate P P G M.. Tubb for ~ l'&CaDt POSltioD
of DLStrict. Trustee at the nut Diatrict meetln$"
Thl8 wu seconded b, P G ~ and earned
I Tribute,. to tbe work: of P l' Go M. Tubti we", &I",

ICO Il~C15


paid by P l' G M·. Ro!""e and
t.he ;Fnendly
reta.ry Bernard Seeretary

Banaley (Pros,.

SOcietle8 ~1). &nd Sec


a.Dd P P G M
'Tbe Ja er Called attentIOn to the lecture
arra.nged bY lthe BeAding Insurance Commlt.tee 10
t conlunctlon W1~ the !Read.i..Dg Town OoUDCll and
t.he Tuberculoci~ l Cer6 Aaaocla.twn en uConsumpt lon, Its preveD~oP s.nd cur.o."
Mr ~11l1r ! men·
tloned that here wa& a.D a," of 125 (f'ea.ths
from the disease III ReadI~1r every year
Apologle~ were
itom P P G 11( s
\Vebber ana J erra.m





Hums,~ UTIlE







ri~ Wlu. and ·Chest.
A1m~ Impeisible.


from Cochm China. to Bengal. a.od 1m. realIsed, e speCIally m the Ea.~t, that though th~ accounted fqr by lL more comr.'ete record, 8. larger
ported !i~m these dlStrlCtS under the name of S P G "'&8 domg wonderful work, tba.t tbe worU: number (57) of exempted cblldren havmg paaed.
the labour teat before a.ITlvmg at tho usual age of
Chi.,.. ,. oJ.o el,.,..oo .. t.e ~t l&nd en "h.... oould not contmue wlt.h the speed It ought, be~ ex~mptlOn, VIZ, 14 years. andQothe greater dem~d
t.he W&8 oultiu.ted a.nd de produce mu.u.(ac- ca.UBe th& women of the East were not touchedt for ~uveD1le labour
U fhe cblldren exempted by th~ latiour teat are
turee!, but thill cloUm ..
hat upseo by & .tate The women of Jndla and the JI.. ast would rat.hBf
a conSIderable extent by youth and nhy81que
mellt that about the year 000 A. D & €hinese :Em- have dIe d thanL had tho R.dmlnl8tratlOP of an to
unable to enter employment. 1eadmg to l!lkilled
peror Mnt a man to tearn the art of sugar IIl&k.lng Enghsh doct.or or pnest 1herefore the wori work, and most of the rcmamder are of the
1D 1nd1a, .. nd In t.he year 500 A. D. wll1te ugar IS could not go 011 In 1842, ""\\ hen It was suggested ma~erlal which would greatly benefit b.f a more
reoordeq u hAnng ~D &ent from Inda to Earope tHat women flhould go' abroad. the Idea was
extended rather than a. curtaJled educa.tlon I The
'I'ili!! c!i5rhth century found the eup.r cane oocu· posed, and the Bushop ot Ca.ll:utt a s~l.Id tha.t they heIght of the,Ir ambItion SecDUI tq be Lto contmU6
PYlng the attention of the Egypb&I18. .,..1:10 wer~ were entIrely mistaken that It was right. for a.n~ tho lIttle occupatIOns m whIch they brve been en
outtLV&t.i.n r ~ "'Iery exteOSLyely. and durIng the unmarrIed woman to CIOS!! the water to do work fo~ gaged before und after school hours. br to accept
same cJntlU'J' the Arabs were respon81ble for lts God. As time went on the mlSSlonanes reahsed tbe first openmg for wage eamlOg "ithout refer
Uiat women wele necessary, aod In 1866, afte~ ence to the future
Few sought ~e .dVlce of
mtrodudtion mto SiCily
Tha Sp&ni&rd.
acquamted 1nth t he cane and plaited It lb much dlfBcult.y, the S P G formed the ladles' &SSot theIr teachers a.nd few the aSSIstance of the
work In the foreIgn field lne Bureau. not. half the proportIOn of those leavlDg
Hadena., con..-e,11Dg It &Iso to San DoIPJ..Dgo, and ac:~~~li~I!~~women'8
to proVide wom09- In the usual manner
t'I&I'ly In the 16th oentury It 8'pread anI' the ooou·
of Indian WOMen, to
" The number of head teachers' report ca.rdll re~
JJled places of the West. Ind.iea aDd Soath. AmerIca
astll~t. lD kcepmg up the ceIYed wa.a 1,396, a.oout 97 per cent of tbe Whole
From th. money obt.&m.ed by dues. l6l'1ied on un·
In the fit'St YCn.T the tl} Of these 77 per cent ~ame In m accordance With
po-rt& from D&n Dom1ngo to Spain Charles V
grett rcsulh, and at the Jlrovunotts of the scheme Ihe remamder were
tbe IIlcome wa~ £4,2'"&3 lJUT, mostly \~hlch came In a.Ctel the chIld. ha d
utlhsed for pa,laeo building &t- Madrid and Tolvedo
the41adles' RII8OCJatIOn left school
In th, middle ages Ven1(~e wae th.e great Euro~'~~:~~~d.
toretgn mll;~lons Smce the-9
• lhe number of parents responding to thejm
pean ~ntre of the sugar trade, and the ea.rlieat
.0 that. In 1914 It dealt WIth t.he vltahons o( head teachers Wa.8 351
reference to sugar In ~l"e&t IA th&t of
It had added t.o lts objects medl
The number of pu.rents seekmg advice and as100 000 1b& being shipped to London In 1319 by.
and especUl..lIy the etoltabhsbment slstaqce from the Burctt.u was 427 (310)
• met"Chb.t of Vetuoe
.A Cltlr.&n of tbw beaut.l lof women hospItals In the ml~I:iIOn field, and 1acth.
" 840 (836) lUVemleg. 399 boys and 441 girls were
ful CIty
the reclplent of 100,000 CroWDS for t.he tIes for t.he study of miSSionary work
placcd 10 cmployment by the Burea.u durmg the
JD\'entlOll of the art of m ..kmg lo..f sugar
The great war was dOing one great thmg for year
• In deahng WIth the dlfficlIltles encountered 10
tJi.LS sa~ penod ther& IS ehromeJed .. fact of sugar the miSSionary work of the Church It was break
If workmg thus ijcheme first and forcmoet, agam mmt
-rea.hSIDR'i 18 Sid pet: lb;-r ID Sootland.., and through mg down wha.t people knew as matenallsm
out FAuOpe It oonttnued to be a cosily l~ .nd we looked a.t our opponents. and realIsed
be placed the far from decreasmg habIt of parents
were hlghl;r CIVIhsed, teallsed thClr
ta.king the chIldren school the very dav they
&Il &rllcle of medtclne onl,.
How- :rapidly the deJill&Dd for the article In tbUi their trammg and therr powers, we
are lega lly exempt from a.ttendance. and then re
country ~e u the - ad..ntag-es of sug,r ...-ere eDemJes wha t. a. country of c lvlhsatIon w as
qm:tlllg a placement a.t. OD(...'e
ThIS ha~dl( the
more and more- feIltuted 18 ab.ewn by the f~-t God A country of high clvlh~abon WIthout
Bureau m domg the heISt It can
In mBny cues,
In the :IJe1Ll' 1700 10000 tons were lmporteO.
In became the nry devil and we could look to the too, 10 thiS connect.lOn, when parents have agreed
1800 Ii had rea.chOO & to.nage <if 150,000 In l8B5 da.y when Cbma. and the vel1Q.w races 'Would come to walt, for a. swtable openmg, v;hen. &fter t ime
the il'CturD8 &hew that 1,100 000 tona were lDl·
trouble been spent In 6ndlUg that open
ported and lut. year the value ! of sugar i)rought sweeplPg down on us and a great power was m I
tho hands oC the deVIl
We who were on the
the boy IS found to be set up In some employ
into our doclca 15 &t oyer £31 000 000
utterly jiiHerent. and often of a qUite casual
The stupendous grO'Wth of the unport.atlon of battlefield of r:ayer were .Il:1a d tha.t EnghsbmeI\
I t. IS very di!concertmg to discover
fJUg&r ls lcoDBldered to be very l&rgely due Ito tho had high Idea s and were pla.ymg the ga.Dle 1;\ e
parenta.l control or gUidance eJ:l!d~ over
Inception of tea. and coJfee dnnklng" In thiIJ OOUn·
try a.nd IdoubtlMa the enormous amount of confee
had not put God .first., and reahsed that tbl! was the Chlld II?- numbeu of cases as reO'arda such 1m
t.ionI m&DU.f~ed may ..180 &OeOunt for the 10- what she h ad come t.o
Would England do
portan,t pomts as breakmg off or contmulDg edu
cre&s1n« call for thiS almost 11ld1&1lensable art.LcJe same? We wers proud of the Empire on WhIch
ca.tlon. choosrng employmcnt. nnd entermg :upon
One ~ C1q10U& t.Ub9tltute faT wga.r l8 that of sun never sets, which mcluded the rIchest
or leavmg lhe ijamc
the aup.r plne. an unmena conIferous tree of CaJi tnes ID the who~ world, but tbey must take
l.'.,..T he employers might benefit themselves and
fdtD1& and Oregon
The bmber 111 10ft andl easily manys stab a8 a warnmtc We had not seen to
8.8S18t m overcommg the defect~ ereated In /.Joys'
The l"Celnous exu,atlone. _liM the
stumpe I'1ve forih, haa _ .....eet..iah taste. a.1:1 hu that wh~re the UDion Jack went the Cross had character.! by these lalltles and prevIOu8l.... men
In mla8lOn work, and
conditIOns, by regula.rly wung the Bureau
been used. 1n the pJa.oe of sugar
18 may; be aS6W!led. the early klea of the manu.- fa.tIed to t.alC·e the Cross WIth us \Ve had faIled by keepmg IU touch wIt.h It as. to boys they en
and gtvmg tImely notice of t.hclr wanta eo
facture of wga.r were crude, .:rid the cluateal m the Colomes, for we had lIent out young men
a proper selectIOn ma.v be- made
wrIter. of :t)l05& daTA rf!!er. to ~a.r ... "honey of adjd women to where they cOl1ld not see & <....1rurc'b
ea:nea I' or '1 honey made by hum. . hands "
In orTciergyman for months It was a. great warning too, of boys or glrls developmg instabilIty of
lAter y8&n!11 t.he erlnordlnary request far t):l18 that the present war Wall golO~ to make ro the character might In 8uch~cases receive 8oQ\{lce tha.t
lweeterung prodU(:t ~a.UfI&d 9ClelItMrt. to turn th81r nation th&t. It. sh01,l1d be a nation for mo~ mlS would be u8ef"w 1to them , but they could do more to ende....otmDg to fi.nd. what mea.n8 310nary "'I'"ork, for greater example of self .sa.crtfice, stln m adoptmg " finn and con sIStent a.ttItUde on
could be b1'Ougbt &.bcut fo &ec:nlJ't) .... It were .. l1va.l for greaterl confidence In God. and not a natIOn the chi ld leavmg school and entenng on ltl tint
to the wga.r
The March w ... not In ''&In, wlthou~ God, 'lDlply ruled aDd Igoverned by the employment
&s the presence of sugar 10 befit, oarrots end
' The after tare pa.rt of tJ;te scheme has JJ6en
other 1e8b,. root.
found, and 1d6ntloa.l wlt.h
earned out 1D some sectIOns Wlt.h conSiderable diffi~
that of the anpr cane
But It W&8 not until 1801
M'I& COOPER. the Oxford DloJ..n SeCretary, ex eulty
The attempt during the first part of the
tlwl the first boot I1lI1&r f",ton was
llittJe progl'Mll 'W&8 at fiJ"lt. macle Wdtli. th18 new lb· plamed the new diocesan 8cheme} of thankoftermg. year grea.tly to extend the scope. o[ tbe 13cheme,
Not before 1830 did this ~har To oceSi which was lo found a. scholarship to tram a girl wide fallIl1g to secure adequate helpers for IK)
of tJUII{1I."t maDl!.factunng beeomfl B.nytllrng Itke an from one of the schools In the dlf cC80 80S a doctor d<tQg ca.~d congestlon a.t many POInts.
e&talih.abed: t&t;t.
.It ~ ~ larger The scheme on~mated With MISS Dove, of mg the latter nat t of the yea.r tho progress of the
JlroportIODII, e.nd In 184C bad made _~~~_ strides Wycombe Abbey School. and they Wished to raJ88 wa.r r obbed the sectIons of several of theIr "beat
NapoleoD. I IA aaid to ha, ...e gmm .an lmpet.m to a sum of ~1 50 , t.o which the Society would add an vuutors, a.nd curtailed the 'power of othen to gtve
thUl new 'ann of IJUga.r m&nD.IJ, and It was furLher amount to start a fund to tram woman doctor
the !&IDe bme to the work 10 face of the
atimuIatea dttnDg the penod -when. France "'&8
:M188 Cr..A.RA NEALE said that her mterest was m chums eliewhcre
number of
depnftd lo f .111&1' b .... tne EnglIsh bloekadfl: Yore
her station. bemg m 1r.: 'ortuguese East hu been brought nnder l~[~:~81~Of~!~:~~/;~":!d
8Cle1IItJ.t.c U:ill wu dev-oted to lt, wb.loh had the Mnca,
Afnca.. The natIv~ there
TongM, one of the sectIOns, but q,wmg to the c
effect of deyelopIDg th~ Industry t() sucb Ion e:rtent !!lave races, and tbe men
go away
above a. correspondingly large number
th&t l.D oonseqaenoe It. grew t! a most. tmporta.nt
could not be
One hundred and ten
commerctal undertaking, iMpeClaJly On the oonw mmes, retummg &.fter &
&J'le8 had grea.t dlfficultv
have Ita.k.en part In the work, a. number In
tinent. j
that number In e.xOOSl
It 18 eastly undi!!rstood tha.t ~r, b."Ylng
mamly accounted for by the newly
pt'e?Iou.1:r had no ny.I. was a tlery -profitable eon· of the men 10 contact
hurst section, ADd the additton to the Itstl --:
oem Ib elDC1manufactured lKlder tro;!)ieal
and zattOD. a.Dd weTje mfluenced
VISitOrs of t.he 1 Spcclal' scholars
It 18 not to
the labour ~eDta.iled. executed mo.tly br slaves, .nd tent, 10 the mlS!lOna.rles
DO ~tiIiO .kill encac-ed to Improve the ra.ther women, 80 that the mcn
be sUPfosed that 8onyt-hmg hke thle number has
.,.1_ m<><je of manufacture
WIves when they returned
been a work a.t anyone tlme, hut that due to
'l11e mftux of beet w~ infto the commoet'Clal ~pled. '. ra.pldly, and It WM
causes me.lOned. more than ursua.l lfregularIty In
market. &rOUted the old fuhloo@d !>-1~te oonduct· gomg ~ be .. bJ~k man's
thiS respect baa been einerlenced
1ft« their &Dtiquat.ed. maDller of proc:unng ~gar Ie&T& Africa Christian. or lt
Pra;ctICa.1j~ the whOle; of the cbL1dren who
from the
The.... a.t once aaw the neoeII&Ity of the whole world
apply to the Bureau for asSlsta.nce In obtammg
unpr'O"ft.nv: therr methods, and. ~ ~D. 801De of
Mias SoIU.BJI salq tba.t 76
skIlled work, either clerical or mecharueal, exprul!l
the &ppiaaDCfla u&ed In bMt eagR m.a.nufa.cttwe then
a. boy ot 17 first heard
t.hcll" mi;entlon of at.tendlU$ a. 8U1table coune at a
~ adopted by these mIante fdr fttractin( word of God She had
school for further educatIon I The Children or
.uIl"U from the cane
parents of c1:i.lldren m thIS class o[ employment
Th.OU'S(h the,lon w ich 1. ta. be placed fc:ir"Ward WIth t.he work
mtervlewed by VISitOrs were either "attendmg luch
upon. the rmportatlOn of w r .00. 1ts lDC!'eued till the whole world was
a. cou?,c. or expressed thcmselves as wlllmg to JOIn
Jlnee In consequenoe, m~y
ntber ba.rd a.t with Christ
tiNt, the ftuon mu8t )1lot
onr~1r.ed fo:r tbe
Thankl were expreMed
a. cIas!! In other classes of emplovment & com
mea.suI"f.115 t.&ken by the
Ment. IP. tlll8 dtreo- the members of the OrrIs'
parat.lvely small number exprellsed \themselves as
bon, which )1 don., w1th
Tlew t.q nemntting p.'~pa.rin~ the tea whIch
wlllmg to lom, a consldera.ble proportIOn O'
1a~r quan.ti:tle8 of other lood ~lloe8 to be
more l.or less good reasons for not atlendmg, whIle
supped th&t more IDd s,ensa'ble than eyeD
.~;wilf<ls, were also
the remamder were vague and uusatlsf&ctory In
It. Will be but a furt
te680n 1D economy
the ir rephea It mav be useCul to devlf~e some
broll~ht about by t.he wa.r. nd ~ nd I to ot'eatfl: a
means for the trn.nsmI 8s ~on to the 8upermtendents
gTea.ter ,"pprecla.tlOn of t hl
ueeful """-Iele "ben
of tqe names and addre ~8es of those who exprees
onoe apJn lt OI.D be pure"h
at pi e, prev10lHl
the"\l!elves 1 as deslfmg to attelfci the 8venmg
to t~e war
, The followmg seem to be the chief dlfficulfies
VISttfors encounter In advoeatlOg ( the claims of
the3b schools - (a) 'thut ID toe est.lmatlon of many
pardnts. espcclal1y of girls, distance froD;' the estali
Van., chfldren .tart Wlool I.D es:eeU~ h~tth hut
BchoQI! handicaps theIr utlhzatuib In ~any
after .. sbort time «ta1Dl ..dions, home"wrrk, hurned
(b) Tha.t alter Jnnuary oC veST no
me&Ia aM c.r:cnrded school rooms, C&1l84.. ~elr hlood tn
child leavlDg school ~an enter a contmuatlon school
become ~ and thm, their nen'es OTe~r:HrUght, and
until the followmg OClober, hOlVever much he or
thfllr colour and "J1trita lost..
she deSl1'e8 Ito do.e~ (c) The absence of any m
It 111 a ~t mi.t....b to lftt matt.en d
when hoY!
cenllve or encouragement to Improve thea con
IIlld gtrll show IJmPtoIlls Clf all"oum..,. 0 weak blood
The .haM In1Te to fall "Tictill18 to Sf; "Viltus' DanOft,
by lse lf educatlOu crea.tes an undoubted
"Dr dnft. lnto debilit, "\bat lendl to other trnuhles
.h~ldml. aiong IlUmbel'S of both parents and
Retnalar mea.Js out-doar exercllfl .nd plenty of ~leep
ft.T8 Ileoeaan- to combat the nennOI wear of IM'lhoolconclUSIOn, It IS It matter for regret that a
life But bMt of aU 1)lITenu IIhoul<1 "D8.y etriet Attention
number of VISltOtB cannot be procured. who
tn thllllChoolwohfld's blood Kef'p thll nch, bf ~V1nll'
a pel tnancllt mterest In the work of
:or WiJliam,' "pT"k 1»11s ~ooTdlnt to dirllKltiODII, and
, 1'he
of the Commlttec are
th~ bOy or inrI will be &turd", a.l'Id flt ~or .chaot
even greatel
thiS nccount to those
For aU trnDntomfl ('If .n~ml&, .".eak or llllJlllrfl blood,
hnve done 80
thiS volunta\'y work
net"f0n~ tz.oubloa Ja.ct of armetite, paIlllr,i hellA"-Cbes
of the
there 18 no ~edv 'more relia"hle than Dr: Williams'
1'lnk -pens tor Pale Peopl.. Gl"l'1 your d, lle&te elilld
thefle pm" ta.kfl them ....onMf ... hen you ~d .. bloOtl.
tomo nIls pIon will do more than a,nythlng to
pr"""nl ,.nolll ilIn....
80 ynue yeur bllJl){! nels and 'health ... fe;.da.T WIth
Dr Wi~' 'DInk om... Obtainable 01 dealei'll, but
uk for Dr. WOO"ms'
nn -The Dom.e )fedjw Buide ~e*d ~
lor a 66p1 to p ..t Dept., ~. Holbono Viod1lllt, London







Now and Soce....haU Player-P.a,,",
PIAn•• an. Organs, Gra .. ophODel anei
MUlllc Kon. f.r all PL.yet. at II.If

uaual pnce..



Est· 50I,'oar••





















=~;;:"="'?'=~.. 1

are forced: to 5ta.nd on theIr feet aU
'Wha.t sore. tender persptrlng, burnm,
Tbev use 'l'IZ a.nd :rIZ cures thell
It keeps t.hem In perfect condition
remDd y In the ,·v orkl t.hat draws oul
poiso','ou.' exuda.tlons which puff un the feet
so re l.1red acblDg leet
pa.1D In corns hard skill and.
11Ie, · nn,. for chIlh la lDs
Ah I how com
fcel after USLDr; TIZ
You U
t IP

yo ur face



hurt your fee t.
l/li box of TIZ now from any chemIst So or
Just thlDk' a. whole year s foot. comfqrt


- + -- Of a.ll tbo Regiments that took pa.rt.

There wasn ... much to choose
But I'll ten of h ow our boys behaved
In the faious d ays of Loes

ScIon of a, 1noble Regiment,
Clty of ~U<.I.on l'u::llhers,
The year d lZth &ttahon
I s one ~ars
They re m05tly rookies "Kltchener s MG_,'!.
Who ve lei t theu OCCll,P,atlon
To come and help fim sh LUIS Job
(Thrco yearls---ot \\ a r 3 duration)
We neve r thought. onr chance would co...
Seemed a lways
Nuffin dOln
Oh I ho-w we lon ged to meet the Hun,
Wihcn we sa.w Verwelles lD rum
The Jocks hi¥J got them OIl the -rutl,
And<l them 0 or the valley.
Knee deep In slu sh a.nd water, we
Strod", on, tw-au:;rh Bulloch Valley


Two lines of trenchcs had been won l
The 12th were t here to hold 'em.
If wed only seen those slacker8 then l
Ob what would we ba.\pe told em
The fire wa~ ra.gln g th lck and fRSt,
Bra\pe Colonel Wilhams fell
WhIle lihrapnel s hrIeked from enemy g1.lS
Like sparks flam the mouth of Hell

The order, the n came through to chugs,
Lord! bow tbe lads dId ehout I
They drove the Germans right aC!l'()68

The Hohcnzl'lllern !Redoubt

.And then br.ate Captain rhdhp&

'Mid the roar ()f m:l.lIy wn,;u-eti,
Leadmg hIS men to \, lC lolY
Was liihot through both h IS lungs

And ma.ny a. humble Tommy
:O:v shot a.nd shell werc hit
&Dlhngly domg thclr dutyDYing Udolng t.helr bit'




HEA,L~ By c~nc~~

-J.s _ 11""";"; ~ ~.
qr Uttlo plmpi"
.~ Umbi
and ebeot.- The plmpl.. would 0 ' up with



OQ _


I _


.steep WM ~
The tro4b1e bo,<I s<!lJ!l "1'


weeki .A. fdeD4 rec:oDU:Dendod
and. ObltmeDt aod I ~t; felt


ar Cut(·

