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Reading Observer_19-01-1918_00006.jpg

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cro~ecl by the thought that the symbol
the most perfect that mon~y can bay, H. Sam&:1'.
RUlg. are perfect-perfect in their golden J?1lnty,
perfect for a. lifetime'S w~. H. Samuel





WEbD,INJ3 ~:~t~~ 1
,\"I.::-o~ ;WEDOfN8 PR~~~NTS '·.tlIl~·l':_,"vin.!1,n ••

1n cQ.Ilnectio¥, ' with . an - educatiort.! movement









, I


o( a4dr..... by ~pecial .peak... w"," at
~ver~l of the princi~ placea of worehip 1D Read·
lng on ~unda.y, foll owed on Monda.y a.fternoon by
A pubhc conference in the Mayor', Parlour (pI'&Bided over by the Rev. R Wickham Logg), o.nd •
public demonstra.tiOll ih the Town Ha.n in thD
evening In the mommg at Klng.roM Baptnt
Chapel, Profdsor J. A. NIchol ls (Boston UDlver· thJre viera e~ils, ~:~::~tt
elty, USA), was the speak~r, and ~ the eHn- learn h ow that e:
ing he occupied the pUlplt at %aad s~eet Congre. sulb It h ad produced
fntiona! Church.
A gospel temper ce meeting· teac~ our&6lves. (He!};,
was h-eld at the SalvatlOn •Army CI el In the were assembled
evenmg, wh~ a.mong the speakers ere Mr "A hear an
G Ba.rker, oC Bristal., Mr. Franqs H. Wright )ad fal"ed
was the ch airman. and the prmclp8.I ' voca.hst ...v~ ~y
Mi,. Gwladys Barker \ Mr. D. A. Poling, LL D., ;l'rolessor
01 Kansas, U S.A., w.. announced tp , speak at Untted State. 01 ;'\lIlerl,,Â¥,
• ,B ro.d-treet Brotherhood In the al.e~?on aud at
Elm . Park HaJl iu the evening, a.bdl tlso a t tho
Lieut. Col. C. s.
'1"·""""... '.:.e ...""
p ubhc meetmg on Monda.y evenmg ' ' but it was ex· an d h IS SP eech
plam~d by ~!r. Barker that that gentleman wa.s ea.:rnestnes.e and &11
fitill m . process of croslmg tho Atl{lntic, and wa~ cha.rocte ·sed With
~ tl an t'Ie
' una.ble to fiIl h1S a.ppolntment, but hiS our T ransa
.p ace haa been taken by Mr. Newton Wyhe.
Buency. ' Perhaps
an Imperfect idea
The ' me r ting on Monda.y evemng was largely gnllant.lKJolonel travelfe<\
attended. the hnn bciQg well ~lI ed , and the nudl- words of oratory.
flnea was . a. very attentive one, all present ap' plete hlStdry of p,,)hibitifn
parently being 10 complete sympathy With th~ ob. lOc~ption right
,,Jcct of the ,ga.t.herin g . There wa.s an organ recItal told us ,all that
at 'even oclock by Mr ~. W. Moss, M R CO., In Can4d. on the
and at t hiS hour a large proportIon of tho auch. speech was inl.e",p<.rs<>d
enco bad taken thel[' scats T4e proceedmgs be· of tho cOlmt.rieil· of
gan h:l.1f ,an hour la.ter, a.nd from the butset there Bullock lS
was no sign of dlSStnsion of any kmd, and the
conveners of the ~36mbly ha.d practically a.ntl
clpated any difficulty that nught arise of & con.
trovenla! ne.turo by stn.tmg at the foot of the c:xpresl'.e!!l in a verItable wealth of larl""lac.e.
advertlli'~:ement calling the meeting that no resolu ... In ...11 her mammoth , proPOltlODS
t.ion would be submitted, "the object being to vJ\'ld ly before the m~nta.1 eye of th~
hear the iaeUi about the results of prohIbition m speaker d il ates upon aJ llVel" hl~e the
Canada. And U S ~" There was a. great Sow of whtch be descnbes as \'Ylde as t be
ora.tory from the Ame.rl~ ~ Canadlan delegates, Idivides liS fr4m :ij' laueo. and the
cham of grcatllakds whi~h form one
1. partIcularly Ul. the case 'o~ [tieut ·Col. C. S Bul·
Jock , of the Canad la.n Akny, w ho possesscs rc 9£ the ot"aterwa.ys Of tho wor1i It
m&rkable fluency, '" iacetioU3 st;y:e, nnd high cen stnk mg Bnd tellirig ' Pj: 'cture .., ~ICb.
kovol'61OlJ abilities There rlls a.mple mctenal In droll of countries of vast. dlsta.nces,
h iS ad<h-ess to h [\,lie prO\-oked OppOSItion, If op· na.tural resources, a.od of ~pent
Though a. C,.lIndla,"
ponents had been present, or assuDllDg there wcre tho world"s future.
any In the haU, If they ha.d been ~lspo5ed to chal' 1 sCrIbed hImself as a " Yankoo of
lcnge seme of hIS 3S!ertlbns. , But..thrQughout hI S but he IS no
Widely ObSCl \-1\.nt
8peeclJ, whu:h ":is hst..enedf' to wltb much atten· and unque stIOnably a. 'gu.nt asset to
t.lOn, there werr , as we har e stated, no signs of t.lOniSU! <lS a pl,ttfeu In orator
dlsselllHon, nnd t h€c omy celio, Do '\"ery f:l.lJ1t one It opelatlon of the lIquor LJaws und the p rohibitic,n
is tru.e, of the g ra.'\t prohibition meetlOg held III movement. In the States, gOing
the Town Ha.ll last July, was tho. lD Cldento.l refer· fifty rear!. In Maine the)' fit 8t of
ellQa made
Ba.rker, of Bnstol, when h e thlO& and then anoth~ r and then a
controverted certam statements made on th at of prohibi tion , nn? after ' thai State
Occp.9lOn by .Mr. Maddock3, to whose remal ks he other St.'\tcs took j It up and they
Ilo\v replied 10 part.
Shortly n,Itc'r the meetmg cnDugh/' s;:ud Cpl,. Bull ock m hlS [.ce~i'Du,
began., and \ the speakers had got Jarmed up to to stick to tbe same proccss or
their subject, two polHz constabks who had pre· traffic as Maine bad adopl -d I t
Vlously stood at the entra.nce outside, entered I the opponents of problbltl O'n that trhe
hall and reQl.!:Â¥Wled Just Inside til! the end of tho. succeed In prohlbltmg hquor bcmg
Whethcr thIS was 0. precaubonary sumed m a State If that were
actlOc. or not on the part of tfo a.uthorltlcs In should there be opponents to p"'hl.b"" O~,
new of tJ1e holding of a. ,meetmg on a. ContentIOUS on thelr own argument prohl
quest ion In wrir time we canc.ot pretend to &flY, beer bemg brewed by the brt}'over,
bu t t~ the officers were, on du~ ilolld (!1,' ldcntly ployed to make It, and ca.used more
fully aJert. t o the occa sIOn. ~ ot the famtest ID - mto the commumty? Tb~rerore, '
dlcatlOn took place while \\ c were _pn~-sent of thcl r such an argument. was · 'l \ry It w
8ef\'ICt!:S being caned lIlLo rcqlllsltlon. not evcn thE) ECONOMY, EFFICIENCY
facetlollSTl'Csg of Col Bullock, In his more sar·
But. the) were pr&.ent th at
Ca.stIC moods, bemg sufficient to drn.w fort.h any prolubltton on three muln grounds,
OpposJtion, eW!n assummg that such OPpO!! ltlOn effiCiency and etern'ty The spe<lker
were present.~ Interc.stmg as tee speeches were to argue that prohIbitIon made for
from the P'I'Ol1ibltlon pomt. of 'Ii lew , and cntertam· food stuffs because It set. froo ,taJua.ble Im,.tclnal
ing ,M Col DuJ!ock was m several pa.rts of hiS which especially Just now in war tlm6
speech (he IS a. practiced pla.tform orator who med for feedmg t he populatIOns of
knows how to hold an audIence) , much p leasure He said be had left h1s Wlfa and three " ~.idlli~,."
was mCldentaJly afforded t be audlenoe by t he to use his own term, 10 Canada to feed
eha.rming smgmg QC MUll!. Gwladys Barker, of bread." a different thing " (rom what
~ BrIstol , who h aa a. beautiful "IiOlCe , a.nd bet' render· stood here. so that other cereals
Ing of " The Glory of the Sea. " was OBe of t he for sendmg to thiS country for
8elert,oDs she fortlJl1~tely managed to sandwich peop le. Be was an officer m the '-'.n"d'~ln
in to rcheve u s and otberJ! from tot'l"ents of"rhe. and tf was prepared 'to lay
torle, and 6IDlply oolumns of fn.ct! and figure s for the cause oC the Allies, but be colnl'!,alTlea
whIch rolled from the p latform during rather a wa.a not a. .. square deal" on our
l ong meetlDg. But Miss Barker's slDging helped wo accepted cereals from Canada
u s to iorget a ll t hetlo while she occu pI ed the plat. sent, wo Ol.}lowed tho
form , and for a time, on ly too shorl unfort1!lDately, contmue t he use of grBlD for the
.he tri\m~portcd us &way from ugly SOC\al ques. a.lcoholtc beverages He had. no cotnplailnt
tLons, economic problems of the war, and other the man who contended he ought still
d~rk and gloomy subjects mto the magic r en.lm of beer m war time If that man would
m USIC, where the vocahsatlon o f t he n.rt lste wag SO l beer, and not ~fterwards go h ome
.good and nat.ura.1 that whl le beIng enchanted by bread '!"atton, for on that gro1pld he
an exceptIOnally sweet voice we were able to fo l. maIntamed such men '\\cre ha.vmg
-low tho narra.tlve runnmg through t.he lSongs hI5 .one-the ma,terial used In hls beer
Miss 'Barker 18 a. tower of 1musical strength to the m the form o( bread alter they h ad b ad
prohd,itloms4.8, and 80 she would be to a ny object Let them stick to their beer ratlOn If
that enlisted her sympathy and support.
have {t, but not also appropnate hiS
PRINCIPAL CHILDS ON THE DRINK EVIL lock"8) food rat10n -as well. In adv()(:a.tid.
Th e publfc meetmg, or " demonstratwJn," u it bitlon ' bn the I ground of
was d esc~, en Mon day evening, was presided went on to contend that It had
over by PrIncipal Clrflds, of the UnlvcrSIty Col· mill, the (~, 8Jld the workshop
l ege, and arno~g those on tbe pln.tioMn were the were ,obta.Ulabie and fewer a.ccldents
~pea ker8 of tqe evenmg, VIZ-, L teut.·Col C. S proportion to the fa.(alitle8 that eXisted
}Bullock (Canadian Army), Prof J . .n . Nicholll!l areas m whioh those eMoa.bhshmenh ,,"'ero
... (Boston UnIvcrslty~ USA), the Revs A.:. J for obtslDing drink. On the que!t.lon of ~te.ruty,
Sutherla.nd, R G. Fa.J.rbalrn, W. Annstllong{ M. Col. Bullock n aturaliy turned to the
Rawlinson, Mell6rs W. E. Colher, E JJa.cKSOD, point of the que&t.ion, and
no dnmko.rd·
R . Osmond, A. G. Ba.rker (Bri stol), F . H . 'Wl'lght wh .... It declared that
he8ven, but h e a.ske d l: What would
IUlllversity Oollege), Hobb., C Moss nod oth.",
The Chairman, In openmg the proceedmf" said ma.n. who made the drunka.rd ? This
the meeting had been caJled for two ma.F pur· question of vested into-rests in
p qses, viz., for mfonnatlOn and mstructton. They and .hares held m ·the brewing incl..""
would doubtless have not!ced the.t the offiC ial ad· people, and tbeoe, it need hardly
verl,l",ment with regard to the meetmg bad stated r tho spe&koc's condemna.tion in
very clea.r)y ·thQt no resolutlon was to be sub· line o( argument.
mltted, but the rputppse of the gathermg W M that
they mIght h informatl.On and instructlOn
,H e waa asking for ' prohibition during
from s~akers who were weI! competent to glVe. th&t the people of England should be
them both in reg&rd to thiS important matter the 881e of mtoxicatmg liquor
Therefore the presence of any penon 10 the mee~ cObfiict. We 'mUllt have the
ing or on tho platform, or m the chaLr, did not ci~ncy from the eoldiery of the collntry
nece!!anly mean that that person !i.ood pledged gr~at struggle was ill progress, and he
to any part}culAr line of policy i n, rega.rd to the could not be done while there was ",,,e,,,, 1to
handling oi 4tra ffi.c In drink. What it did mean) hoi. Wha.t were t~e! gomg to do
.he t ook It, were 'two thmg! In the first place on thlS questlQIl? ,)'fell, let them
whatever then; in'dlVldual OpllllOtUI mlgb1t be on vote of the people. . (Hear. hee.r, and a~IP "'u."
the questlOn of policy they wero at one and &11 The Kmg did 'JIOI, Imow whetbet' we
recognuwd that which mdeed it would be fo!ly hquor traffic or not The j·udgee or ""'~i,t,·.t.~
to dctly, viz, tha.t mherently In and connect ed who controlled the liquor aws
they should granb 10 or 100
WIth the drmk tra.ffi c ·were some- of the mo!!t ter· whether
thererore he thought the only tbmg
rlble eVils WIth which a la.nd could be cursed the people a' ch ance to .eay ·
(Hear, hea.r.)lt w~s 'not necessary to be a. total abo wanted such lI cences or not.
Et.a.iner Ito recogDlse that. He wa.s not a tota.l the.rn Jet; them h~ve them , and as
ab6t.a.inV b.i,mself, although be Wa.:! a. total nb- p leased, whcrevef they pleased,
people should have the r ight to 6ay
ltainet ior the period of the wa.r In the second wanted
and wh8t they did not want. ~ (liear,
plaoo they were assembled n..s citizens-and he W&8 heal, a.nd a.pplauee.)
glad 'be wuld ge&. women 10 that category nowOther speakere followed , inc1udmg Mr. Barker
(hear. ' hear, and app)auoe)- 'to learn how th18 (Bristol) and Professor J . A. NICholl., and at the
glga.ntlc 6vil had been dealt ,,"'lth and was being closo the customary votefJ of thanks wore accorded
dealt .wlth In Sister oountrLes and thoS6 countnes
whum were our pwn grea.t Dommton of Canada
and the United States of Amertea.. They all Cel t.
that tblS grea.t war W8.!'l full of evil, but he thought
they would &11 agree that It was one of those eVil"
whIch was not unaccoml'nnied with goo~, and on4
Dull and D~{lressed.
of tho b1essingll ' that had come m thl.. gl'$~ ,
6truggle had been fir st , of aU a far m o~'e close
latlon between thIS ,IIother country and her great. ( When off colout IUS,POOt yoqr ver, Bt
U -&n14 I~
domullons who ha.d served her 11.0 magntficently is a very b ig but-dOD't ,-ea.1cen your system by
(_~ ppla.w;e.) Another gaUl which otheY could. n ot l tJ'lkUl g 8~rong purgatives or blood- ohi1lli?g salts.
value less was th ~ gain which was fra. gh t, as he FIl!1ow the naturs -wl\y. S trengt~en your liver and
beheved WIth mel\.imable bl,essmgl5 to [tbe future bqwels by meane of Dr. Ca~l],1e Ioetant Relief, and
of ma.nkind; and \;Lb....t. WtL8 the ga.m of a. far more bright health will follow n, tural action of the reclORe and ofiectlonnte relatIOn between he British lnV1gorlltOO. orgalUl,
E~pir8 and the olhc7, ~ great Engh~h.spea.kmg
communi!;" of' the Umted s.te.. ~,\pplau",s) biliommD
...'.' c....n·.
Thesa,l Engnsb·speaklllg commumtle.8 ~ere indeed
ddferf.1t. m wm'o respects, ,but t.hey had many
thing, in common 'With u s. They had many problemlthali were .!tke, o.nd h. thought we should
lose all the bepefit 01 tbe closor reI.\tlOll whic;h
. ,
ow bemg: edabh.bed if we did not. open
our inds to le.\l'n f~m one a.nothe~ h ow efl.Ch
count.'rr .wIved ~e vanous questions a~d difB.cul·
tlel +n~d.. 'With &Octal order and 8O~i.&1
, 11 g'l"t oountrioa like C.nad. and 1""' Un'ited
- .BIotA hed ~ade bold and unheard o( !'XJlOI'unent.
Weei ~g llanda,..
JattlW1. 1~18.
'Ii~ ~e direct.ron. for'e of tlle h quor traffic, In.potimtoadait¥ •••••.• "' .. ..... : .",.,••
t.hen 1it Will r ~ ll.uaufeas . of every / mtelligent -In·poIimto 4iaobaiPi· .
'-, •. . . . ,, wliollr
J>a<1 reali.t04 t1e j""t th&t OperlluOU'PEIrforaMcl ••








I .'















! u






. "00


: \ [ -, -C,-+--



with a











Waddill' Gdt"lirallli
Pri.vate SIIIIeetlDIC


that It taklllg place throughout the country to
fnttJJer the aillls ¢ nq.tlonal prohibition, a series



.,el, .



.I ,-


say . of & d c~ d man, "He 11
a pIty he lsn t lD the POSl tulll
hiS good luck .
"Isn' t thts a good c1l1 ck~n t "
may have bee n a good ch l ~ kc n
1.'hc great Frnneo. British drama '~A. R oyal i
pbyslco.l1y It Is a 'Heck "
Divorce," wlll be presented by Mr. Kelly's L oudoll
dear, yo u ,spe nd tpo ~uch mont',.
Company, at the County Theatre, Readin g , ne;tl
on f"lso
Look a.t yom p uffs" Sht,
week. I ThiB claim8 to bo the biggest Isbow evel
'1 And yo~ "Sp end too much on Cigars.
at. your p uffs"
to R eading, " nd the story of Waterloo will
the most historical play of the century.
New B6arder: H How's the food h{)re " '
Old Boarder. tI Well, we h8o... o chl ckcn C\ cn
apl",alin:l. merits of this play may be 8'''''ged
It Th at's J fi r st· rate.
H ow 18 It
fact that it has heen toured conhuuo l181y
son ed ?" "In th e sneH"
a quarter of a. century, and hal\ been Wlt.. No," ~
jbe sohbed, .. I do n ot WIsh to marry
by many millione of playgoers. 'l'hat it l b '
him " " 'hen \'Ii hy not 'break the engage
ment?" a ked her mother. " If f f I do h~ 11
Wo.ut '!ac his dlamond n ng ."
Nell.~" h, dear, I'm 10 such a. qu n.ndnr, "
Bcll: <I hat is It?'' !\ell. II Jack prom:ses
to stop d Inkmg If I marry llim and Tom
threatens 0 bcgm If I dOl1't."
Small ioy (at the clrcu's, to hiS gr:l.nd
inold in 7 b. bag 2 /- by:
Cather). 'l Don't laugh like t ha t, griludpa ;
people wrl think tillS LS the fir st tnne 'ou
h ave ever been in Do plnce of Q.mus~menf." .
.. Do yo melln to say thnt you flir ted wllh
your wife all the evening at tho masked ha ll
nnd dldn' know he r?
"That's right But
she was sp. ' aw fully ag reeab le-how was I t.o
know hertt "
'VlIe: " iJobn, do you know that tlHS IS tJUI
' of my weddmg-day?" Husband ·
" Why, n , It Isn't. ', ,"Y o were mnrl'1 dd In
March ' f'
d e : " I am speaking of my I first
husband, John."
.. I nevel sa.w such a st()r m in all my Itfe"
Under thl!'$ heading' we 111l\e arran~ ed to publish "Pnrdon 100, my fnen.d ; stnce you liaw [he
w(!clrJy a.n art icl e o~ Poultry a:nd Poultry Keep storm no ~oubt you can tell us what colour It
Ing by an qlpert. WjlCh should pro\ every U!lefUl wn.s."
"~ rtaml Y ; t he wmd blew nnd the
at the pre.:scnt t une . The writer Will be pleased' storm rose you nlDny!"
to answer uQ Y ques Ions by renders who 6bouh..l
" My de r ," sllId the much· married ronn
send the1r correspondence to '1 be Ed Itor, "I dreamt night that a man was rUOl;lIn~
, ., ReadlD g Observer· r
away witI you., " "And \'1hat dLd }OU do' '1
-1- - asked thc [ Ife, "I asked lllm, my dear, wl ' i1 ~




\ E. SMIT~. 350, rxford Road, Re3.ding.






e:\rth h wa. runnmg for! ..
Lady VI ltor (to Pat m hOspItal): II And
whQ. t did you feel h ke during your en .... ~i!
-1- ment? JJ
at · " Fee1? I felt ns if Iven '\:li r
Tho poultry keeper!h14' many dIfficultIes to con. on my h e d was l) fult !'m:cd b:md, ami" Ir erx
tend 'WIth just n ow, ;:t~d one of these IS the t rouble wan of 'em wns pJn.Yl'Ilg 'Home, Sweet Home' I
to get. food. In my last noLe .. I mcntloncd thIS
Thc M Jor (;:titer the fiftieth fr antle
faIlure) " Look here, if I eatch )OU Inuglung
subject, but now to r9Lurn agaUl because the F ood &galD I ' ll I'll knock your hcOld off"
T he
Controller has been on our track onoo more. Thc Cnddlc (notl olut.elY i H fed.up ,,). II I don't \ ~o
latest move IS that pOfltry must not be. given oats h evo YOr could , not WIthout you aImed M
and mo.Ize as a separate gram, the one berng summnt ~1"
wanted for horse food and t.he other for meal t o
Well ,
hat sort of wedding presents dill
ba partly u sed for ~um~~ consuOl,Ptlon and the ~;~on:e\nrl rl~~~!~~ork~St,~l Ha~~o;t~~n\o~:
reSt 'WIll com,e in for ~toek feedmg. We a llTirnow esteemed l~e I spt a s()Ck o( potatoes, fou r
t he difficulty[ in sblpring ar.y oa rn JUst no~ a.nd dozen fres cggs,
pound of ten. , and three
the loss of Oladty sh ips will mako tt stili har~er t o pounds of 5 gar."
get all we Qeed , so It mean s making \ the best of
Jones : "
hat was that awful rackQt abOl.: t
the POSitIon} But tlie p Oint I S tha.t ~htlCl lmalze your bouse last mght ?" Bones ' " Oh, 1 J u~t
" '_
h b- d h
he ' --~
dropp€!d m coat down the staI rs. "
J ooes
&D.r Oil"" are pro) Ite t cy can
U:scu to rna 0 rI Nonsensc. A coa.t v.ouldn ' t make 80 much
up a mixture whiJh lis illiowed for p oultry. One nOise ." Hopes:" Well, If you must know , I
sample lately wblch I bad through my hands can· was tn" the l oat" l
Sisted lavgely of maize wlt.h a. few: oats, a ] httle
Whilst );t~p ha.ngmg in 80 crowded t ramcar
wheat and barley anld odd bits of straw which ft lady o.cclcij:lnto.lly trod on the toes of a man
woiJld be ath ed Ii
Sitting dOl'ni. If Do vou know th at 'au are
er W Ien Sl mg e gr't""es 0 com standing on ~y feet?;' he S81d, tcstilv " If
All of the gram wlt~ the e~ceptlon ofl malZel lS of you were p Ite you would be . {'tandtng on
poor quality and could not. Dc caJ.lcd l good hol't\o the m YQursel I " renuuked the lady. ;
feed or grinding sdrt. There was some rvhole
Young WI e : ". Oh, mamma, put my curl·
maize of the big fl sort, some wcre Just c~ackcd ing-Irons OR ~h e'" fire' l qUl ck ! Charhe has lIeen
and tben some had been Baked, Of Icourse wlt.h b itten by & pt nd dO$ I
.Mother: " A:te jon
INch a mature there was a; good dea.l 0[ 1dust, gomg to ~uterls e l the wound?" Young
Wlfe: "No, ut I ~Ilnt to curl mv hElir, so
whlch If fed to Cowls, on the fl oor or amongst litter tha.t lean r
for th doctor. Do be qUick!"
would be'"'e ntll'ely lost. ,Thero was a. liair amount
A prore'SSO~ had
en too exacting With a
of llint grIt put in to make weight, t hlch would student a.t an ext nunation 10 chenustry.
tbelr unton cheapon t.h,e mature. The only wa.r ~o glve such "Can you
n me anythms at aU about
the prof~r. "Yes,"
Parliament, a food lS in t-roughs,. so that the blrds rcannot rake prussIc scid? I ,
.. rallwaymen killed or it a.U out; theq tbey. will eat. the who~o of l't, but l'sphed the l.'tudent. "It's a. deadly pol8()n on the !!lame footin g ~s the to use It as a. ~ratoh feed would bel to wa.ste
One drop oO I:the end of your tongue would kill
of soldiers and sailors r egardtng good deal. Those who b&ve fol1owee my I notes a dog."
will remember that l I hav(!J for ever a.dvocated a
He had jU&t seate himself :'beside her ID
an Aeroplane 'i n Hertford· cooked food~ and m usmg thiS mI:xt~re It ,wou ld the pa rk, an1 80S sh, did not move away ~.
H Do you~r­
1 ~~~~~l~;;;'i, Second·Lleui.enant
J obn be far better to bOil Lt, so tha.t the gra.In swened gained some encouragement.
~:~~:~~ G
R.F.C., was killed, tbe ,up to Its fnllest SIZ?' and then If softJ lt cobld be bclieve In th's-er-k168lDg Idea?" he \Cn·
dr ied off WIth mldClhngs and gIven I In troughs tured. " Ar
you 'I eugemc ? " she asked.
c~t.c"mg fir e.
Co.mberwell puhhcans have come to an Another wa.y wouldl be to Slft It and (,ut all ~ I Why, no l' he rephed, & bit confuscd
arrangem e'nt tha t a. certalD nqm~r shllll the small stuff and dust and t hen use tbe rest as a "I'm .Too "
Little Do othy' I" Oh, mother, what a
close entirely each mght, so that the whole of scratching Ifo od and lthe dusty part as a meal for
lhe staff can take t h e ha lf·holiday under the the soft W'CI are asked to\ prRduce all the pretty dre ss! Do w~ar It to·Dlght." Motller
eggs possible beca.u!i6 they are badl y needed In the I I No, dnrhng: not ~ night. This is to ne:lr
Shop Hours A ct. I
A rovmg musician of sixty.three years of h ospItals and convn.Jcscont homes by lour soldiers, at th e pnrty, whe n l~dIes and gentlemen ('oll'e
t,.lttlcl Dorothy' "Oh, hilt,
age n amtd Hect.or Henry RIchards, 'With long and yet wo to be restricted as tb what food to dInner."
we can. use . But eggs cannot be r~lsed unless moth er, can' we pretend Just for once that
halr and beard, wa,s fined £5 at. t.he Maryl e
bono Police· cour t
shouttng .. Take smtablo food be US'ld, for kthe bn'ds'' need somc· d a dd y-~ 8. gen ' I
more than to
just 'ept ahv~.
Daughter ~om.ntleally): "Ob, moth ,!, 1
cover" m the street, and thereby Rpreadmg thmg
Tho poultry k eener should be ahvny. looking
t to
h I r
I b
a false ' r eport;, He pleaded h e was havmg 0. ahead. and ' some oi ~ hc I know h.l:ve recured som~ 'I'I'8n
tglf r tlmgs.
wa.n t 0 e
bit of fun.
amount of gra.m
thiS bas berm ...[stored l Tho above tbe common mprtals ~hd tOJ occupy mv·
eelf With thi~gs m freo spaces o~ the upper
There haa bean lssued to the Manx House J;Ilethod was td watch
the fa.rm stacks, and wben air."
MotllOr: .. That sm ts exactly, Elsa I
of Keys a blll prOViding . for loc al option lU thrashing 'Started to b uy the wholc of thIs You ca.n cllTll b rjgh t up on thiS I step ladder
the Isle of Man
Under the bdl, the electors, mgs, and this ca.n bIr done by
hi n g where Dond put up tile clean curt.nms."
a tbree fiftlis majority, may problblt
A teacher hn.d 'been tellmg & little boy the
hquor licences fol' thr ce years, or by a bare thero aro corn stacks and then mtervJ e\\ mg
fa.rmer before he begms. Cash wlll
w,,.d.e";1 1!!tory of the f tSObedlent l amb that was eaten
majority may bring o.bou~ a t5 p er cent. re With mB,ny, and If they know JOu Ican
b th
If " Y
"d I
" h d lh
duc-tion of eXIstmg hcences.
theIr surp1Us corn a.t mflrket rat.cs and pay cash
e wo.
ou see, SO.l s Ie,
fold, lt
.A rneS8tLge from Ha.ltfa.::s:, Nova. SeoQll,
~t8tes tbat t he owner s of the Mont Blanc you can have a. supply for weeks, p months. 'W'oul~ not. ha~e been ea.ten by tho 'Wolf, . . . ould
There I S another bit of work whlchl must not be l t t " / ' No, ' ~a.'amj" I atloid the . boy, prompt1; I
haTe filed R SUlt m the Admiralty Court,
clalml,+g £467,000 do.m.a.ges agamst the NOI'- neglected, ' a.nd that is the mating lof the early ' ~It would h ale been \eaten by U8!"
I< Bill,"
said 'Liza, " I'm sorry, bu t I can' t
steamer Imo, which rammed " the pens I In: face of the food scarCity one ma.y be
Mont Blanc on December 6th, causing the. Inclined to bold back, but chicken raIsers to come to thc thea.tre ;!ith you to m ght." See. ]
have a. snpply based npon tho '3.mou9t required ID mg Bill's dlSapPOlnter expre!'.sion, she add ed
explost"n whICh wrecked p&rt of the crt-y.
Whllstj preparing
bo&rd hIS ship a,t Vie- prevtous years, 50 that this sh ould not deter any- "Am't angry, are yer, Bill?" " I tin q
1 chicks. A
exactly ~h a.t you ' d call angry," stud Bdl,
toria Docks, Blrkenhead, Samuel WaBa.ce I ono from 'hatchlng and rearing a. fJ."..
Hudson, aged fifty, ship's doctor. of Eyt l few breeders ' I know do not lOtcnd to bcgm to slowly," but it IS agffavatin' for a cha.p to go
KIQ geton, Dublin, slIpped ove r the quayslde hatcb till-March or.April , l;mt thIS 'Would be rather and wash ' 15 'ands and face for numn , am\t It l "
late for a U the stpck, and those who h ave the
" H enry," saId the young man's em plo)'t' r,
Iqto t'he water Bnd ....'1\8 drowned.
room ",vill find ~t pay to get the fiz:st pens mated .. you didn ' t expect Dl1l 13aek th iS mornlI~, did
MaYI Kennedy, aged sixty·seven , made her a.nd some ~hlckens out Be soon ~ ~!!Sl.ble. You you?" "No, sir," H eM Y replied. " I sup'
270th appearance at BrI stol PolIce·court on win need early eggs and unl~ YOUI have pullets pose you are awaro ~hat I co.ugh t you klSilng
She "'.. ch,rged With hemg you JJtight 'be left Without, but with a. few F ebruall" the tYPist
I came in? What do you me ~n
dnrnk, land explalned that It wns due to the 'chidts th6y\ shouldo l come in and ,:ontmue the by such conduct?" U Well, SIr, you t018 me
bad beer, and thiS, With smoklll£ Ihee plope too trupply through the a.utumc. when tfe hens stop you'd expect Im e to Ip e rform all your dulles
much, b ad gone to her head. She "'vas lient lay mg There many dlfficultlCS; ahe-w, but whIle you were away I
to prison for one ~:nonth .
I )
moo of ,t lie troubles can be met when we. come to
She. put down the oook with a. 81gh "w ~t
A Tredegar <colher has been fintd' £1 .and tbem ,-1:I'u," .~t. js ~t:er If tho worst antlcipa.ted is it, darling?" b e asked. , If Ah, dcarest, I'm
£1<1 lOs. costs for steahng pota.toes from Ii and prepar~tions ' made to meet' the m . ,
BO happy," she
"But you had. sucb I
n e l@hbour~s n.llotment.
& sOod look in your
just now." " I )tn&.... I
Two young Iwomen employed nt a railway
I've been reading
tho unha.pplne£9 that
tcrmmus were , describ ed on no L ondon police·
wives of me n of
have alwAoys had to
court charge sucet a.s "p a.rcel portresses."
b ear. Oh,
I'~ 1 so glad jou 'rd
just an ordinary sort
& fell ow. "
Mr Mitchell J th e recently defeated Ma.yor
of :Kew York, pBS been appomted a Malar In
Sam:" I filwaya
to be asleep In •
~e AVJ atIOn Cf r ps \)f the Amertcan A.rmy.
tram cl'lr , and the n,
co~ r56, I can't b~ e~ ,
, ,";II.'1'AI~~·n. INPIf.UENZA
peeled to get up
g"e . ' l.dy my "'"
lIr. WllhQ'V Emms, "Who has dlcd n.t
Ned: II Woe U, I
that, I and the iady
Ilmm stcr , Somerset. aged mnety·t\\O, was the
looked down a.t
nnd (laia to a. frIend
Oldcst lIvlllg ~eP"ili:er of t he Royal Coll6@e of
'Isn 't it e"vful to
that such a vo;,l n ~
Vetet·tnnr Surgeons. He gamed his diploma
man should be ' a
drinker !" Then I
in 184:5.
The C' nty ' of "London E lectrIC SUPjlly
" 'Vhy are the
so dlID to mgllt' " !'i'~
Company olify a 10 per cent. lDcre llse for
cooed so ftly. "
eyes are S0 ml'(>!1
powe r, 3. t tn l ilDcrcase of 35 per cent., 'in.d 5
brighter," he
her httle
p er cent. I crerse for -lightmg, makmg a. total
hS'l1d. They were
then. "I wonde!' 1
IDcrease of .so per cent.
how mn.ny te~eg raph
1t would 10
Dr. , Cha es I Voreker. a Liverpool lprac.
reach from here to
stars," she Prlurruu,.t-d
titi.oner wb _ hel .:l a number of pubhc ap·
mmangly. "One If
was long eneugtl,'· he l
p omtme nts ,
IS found dead m Woolton Park
'1 Why
I you
talk {'() ~ .,nou
on Saturda.y oiornmg. It is believed that ,be
sense?"11 That W8S
they wilre marr~J
had a seizure whlle r eturnmg froJll. a. profes·
A very ml~d VIcar
for some tl«1e i'hee.
80na.1 ri8lt,
dIspleased With the
of th~ nnlk wllle~
The Bootie ILabour Party has decid~d to
had beeh served to'
At length he relll(lli'
contest Bootle, Mr. Bonar Law's seat, at the
IWl th his
"I've been ,-raltDcxt, e JectIOn. f Their cDondldate w111 probably
to the w.r1k \\ \t-b
~ ,
b e someon e ;connected with ShlPPIBg and
) es,
transport, in which trades 70 per cent. of the
electorate is engaged.
B erklhire ~boOl children ba;v e collected
purpo~s eX I
over fifty tens jOf horse chestnuts for munittons
chrls tenmg "
and about 1~,~ eggs. 1,000 of which were
was g.orng to btl " l IlT·l
coHected by one gul; for the ,founded. They
she said , H But It'3 5'0
have c~llecte~ and lnvested over £5,ftOO i~
mIsUe5S. ,. Of COlI"'!'"
war sav~ng8.
golDS to settle dOli n
A sufferer from canc~r in the neck for two
watt lInkl I am !'illll('ti
ypars, havmg Ito be artifiClally fed. fi ~d ,\ !t ll her
Linton,. ' of KorB,i.D8; IAI!e, H~kney,
" sbe hesI tated ,
I nl
bu t 1 don' t feel us
to ATfik hInl (0























£ms hlJ, g'
pen fl our
a tarchy
place d



·· - "IC_' ''· C"~ ··a.

Good Story ' /



DLS paper .sa) s dot
'I nrl1

'I 'm

asm ~ic




philo<f"pher ," says ~erome 'It.
r. ,~,mBn ~ h '
I h06plt~ 1 snrr(,TITl~
~ouse surpeo', 1lI!1 1111
H e was 1\ mnll of
to cOJ"" off ' he
, I t'" "The ".!l018
.. gDOWled thc IWlls.
(or it?"
I !o;~o ot h,er
Wlt'''',ver,'' e:cclllimc(l tlld
tha nkl the Lc~
the 1 u).

pound of
lat, two


